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In recent years, social Web users have been overwhelmed by the huge numbers of social media available. Consequentially, users have trouble finding social media suited to their needs. To help such users retrieve useful social media content, we propose a new model of tag-based personalized searches to enhance not only retrieval accuracy but also retrieval coverage. By leveraging social tagging as a preference indicator, we build two models: (i) a latent tag preference model that reflects how a certain user has assigned tags similar to a given tag and (ii) a latent tag annotation model that captures how users have tagged a certain tag to resources similar to a given resource. We then seamlessly map the tags onto items, depending on an individual user's query, to find the most desirable content relevant to the user's needs. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method significantly outperforms the state-of-the art algorithms and show our method's feasibility for personalized searches in social media services.  相似文献   

web2.0给互联网带来变革,也给高校教育教学注入了新的理念和方式。本文介绍了web2.0定义和主要的社会性软件,论述了web2.0在高校教育教学中的应用。  相似文献   

The power of the Web is enhanced through the network effect produced as resources link to each other with the value determined by Metcalfe's law. In Web 2.0 applications, much of that effect is delivered through social linkages realized via social networks online. Unfortunately, the associated semantics for Web 2.0 applications, delivered through tagging, is generally minimally hierarchical and sparsely linked. The Semantic Web suffers from the opposite problem. Semantic information, delivered through ontologies of varying amounts of expressivity, is linked to other terms (within or between resources) creating a link space in the semantic realm. However, the use of the Semantic Web has yet to fully realize the social schemes that provide the network of users. In this article, we discuss putting these together, with linked semantics coupled to linked social networks, to deliver a much greater effect.  相似文献   

该文以Web2.0时代中的典型应用SNS为观察角度,分析了Web2.0所带来的安全新问题。该文分析了SNS的内涵及特点,重点分析了SNS对国家安全的重要影响,可能导致重要信息的泄露、极端的网络民族主义以及非法信息的传播等不良后果。该文最后对SNS的安全问题提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

为实现无时无处的图书馆2.0,首先对SOA进行了概述,包括其基本概念以及架构,同时介绍了SOA的主流实现技术WebService的概念及其相关协议,结合国内外图书馆2.0应用研究,重点介绍了基于SOA的Web服务实现Library 2.0的核心技术。  相似文献   

Large volumes of content (bookmarks, reviews, videos, etc.) are currently being created on the “Social Web”, i.e. on Web 2.0 community sites, and this content is being annotated and commented upon. The ability to view an individual's entire contribution to the Social Web would be an interesting and valuable service, particularly important as social networks are often being formed through created content and things that people have in common (“object-centred sociality”). SIOC is a Semantic Web research project that aims to describe online communities on the Social Web. This paper describes how SIOC and the Semantic Web can enable linking and reuse scenarios of data from Web 2.0 community sites, and introduces a SIOC Types module to further specify the type of content items and act as a “glue” between user posts and the content items created and annotated by users.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing debate about the role of Web 2.0 applications (e.g., Facebook™ and Instagram™) in the workplace. Indeed, misuse cases of these applications are on the rise and many enterprises still have concerns with their real benefits and values and thus, have been reluctant to adopting them. This paper addresses these concerns by developing restrictions over the social actions that Web 2.0 applications allow users to perform. These restrictions permit to limit for instance, the number of times a social action is performed, the content of a social action, and the recipient of a social action. The restrictions are specified in UML Object Constraint Language and enforced through a run-time monitoring that permits to detect violations. This paper, also, presents an implementation of restrictions over Hangouts™ as an illustrative Web 2.0 application.  相似文献   

随着Web2.0技术在互联网中的广泛应用,电子商务正在经历着一个根本性的转变与发展,预示着电子商务2.0时代正在悄然兴起。Web2.0技术以及其引起的以"交互"为核心的互联网创新的不断研究,探索电子商务2.0成了必然趋势。文章阐述了Web2.0和电子商务2.0的理念及对电子商务2.0的趋势进行浅析等,相信不久的将来Web2.0与电子商务2.0相结合的应用网站会出现在不同的领域。  相似文献   

Web2.0环境下的GIS电子地图理论及应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于Web 2.0用户互动思想的电子地图即是一种基于Wiki理念的电子地图.与一般电子地图和Web GIS不同的是,这种电子地图可以由广大用户(不仅仅是管理员)自行编辑.这个互动平台可以充分利用用户所掌握的知识和信息,最大限度激发用户的自主意识,发挥其主动性.  相似文献   

Web2.0及其对互联网的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从近期互联网上出现的新名词"Web2.0"展开,回顾了40余年来互联网模式的演进;对互联网出现的新应用和模式进行了讨论和阐述;总结了Web2.0的概念和内涵并指出Web2.0有可能成为未来Internet的一个发展方向;最后,以Web2.0的特点出发,详细讨论了在Web2.0的影响下,互联网可能发生的变化和未来的特点.  相似文献   

Web2.0下的Ajax及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统的网络应用是按照"输入-提交-等待-重新显示"的过程设计的,动辄需要重新刷新全部界面、缺乏互动性、资源浪费严重是其最大的弊端,随着进入web2.0的时代,网络应用需要更好的交互性和更快的响应速度.Ajax异步通讯概念,综合XML、JavaScript、DOM、CSS几大技术的优势,提出无刷新更新页面的概念,不会打断交互流程.在用户和服务器之间加了一个中间层,只有需要从服务器读取新数据时才由Ajax引擎代为向服务器提交请求,按需取数据.Ajax的提出,能够创建更接近桌面应用、更直接、更丰富、更动态的web用户界面.  相似文献   

