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Serum and colostrum from 73 sows were collected. The serum samples were tested by Immuno. Peroxidase Monolayer Assay (IPMA) and the corresponding colostrum samples with the indirect Immuno fluorescent Antibody (IFA) technique. All serum positive sows were colostrum positive and all colostrum negative were serum negative. Eight sows only reacted positively in the colostral testing. Compared to the serum standard test the specificity was 82.6% and the sensitivity 100%. The observed agreement between both tests was 89.2%. In addition all serum samples were also tested with the IF test (IFT). Of the eight sows which were negative in the IPMA serum test and positive in the IFA colostrum test, three were found positive when the serum was tested with IFA. Consequently, the observed agreement was higher at 93.2%. After the suitability of colostrum for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) diagnosis was demonstrated, 1915 colostrum samples collected from 135 different farms were tested in a comparative study with the IPMA and IFA techniques. Of the 1915 colostrum samples 139 were positive with both IPMA and IFA. With IPMA only, 43 samples were positive compared with 192 samples found positive with the IFA technique. A total of 1541 samples were negative in both tests. The observed agreement between both tests was 87.5%. The quotient of the observed agreement minus chance agreement and the maximum possible agreement beyond chance level (Kappa Quotient) was 0.49. In 90% of the farms that tested IFA positive there was a seroconversion of more than 50% of all colostrum tested. By comparison only 29% of the IPMA positive farms were positive with more than 50%. Based on the epidemiological findings on PRRS it was concluded that the IFA technique indicates a higher sensitivity for the detection of PRRS virus antibodies in sow colostrum. Finally the possible advantages and disadvantages of sow colostrum testing and serum testing are discussed.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Canada and the United States have reported a recent increase in the incidence of preterm birth, but the reasons for this increase are unknown. OBJECTIVE: To assess secular trends in preterm birth and its potential determinants. DESIGN: Hospital-based cohort study. SETTING: Canadian tertiary care university teaching hospital, 1978-1996. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 65574 nonreferred live births and stillbirths. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Changes in occurrence of preterm birth, before and after adjustment for changes in method of gestational age assessment, obstetric intervention, registration of births weighing less than 500 g, and sociodemographic, behavioral, and clinical determinants. RESULTS: A crude secular increase in preterm births was seen for births less than 37, 34, and 32 completed weeks using 3 alternative gestational age estimation methods. Based on an algorithm incorporating both menstrual and early ultrasound gestational age estimates, rates increased from 6.6% to 9.8% for births at less than 37 weeks' gestation, 1.7% to 2.3% at less than 34 weeks, and 1.0% to 1.2% at less than 32 weeks. Exclusion of births weighing less than 500 g and those with induction or preterm cesarean delivery without labor before each of the corresponding gestational age cutoffs eliminated the secular trends for births before 34 and 32 weeks and attenuated the trend for births before 37 weeks. Nearly half of the remaining trend for births before 37 weeks was accounted for by the increasing use of early ultrasound dating. The residual trend was eliminated after controlling for secular increases in unmarried status and the proportion of women aged 35 years or older. These factors, combined with a decrease in alcohol consumption and increases in histological chorioamnionitis and cocaine use, appear to have counteracted a reduction in preterm birth since the mid-1980s that otherwise would have been observed. CONCLUSIONS: This hospital's increase in preterm births since 1978 parallels increases reported in population-based national studies from the United States and Canada. This trend appears largely attributable to the increasing use of early ultrasound dating, preterm induction and preterm cesarean delivery without labor, and changes in sociodemographic and behavioral factors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hypertension is an essential risk factor for development of cardiovascular diseases. Prospective studies show a reduction in risk of myocardial infarction with reduction of blood pressure. In Denmark there was a decrease in ischaemic heart disease mortality during the period (1968-1992) with around 34% in 30-65 year old men and 30% in women. OBJECTIVE: To assess the changes in casual blood pressure between 1964 and 1991 in seven cross-sectional population studies. SETTING: Centre of Preventive Medicine, University of Copenhagen, DK-2600 Glostrup. POPULATION: 10359 subjects, equal numbers of men and women, age exactly 30, 40, 50 and 60 years drawn as random samples from a background population of 300000 inhabitants and surveyed in 1964-1974 and five