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This article reports on a project, involving three New Zealand schools, which investigated teachers’ understanding of information literacy and their associated classroom practices. Recently published work, while lamenting school students’ lack of information literacy skills, including working with online resources, provides little research investigating classroom teachers’ knowledge of information literacy skills and their related pedagogical practice. The findings of this project indicate that while some of the teachers in this project had a reasonably good understanding of the concept of information literacy, very few reported developing their students’ information literacy skills.  相似文献   


Incorporating digital gaming into education is an increasingly popular topic in academia. Educators’ views of digital gaming (e.g., computer, video, and online games) have shifted from categorizing these games as an entertaining, yet pedagogically void activity to a promising medium that engages students in the learning process. With over 70% of college students enthusiastically playing digital games, educators are tapping into digital gaming as an effective means to teach millennials problem solving and communication skills. This article investigates gamer characteristics, motivational and engaging aspects of digital games, and the parallels between gaming and the information retrieval process. The authors build on this information to present approaches to incorporate digital gaming techniques into the library classroom since it is not feasible for all libraries to create instructional digital games.  相似文献   

现阶段信息技术课程在高中学校的现状不容乐观,在很多学校以及教育主管部门都不被重视,学生把这门课当成了“休闲课”,而高中信息技术教师更是戏谑地把自己称作“多员化”教师。如何充分展现学科设置的意义,实现教师们的职业价值?一直是悬在所有信息技术教师心头的一片疑云!2003年,教育部颁布了《高中信息技术标准》,提出了提高信息素养,培养信息时代的合格公民等五个基本理念,而信息素养的培养在其中尤为重要。结合现在的教学形势,信息技术的教学除了要配合学业水平考试完成既定的知识教授以外,本学科的核心价值还是要定位于对学生的信息素养的培养上,通过教师不断提高自身的综合素质,彰显学科魅力,帮助学生树立正确的信息意识,提升学生的信息应用能力。  相似文献   

This study examined computer game development as a pedagogical activity to motivate and engage students in curriculum-related literacy activities. We hypothesized that as a consequence, students would improve their traditional reading and writing skills as well as develop new digital literacy skills. Eighteen classes of grade 4 students were assigned to either an experimental or control group. Both groups studied the same curriculum unit over a 10 week period, however, in addition the experimental group developed computer games related to the unit using a game development shell. An analysis of pre- and post-unit scores on two standardized literacy test batteries revealed that the experimental students performed significantly better on one of the subtests, a measure of logical sentence construction (p = .002). Field notes and teacher interview data indicated that game development helped improve student content retention, ability to compare and contrast information presented, utilize more and different kinds of research materials including digital resources, editing skills, and develop an insight into questioning skills.  相似文献   

This paper investigates classroom interventions using a particular form of multimedia information and communication technology (ICT), and looks to study gains in pupil learning that accrue from its use. The research takes place in eight UK schools with 219, 11‐year‐old children (eight Year 6 classes). Work within the Literacy Hour is detailed in order to evaluate the effectiveness of a multimedia broadband educational communications system. The Literacy Hour is part of the UK Government's National Literacy Strategy: guideline requirements of schools to spend an hour a day on literacy to meet centrally established and monitored targets. The research data include pre‐ and post‐test assessments, along with 48 interviews with classroom teachers and pupils. The children are presented with a series of journalistic tasks and classroom activities that they resolve through the use of a compact and coordinated information system. The outcomes demonstrate that children can become self‐directive and very active – exploratory – learners in a very short period of time. They quickly enjoy the freedom and control that the system permits and through which they can be shown to enhance particular literacy skills. The lessons to be learned relate to the management and organisation of classroom teaching in the face of systems that promote rapid devolution of learning to the learner.  相似文献   

This article presents the design and assessment of an online, interactive, information literacy tutorial for first-year composition students at a community college. The objective of the tutorial was to use technology to teach basic research skills effectively, thereby extending the staff-limited reach of in-person information literacy programs. The tutorial used different types of interactivity to promote student learning in an online environment. Interface design and e-learning best practices enhanced the user experience and usability of the tutorial. Through sound pedagogical and design principles, students exhibited learning in all areas.  相似文献   


The Internet Navigator, an online information literacy course developed by a team of academic librarians in Utah, offers a model for teaching independent research skills to remote students. The course uses an online textbook that doubles as a self-paced tutorial, and a set of assignments that take students step-by-step through the research process. Assignments are submitted by e-mail and evaluated by reference librarian/instructors. Questions on the assignments follow the pattern of a reference interview helping instructors guide students to use useful research strategies and information sources. Other methods of integrating reference services with online learning are discussed.  相似文献   

For-credit, online information literacy instruction is gaining momentum in academic libraries. It provides library outreach to a broader spectrum of students, and reinforces information literacy skills and concepts more than once. In this article, librarians from a small, private, rural, four-year university will provide an overview of their library's for-credit online research skills course for nontraditional students in the university's degree completion program. The article will identify student learning barriers, share factors that contribute to and prevent instructor burnout, and describe how data-informed decision making is used to make improvements to the curricular and course design.  相似文献   

以信息素养为目标的计算机基础课程教学体系研究与探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校计算机基础教育已从原来的计算机扫盲阶段发展到培养学生信息处理能力和意识阶段。本文通过对计算机基础课程教学体系的探索,分析了新形势下大学生的计算机知识结构和应用计算机的能力要求,通过改革现有高校计算机基础教育的教学目标、教学方法和手段,提出计算机基础课程的教学重点应由操作技能转向提升学生信息素养上来,培养学生的信息素养和应用创新能力。  相似文献   

