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Seven Pacific harbor seals with meningoencephalitis associated with Sarcocystis neurona-like protozoa are described. Six of the 7 seals were free-ranging and were found stranded over an 80-km stretch of central California coastline; the other was captive. All had marked to severe nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis, most severe in the cerebellar cortex. Immunohistochemistry for S. neurona antigens was positive on brain tissue in all cases, revealing numerous merozoites as well as developing and mature schizonts, including rosette forms. Electron microscopy performed on 3 animals revealed merozoites and schizonts consistent with Sarcocystis sp., with the absence of rhoptries in merozoites, lack of a parasitophorous vacuole around schizonts, and division by endopolygeny. Serology using western blotting revealed the presence of anti-S. neurona immunoglobulins in the sera of 4 of 5 seals tested. Four animals also had a concurrent mild to moderate nonsuppurative myocarditis; in 1 seal, rare sarcocysts of undetermined species were present within cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

The harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) has the most extensive distribution of any phocid seal species. An analysis of population structure in this species across its European range was made using 7 phocid derived microsatellites in a sample of 1,029 individuals from 12 separate geographic areas. Despite the species potential for long-distance movement, significant genetic differentiation between areas was observed using an unbiased estimator of RST. Six distinct population units were identified: Ireland-Scotland, English east coast, Waddensea, western Scandinavia (Norway-Kattegat-Skagerrak-west Baltic), east Baltic, and Iceland. Little local substructuring is present along coastlines with a continuous distribution of breeding animals, but differentiation does increase with geographic distance. The degree of differentiation is greater over equivalent distances where the distribution is discontinuous, such as along coasts where breeding colonies are separated by large distances or by stretches of open sea. Patterns of population differentiation derived from microsatellites are very similar to those obtained from previous mitochondrial DNA analysis and suggest that philopatry in harbor seals operates over 300-500 km. In Europe, harbor seals have experienced a complex demographic history and patterns of population structure are likely to have been affected by natural environmental influences such as Pleistocene glaciations and epizootics. Comparison of Nm values from an unbiased estimator of RST, GST, and theta are consistent and, in some cases, may indicate populations where conditions deviate from the expectations of the RST model.  相似文献   

This report describes the antigenic and nucleotide characterization of a herpes-like virus that has been isolated from the adrenal tissues of neonatal Pacific harbor seals. Infection with this virus has been previously implicated as a major cause of death of animals undergoing rehabilitation. Comparison and phylogenetic analysis of sequenced fragments of the DNA polymerase, glycoprotein B and glycoprotein D genes, and immunofluorescence assay using herpesvirus-specific monoclonal antibodies, demonstrated close similarity of the Pacific harbor seal herpesvirus to European isolates of phocid herpesvirus-1 (PHV-1) and other alpha-herpesviruses affecting terrestrial carnivores.  相似文献   

