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In this paper, a short-term load forecasting method is considered, which is based upon a flexible smooth transition autoregressive (STAR) model. The described model is a linear model with time varying coefficients, which are the outputs of a single hidden layer feedforward neural network. The hidden layer is responsible for partitioning the input space into multiple sub-spaces through multivariate thresholds and smooth transition between the sub-spaces. In this paper, we propose a new method to smartly initialize the weights of the hidden layer of the neural network before its training. A self-organizing map (SOM) network is applied to split the historical data dynamics into clusters, and the Ho-Kashyap algorithm is then used to obtain the separating planes' equations. Applied to the electricity markets, the proposed method is better able to model the smooth transitions between the different regimes, which are present in the load demand series because of market effects and season effects. We use data from three electricity markets to compare the prediction accuracy of the proposed method with traditional benchmarks and other recent models, and find our results to be competitive.  相似文献   

The generalization ability is one of the most important and the most influential factors for electing forecasting models, managing future events, and making decisions. In the literature, numerous hybrid models have been presented in order to improve the accuracy as well as generalization ability of single forecasting approaches. The main aim of these hybrid models is often to use more different and/or more individual models in order to capture all existing patterns and structures in the data, more completely; and consequently improving the accuracy and generalization. Although, it can be generally demonstrated that increasing the number of components will not decrease the performance of hybrid models in the training, it will not necessarily improve the generalizability, especially in complex and uncertain environments. In this paper, an efficient allocation strategy is proposed in order to assign the underlying data set to its appropriateness component for increasing generalizability as well as decreasing computational costs. In this paper, a novel soft intelligent hybrid model is developed using the allocation strategy for assign different IMFs to appropriateness certain linear, certain nonlinear, uncertain linear, and uncertain nonlinear components in decomposition based forecasting problems. The main purpose of this classification is to reduce the probability of the over-fitting problem and consequently to increase the generalization ability, in additional of deceasing the computational costs. Moreover, in this paper, an optimal weighting technique is proposed to find the relative importance of each component in order to yield the most accurate final predictions. On the other hand, the main motivation of the paper, in contrast to the regular decomposition based hybrid models in which components are blindly assigned to the models, is to develop a logical process to allocate components to the most appropriate model as well as optimally weighting them. Empirical results of crude oil prices and wind power forecasting indicate that despite of better performance of traditional parallel hybrid models in the training sample, the generalization ability of the proposed model in test sample is significantly higher than those hybrid models as well as its components in all considered benchmarks. The proposed model can averagely improve 64.86%, 61.93%, and 52.00% the accuracy of single linear, single nonlinear, and traditional hybrid non-decomposition; and 41.37%, 35.16%, and 32.63% the performance of single linear, single nonlinear, and traditional hybrid decomposition based models, respectively.  相似文献   

As one of the four major industrial raw materials in the world, natural rubber is closely related to the national economy and people’s livelihood. The analysis of natural rubber price and volatility can give hedging guidance to manufacturers and provide investors with uncertainty and risk information to reduce investment losses. To effectively analyses and forecast the natural rubber’s price and volatility, this paper constructed a hybrid model that integrated the bidirectional gated recurrent unit and variational mode decomposition for short-term prediction of the natural rubber futures on the Shanghai Futures Exchange. In data preprocessing period, time series is decomposed by variational mode decomposition to capture the tendency and mutability information. The bidirectional gated recurrent unit is introduced to return the one-day-ahead prediction of the closing price and 7-day volatility for the natural rubber futures. The experimental results demonstrated that: (a) variational mode decomposition is an effective method for time series analysis, which can capture the information closely related to the market fluctuations; (b) the bidirectional neural network structure can significantly improve the model performance both in terms of fitting performance and the trend prediction; (c) a correspondence was found between the predicted target, i.e., the price and volatility, and the intrinsic modes, which manifested as the impact of the long-term and short-term characteristics on the targets at different time-scales. With a change in the time scale of forecasting targets, it was found that there was some variation in matching degree between the forecasting target and the mode sub-sequences.  相似文献   

