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Most research on prejudice has followed a unidirectional orientation of investigating why or when majority- or dominant-group members become prejudiced toward members of minority or subordinate groups without considering the effects of prejudice and discrimination upon its victims. By contrast, my research program over the past quarter century deals with the "phenomenology" of prejudice and discrimination from the perspective of the victim and has sought to answer questions such as the following: What is it like to be discriminated against on the basis of an arbitrary characteristic such as ethnicity, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, etc.? What are the social-psychological and affective correlates and consequences to individuals who confront prejudice and discrimination by virtue of membership in a minority or subordinate group? This paper presents a sampling of my research on the "phenomenology" of prejudice and discrimination, along with several theoretical perspectives that I have used and developed to help to understand this issue. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Assessed whether effortless, visual texture discrimination relies on the detection of gradients between 2 textures in 2 experiments using a total of 32 undergraduates with manipulations that smoothed (Exp 1) or interrupted (Exp 2) the gradient between textures comprising L- and X-type micropatterns. Compared to discrimination performance when there was an abrupt discontinuity between juxtaposed textures, performance declined moderately (about 10%) when the texture boundary was smoothed. Abrupt texture gradients are not a necessary condition for the asymmetrical discrimination of 2 textures. Results indicate that, in certain instances, texture discrimination may involve pattern classification-like processes that are operative in the absence of texture gradients. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the role that dimensions of racial identity play regarding the antecedents and consequences of perceived racial discrimination among African Americans. A total of 267 African American college students completed measures of racial identity, perceived racial discrimination, and psychological distress at 2 time points. After controlling for previous perceptions of discrimination, racial centrality was positively associated with subsequent perceived racial discrimination. Additionally, perceived discrimination was positively associated with subsequent event-specific and global psychological distress after accounting for previous perceptions of discrimination and distress. Finally, racial ideology and public regard beliefs moderated the positive relationship between perceived discrimination and subsequent distress. The results illustrate the complex role racial identity plays in the lives of African Americans. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Perceptions of personal and group discrimination in 5 domains (jobs, pay, loans, promotions, and clubs) were investigated via telephone interviews with 902 respondents from different ethnic groups in Toronto. The reported analyses concern 6 ethnic groups, representing "visible," racial minorities (Blacks, Chinese, and South Asians) as well as White minorities (Italians, Jews, and Portuguese). The personal/group discrimination discrepancy (i.e., perceiving greater discrimination toward one's group than oneself personally) was observed to varying extent across all domains and ethnic groups, though with some exceptions. Visible minorities perceived greater discrimination toward their group than did White minorities, especially in the economic domains of jobs, pay, and promotions. Among visible minorities, Black respondents perceived higher levels of group and personal discrimination than most other ethnic groups across domains, followed in turn by Chinese and South Asian respondents. By contrast, White minority group members perceived considerably less group or personal discrimination than members of visible minorities, except for Jewish respondents who reported greater group discrimination in joining clubs than any other ethnic group. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on H. Wallach's (see record 1986-08161-001) analysis of visual motion perception derived from primary or learned stimulation by presenting experimental findings from a variety of studies that contradict the conception of image displacement as primary and by suggesting that perception of object movement can be derived from configurational changes alone. (13 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study examined ethnic, gender, and age differences in perceived discrimination and the association between perceived discrimination and psychological well-being in a nationally representative sample of Black adolescents. Data are from the National Survey of African Life (NSAL), which includes 810 African American and 360 Caribbean Black youth. Results indicate that the majority of Black youth perceived at least 1 discriminatory incident in the previous year. Adolescents at later stages of development perceived more discrimination than those at earlier stages, and African American and Caribbean Black males perceived more discrimination than their female counterparts. Perceptions of discrimination were positively linked to depressive symptoms and were negatively linked to self-esteem and life satisfaction, regardless of ethnicity. However, Caribbean Black youth appear to be more vulnerable when they perceive high levels of discrimination. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the relative influence of directional movement reversal on the learning of discriminations and discrimination reversals using 36 macaque monkeys in 2 experiments. The learning tasks involved comparisons among movement feedback, brightness, and spatial location as discriminanda. Results indicate that differential directional movements, when related to or serving as discriminative cues, produce a persistent elevated level of postreversal errors within a discrimination reversal task. Further, the brightness dimension was relatively easy for reversal and generally superior to spatial location and movement feedback. It is suggested that the transfer difficulty produced by cue-related differential movement might be attributed to proactive interference from the reorganization of response-response sequences within the response. (16 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Nine experiments investigated motor responses to geometric stimuli (a target and a distractor) preceded by masked primes. In congruent trials, the target was preceded by a smaller target-like shape and the distractor by a smaller distractor-like shape. In incongruent trials this arrangement was reversed. In neutral trials both primes were distractor-like shapes. Highly significant effects of these priming conditions on reaction time and error rate were found, although there was no conscious discrimination of primes, as assessed by a discrimination index (d′ or ds) not different from 0. This result subsisted under conditions of time pressure, feedback, practice, and financial incentive in the discrimination task. It remained unchanged under conditions in which the reaction time and discrimination tasks were blocked, alternated, randomly mixed, or combined on each trial. It is concluded that motor activation without conscious discrimination was demonstrated. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Through antibody engineering, immunoglobulins can be tailored for their particular application. In this respect, small recognition units are desired for the targeting of antigens in obstructed locations like solid tumors. OBJECTIVES: To design efficient, minimum size recognition units, heavy chain variable regions (VH) had previously been modified for the use as antigen specific, single domain antibody fragments. To develop a rational approach to improve affinity, antigen binding is investigated here by analysing the effect of randomisations of CDR1 and 2 residues in VH domains specific for hapten and protein ligands. STUDY DESIGN: Randomised repertoires were displayed on phage and affinity selected to improve and analyse antigen binding. Affinities of newly selected VH domains were determined in their soluble format to assess the role of modified residues in binding. RESULTS: In four of five randomisation experiments, a new VH with an improved antigen affinity compared to the primary VH was selected. Dissociation constants decreased from 160 nM to 25 nM or 47 nM (CDR1 or CDR2 randomisation of an anti-Ox VH), from 300 nM to 31 nM (CDR2 randomisation of an anti-NIP VH) and from 3.1 microM to 1.6 microM (CDR2 randomisation of an anti-lysozyme VH). CONCLUSIONS: Thus the affinity of VH domains can be improved after site specific, secondary randomisations in CDR1 and CDR2, phage display and antigen selection. As differences in the CDR3 sequences had formed the only difference between the primary VH domains used in this study, the effect of CDR1 and CDR2 mutations of affinity is consistent with a participation of all three CDRs in antigen binding by single VH domains.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the familial and societal context were examined as predictors of Latino adolescents' (N = 323; 49.5% female) ethnic identity. Consistent with previous work, familial ethnic socialization significantly predicted future levels of ethnic identity exploration, resolution, and affirmation for both male adolescents and female adolescents, although the association was significantly stronger for female adolescents than male adolescents for exploration and resolution. Furthermore, for male adolescents, higher levels of familial ethnic socialization were significantly associated with a faster rate of growth for ethnic identity resolution. In addition, paternal warmth–support emerged as a significant longitudinal predictor of male adolescents', but not female adolescents', ethnic identity exploration. Finally, perceived discrimination was significantly associated with male adolescents', but not female adolescents', ethnic identity exploration and affirmation. Significant gender differences in the relations of interest highlight the need to consider variability in the process of ethnic identity formation by gender. