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We have examined the binding of FGF-2 to ribosomes and have found that in NIH 3T3 cells that synthesize high amounts of all FGF-2 forms, both 18 kDa and HMW forms of FGF-2 bind to ribosomes. Ribosomes purified from these cells were treated with RNase or puromycin to identify the binding site of FGF-2 on the ribosome. Neither RNase nor puromycin treatment affected the in vivo binding of FGF-2 to ribosomes suggesting that FGF-2 binds ribosomal protein or rRNA, but not mRNA. The stoichiometry of binding in these cells was approximately 1 FGF-2 molecule bound per 1 ribosome. Binding was unaffected by high salt treatment indicating that FGF-2 tightly associates with polysomes. An in vitro binding experiment performed with purified ribosomes and recombinant FGF-2 suggested that the binding site is saturable. HBNF, a protein with similar charge and size to FGF-2, bound 15-fold less than FGF-2 to purified ribosomes. These results indicate that the binding of FGF-2 to ribosomes is specific.  相似文献   

The autocrine/paracrine peptide signaling molecules such as growth factors have many promising biologic activities for clinical applications. However, one cannot expect specific therapeutic effects of the factors administered by ordinary drug delivery systems as they have limited target specificity and short half-lives in vivo. To overcome the difficulties in using growth factors as therapeutic agents, we have produced fusion proteins consisting of growth factor moieties and a collagen-binding domain (CBD) derived from Clostridium histolyticum collagenase. The fusion proteins carrying the epidermal growth factor (EGF) or basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) at the N terminal of CBD (CBEGF/CBFGF) tightly bound to insoluble collagen and stimulated the growth of BALB/c 3T3 fibroblasts as much as the unfused counterparts. CBEGF, when injected subcutaneously into nude mice, remained at the sites of injection for up to 10 days, whereas EGF was not detectable 24 h after injection. Although CBEGF did not exert a growth-promoting effect in vivo, CBFGF, but not bFGF, strongly stimulated the DNA synthesis in stromal cells at 5 days and 7 days after injection. These results indicate that CBD may be used as an anchoring unit to produce fusion proteins nondiffusible and long-lasting in vivo.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors that transduce signals for many hormones, neurotransmitters, and inflammatory mediators are internalized and subsequently recycled to the plasma membrane, or down-regulated by targeting to lysosomes for degradation. Here we have characterized yeast alpha-factor receptors tagged with green fluorescent protein (Ste2-GFP) and used them to obtain mutants defective in receptor down-regulation. In wild type cells, Ste2-GFP was functional and localized to the plasma membrane and endocytic compartments. Although GFP was fused to the cytoplasmic tail of the receptor, GFP also accumulated in the lumen of the vacuole, suggesting that the receptor's extracellular and cytoplasmic domains are degraded within the vacuole lumen. Transposon mutagenesis and a visual screen were used to identify mutants displaying aberrant localization of Ste2-GFP. Mutants that accumulated Ste2-GFP in numerous intracellular vesicles carried disruptions of the VAM3/PTH1 gene, which encodes a syntaxin homolog (t-SNARE) required for homotypic vacuole membrane fusion, autophagy and fusion of biosynthetic transport vesicles with the vacuole. We provide evidence that Vam3 is required for the delivery of alpha-factor receptor-ligand complexes to the vacuole. Vam3 homologs in mammalian cells may mediate late steps in the down-regulation and lysosomal degradation pathways of various G protein-coupled receptors.  相似文献   

The S. cerevisiae SIS1 gene is essential and encodes a heat shock protein with similarity to the bacterial DnaJ protein. At the nonpermissive temperature, temperature-sensitive sis1 strains rapidly accumulate 80S ribosomes and have decreased amounts of polysomes. Certain alterations in 60S ribosomal subunits can suppress the temperature-sensitive phenotype of sis1 strains and prevent the accumulation of 80S ribosomes and the loss of polysomes normally seen under conditions of reduced SIS1 function. Analysis of sucrose gradients for SIS1 protein shows that a large fraction of SIS1 is associated with 40S ribosomal subunits and the smaller polysomes. These and other results indicate that SIS1 is required for the normal initiation of translation. Because DnaJ has been shown to mediate the dissociation of several protein complexes, the requirement of SIS1 in the initiation of translation might be for mediating the dissociation of a specific protein complex of the translation machinery.  相似文献   

Pseudohyphal differentiation, a filamentous growth form of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is induced by nitrogen starvation. The mechanisms by which nitrogen limitation regulates this process are currently unknown. We have found that GPA2, one of the two heterotrimeric G protein alpha subunit homologs in yeast, regulates pseudohyphal differentiation. Deltagpa2/Deltagpa2 mutant strains have a defect in pseudohyphal growth. In contrast, a constitutively active allele of GPA2 stimulates filamentation, even on nitrogen-rich media. Moreover, a dominant negative GPA2 allele inhibits filamentation of wild-type strains. Several findings, including epistasis analysis and reporter gene studies, indicate that GPA2 does not regulate the MAP kinase cascade known to regulate filamentous growth. Previous studies have implicated GPA2 in the control of intracellular cAMP levels; we find that expression of the dominant RAS2(Gly19Val) mutant or exogenous cAMP suppresses the Deltagpa2 pseudohyphal defect. cAMP also stimulates filamentation in strains lacking the cAMP phosphodiesterase PDE2, even in the absence of nitrogen starvation. Our findings suggest that GPA2 is an element of the nitrogen sensing machinery that regulates pseudohyphal differentiation by modulating cAMP levels.  相似文献   

