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GC and GC-MS analyses of the multicomponent Nasonov pheromone of the honey bee, and of the air above insects releasing the pheromone, show that constant composition is maintained during release, despite differing volatilities of the components. The regulating mechanism may involve a specific enzyme process, detected in excised Nasonov glands, which converts the major component geraniol into the more volatile (E)-citral. Analysis of honey bees of known ages and at different times of year shows that maximum secretion occurs when foraging is most likely.  相似文献   

Composition of the Nasonov pheromone of the honey bee has been reexamined using new procedures, including analysis of pheromone from single live insects by capillary column GC-MS. Two new components have been identified, nerol and (E,E)-farnesol, and the presence of components proposed previously has been confirmed. Absolute amounts or relative proportions of components in the pheromonal secretion have been determined.  相似文献   

The Nasonov pheromone of the honeybee comprises seven components, (Z)-citral, nerol, geraniol, nerolic acid, geranic acid, and (E,E)-farnesol. Bioassay of individual components showed each attracted foraging bees. A mixture of components in proportions present in the honeybee was as attractive as the natural secretion, and each component contributed to the attractiveness of the mixture. Honeybees responded anemotactically to the source of Nasonov odor. The presence of footprint pheromone enhanced the attractiveness of the synthetic Nasonov mixture. Nasonov and footprint pheromones may prove useful in attracting honeybees to crops needing pollination.  相似文献   

Of 12 alarm pheromones assayed in European and Africanized honeybees, nine were found in larger quantities in the Africanized population. Isopentyl and 2-heptanone levels were similar in both; 2-methylbutanol-1 was greater in European workers. These differences were not due to age or geographical location. Significant positive correlations between alarm pheromone levels and defensive behavior, especially numbers of stings, were observed.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbons of worker honeybees of known pedigree were extracted and analyzed using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Variability in hydrocarbon extracts of individual workers is determined at least in part genetically. Correlations in hydrocarbon composition of extracts were highest among more closely related individuals. Individuals maintained in groups exchange hydrocarbons but still maintain enough self-produced compounds to retain genetically determined individual characteristics. These results demonstrate that extractable hydrocarbons of bees provide sufficiently reliable genetic information to function as labels for use during kin recognition.  相似文献   

When placed in a small observation arena with workers, most young virgin honeybee queens released fecal (hindgut) material during agonistic interactions with workers and with each other. On release of this material, workers moved to the sides of the arena and groomed themselves. Bioassays of virgin queen fecal material demonstrated that it contains pheromone that repels workers and stimulates grooming behavior. Pheromone was present only in the feces of virgin queens that were more than 24 hr old and less than 2 weeks old. Feces of 2- to 4-day-old workers and virgin queens more than 2 weeks old did not elicit an avoidance response by workers. Moreover, the feces of young virgin queens had a strong fragrance, while that of older queens had a rancid odor and that of young workers had no detectable odor.  相似文献   

(Z)-11-Eicosen-1-ol was identified by GC-MS and microchemical methods as a major volatile component, ca. 5 g per insect, secreted by the sting apparatus of the worker honey bee. When presented on moving lures at the hive entrance, (Z)-11-eicosen-1-ol, like isopentyl acetate already known as an alarm pheromone, elicited stinging, and together these two compounds were as active as the natural pheromone from the sting. On stationary lures, (Z)-11-eicosen-1-ol prolonged the effectiveness of isopentyl acetate.  相似文献   

A crossover experimental design was established to test the attractancy of Nasonov pheromone to reproductive swarms of honey bees. Nineteen swarms were attracted to artificial nest cavities containing a slow-release blend of the Nasonov components citral, geraniol, and nerolic + geranic acids, and only four swarms were attracted to pheromone-free artificial nests. The results indicate that Nasonov pheromone plays a key role in the attraction of honey bee swarms to nest cavities.  相似文献   

Complex odor recognition in the honeybee was investigated using two behavioral assays: (1) the conditioning of the proboscis extension (CPE) with restrained individuals, and (2) the observation of foragers visiting an artificial feeder in a flight room. Nine compounds, previously identified as oilseed rape flower volatiles, were tested either individually or in mixtures. Different sets of experiments were done to determine: (1) the acquisition rate of the nine compounds in the CPE assay, and (2) the discrimination of the individual compounds after conditioning to a mixture, using the CPE assay and free-flying foragers. After conditioning to a complex mixture, honeybees established a hierarchy among the components, with some of them accounting for a major part of the behavioral activity of the mixture. Both behavioral assays led to the same classification of compounds, indicating good agreement between discriminating abilities of restrained individuals and of a population of foragers. The key compounds for recognition of these mixtures were those that were well learned when presented individually. However, the recognition of some compounds was affected by the other components of the mixture, with the activity of some compounds being either enhanced or reduced.  相似文献   