Time series forecasting is an important and widely popular topic in the research of system modeling, and stock index forecasting is an important issue in time series forecasting. Accurate stock price forecasting is a challenging task in predicting financial time series. Time series methods have been applied successfully to forecasting models in many domains, including the stock market. Unfortunately, there are 3 major drawbacks of using time series methods for the stock market: (1) some models can not be applied to datasets that do not follow statistical assumptions; (2) most time series models that use stock data with a significant amount of noise involutedly (caused by changes in market conditions and environments) have worse forecasting performance; and (3) the rules that are mined from artificial neural networks (ANNs) are not easily understandable.To address these problems and improve the forecasting performance of time series models, this paper proposes a hybrid time series adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) model that is centered around empirical mode decomposition (EMD) to forecast stock prices in the Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index (TAIEX) and Hang Seng Stock Index (HSI). To measure its forecasting performance, the proposed model is compared with Chen's model, Yu's model, the autoregressive (AR) model, the ANFIS model, and the support vector regression (SVR) model. The results show that our model is superior to the other models, based on root mean squared error (RMSE) values.  相似文献   

Applying quantitative models for forecasting and assisting investment decision making has become more indispensable in business practices than ever before. Improving forecasting especially time series forecasting accuracy is an important yet often difficult task facing forecasters. Both theoretical and empirical findings have indicated that integration of different models can be an effective way of improving upon their predictive performance, especially when the models in the ensemble are quite different. In the literature, several hybrid techniques have been proposed by combining different time series models together, in order to overcome the deficiencies of single models and yield hybrid models that are more accurate. In this paper, in contrast of the traditional hybrid models, a new methodology is proposed in order to construct a new class of hybrid models using a time series model as basis model and a classifier. As classifiers cannot be lonely applied as forecasting model for continuous problems, in the first stage of the proposed model, a forecasting model is used as basis model. Then, the estimated values of the basis model are modified in the second stage, based on the distinguished trend of the residuals of the basis model and the optimum step length, which are respectively calculated by a classifier model and a mathematical programming model. Empirical results with three well-known real data sets indicate that the proposed model can be an effective way in order to construct a more accurate hybrid model than its basis time series model. Therefore, it can be used as an appropriate alternative model for forecasting tasks, especially when higher forecasting accuracy is needed.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a hybrid model based on multi-order fuzzy time series, which employs rough sets theory to mine fuzzy logical relationship from time series and an adaptive expectation model to adjust forecasting results, to improve forecasting accuracy. Two empirical stock markets (TAIEX and NASDAQ) are used as empirical databases to verify the forecasting performance of the proposed model, and two other methodologies, proposed earlier by Chen and Yu, are employed as comparison models. Besides, to compare with conventional statistic method, the partial autocorrelation function and autoregressive models are utilized to estimate the time lags periods within the databases. Based on comparison results, the proposed model can effectively improve the forecasting performance and outperforms the listing models. From the empirical study, the conventional statistic method and the proposed model both have revealed that the estimated time lags for the two empirical databases are one lagged period.  相似文献   

Time series forecasting is a challenging task in machine learning. Real world time series are often composed by linear and nonlinear structures which need to be mapped by some forecasting method. Linear methods such as autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and nonlinear methods such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) could be employed to handle such problems, however model misspecification hinders the forecasting process producing inaccurate models. Hybrid models based on error forecasting and combination can reduce the misspecification of single models and improve the accuracy of the system. This work proposes a hybrid system that is composed of three parts: a) linear modeling of the time series, b) nonlinear modeling of the error series, and c) combination of the forecasts using three distinct approaches. The system performs a search for the best parameters of the linear and nonlinear components, and of the combination approaches. Particle swarm optimization is used to find suitable architecture and weights. Experiments show that the proposed technique achieved promising results in time series forecasting.  相似文献   

A suitable combination of linear and nonlinear models provides a more accurate prediction model than an individual linear or nonlinear model for forecasting time series data originating from various applications. The linear autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and nonlinear artificial neural network (ANN) models are explored in this paper to devise a new hybrid ARIMA–ANN model for the prediction of time series data. Many of the hybrid ARIMA–ANN models which exist in the literature apply an ARIMA model to given time series data, consider the error between the original and the ARIMA-predicted data as a nonlinear component, and model it using an ANN in different ways. Though these models give predictions with higher accuracy than the individual models, there is scope for further improvement in the accuracy if the nature of the given time series is taken into account before applying the models. In the work described in this paper, the nature of volatility was explored using a moving-average filter, and then an ARIMA and an ANN model were suitably applied. Using a simulated data set and experimental data sets such as sunspot data, electricity price data, and stock market data, the proposed hybrid ARIMA–ANN model was applied along with individual ARIMA and ANN models and some existing hybrid ARIMA–ANN models. The results obtained from all of these data sets show that for both one-step-ahead and multistep-ahead forecasts, the proposed hybrid model has higher prediction accuracy.  相似文献   