We show that the nature of the amino acid in the formylaminoacyl-tRNA influences initiation factor (IF) 2 dependence of its ribosome binding and that this IF2 dependence reflects the relative affinity of the formylaminoacyl-tRNA for the initiation factor IF2. We compared the template-dependent ribosome binding activities, in the presence of initiation factors, of wild type and anticodon sequence mutants of Escherichia coli initiator tRNAs that carry formylmethionine (fMet), formylglutamine (fGln), or formylvaline (fVal). The fGln-tRNA bound less well than fMet-tRNA whereas the fVal-tRNA bound as well as fMet-tRNA. The rate and extent of binding of fGln-tRNA to the ribosome was significantly increased by further addition of purified initiation factor IF2. In contrast, the binding of fVal-tRNA or fMet-tRNA was not affected much by the addition of IF2. Using gel mobility shift assay, we have measured the apparent Kd values of the IF2.formylaminoacyl-tRNA binary complexes. These are 1.8, 3.5, and 10.5 microM for fMet-tRNA, fVal-tRNA, and fGln-tRNA, respectively.  相似文献   

We have cloned a cDNA from a mouse gene, Pso (peroxisomal sarcosine oxidase). Pso appears to encode a homolog of the single-subunit (40 kDa) bacterial sarcosine oxidases. The mouse Pso gene product would contain a peroxisomal localization sequence, like that of the recently reported rabbit enzyme, Mouse Pso lies between 20 and 50 kb upstream of the promoter of the Sez6 gene, close to Crybal on chromosome 11. Pso is expressed very strongly and specifically in liver and kidney. The gene appears to be present widely in eutherian mammals.  相似文献   

In diploid cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the alpha2 and a1 homeodomain proteins bind cooperatively to sites in the promoters of haploid cell-type-specific genes (hsg) to repress their expression. Although both proteins bind to the DNA, in the alpha2 homeodomain substitutions of residues that are involved in contacting the DNA have little or no effect on repression in vivo or cooperative DNA binding with a1 protein in vitro. This result brings up the question of the contribution of each protein in the heterodimer complex to the DNA-binding affinity and specificity. To determine the requirements for the a1-alpha2 homeodomain DNA recognition, we systematically introduced single base-pair substitutions in an a1-alpha2 DNA-binding site and examined their effects on repression in vivo and DNA binding in vitro. Our results show that nearly all substitutions that significantly decrease repression and DNA-binding affinity are at positions which are specifically contacted by either the alpha2 or a1 protein. Interestingly, an alpha2 mutant lacking side chains that make base-specific contacts in the major groove is able to discriminate between the wild-type and mutant DNA sites with the same sequence specificity as the wild-type protein. These results suggest that the specificity of alpha2 DNA binding in complex with a1 does not rely solely on the residues that make base-specific contacts. We have also examined the contribution of the a1 homeodomain to the binding affinity and specificity of the complex. In contrast to the lack of a defective phenotype produced by mutations in the alpha2 homeodomain, many of the alanine substitutions of residues in the a1 homeodomain have large effects on a1-alpha2-mediated repression and DNA binding. This result shows that the two proteins do not make equal contributions to the DNA-binding affinity of the complex.  相似文献   

FEN-1 proteins are a family of nucleases essential for lagging strand DNA synthesis. A gene with sequence similarity to FEN-1 protein-encoding genes, rad2 +, has been identified in Schizosaccharomyces pombe . We report the overexpression, purification, and character-ization of the putative S.pombe FEN-1 homolog, Rad2p. A GST-Rad2p fusion protein was over-expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and purified to near homogeneity by GST affinity chromatography. Although Rad2p had been previously classified as a putative FEN-1 protein based on amino acid homology, there has been no biochemical evidence demonstrating flap endonuclease activity. DNA cleavage analysis of several different oligodeoxynucleotide structuresindicates that GST-Rad2p possesses both 5'-flap endonuclease and 5'-->3' double-stranded DNA exo-nuclease activities. GST-Rad2p incises a 5'-flap and a 5'-pseudo-Y structure one base 3' of the branch point in the duplex region and also degrades double-stranded DNA. This is the first report on the biochemical characterization of S.pombe Rad2p. The potential roles of Rad2p in DNA excision repair and other nucleic acid reactions are discussed.  相似文献   