The effect of enantiomers of the queen-produced substance, 9-hydroxy-(E)-2-decenoic acid (9HDA) on swarm clustering behavior of the honeybeeApis mellifera was studied. Caged queens were removed from the swarms at the start of each test and were replaced with small Petri dishes containing one of the following treatments: 100 gS(+) enantiomer of 9HDA, 100 gR(-) enantiomer of 9HDA, 200 g racemic (R, S) 9HDA, and a vehicle-treated control. Each swarm was considered to have dispersed when it had lost 50% of its starting weight. All treatments with 9HDA resulted in significantly longer swarm aggregation when compared with the control. Enantiomers were not shown to have different effects at theP 0.05 level of significance. However, observations on swarm behavior indicated that theR(-) enantiomer was the most active in retarding swarm dispersal.  相似文献   

A dazzling variety of honeybee behaviors are triggered by pheromones produced by disparate exocrine glands. A multiplicity of chemical releasers of social behavior has been demonstrated to regulate a diversity of societal interactions, and many of these compounds are synthesized with great caste specificity. Recent investigations have resulted in the identification of a host of new compounds that are products of either worker or queen honeybees. This report fractionates these newly identified exocrine products according to their glandular proveniences and focuses on both the structural and behavioral eclecticism that characterizes these chemical signaling agents.  相似文献   

Differential training of honeybee workers using the proboscis extension reflex is applied to the problem of evaluating compounds that may potentially provide cues for kin recognition in the honeybeeApis mellifera. These cues were obtained by contaminating glass rods and steel needles with different materials found in the hive. In particular it is shown that workers discriminate between: cuticular waxes from different adult workers; eggs from the same and different hives; similar aged larvae within the same hive; and needles contaminated with the Nasonov gland secretions of different adult workers. It appears that some of these differences are due to phenotypic variation among individuals that cannot be directly attributed to environmental factors.  相似文献   

Volatiles from oilseed rape, Brassica napus, flowers were sampled by air entrainment and their relevance to the natural odor profile of the flowers was confirmed by conditioned proboscis extension (CPE) assays with honeybee, Apis mellifera L., foragers. Coupled gas chromatography (GC)-CPE analysis of the air entrainment samples was used to locate key compounds involved in the recognition of B. napus flowers, and the compounds were then identified using coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and comparison with authentic samples. Six regions of the gas chromatograms elicited CPE responses from bees previously conditioned to the total extract, and from these areas 16 compounds were identified that elicited CPE activity from conditioned bees when tested with synthetic samples. Eight of the 16, -pinene, phenylacetaldehyde, p-cymene, -terpinene, linalool, 2-phenyl-ethanol, (E,E)--farnesene, and 3-carene, gave the highest responses. When the bees were conditioned to the total extract of flower volatiles, a mixture of the eight components elicited responses from 83% of the individuals, suggesting that the eight-component mixture accounted for a major part of the CPE activity of the total extract. In addition, a mixture of the three most active compounds, phenylacetaldehyde, linalool, and (E,E,)--farnesene, evoked responses from 85% of the bees after the latter had been conditioned to the eight-component mixture. Thus, these three compounds appear to play a key role in the recognition of the eight component mixture and, by inference, of oilseed rape flowers.  相似文献   

The composition of the five-component honey bee queen mandibular gland pheromone (QMP) of mated European honey bee queens was compared to those of virgin and drone-laying (i.e., laying only haploid unfertilized eggs that develop into males), European queens and Africanized mated queens. QMP of mated European queens showed significantly greater quantities of individual components than all queen types compared, except for a significantly greater quantity of 9-hydroxy-(E)-2-decenoic acid (9-HDA) found in Africanized queens. Glands of European drone-laying queens contained quantities intermediate between virgin and mated queens, reflecting their intermediate reproductive state and age. QMP ontogeny shifts from a high proportion of 9-keto-(E)-2-decenoic acid (ODA) in young unmated queens to roughly equal proportions of ODA and 9-HDA in mated queens. A biosynthetic shift occurs after mating that results in a greater proportion of 9-HDA, methylp-hydroxybenzoate (HOB), and 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenylethanol (HVA) production, accompanied by a decreased proportion of ODA. Africanized QMP proportions of ODA and 9-HDA were significantly different from European queens. A quantitative definition of a queen equivalent of QMP is proposed for the various queen types, and a standard queen equivalent for mated European honeybee queen mandibular gland pheromone is adopted as 200µg ODA, 80µg 9-HDA, 20µg HOB, and 2 µg HVA.  相似文献   