A FCM-based deterministic forecasting model for fuzzy time series   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study of fuzzy time series has increasingly attracted much attention due to its salient capabilities of tackling uncertainty and vagueness inherent in the data collected. A variety of forecasting models including high-order models have been devoted to improving forecasting accuracy. However, the high-order forecasting approach is accompanied by the crucial problem of determining an appropriate order number. Consequently, such a deficiency was recently solved by Li and Cheng [S.-T. Li, Y.-C. Cheng, Deterministic Fuzzy time series model for forecasting enrollments, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 53 (2007) 1904–1920] using a deterministic forecasting method. In this paper, we propose a novel forecasting model to enhance forecasting functionality and allow processing of two-factor forecasting problems. In addition, this model applies fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering to deal with interval partitioning, which takes the nature of data points into account and produces unequal-sized intervals. Furthermore, in order to cope with the randomness of initially assigned membership degrees of FCM clustering, Monte Carlo simulations are used to justify the reliability of the proposed model. The superior accuracy of the proposed model is demonstrated by experiments comparing it to other existing models using real-world empirical data.  相似文献   

Modeling and forecasting of time series data are integral parts of many scientific and engineering applications. Increasing precision of the performed forecasts is highly desirable but a difficult task, facing a number of mathematical as well as decision-making challenges. This paper presents a novel approach for linearly combining multiple models in order to improve time series forecasting accuracy. Our approach is based on the assumption that each future observation of a time series is a linear combination of the arithmetic mean and median of the forecasts from all participated models together with a random noise. The proposed ensemble is constructed with five different forecasting models and is tested on six real-world time series. Obtained results demonstrate that the forecasting accuracies are significantly improved through our combination mechanism. A nonparametric statistical analysis is also carried out to show the superior forecasting performances of the proposed ensemble scheme over the individual models as well as a number of other forecast combination techniques.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new forecasting model based on two computational methods, fuzzy time series and particle swarm optimization, is presented for academic enrollments. Most of fuzzy time series forecasting methods are based on modeling the global nature of the series behavior in the past data. To improve forecasting accuracy of fuzzy time series, the global information of fuzzy logical relationships is aggregated with the local information of latest fuzzy fluctuation to find the forecasting value in fuzzy time series. After that, a new forecasting model based on fuzzy time series and particle swarm optimization is developed to adjust the lengths of intervals in the universe of discourse. From the empirical study of forecasting enrollments of students of the University of Alabama, the experimental results show that the proposed model gets lower forecasting errors than those of other existing models including both training and testing phases.  相似文献   

Fuzzy time series model has been successfully employed in predicting stock prices and foreign exchange rates. In this paper, we propose a new fuzzy time series model termed as distance-based fuzzy time series (DBFTS) to predict the exchange rate. Unlike the existing fuzzy time series models which require exact match of the fuzzy logic relationships (FLRs), the distance-based fuzzy time series model uses the distance between two FLRs in selecting prediction rules. To predict the exchange rate, a two factors distance-based fuzzy time series model is constructed. The first factor of the model is the exchange rate itself and the second factor comprises many candidate variables affecting the fluctuation of exchange rates. Using the exchange rate data released by the Central Bank of Taiwan, we conducted several experiments on exchange rate forecasting. The experiment results showed that the distance-based fuzzy time series outperformed the random walk model and the artificial neural network model in terms of mean square error.  相似文献   

基于ARIMA-LSSVM混合模型的犯罪时间序列预测   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
对犯罪时间序列的预测对帮助公安部门更好地掌握犯罪动态,实现智能犯罪发现具有重大意义。针对犯罪时间序列预测的计算需求,结合真实犯罪数据集,提出了ARIMA-LSSVM混合模型。该模型通过ARIMA预测出时间序列的线性部分,通过PSO优化的LSSVM模型预测非线性部分,以对序列进行充分拟合,最后通过混合算法计算最终结果。使用此混合模型达到了精准的预测效果,证明了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