Web 2.0技术的飞速发展为解决目前网络课程中存在的问题带来了新的思路,在介绍Web 2.0的内涵及特点的基础上,阐述了目前网络课程存在的问题,并以RSS订阅在网络课程中的实现为例展现了Web 2.0在网络课程进行应用的技术优势。  相似文献   

A common perception is that there are two competing visions for the future evolution of the Web: the Semantic Web and Web 2.0. A closer look, though, reveals that the core technologies and concerns of these two approaches are complementary and that each field can and must draw from the other’s strengths. We believe that future Web applications will retain the Web 2.0 focus on community and usability, while drawing on Semantic Web infrastructure to facilitate mashup-like information sharing. However, there are several open issues that must be addressed before such applications can become commonplace. In this paper, we outline a semantic weblogs scenario that illustrates the potential for combining Web 2.0 and Semantic Web technologies, while highlighting the unresolved issues that impede its realization. Nevertheless, we believe that the scenario can be realized in the short-term. We point to recent progress made in resolving each of the issues as well as future research directions for each of the communities.  相似文献   

AJAX技术在Web2.0模式开发中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
AJAX是Web应用的新方法之一,基于AJAX技术的Web模型是目前比较热门的网站构架,它不但能使网上用户得到更好的体验,而且能够减轻服务器和带宽的负担。文章主要介绍了AJAX的概念和工作原理,并通过基于Web2.0模式的实例开发。证明其在网站开发上优于传统的Web模型。  相似文献   

Semantic Web technologies must integrate with Web 2.0 services for both to leverage each others strengths. We argue that the REST-based design methodologies [R.T. Fielding, R.N. Taylor, Principled design of the modern web architecture, ACM Trans. Internet Technol. (TOIT) 2 (2) (2002) 115–150] of the web present the ideal mechanism through which to align the publication of semantic data with the existing web architecture. We present the design and implementation of two solutions that combine REST-based design and RDF [D. Beckett (Ed.), RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised), W3C Recommendation, February 10, 2004] data access: one solution for integrating existing web services and one server-side solution for creating RDF REST services. Both of these solutions enable SPARQL [E. Prud’hommeaux, A. Seaborne (Eds.), SPARQL Query Language for RDF, W3C Working Draft, March 26, 2007] to be a unifying data access layer for aligning the Semantic Web and Web 2.0.  相似文献   

Web 2.0 systems are more unpredictable and customizable than traditional web applications. This causes that performance techniques, such as web caching, limit their improvements. Our study was based on the hypotheses that the use of web caching in Web 2.0 applications, particularly in content aggregation systems, can be improved by adapting the content fragment designs. We proposed to base this adaptation on the analysis of the characterization parameters of the content elements and on the creation of a classification algorithm. This algorithm was deployed with decision trees, created in an off-line knowledge discovery process. We also defined a framework to create and adapt fragments of the web documents to reduce the user-perceived latency in web caches. The experiment results showed that our solution had a remarkable reduction in the user-perceived latency even losses in the cache hit ratios and in the overhead generated on the system, in comparison with other web cache schemes.  相似文献   

Web服务的相容性分析是为了保证多个Web服务之间的正确交互。基于Pi-演算对Web服务的相容性进行了形式化的分析,给出了二个Web服务之间相容性的两个形式化定义。同时定义了二个Web服务进程之间的投影操作,在此基础上给出了多个Web服务之间相容性的形式化定义。  相似文献   

通过对我国提出的构建服务型政府理念的思考,结合Web 2.0的各项新技术,总结Web 2.0服务型政府门户网站的特点,提出基于Web 2.0的服务型政府门户网站模型,包括应用模型和技术模型,为Web 2.0政府门户网站的顺利建设提供可行性保证和技术支持。Web 2.0环境下的服务型政府门户网站在传统服务型政府门户网站的基础上强化服务的概念,将服务方式升华,更好地为公众提供服务。  相似文献   

Web2.0是当前互联网新的发展形态。由网民提供内容为主,更加注重人际互动和社交化的网站被称为web2.0网站。Web2.0网站在视觉设计上有很多显著的设计创新,体现在版式、导航、配色、字体、图形等方面,这些设计新形式综合发展出一种新的更为简洁的、视觉上更具易读性的网站视觉风格。这是网络互动技术达到新的里程碑的产物,也是互联网模式和理念变化的结果。  相似文献   

基于Web2.0的WWW数据库信息的动态交互与可视化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在广泛的三层或多层B/W/D电子商务应用系统体系结构中,客户端频繁通过Web应用服务器访问外部应用中数据库的数据和信息。这实际上是一个系统客户端与后台数据库服务器之间数据库的动态交互和信息可视化的过程,同时也是Web与数据库集成要解决的问题。本文分析、比较了相应的主要方法和技术,针对现有方法的不足,给出了一种基于Web2.0的数据库信息的访问和发布方法。该方法采用Ajax技术实现,使WWW与数据库的动态集成、交互操作与信息的可视化更简便、更有效率。  相似文献   

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