Bioassay of compounds derived from the honeybee sting   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nine compounds identified from honeybee,Apis mettifera L., sting extracts and one compound identified from the honeybee mandibular gland were evaluated in a standardized laboratory test for their effectiveness in eliciting an alarm response from caged honeybees. Two,n-decyl acetate and benzyl alcohol, were judged ineffective as alarm pheromones. The remaining eight—2-nonanol, isopentyl acetate,n-butyl acetate,n-hexyl acetate, benzyl acetate, isopentyl alcohol, andn-octyl acetate from the sting and 2-heptanone from the mandibular gland-produced responses of similar frequency and strength.in cooperation with Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station. Mention of a proprietory product does not constitute an endorsement by the USDA.  相似文献   

The response of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) drones to queen pheromone(s) (either natural from a mated queen, or synthetic from a lure) was recorded using an X-band, ground-based radar. The distribution of drones (insect targets on the radar screen) changed from a scattered distribution to a line concentration (downwind) when the pheromone was released. Displacement within the line concentration was toward the pheromone. This response was seen as far as 800±15 m downwind from a lure with 10 mg of synthetic 9-oxodec-trans-2-enoic acid (9-ODA) and as far as 420±15 m from a mated queen. These studies demonstrate that queen pheromone can be detected by drones at much greater distances than previously believed and illustrate how X-band radar may be used to establish the distances at which insects of similar or larger size respond to pheromones.Mention of a commercial or proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement by the USDA.  相似文献   

The major component of the mandibular gland secretion of queen honeybees (Apis mellifera L.), 9-ODA ((2E)-9-oxodecenoic acid), has been known for more than 40 yr to function as a long-range sex pheromone, attracting drones at congregation areas and drone flyways. Tests of other mandibular gland components failed to demonstrate attraction. It remained unclear whether these components served any function in mating behavior. We performed dual-choice experiments, using a rotating drone carousel, to test the attractiveness of 9-ODA compared to mixtures of 9-ODA with three other most abundant components in virgin queen mandibular gland secretions: (2E)-9-hydroxydecenoic acid (9-HDA), (2E)-10-hydroxydecenoic acid (10-HDA), and p-hydroxybenzoate (HOB). We found no differences in the number of drones attracted to 9-ODA or the respective mixtures over a distance. However, adding 9-HDA and 10-HDA, or 9-HDA, 10-HDA, and HOB to 9-ODA increased the number of drones making contact with the baited dummy. On the basis of these results, we suggest that at least 9-HDA and 10-HDA are additional components of the sex pheromone blend of A. mellifera.  相似文献   

Hoarding experiments were conducted with honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) in cages containing comb treated with either 2-heptanone, isopentyl acetate, citral, or geraniol. 2-Heptanone increased hoarding rates; isopentyl acetate decreased hoarding rates; citral and geraniol had no observed effect.  相似文献   

A short synthesis of [4,5-3H2] (E)-9-oxo-2-decenoic acid (ODA), a high-specific-activity tritium-containing isotopomer of the queen bee pheromone, is described. Catalytic tritiation of the ketal of ethyl 9-oxo-4-decenoate introduces tritium into two positions, one of which is completely unactivated. Subsequent transformation by selenation, oxidation, and hydrolysis affords the labeled 9-ODA at >60 Ci/mmol. The material is suitable for biochemical studies of binding and catabolism in ovarian, antennal, and other target tissues.Fellow of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (1981–1985) and Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar (1981–1986).  相似文献   

The trail pheromone of the antTetramorium caespitum L. is a 7030 mixture of 2,5-dimethylpyrazine and 3-ethyl-2, 5-dimethylpyrazine. The average total amount of the two pyrazines present in the poison vesicle was found to be 3.9 ng per ant, of which 2.7 ± 0.4 ng is 2,5-dimethylpyrazine and 1.15 ±0.25 ng is 3-ethyl-2,5-dimethylpyrazine. The pyrazines constitute only 0.03% of the volume of the poison vesicle but account for the whole of the trail-following activity. A 7030 mixture of the respective pyrazines evoked the highest activity in artificial trail-following tests.  相似文献   

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