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A model of perceived sexual orientation discrimination was tested in a national sample of 534 gay and lesbian employees. The effects of legislation, organizational policies and practices, and work group composition on perceived sexual orientation discrimination were examined, as well as the attitudinal and organizational outcomes associated with discrimination. Gay employees were more likely to report discrimination when employed in groups that were primarily heterosexual and in organizations that lacked supportive policies and were not covered by protective legislation. Disclosure of sexual orientation at work was related to discrimination and antecedent variables. Perceived discrimination was associated with negative work attitudes and fewer promotions. Organizational policies and practices had the strongest impact on perceived discrimination and were directly related to outcomes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Audio-visual stimulus pairs presented at various relative delays, are commonly judged as being “synchronous” over a range of delays from about ?50 ms (audio leading) to +150 ms (video leading). The center of this range is an estimate of the point of subjective simultaneity (PSS). The judgment boundaries, where “synchronous” judgments yield to a predominance of “asynchronous” judgments, usually include physical synchrony, or the point of objective simultaneity (POS). When the POS is used as a standard in a delay discrimination paradigm, thresholds tend to be asymmetric; that is, smaller on the audio-leading side than on the video-leading side of the standard. We replicated this finding using different stimulus types, and standards distributed within and beyond the synchrony judgment boundaries. Thresholds were symmetric near the center of the synchrony range (PSS), but showed opposite patterns of asymmetry as the standard approached either of the two synchrony judgment boundaries. That is, apparent synchrony shows a type of categorical perception in that discriminations within the synchrony category are difficult, but those near the category boundary are easy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Odor discrimination deficits were found in 80% of 20 schizophrenia patients and in none of the 20 age- and sex-matched comparison subjects. Olfactory discrimination was reliably measured in the patients. Twelve patients in this study also had smooth pursuit eye movement (SPEM) qualitatively recorded. The olfactory discrimination scores were highly correlated to SPEM but not to other clinical measures. This correlation suggests a shared neurobiology, possibly involving working memory.  相似文献   

Male and female members of 4 racial groups solicited charity donations from 7,120 middle-class Canadian whites in both public and private conditions. Black and Indian solicitors received significantly greater donations than white solicitors, who in turn received significantly greater donations than oriental solicitors. 1 mo. later, white interviewers asked a randomly-selected subsample (n = 500) to estimate the degree of discrimination to which various ethnic and racial groups are generally subjected. Results provide supportive evidence for 1 part of a "theory of reverse discrimination," i.e., that when middle-class whites are involved in "trivial" interactions with minority group members whom they perceive as belonging to groups that have been targets of discrimination, they will treat those minority group members better than they treat another white in identical circumstances. (French summary) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Alert wakefulness (W) and rapid eye movement sleep (REM) are remarkably similar on several measures of brain activity, but 2 differences in REM are reduced sensory responsiveness and atonia in postural muscles. Pontine tegmental lesions create REM without atonia (REM-A), releasing motor behavior. In 9 cats, we studied the acoustic startle reflex (ASR), orienting (OR), and ponto-geniculo-occipital waves (PGOE) elicited by tones during W, REM, REM-A, and non-REM (NREM). OR occurred in W and REM-A, being most complete in cats with the most elaborate spontaneous behavior. ASR occurred in W, NREM, and REM-A in lesioned cats. In normal cats, ASR rarely appeared in NREM and REM. PGOE had similar characteristics in both groups. The similarity of REM to W is particularly obvious when cats lack motoneuronal inhibition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to examine relations between trauma exposure, post-resettlement stressors, perceived discrimination, and mental health symptoms in Somali adolescent refugees resettled in the U.S. Participants were English-speaking Somali adolescent refugees between the ages of 11 and 20 (N = 135) who had resettled in the U.S. Participants were administered an interview battery comprising self-report instruments that included the UCLA Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Index, the War Trauma Screening Scale, the Every Day Discrimination scale, the Adolescent Post-War Adversities Scale, and the Acculturative Hassles Inventory. Results indicated that cumulative trauma was related to PTSD and depression symptoms. Further, post-resettlement stressors, acculturative stressors, and perceived