1. The review summarizes the most important data known so far on chemistry, pharmacodynamics, toxicology and clinics of the investigational agent, pyridoindole stobadine. 2. Stobadine was shown to be able to scavenge hydroxyl, peroxyl and alkoxyl radicals, to quench singlet oxygen, to repair oxidized amino acids and to preserve oxidation of SH groups by one-electron donation. These effects originated from its ability to form a stable nitrogen-centered radical on indole nitrogen. Consequently, it was able to diminish lipid peroxidation and protein impairment under oxidative stress. 3. In various in vitro and in vivo animal models, stobadine was shown to diminish the impairment of the myocardium induced by mechanisms involving reactive oxygen species (e.g., myocardial infarction, hypoxia/ reoxygenation, catecholamine overexposure). 4. The neuroprotective effect of stobadine was demonstrated in a series of in vivo and in vitro models (brain in situ, brain slices, spinal cord, autonomic ganglia, etc.) during ischemia/reperfusion and hypoxia/ reoxygenation or in the presence of chemical systems generating free oxygen radicals, and so forth. Stobadine improved animal survival rate and synaptic transmission recovery, maintained SH tissue level and diminished lipid peroxidation as well as impairment of Ca-sequestering intracellular systems. 5. Oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), which plays a major role in the development of atherosclerosis, was decreased by stobadine in vitro. Both lipid and protein (apo B) components of LDL were protected against Cu(2+)-induced oxidation by this agent. 6. Stobadine proved to be an effective protectant in models of free radical pathology in vivo, such as cyclophosphamide-, MNNG- or 60Co-induced mutagenesis and alloxan-induced hyperglycemia. 7. Besides other remarkable pharmacodynamic effects, stobadine exerts antidysrhythmic, local anesthetic, alpha-adrenolytic, antihistaminic, myorelaxant and antiulcerogenic actions. 8. Pharmacokinetic analyses demonstrated that stobadine was readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to its balanced lipo-hydrophilic properties, it was distributed over both water and lipid phases in biological tissues. It was shown to easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier. 9. Acute, subchronic and chronic toxicity studies in several animal species, as well as numerous analyses of embryotoxicity, teratogenicity, mutagenicity and genotoxicity, revealed only a negligible toxic potential of this agent. 10. Phase-one clinical study demonstrated safety of the compound. Only slight side effects--namely, a slight hypotension and a slight sedative effect--were observed subsequent to the highest dose used. In phase-two clinical study, the patients with angina pectoris treated for 4 weeks with stobadine showed a significant decrease in the frequency of anginal attacks, in the number of self-administrations of sublingual nitroglycerine and in plasma lipoprotein, cholesterol and triglyceride levels. A slight decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure also was observed. 11. It is suggested that stobadine may be considered a contribution to the search for new effective cardio- and neuroprotectants based on antioxidant or free radical scavenging mechanisms of action.  相似文献   

Role of polychlorinated dibenzofuran in yusho (PCB poisoning)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the blood of 15 patients with yusho or "polychlorinated biphenyl poisoning" that occurred in 1979 in Taiwan, was found polychlorinated dibenzofurans (14 of 15) and polychlorinated quaterphenyls (15 of 15), as well as polychlorinated biphenyls (15 of 15). The mean concentration ratio of these substances was approximately 1 : 160 : 500. Based on the following evidence, we propose that polychlorinated quaterphenyls were major pathogenic substances in the development of yusho: (1) Clinical manifestations and course of yusho patients are disproportionately severe and persistent for the observed blood levels of polychlorinated biphenyls, while patients who were occupationally exposed to pure polychlorinated biphenyls take characteristically mild and benign clinical course despite polychlorinated biphenyl levels often much higher than those noted in yusho patients; (2) Polychlorinated debenzofurans show a marked tendency to accumulate in the liver, which might explain frequent presence of jaundice and other abdominal symptoms in yusho, which are, again, not observed in those with occupational polychlorinated biphenyl poisoning; (3) Toxicity of polychlorinated dibenzofurans is a hundred to ten thousand times greater than that of polychlorinated biphenyls and polychlorinated quaterphenyls in animal experiments.  相似文献   

The structural similarities between polybrominated diphenyl ethers and immunotoxic halogenated aromatic compounds suggest that the polybrominated diphenyl ethers might affect the immune system. The present study was undertaken to investigate the immunological effects of some purified PBDE-congeners on human lymphocyte function in vitro. Polychlorinated biphenyl congeners were also included in the study. Mitogen-induced DNA synthesis and immunoglobulin synthesis by lymphocytes from blood donors were examined following polybrominated diphenyl ether or polychlorinated biphenyl exposure in vitro in order to determine the immunotoxic potential of these substances. No effects on mitogen-induced proliferation or immunoglobulin synthesis were observed after exposure of cells to concentrations up to 10(-5) M. The negative findings in this study indicate that certain functions of human peripheral lymphocytes, i.e. proliferation and immunoglobulin synthesis, are insensitive to the direct action of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and polychlorinated biphenyls. Our results are in accordance with other recent studies in which no effects on immunological parameters were demonstrated by exposure of lymphocytes to polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons in vitro.  相似文献   