cross-sectional studies 1976, 1978, 1982-1984, 1986-1987 and 1991. METHODS: Blood pressure was measured according to WHO criteria by one technician in each survey. Alcohol consumption and physical activity were measured by a self-administered questionnaire. The weight and height were measured by standardized methods. Data on mortality from ischaemic heart disease were obtained from death certificates recorded by the National Board of Health. RESULTS: Blood pressure increased with increasing age in both genders and was significantly higher in men than in women. Median blood pressure in 50 year old men in 1964 was 135/85 mmHg and in 1991 it was 123/79, whereas in women in 1964 it was 140/85, against 119/74 in 1991. The prevalence of hypertensives among 30 and 40 year olds declined throughout the period. The performance of blood pressure measurements, technical variation, examination programme, seasonal variation and inter-observer variation were potential bias sources and influenced blood pressure levels, but cannot be shown to be responsible for the declining trend in blood pressure and hypertension. Women became a little more physical active in leisure time and men less active. Women consumed less alcohol than men, but the amounts slightly increased by the end of the period. Body mass index >25 was seen less frequently in women than in men and this increased in men over the period. Sale of antihypertensive drugs increased in Denmark over the 1964-1991 period. There seems to be good agreement between the changes in blood pressure in the population and the decline in mortality from stroke and coronary heart disease in Denmark, which is influenced by other risk factors as well. CONCLUSION: Blood pressure distributions have shifted towards lower values in 1964-1991. Prevalence of hypertension declined up to 1983. Risk factor changes as well as treatment for hypertension contribute to this.  相似文献   

Investigated 2 theories of parent-child smoking patterns: (a) that although there is a direct relationship between the cigarette smoking of parents and their teen-aged children, the observed influences are only transitory and do not endure to adulthood, and (b) the identification theory which predicts that a young adult's smoking behavior is directly related to his parents' smoking behavior. The smoking behavior and family stability of 251 undergraduates and their parents were studied. Results support the identification interpretation of the father-son smoking pattern, as father-son smoking behaviors were directly related in intact families. The variable of family intactness was a highly relevant moderator of the parent-son smoking pattern. The mother and daughter smoking patterns remained enigmatic. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study examines whether aspects of parental communication about smoking function as antecedents of adolescent smoking cognitions. In this longitudinal full-family study (428 families), parent and adolescent reports were used to assess parental communication. Concepts of the Theory of Planned Behavior were measured among adolescents. Differences between older and younger siblings within the family were examined. Cross-sectionally, frequency and quality of communication were associated with smoking cognitions. Longitudinally, only quality of communication preceded smoking cognitions. This effect was mainly found for younger siblings. The results of this study emphasize the importance of quality of parental communication rather than frequency. Communication patterns based on mutual respect and equality help to prevent adolescent smoking onset. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Administered the Child's Report of Parental Behavior Inventory to 342 children in Grades 1 through 4. Results concerning 2 control factors confirm a previously noted trend that with advancing age, children perceive a decrease in psychologically controlling behaviors and a concomitant increase in parental rule making and limit setting. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Bone defects are a challenge for the dental clinician. As widely accepted in guided tissue regeneration, physically halting soft connective tissue proliferation into bone allows for bone regeneration. This concept is the "osteopromotion principle." The aim of this study was to assess the osteopromoting effect of calcium sulfate as a barrier. STUDY DESIGN: Forty male Sprague-Dawley rats were used. Mucoperiosteal flaps were raised bilaterally at buccal and lingual aspects of the mandible to expose the angles. Next, 5 mm through-and-through bony defects were created bilaterally. On the test side, sterile medical grade prehardened calcium sulfate disks were applied both lingually and buccally to cover the defect. The control side defects were left uncovered. All flaps were sutured closed. Observation times were 3, 9, 18, and 22 weeks. RESULTS: Histologic analysis demonstrated that at 3 weeks all test sites showed partial or complete bone healing. Similar findings were reported for all observation times. The control group showed no bone growth at 3 and 9 weeks and partial bone healing at 18 and 22 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that calcium sulfate barriers can exclude connective tissues, allowing bone regeneration during healing.  相似文献   

