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针对挖泥船泥浆管道输送流速控制的大惯性、大时滞、参数时变和建模困难等特点, 提出一种单神经元自适应预估控制方案. 该方案利用神经网络的自学习能力, 对系统结构、参数、不确定性和非线性进行学习, 结合Marsik和Strejc提出的无辨识自适应控制算法对控制参数进行在线修正, 在控制方案中加入Smith预估器, 利用搜索寻优的方法对时变的时滞进行在线优化, 提高了预估算法的鲁棒性和适应能力. 通过现场实验证明了本控制方法的有效性, 在疏浚施工环境变化, 时滞较大的条件下仍然能够使泥浆流速基本保持稳定, 具有 相似文献
焦二潮 《数码设计:surface》2021,(3)
在开展压力管道施工的时候,其焊接的技术是非常重要的,焊接质量对管道磨损、管道运行的安全、管道内介质的流向与流速有着直接的影响,根据研究调查,许多压力管道事故发生的原因就是因为焊接质量不够.因此,需要对压力管道的焊接技术以及质量进行探究,对焊接的质量进行控制. 相似文献
对于动力学方程未知的全驱动多变量欧-拉系统,进行了基于特征模型的全系数自适应控制方法研究.根据全系数自适应控制思想,针对全驱动欧-拉系统提出了差分方程形式的特征模型,并得到该特征模型各系数的一些性质.基于建立的特征模型,提出多变量黄金分割控制律和相应的自适应控制策略,并对闭环系统的稳定性进行了分析.最后对两连杆的空间机器人进行了仿真,仿真结果表明了该自适应控制方法的优越性. 相似文献
本文研究了全系数自适应控制方法对参数慢时变对象的鲁棒稳定性。证明了存在未建模动态及有界扰动情况下,采用经投影修正的梯度算法估计标称对象,黄金分割自适应控制器仍能稳定标称对象。对含乘性不确定性的线 性慢时变对象,给出了自适应控制系统鲁棒稳定的充分条件。作为理论结果的一个应用,本文分析了液体元地点发动机工作期间卫星姿态的全系数自适应控制方案的鲁棒稳定性。 相似文献
本文针对一大批工程实际中经常遇到的非线性系统,为设计低阶控制器,提出了非线性系统的低阶变参数特征模型的原理和方法,论证了所建特征模型与实际对象的等价性。文章介绍了如何根据非线性特征模型设计控制器的基本原则与步骤,文章通过某真空环境温度控制系统的仿真,进一步阐明了这种非线性系统特征建模及其控制的方法,最后给出了利用特征模型进行自适应控制的仿真与实际工程应用的结果。 相似文献
针对传统的GM(1,1)灰色预测模型背景值采用均等权值导致预测精度不高的缺点,本文提出一种变权优化选择背景值方法。首先将黄金分割搜索和抛物线插值法相结合确定改进GM(1,1)模型的背景值;然后将改进后的背景值代入灰色预测代数递推方程,从而代替传统的GM(1,1)模型中的白化方程;最后选取指数数列进行模拟并结合某高校教师人数的实际统计数据进行仿真实验。结果表明,改进的GM(1,1)模型减少了平均相对误差,提高了预测精度,具有一定的应用价值。 相似文献
基于非下采样Contourlet的多传感器图像自适应融合 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
提出了一种基于非下采样Contourlet变换的多传感器图像自适应融合方法,采用黄金分割法搜索最优的低频融合权值.自适应地对多传感器图像的低频子带系数进行融合.非下采样Contourlet变换是一种新的图像多尺度、多方向的表示方法,适合表达具有丰富细节信息及方向信息的图像,且该变换具有平移不变性,可以避免一般方法对融合图像引入的振铃效应,它的高频方向子带捕获了多传感器图像的显著特征,文中采用同一尺度下方向子带信息和取大的规则对高频系数进行融合.实验结果表明,与基于拉普拉斯塔、小波、平稳小波和Contourlet变换的方法比较,文中所提出的方法可以获得较好的融合效果. 相似文献
A two-compartment four-cell model is developed for the adiabetic slim type autoclave reactor for free radical polymerization of low density polyethylene (LDPE). It is possible to determine not only the reactor performance represented by the monomer conversion and the reaction temperature but also the properties of the polymer product characterized by the average molecular weight and the polydispersity. It turns out that the reactor performance predicted is in good agreement with the plant data and the properties of the polymer product are estimated within reasonable ranges of actual values. The steady state multiplicity is found to exist and is examined by constructing the bifurcation diagram. The effects of various operation parameters on the reactor performance and the polymer properties are investigated systematically to show that the temperature distribution plays the central role for the properties of the polymer products. Therefore, it is essential to establish a good control strategy for the temperature in each compartment. The adaptive pole-placement control algorithm is applied to the temperature control of the adiabatic slim type autoclave reactor. The recursive least square method is used for the model identification. To accomplish a satisfactory control, the estimator and controller are initialized during the period of start-up. It is shown that the reactor system can be adaptively controlled by the pole-placement control algorithm, especially when the reactor temperature distribution is changed. 相似文献
在特征建模理论中,由全系数自适应控制器组成的闭环系统是一个非常复杂的混合系统,采用传统自适应框架难以进行分析,因此,稳定性分析一直是该领域的一个难点.本文以一类最小相位、相对阶为2的单输入单输出(SISO)高阶非线性系统为例,通过一种新的特征建模方法,把高阶混合系统变换为一个含有稳定未建模误差的、参数有界慢时变的采样间接自适应控制问题,并利用基于欧拉近似离散化模型的采样系统稳定性分析方法进行了系统分析.该方法可进一步推广到任意相对阶的SISO或多输入多输出(MIMO)系统甚至无限维最小相位系统中去. 相似文献
Masahiro Ohshima Hiromu Ohno Iori Hashimoto Mikiro Sasajima Masayuki Maejima Keiichi Tsuto Tadaharu Ogawa 《Journal of Process Control》1995,5(1)
This paper describes the results of a joint university-industry study to control a fatty acid distillation sequence, which is plagued with severe disturbance problems. In order to solve the disturbance problem, a model predictive control algorithm is modified in terms of disturbance prediction. Assuming that the dynamics of the unmeasured disturbances is generated by an auto-regressive form, the dynamics of the disturbance can be adaptively identified by using time series data of prediction errors and inputs. Using an identified disturbance model with a process model, future outputs are predicted. Control actions are determined so that the predicted output is as close to the target value as possible. This modified model predictive control aglorithm is applied to a ratio control scheme for three distillation columns. The control system developed has been in use sucessfully for more than six years to produce commercial products. 相似文献
A time-optimal control algorithm for digital computer control allowing bounds on control variables and state variables is presented. Through linear programming techniques a time-optimal sequence is computed by using a linear discrete model of the process. For real-time applications feedback control is achieved by recalculating the control sequence each sampling period. In addition, an adaptive control strategy based on on-line estimation of the state variables and the parameters of the system is introduced. In order to be able to apply the algorithm in a real-time environment, computational efficiency is emphasized. An application of the algorithm to a sixth-order multivariable system is given. 相似文献