A study of the clinical, radiological, and pathological correlations in 43 patients with solitary cysticercus granuloma and epilepsy focused on factors that might help in predicting the presence of the parasite in the granuloma and those that might influence the formation of oedema around the granuloma. The duration of symptoms (< six months and > or = six months) and CT morphology of the granuloma (ring and disc, type A; nodular lesion, type B) were studied as factors that could possibly predict the presence of the parasite in the granuloma. The influence of sex of the patient and the presence of a neutrophilic response in the granuloma on the intensity of oedema around the lesion as seen on CT was also studied. The pathological features were studied in the excised granulomas. The intact or degenerated form of the cysticercus was evident in 22 of 43 specimens. Neither the duration of seizures (P = 0.17) nor the type of lesion on CT (P = 0.16) was predictive of the presence of the parasite in the granuloma. The sex of the patient (P = 0.51) and the neutrophilic response in the specimen (P = 0.73) did not correlate with the degree of oedema on CT indicating that neither of these host factors was a major determinant of oedema production. The findings point to the varied and unpredictable natural history of solitary cysticercus granulomas and the complex nature of host-parasite interactions in individual patients. The inability to predict the presence of the parasite in the granuloma on the basis of the clinical or radiological features precludes a selection of patients with such lesions for cysticidal drug treatment.  相似文献   

C-reactive protein (C-RP) was purified from harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) serum by calcium dependant phosphoryl-choline and protein A affinity chromatography. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions revealed a single protein moiety with a molecular weight of approximately 25 kDa. An internal peptide derived from this purified protein was subjected to N-terminal amino acid sequencing. A high amino acid sequence similarity was obtained with other published mammalian C-RP molecules confirming that the purified protein was a C-RP homologue. Eight specific monoclonal antibodies (P13, P51, P87, P101, P106, P130, P157 and P219) were raised against this purified protein. All 8 monoclonal antibodies immunoblotted with the 25 kDa C-RP subunit under reducing conditions. A competitive immunoassay was developed identifying elevated C-RP concentrations in harbor seal serum samples with clinical evidence of inflammatory disease. Application of this immunoassay for the measurement C-RP may provide valuable information for the clinical assessment of harbor seal health.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional proton nuclear Overhauser effect (NOESY) spectra were obtained as a function of mixing time for two DNA dodecamers, 5'-CGCGAATTCGCG-3' and 5'-CGCAAATTTGCG-3', in aqueous solutions. The time evolution of cross-peak volumes was quantitatively analyzed based on the approximate solution of the relaxation/exchange equation over a range of mixing times from 30 to 150 ms. Inter-proton distances, involving exchangeable protons in key locations of the structures, were calculated and compared to the distances predicted by the crystal structures. These NMR-derived distances enhance the number of constraints, and their accuracy, for determination of solution structures of the two DNA dodecamers.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron) carp on the hepatic cytochrome P-450 activity in mink (Mustela vison). Hepatic cytochrome P-450 activities are of interest for their possible use as biomarkers to indicate consumption and biological effects of PCBs in the environment. Adult mink were fed diets containing ocean fish (control diet, 0.0 ppm) or Saginaw Bay carp toprovide 0.25, 0.5, or 1.0 ppm PCBs. Mink were bred after 3 mo of exposure, and half of the parental mink (P1) and kits (F1-1) previously consuming diets containing Saginaw Bay carp were switched to control diet at weaning of the F1-1 kits. P1 and F1-1 mink were then bred within their age and dietary groups after 15 mo of exposure, to produce the second-year F1 (F1-2) and F2 kits. Mink were killed when the new kits were weaned. Transfer of half the animals to the control diet examined whether the effects of the PCB-containing diet on hepatic cytochrome P-450 activity were permanent. Continual exposure to diets containing PCBs from Saginaw Bay carp induced cytochrome P-450 activity in a generally dose-dependent manner. Cytochrome P-450 activity was not different from untreated controls in animals switched to the control diet from the PCB-containing diet. The response of cytochrome P-4501A1 (EROD) activity in a dose-dependent manner and the lack of induction after transfer to noncontaminated diets suggest that this hepatic enzyme activity is a potential biomarker for current exposure to PCBs and other similar cytochrome P-450 inducers.  相似文献   