The mutY homolog (SpMYH) gene from a cDNA library of Schizosaccharomyces pombe encodes a protein of 461 amino acids that displays 28 and 31% identity to Escherichia coli MutY and human MutY homolog (MYH), respectively. Expressed SpMYH is able to complement an E. coli mutY mutant to reduce the mutation rate. Similar to E. coli MutY protein, purified recombinant SpMYH expressed in E. coli has adenine DNA glycosylase and apurinic/apyrimidinic lyase activities on A/G- and A/7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG)-containing DNA. However, both enzymes have different salt requirements and slightly different substrate specificities. SpMYH has greater glycosylase activity on 2-aminopurine/G and A/2-aminopurine but weaker activity on A/C than E. coli MutY. Both enzymes also have different substrate binding affinity and catalytic parameters. Although SpMYH has great affinity to A/8-oxoG-containing DNA as MutY, the binding affinity to A/G-containing DNA is substantially lower for SpMYH than MutY. SpMYH has similar reactivity to both A/G- and A/8-oxoG-containing DNA; however, MutY cleaves A/G-containing DNA about 3-fold more efficiently than it does A/8-oxoG-containing DNA. Thus, SpMYH is the functional eukaryotic MutY homolog responsible for reduction of 8-oxoG mutational effect.  相似文献   

A genetic screen to isolate gene products required for vacuolar morphogenesis in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae identified VAM7, a gene which encodes a protein containing a predicted coiled-coil domain homologous to the coiled-coil domain of the neuronal t-SNARE, SNAP-25 (Y. Wada and Y. Anraku, J. Biol. Chem. 267:18671-18675, 1992; T. Weimbs, S. H. Low, S. J. Chapin, K. E. Mostov, P. Bucher, and K. Hofmann, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94:3046-3051, 1997). Analysis of a temperature-sensitive-for-function (tsf) allele of VAM7 (vam7(tsf)) demonstrated that the VAM7 gene product directly functions in vacuolar protein transport. vam7(tsf) mutant cells incubated at the nonpermissive temperature displayed rapid defects in the delivery of multiple proteins that traffic to the vacuole via distinct biosynthetic pathways. Examination of vam7(tsf) cells at the nonpermissive temperature by electron microscopy revealed the accumulation of aberrant membranous compartments that may represent unfused transport intermediates. A fraction of Vam7p was localized to vacuolar membranes. Furthermore, VAM7 displayed genetic interactions with the vacuolar syntaxin homolog, VAM3. Consistent with the genetic results, Vam7p physically associated in a complex containing Vam3p, and this interaction was enhanced by inactivation of the yeast NSF (N-ethyl maleimide-sensitive factor) homolog, Sec18p. In addition to the coiled-coil domain, Vam7p also contains a putative NADPH oxidase p40(phox) (PX) domain. Changes in two conserved amino acids within this domain resulted in synthetic phenotypes when combined with the vam3(tsf) mutation, suggesting that the PX domain is required for Vam7p function. This study provides evidence for the functional and physical interaction between Vam7p and Vam3p at the vacuolar membrane, where they function as part of a t-SNARE complex required for the docking and/or fusion of multiple transport intermediates destined for the vacuole.  相似文献   

The Drosophila brahma (brm) gene encodes an activator of homeotic genes related to the yeast chromatin remodeling factor SWI2/SNF2. Here, we report the phenotype of null and dominant-negative brm mutations. Using mosaic analysis, we found that the complete loss of brm function decreases cell viability and causes defects in the peripheral nervous system of the adult. A dominant-negative brm mutation was generated by replacing a conserved lysine in the ATP-binding site of the BRM protein with an arginine. This mutation eliminates brm function in vivo but does not affect assembly of the 2-MD BRM complex. Expression of the dominant-negative BRM protein caused peripheral nervous system defects, homeotic transformations, and decreased viability. Consistent with these findings, the BRM protein is expressed at relatively high levels in nuclei throughout the developing organism. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to investigate the functions of conserved regions of the BRM protein. Domain II is essential for brm function and is required for the assembly or stability of the BRM complex. In spite of its conservation in numerous eukaryotic regulatory proteins, the deletion of the bromodomain of the BRM protein has no discernible phenotype.  相似文献   

During the splicing process, spliceosomal snRNAs undergo numerous conformational rearrangements that appear to be catalyzed by proteins belonging to the DEAD/H-box superfamily of RNA helicases. We have cloned a new RNA helicase gene, designated DBP2 (DEAH-boxprotein), homologous to the Schizosaccaromyces pombe cdc28(+)/prp8(+) gene involved in pre-mRNA splicing and cell cycle progression. The full-length DBP2 contains 3400 nucleotides and codes for a protein of 1041 amino acids with a calculated mol. wt of 119 037 Da. Transfection experiments demonstrated that the GFP-DBP2 gene product, transiently expressed in HeLa cells, was localized in the nucleus. The DBP2 gene was mapped by FISH to the MHC region on human chromosome 6p21.3, a region where many malignant, genetic and autoimmune disease genes are linked. Because the expression of DBP2 gene in S.pombe prp8 mutant cells partially rescued the temperature-sensitive phenotype, we conclude that DBP2 is a functional human homolog of the fission yeast Cdc28/Prp8 protein.  相似文献   

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