discrimination were also associated with greater PTSD symptoms after accounting for trauma, demographic, and immigration variables. Number of years since resettlement in the US and perceived discrimination were significantly related to depressive symptoms, after accounting for trauma, demographic, and immigration variables. Further research elucidating the relations between post-resettlement stressors, discrimination, and mental health of refugee adolescents may inform intervention development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Discrimination and recognition are often poorer for other-race than own-race faces. These other-race effects (OREs) have traditionally been attributed to reduced perceptual expertise, resulting from more limited experience, with other-race faces. However, recent findings suggest that sociocognitive factors, such as reduced motivation to individuate other-race faces, may also contribute. If the sociocognitive hypothesis is correct, then it should be possible to alter discrimination and memory performance for identical faces by altering their perceived race. We made identical ambiguous-race morphed faces look either Asian or Caucasian by presenting them in Caucasian or Asian face contexts, respectively. However, this perceived-race manipulation had no effect on either discrimination (Experiment 1) or memory (Experiment 2) for the ambiguous-race faces, despite the presence of the usual OREs in discrimination and recognition of unambiguous Asian and Caucasian faces in our participant population. These results provide no support for the sociocognitive hypothesis. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Because research is needed to identify the conditions that facilitate or impede the prevalence of perceived workplace discrimination, the authors examined the effects of demographics and demographic similarity on the prevalence of sex- and race/ethnicity-based perceived workplace discrimination. Results from a national survey of 763 full-time, United States employees show perceived sex-based discrimination at work was more prevalent among female than male employees, and perceived race-based discrimination at work was more prevalent among Black and Hispanic than White employees. Additionally, perceived racial/ethnic discrimination was less prevalent among those with same-race/ethnicity supervisors. The effect of employee-coworker sex similarity on perceived sex discrimination was significant only for women, and the effects of supervisor-subordinate racial similarity on the prevalence of perceived racial discrimination varied between Black and White respondents, depending on employee-residential-community racial similarity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study examined whether combinations of ethnicity, gender, and age moderated the association between perceived discrimination and psychological well-being indicators (depressive symptoms, self-esteem, and life satisfaction) in a nationally representative sample of Black youth. The data were from the National Survey of American Life, which includes 810 African American and 360 Caribbean Black adolescents. The results indicated main effects such that perceived discrimination was linked to increased depressive symptoms and decreased self-esteem and life satisfaction. Additionally, there were significant interactions for ethnicity, gender, and race. Specifically, older Caribbean Black female adolescents exhibited higher depressive symptoms and lower life satisfaction in the context of high levels of perceived discrimination compared with older African American male adolescents. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To analyze the results of excimer laser phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK) combined with simple excision in recurrent pterygium to minimize the recurrence rate and obtain a smooth corneal surface. SETTING: Veni Vidi Eye Health Centre, Istanbul, Turkey. METHODS: Combined pterygium excision and excimer laser PTK was performed in 22 eyes with recurrent pterygium (22 patients). Both spot and scan modes of the Meditec MEL 60 excimer laser were used to produce a wide ablation layer (depth 40 to 80 microns). RESULTS: During the mean follow-up of 16.5 months (range 6 to 27 months), visual acuity, refraction, slitlamp, and corneal topography examinations were recorded. Pterygium recurred in only 1 eye (4.5%). Postoperative visual acuity improved in 15 eyes (68.2%). Keratometric readings were not accurately measured preoperatively because of corneal surface irregularities but could be easily taken after the surgery. Corneal astigmatism ranged from 0 to 2.00 diopters (D) (mean 1.23 D). Three months after surgery, no haze persisted in any eye. No significant intraoperative or postoperative complication was detected. CONCLUSIONS: Excimer laser PTK appears to simplify pterygium surgery because a superficial keratectomy is sufficient to remove pterygium. The excimer laser can be used to ablate the visible residual tissues and smooth the corneal surface, resulting in good postoperative refraction and visual acuity. Consequently, this procedure seems to be effective and safe.  相似文献   

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