The fuzzy time series has recently received increasing attention because of its capability of dealing with vague and incomplete data. There have been a variety of models developed to either improve forecasting accuracy or reduce computation overhead. However, the issues of controlling uncertainty in forecasting, effectively partitioning intervals, and consistently achieving forecasting accuracy with different interval lengths have been rarely investigated. This paper proposes a novel deterministic forecasting model to manage these crucial issues. In addition, an important parameter, the maximum length of subsequence in a fuzzy time series resulting in a certain state, is deterministically quantified. Experimental results using the University of Alabama’s enrollment data demonstrate that the proposed forecasting model outperforms the existing models in terms of accuracy, robustness, and reliability. Moreover, the forecasting model adheres to the consistency principle that a shorter interval length leads to more accurate results.  相似文献   

陈刚  曲宏巍 《控制与决策》2013,28(1):105-108
针对目前在模糊时间序列模型中论域划分及数据模糊化方法存在的问题,首先提出了基于模糊聚类算法(FCM)的具有可调参数的模糊时间序列论域的非等分划分方法;然后,在数据模糊化时通过距离客观地定义了模糊集,并利用最小标准误差(RMSE)确定最优的预测结果和聚类数;最后,通过 Alabama 大学注册人数的预测表明了所提出算法的有效性.  相似文献   

Recently, many fuzzy time series models have already been used to solve nonlinear and complexity issues. However, first-order fuzzy time series models have proven to be insufficient for solving these problems. For this reason, many researchers proposed high-order fuzzy time series models and focused on three main issues: fuzzification, fuzzy logical relationships, and defuzzification. This paper presents a novel high-order fuzzy time series model which overcomes the drawback mentioned above. First, it uses entropy-based partitioning to more accurately define the linguistic intervals in the fuzzification procedure. Second, it applies an artificial neural network to compute the complicated fuzzy logical relationships. Third, it uses the adaptive expectation model to adjust the forecasting during the defuzzification procedure. To evaluate the proposed model, we used datasets from both the Taiwanese stock index from 2000 to 2003 and from the student enrollment records of the University of Alabama. The results of our study show that the proposed model is able to obtain an accurate forecast without encountering conventional fuzzy time series issues.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new model to handle four major issues of fuzzy time series forecasting, viz., determination of effective length of intervals, handling of fuzzy logical relationships (FLRs), determination of weight for each FLR, and defuzzification of fuzzified time series values. To resolve the problem associated with the determination of length of intervals, this study suggests a new time series data discretization technique. After generating the intervals, the historical time series data set is fuzzified based on fuzzy time series theory. Each fuzzified time series values are then used to create the FLRs. Most of the existing fuzzy time series models simply ignore the repeated FLRs without any proper justification. Since FLRs represent the patterns of historical events as well as reflect the possibility of appearances of these types of patterns in the future. If we simply discard the repeated FLRs, then there may be a chance of information lost. Therefore, in this model, it is recommended to consider the repeated FLRs during forecasting. It is also suggested to assign weights on the FLRs based on their severity rather than their patterns of occurrences. For this purpose, a new technique is incorporated in the model. This technique determines the weight for each FLR based on the index of the fuzzy set associated with the current state of the FLR. To handle these weighted FLRs and to obtain the forecasted results, this study proposes a new defuzzification technique. The proposed model is verified and validated with three different time series data sets. Empirical analyses signify that the proposed model have the robustness to handle one-factor time series data set very efficiently than the conventional fuzzy time series models. Experimental results show that the proposed model also outperforms over the conventional statistical models.  相似文献   

We describe in this paper the application of a modular neural network architecture to the problem of simulating and predicting the dynamic behavior of complex economic time series. We use several neural network models and training algorithms to compare the results and decide at the end, which one is best for this application. We also compare the simulation results with the traditional approach of using a statistical model. In this case, we use real time series of prices of consumer goods to test our models. Real prices of tomato in the U.S. show complex fluctuations in time and are very complicated to predict with traditional statistical approaches. For this reason, we have chosen a neural network approach to simulate and predict the evolution of these prices in the U.S. market.  相似文献   


An investigation is described into the application of artificial intelligence to forecasting in the domain of oceanography. A hybrid approach to forecasting the thermal structure of the water ahead of a moving vessel is presented which combines the ability of a case-based reasoning system for identifying previously encountered similar situations and the generalizing ability of an artificial neural network to guide the adaptation stage of the case-based reasoning mechanism. The system has been successfully tested in real time in the Atlantic Ocean; the results obtained are presented and compared with those derived from other forecasting methods.  相似文献   

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