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北京清华阳光太阳能设备有限责任公司(以下简称清华阳光公司)是由清华大学所属的清华控股有限公司控股,北京一轻集团和首钢股份强势加盟的高新技术企业。公司注册资金1.535亿人民币,资产总额2.9亿人民币。公司目前已建成世界最大的全玻璃真空集热管生产基地和世界首条先进的大规模太阳能热水器自动化生产线,具备年产1000万支集热管和30万台热水器的生产能力。  相似文献   

<正>在新能源成为众所瞩目的焦点蓬勃发展的今天,中国的太阳能热利用技术始终处于国际领先地位,其中作为知名的老牌高新技术企业,清华阳光功不可没。清华阳光是由清华控股有限公司控股,北京一轻集团和首钢股份强势加盟的高新技术企业,作为清华大学产学研结合发展起来的一个典范企业,一直备受关注。清华阳光坚持以追求技术原创为企业核心竞争力,以清华大学雄厚的科技和人才资源为依托,集产品研发、生产制造、工程设计和市场营销为一体,致力于清洁能源的  相似文献   

4月29日,清华阳光在北京市昌平区马池口镇生产基地内举行了全球首条集热管自动化生产线落成暨创新成果发布典礼,打破光热产业传统生产模式,开创了自动化生产设备升级的新局面。如果要列举我国完全具有自主知识产权的民族工业,太阳能热水器行业绝对位列其中。太阳能热水器行业全靠最初的从业者摸爬滚打创立起来,国家没有任何政策扶持,也没有任何经验可  相似文献   

3月17日下午,全球最大的半导体生产设备和高科技技术服务企业,美国应用材料公司总裁兼首席执行官麦克R.斯普林特来到北京大学,发表了题为((释放太阳能的潜力--中国太阳能的光明前景>的演讲,并在演讲后接受了本刊记者的采访,表达了自己对太阳能光伏发电产业发展的乐观看法和继续与中国企业进行积极合作的愿望.  相似文献   

10月28日,吴振一总裁应邀接受著名网站搜房网现场独家采访.在采访中,吴振一总裁就清华阳光获得苏州国际发明博览会金银奖、清华阳光产品的市场定位以及经济危机对太阳能行业的影响等问题回答了记者的提问.  相似文献   

鹏飞 《太阳能》2009,(8):51-52
从2009年2月初太阳能热水器"意外"出局家电下乡产品招标,到目前太阳能热水器下乡进行得如火如荼,其下乡之路可谓峰回路转,一时间太阳能热水器引起了包括央视在内的各大媒体的广泛关注.据了解,期间相关主管部门、行业协会、厂商等各方博弈的焦点在于太阳能热水器行业标准不完善的问题.  相似文献   

发明核心技术成就行业领导者形象 北京清华阳光公司是由清华大学国有独资的清华控股有限公司控股,一轻集团和首钢股份强势加盟的高新技术企业,20年来以专业生产太阳能光热利用产品作为自己的发展方向.作为一家"清华"背景的企业,拥有强烈的技术"情结"是很正常的,但是当技术进步本身几乎成为陈词滥调,并且很多人真的认为是陈词滥调并且在行动上放弃时;当太阳热水器行业都在谈论概念、价格、促销、广告时,20余年矢志不渝坚持技术进步的清华阳光公司俨然成为太阳热水器行业的"异类".  相似文献   

秸秆气化集中供气是近年来江苏省推广的一个农村能源新技术示范项目。自1997年实施以来,受到广大农民的欢迎。文章就如何更加有效地推广这项技术,提出了作者通过实践总结的经验和方法。  相似文献   

以2009年台达杯国际太阳能建筑设计竞赛为背景,介绍获奖作品<暖暖>的设计思路、概念生成、节能技术等方面,在太阳能建筑设计受到越来越多关注的当下,借此总结太阳能建筑设计的一些思路和手法.  相似文献   

Harmonic analysis of sunshine duration and solar irradiation measured at Sebele, Botswana is carried out. The data used consists of the monthly averages and the Julian-days averages of sunshine duration and solar irradiation sequences. This study involves splitting the time series into deterministic and stochastic components, and determining the proportion of the variance explained by each component. The stochastic component is analyzed for persistence using the Box and Jenkins technique. It is found that the stochastic component for monthly averages solar radiation series is best described by the second-order autoregressive Markov process, while that for Julian-days averages series has no memory.  相似文献   

张迎接 《太阳能》2009,(9):63-64
一引言 提到光能的利用,人们会很快想到如何把它转化为热能和电能,而很少想到怎样把它以光子的形式直接储存起来.从几何光学的角度看,只要把光线限制在一定的范围内,就相当于把这部分光能储存了起来,而限制光线的材料只用到反射镜而已.  相似文献   

It is possible to construct a sunshine map referring to a large zone, lacking in a widespread network of recording stations, correlating the relative sunshine with the “state of the sky”, defined by the monthly mean number of the clear, mixed and overcast days, whose data are more largely available. In the correlation here proposed climatological and meteorological factors are introduced in order to express the helioclimatic characteristics of every location. The application to Italy, using the data of the period 1973–1977 provided by the 31 stations of ITAV, has suggested the classification of these stations in seven “helioclimatic groups” characterized by different values of the above factors, mainly representative of the position and typology of the surrounding surfaces and of the atmospheric transparence in a cloudy or cloudless sky. The positive results of the comparison between the experimental and computed relative sunshine values are shown in the tables.  相似文献   

A.J. Biga  Rui Rosa 《Solar Energy》1980,25(3):265-272
A method is presented that offers the possibility of estimating solar irradiation sums on the basis of sunshine and cloudiness observations only. Its application requires the knowledge of the local hourly sums of global and diffuse solar irradiation by clear weather as well as the hourly sums of diffuse solar irradiation due to clouds. These quantities were determined for the actual radiation climate in Lisbon. Effective daily amount of sunshine and cloudiness are defined and compared with the usual daily sunshine and cloudiness concepts; the relationship between daily relative amount of sunshine and cloudiness is established for Lisbon.  相似文献   

Building envelope impacts upon energy consumption and indoor environment. The relationship between envelope components and indoor environment has become increasingly important, especially with the new emphasis on visual comfort, thermal comfort and indoor air quality. This paper examines the interaction between occupant thermal comfort and envelope component regulations in the Gulf States. The country chosen for this study is the Kingdom of Bahrain, the smallest country in the Gulf region. Simulation results and comparative studies were employed to investigate the impact of the current envelope component regulations on the internal environment. The paper focuses on residential buildings and concludes that the envelope component regulations contribute positively to the internal thermal performance. Although these envelope components are not generally the primary elements that impact upon internal thermal comfort there are circumstances when the components become very warm and occupants positioned close to them will experience discomfort. This paper shows that the thermal insulation regulation makes a small impact on thermal comfort, whereas the window regulation, particularly glazing, is more influential and that for most window areas, solar impacts are generally large.  相似文献   

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