Surveillance system of nosocomial infection was established in 1980 at the National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH). To identify pathogens and the secular trends in the etiology of nosocomial infection from 1981 to 1994, the prospective, hospital-wide nosocomial surveillance data were analysed. During this period, 22,146 pathogens causing nosocomial infections were isolated. Gram-negative aerobic bacteria remained the major pathogens, but gram-positive cocci and fungi increased rapidly in the past 14 years. When the overall pathogen distribution is examined, Pseudomonas areuginosa was the most frequently isolated pathogen, but Candida albicans and other yeasts have taken the leading position since 1993. Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci also increase significantly in recent years. When the pathogens causing infection at the 4 major sites were examined. P. aeruginosa was the pathogen most often associated with respiratory tract and surgical wound infections. In blood stream and urinary tract infections, we observed Escherichia coli was replaced by C. albicans and other yeasts as a most common isolate in these years. In addition, C. albicans and other yeasts and methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) are emerging as major nosocomial pathogens at NTUH. C. albicans and other yeast increased from 1.8% in 1981 to 14.9% in 1994 in the overall nosocomial infection. The increase was found in the blood stream (2.1% to 16.2%) and urinary tract infections (5.4% to 24.7%). Of 1,742 nosocomial S. aureus isolates, the percentage of MRSA rose from 12.5% in 1981 to 55.2% in 1994. The high percentage of MRSA was observed at 4 major anatomic sites of infection. In summary, significant shifts in the pathogens of nosocomial infection have occurred in the past 14 years at NTUH, and the distribution of nosocomial pathogens was similar to those reported in the United States in recent years.  相似文献   

During a period of twelve years (1984-1995), ninety-seven pediatric patients experienced 107 nosocomial fungal infections at Mackay Memorial Hospital. The nosocomial fungal infection rate in pediatric patients was lower than that of the hospital as whole, but it increased significantly. The average rate in the last three years (1993-1995) was 1.20 per thousand discharged patients, 10 times that of the first three years (1984-1986). Two-thirds of the patients were below one year of age. Half of the infections occurred in Intensive Care Units. The bloodstream was the most common site of infection (40.2%), followed by the urinary tract and skin. Important underlying diseases included malignancies, prematurity, and congenital anomalies. Common risk procedures included total parenteral nutrition (43.3%), endotracheal intubation (29.9%), central venous catheterization (25.8%), operation (14.4%). Near 90% of the patients had previously received antibiotics. Candida albicans was responsible for 58.1% of the infections. Thirty-three patients expired, of whom 18 died of the fungal infections. With the trend of increasing nosocomial fungal infections, physicians should be more alert to the possibility of such infections.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chronic anemia is a major cause of morbidity among the end-stage renal disease (ESRD) population. Recombinant erythropoietin (rHuEPO) has been recognized as a major advance in the treatment of anemia among the ESRD population. This study examines the secular trends in the use of and response to rHuEPO therapy among severely, moderately and mildly anemic hemodialysis patients. METHODS: We designed a cohort analytic study using seven years of claims data. The study population comprised all facility-based adult hemodialysis patients receiving rHuEPO therapy, who were initially reimbursed by Medicare in each of the first quarter of the calendar years 1990 through 1996 (N = 64,957). RESULTS: Between 1990 and 1996, the mean rHuEPO dose increased by 139% for the patient cohorts with a first observed hematocrit < 0.25, 122% for the 0.25 to 0.29 cohorts, and 107% for the > or = 0.30 cohorts, and produced a 0.02 to 0.03 increase in achieved hematocrit (A-Hct) over this time. Dosing of rHuEPO did not appear to be influenced by patient or provider characteristics, although African-Americans, the elderly, non-diabetics and persons receiving dialysis in a non-profit facility had a larger percent change in hematocrit compared to their counterparts (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The results of the clinical use of rHuEPO seven years after FDA approval found in the general ESRD hemodialysis population have not equaled the results obtained in the initial clinical trials. Overall, our findings suggest that substantial increases in rHuEPO dose provided to anemic patients have resulted in only modest increases in hematocrit in the seven years since rHuEPO's introduction. Resistance to rHuEPO, prior rHuEPO treatment, inadequate use of supplemental iron, and policy and financial incentives may explain this finding.