The low stereospecificity of the enantiomers of 1-[(benzofuran-2-yl)-4-chlorophenylmethyl]imidazole (6, R=H, R'=4'-Cl) and the corresponding 4-fluoro compound as inhibitors of aromatase (P450Arom) has been explored using 1-(5,7-dichlorobenzofuran-2-yl)-1-(1H-imidaz-1-yl)ethane (7, R1=R2=Cl, R=CH3), -propane (7, R1=R2=Cl, R=C2H5), and the corresponding 5,7-dibromo compounds resolved as their dibenzoyl-D (or -L) tartrates. Low enantioselectivity ratios of 4.8 (5,7-diCl) and 12.6 (5,7-diBr) were shown for the ethanes. The values for the corresponding propanes were 8.3 and 5.2, respectively, and for these compounds the stereoselectivity was reversed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We compared our results with bullous vs diffuse emphysema by performing a bilateral thoracoscopic stapled volume reduction technique in 15 patients (age 45-80, 10 males, five females). METHODS: Eight patients demonstrated bullous emphysema and seven patients diffuse emphysema. Lung reduction was performed with a bilateral thoracoscopic stapled technique utilizing bovine pericardium in the supine position. RESULTS: Comparison of the bullous versus diffuse groups revealed no significant differences in means for the following variables: length of air leak (7.5 vs 3.3 days); length of stay (8.1 vs 6.5 days); pre-op FEV1, (23% vs 22%); pre-op dyspnea index (3.4 vs 3.6). At 3 months the bullous subset had a highly significant improvement (p < 0.007) in FEV1 (88%) compared with the diffuse subset FEV1 (59%). CONCLUSIONS: These early results suggest that patients with bullous emphysema are at no greater risk and demonstrate a significantly greater improvement in FEV1 than patients with diffuse emphysema.  相似文献   

N-Aralkylated derivatives of 1-aminobenzotriazole are well-established, mechanism-based inhibitors of cytochrome P450 (CYP or P450). In this study, the kinetics of inactivation of CYP2B-dependent 7-pentoxyresorufin O-depentylation (PROD) and CYP1A-dependent 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylation (EROD) activities by enantiomers of N-(alpha-methylbenzyl)-1-aminobenzotriazole (alphaMB) were compared. The racemic mixture (+/-)-alphaMB, as well as the enantiomers (-)-alphaMB and (+)-alphaMB, produced a time-, concentration-, and NADPH-dependent loss of PROD and EROD activity in hepatic microsomes from phenobarbital-treated guinea pigs. The rates of PROD inactivation by (-)-alphaMB were significantly faster than for (+)-alphaMB. Consistent with this, the derived maximal kinact was also significantly greater for (-)-alphaMB than for (+)-alphaMB (0.49 vs. 0.35 min-1). In contrast, the concentrations required for the half-maximal rate of inactivation (Ki) were equivalent for (-)-alphaMB and (+)-alphaMB, whereas the degree of competitive inhibition of PROD activity was greater for (+)-alphaMB. No significant differences were found among (-)-alphaMB, (+)-alphaMB, and (+/-)-alphaMB with respect to mechanism-based inactivation (kinact = 0.18, 0.16, and 0.17 min-1, respectively) or competitive inhibition of EROD activity. No differences were found for the maximal extent of PROD or EROD inhibition or the loss of spectral P450 after an extended 30-min incubation with the inhibitors. We conclude that mechanism-based inactivation of guinea pig CYP2B, but not CYP1A, isozymes by alphaMB occurs in a stereoselective manner, most likely as a result of a difference in the balance between metabolic activation and deactivation for the alphaMB enantiomers.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanisms of renal vascular wall thickening in a rat model of N-nitro L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME)-induced hypertension. To separate the effects of L-NAME-induced hypertension from other effects of nitric oxide (NO) inhibition, we created two models of L-NAME-induced hypertension: both had the same blood pressure level but NO inhibition was moderate in one group (group M) and severe in the other (group S). Urinary excretion of nitrates and nitrites was lower in group S than in group M. Wall thickening and lipid deposition in renal vessels were significantly greater in group S than in groups M. Simple and multiple regression analyses indicated that renal vascular wall thickening was more strongly correlated with lipid deposition than with blood pressure. The number of vessels positive for staining with Sudan black B was negatively correlated with urinary NO excretion. Expression of fibronectin and transforming growth factor-beta was greater in the Sudan black B-positive than in the Sudan black B-negative vessels, suggesting that extracellular matrix production was increased in vessels with lipid deposition. Lipid deposition and increased production of extracellular matrix may contribute to renal vascular wall thickening in L-NAME-induced hypertension. Some mechanisms independent of hypertension play important roles in vascular wall thickening induced by NO inhibition.  相似文献   