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: p53 is a tumour suppressor gene encoding a nuclear phosphoprotein that plays an important role in the control of normal cell proliferation. We have tried to establish the value of expression of the p53 protein in malignant lymphomas and its correlation with the presence of structural gene abnormalities. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 230 cases of lymphomas (11 Hodgkin's disease and 219 non-Hodgkin's) were studied by immunohistochemistry using an anti-p53 monoclonal antibody (DO-7, DAKO). Sections were heated by pressure cooker in 0.01 M sodium citrate buffer pH 6 as a method for antigen unmasking. The quantification of levels of nuclear p53 protein were measured with an Image Analyzer (CAS-200, Becton-Dickinson S.A.). We have also searched for mutations in a series of 94 lymphomas using polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) analysis in exons 5 to 9 of the p53 gene and the sample showing abnormal pattern were sequenced. RESULTS: p53 immunoreactivity has been detected in 82.6% of cases. The percentage of positive cells varies in a wide range which was divided into 0% (17.39%), less than 5% (57.39%), between 5-10% (13.91%) and more than 10% (11.30%). In all lymphoma subtypes, we have found the majority of cases show levels less than 10% and few more than 10%. We found abnormal bands in 9 of 94 lymphomas with different diagnosis (1 ALCL, 1 T-LNH, 2 B-LNH, 2 centroblastic, 1 lymphoblastic and 2 MALT). Two cases resulted to be a silent base change which not alter the function of the p53 protein and represent a common polymorphism. Seven cases showed single base pair missense mutations in all of them. Mutations in codons 179, 248 and 273 correspond to some of the typical hotspots described in p53 gene. CONCLUSIONS: p53 expression, is a frequent finding in malignant lymphomas, is variable and relates to histological subtype. The results suggest that positive immunocytochemistry cannot be used to determine which tumours have mutations of p53 because the existence of cases with discrepancies between overexpression of the protein and presence of mutations.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine how family functioning influences the onset of adolescent cigarette smoking and how family functioning and parental smoking together influence adolescent smoking. A 6-year prospective design was used to follow a group of 508 families with a child aged 11–13 years. Predictor measures were parents" smoking status at Time 1, parents" scores on scales measuring family cohesion and parent–adolescent strain, and adolescents" scores on 3 scales measuring psychological adjustment. Results showed that poorer family functioning predicted subsequent adolescent smoking, independent of other measured factors. The strongest predictions were yielded by the combination of low family cohesion and parental smoking, with early adolescents who had a parent who smoked and low family cohesion reporting more than twice the rate of smoking in late adolescence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studies of inbreeding depression have traditionally suffered from two weaknesses. First, they usually confound offspring deficiencies with parental ones; second, they neglect the possible role of behaviour in inbreeding depression. In the present study, I examined the relationship among parental inbreeding, offspring viability and parental behaviour in two subspecies of the monogamous oldfield mouse, Peromyscus polionotus. Parental inbreeding was separated from any offspring inbreeding effects through both experimental design and analysis. Dams performed more parental behaviour than did sires, and maternal behaviour had a stronger effect on offspring survival than did paternal behaviour. Maternal behaviour was more buffered to the effects of inbreeding than was paternal behaviour; that is, parental behaviour of inbred females was not compromised. In contrast, inbred males showed substantial deficits in parental behaviour, but this did not put their offspring at risk. Although inbred females had lower reproductive success than outbred females, this effect was not manifest in terms of lower offspring viability. Therefore, inbreeding depression manifests itself through deficits on traits of adult females other than maternal care. A possible physiological basis for these findings is hypothesized.Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In 1988 and 1989, 2790 hip fractures were reported from the urban population of Oslo (annual incidence per 10,000 in the age group 50 years and older: women 118.7, men 45.4). For the same period, 385 fractures were reported from the rural population of the county Sogn og Fjordane (annual incidence per 10,000 in the age-group 50 years and older: women 74.6, men 36.7). The hip fracture incidence in Oslo had increased for all sex and age groups above 50 years (except women 50-59 years) in the 10-year period 1978/79 to 1988/89. The incidence of hip fractures in Sogn og Fjordane was only 65% of the incidence in Oslo. These results support previous reports on a secular increase and geographical differences in hip fracture incidence.  相似文献   

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