Increases in the intracellular free calcium concentration are of great importance to the initiation of development in deuterostomes. Their involvement has not yet been clearly defined in protostomes. We used endogenous ligands (IP3, cADPR, ryanodine and NAADP) and pharmacological agents (thapsigargin [Tg], thimerosal, caffeine and heparin) to study smooth endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump and release mechanisms in eggs of an annelid, Chaetopterus. Oocyte homogenates effectively sequestered Ca2+ and released it in response to IP3 in a concentration-dependent manner. Repeated additions of IP3 were unable to cause further release. Heparin inhibited Ca2+ release in response to IP3. The homogenates also released Ca2+ in response to thimerosal, and this release was sensitive to heparin. Two antibodies to IP3 receptors recognized an appropriate band in Chaetopterus egg lysates. These results indicate that the oocytes possess type-1 IP3-gated Ca2+ channels. Neither calcium itself, nor strontium, cADPR, ryanodine, caffeine nor NAADP released appreciable Ca2+. At low concentrations, Tg caused a slow release of Ca2+; at higher concentrations, it elicited a rapid release. Release of Ca2+ by Tg activated development. Since one theory of fertilization invokes the introduction of a Ca2+ releasing soluble protein into the egg upon sperm-egg fusion, we also tested whether soluble extracts of Chaetopterus sperm could stimulate Ca2+ release in Chaetopterus egg homogenates. There was no Ca2+ release when the sperm extract was added to the homogenate; however, homogenates exposed to sperm extract became refractory to IP3. Thus, Ca2+ release at fertilization in these oocytes occurs through IP3-gated channels.  相似文献   

Four 1-[(benzofuran-2-yl)methyl]imidazoles (1-4) have been evaluated as in-vitro inhibitors of human testicular and bovine adrenal microsomal 17 alpha-hydroxylase: 17,20-lyase (P450 17) as potential anti-prostatic agents. Their specificity towards other steroidogenic and liver enzymes has been compared with that of ketoconazole. All four compounds were inhibitors of the testicular enzyme (2, IC50 (concentration resulting in 50% inhibition) 0.185 microM; 4, IC50 0.18 microM) but less potent than ketoconazole (IC50 0.03 microM). Towards bovine adrenal enzyme 2 and 4 were 35- and 31-fold more potent than ketoconazole (IC50 = 39.8 microM). Compound 2 is a useful lead compound but although less potent than ketoconazole towards P450SCC and P450 11 beta, but not P450C21, at the enhanced dose required for equivalent effects in-vivo on P450 17 it is likely that cortisol and aldosterone production will be affected to a greater extent than with ketoconazole.  相似文献   

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