The growing prominence of the Internet, and other digital environments, as educational tools requires research regarding learners' digital literacy. We argue that two critical aspects of digital literacy are the ability to effectively plan and monitor the efficacy of strategies used to search and manage the wealth of information available online, and the knowledge to appropriately vet and integrate those information sources. Therefore, digital literacy requires effective self-regulated learning (SRL) skills, and availing epistemic cognition (EC). Although numerous researchers and scholars have examined the role of SRL in online learning (e.g., Efklides, 2011; Lee and Tsai, 2010, Williams and Hellman, 2004, Winters et al., 2008), there is a need for additional empirical research on how SRL and EC interact, and relate to learning in digital environments. In this study, we used a powerful, but little-used data collection methodology, think-aloud protocol (TAP) analysis, to investigate the relations among SRL, EC, and learning gains with 20 college students who studied vitamins on the Internet. We also contributed to the literature by exploring alternative techniques for preparing, analyzing, and representing these data, accounting for the strengths and challenges of TAPs. We found that, on average, participants did increase their understanding as a result of learning with the Internet, and that a data-driven approach to understanding relations among SRL, EC, and learning yielded the most powerful representation of these phenomena. Our study has implications for future research on digital literacy using TAPs, as well as the relative contribution of SRL and EC, as aspects of digital literacy, to online learning.  相似文献   

This case study describes how librarians at Radford University use Prezi, a free, cloud-based, online presentation software, as a platform to structure the content of short online videos focused on various research skills. By utilizing Prezi's flexible formatting, templates, and panning and zooming features, librarians are able to visually illustrate the relationships between varying concepts. This article discusses the online video creation process, best practices, and lessons learned from delivering structured information literacy instruction in the video medium.  相似文献   

While the digital divide has decreased, those who are still unable to access and use information and communication technologies are left further behind. An effective digital literacy program helps underserved populations gain needed skills and alleviate the demand placed on public library staff. This case study presents findings on a digital literacy learning model that utilizes a self-paced online platform and in-person volunteer tutors. The researchers found that the learner/tutor relationship is an essential part of the learning process, and that tutors develop a variety of strategies for helping learners. The researchers also identify aspects of effective program implementation.  相似文献   

Different methods can be used for learning, and they can be compared in several aspects, especially those related to learning outcomes. In this paper, we present a study in order to compare the learning effectiveness and satisfaction of children using an iPhone game for learning the water cycle vs. the traditional classroom lesson. The iPhone game includes multiple interaction forms and combined augmented reality (AR) mini‐games with non‐AR mini‐games. The traditional classroom lesson had the same learning content as the iPhone game. Thirty‐eight children participated in the study. The analyses showed that the children made significant learning gains about the water cycle, regardless of the method used. Even though the results showed that the iPhone method achieved higher knowledge results than the traditional classroom lesson, no statistically significant differences were found between the iPhone and the classroom lesson. When analysing the motivational outcomes, the results showed that the children found the iPhone game to be more satisfying than the classroom lessons. Since the iPhone game achieved similar learning results and a higher motivational effect than the classroom lesson, this suggests that games of this kind could be used as a tool in primary schools to reinforce students' lessons.  相似文献   

Mobile devices have changed everyday life and they have had a great impact in higher education. This article describes a pilot project in which an academic librarian at Lehman College, City University of New York, taught information literacy exclusively via mobile devices. The concept of mobile information literacy is also reviewed, and its role in current and future teaching practices is evaluated. Lessons learned from this project tell us that mobile information literacy, albeit in its infancy, could play an essential part in students’ learning, and therefore academic librarians could incorporate it as part of their practice.  相似文献   

肖友定 《微型电脑应用》2022,(1):178-180,205
由于线上教学时,学生与教师无法面对面交流,给教师监察学生行为与课堂表现造成极大不便,为此研究线上体育课堂在线人数智能评估方法.使用量化分析法采集在线人数学习行为相关信息数据,获得学习行为信息数据集;构建线上课堂在线人数信息处理系统,并利用可视化与平行坐标方法将学习行为数据进行分段评估处理,实现各段学习行为的准确评估.实...  相似文献   


This article discusses the development and implementation of a required, credit bearing online information literacy course at the University of Maryland University College. Key factors in its success include administrative support, student and faculty interaction in the online classroom, and outcomes assessment. Student persistence in the course is high, and grade distributions indicate that students are being challenged.  相似文献   

现在我们大多数信息技术课堂上老师都是采用布置操作任务,讲解操作要领及注意事项的方法给学生上信息技术课,这样做偏离了信息技术课的教学目标即"培养学生良好的信息技术素养"。怎样让我们的信息技术课成为学生培养信息素养的课堂,改变纯技术化授课模式就需要我们的老师从教学设计、教学过程、教学内容、教学评价等多方面进行分析和改进,并针对学生的个体差异进行区别教学。  相似文献   

学生信息素养就是以"熟练运用计算机技术,通过对信息的收集、加工、处理、表达与交流来解决实际问题"为核心的素养。即在信息社会中获得信息、利用信息、开发信息方面的修养和能力。计算机教学要激发学生的兴趣,改变教学模式,强调其与学科教学的整合,采用多种有效的教学方式和评价方式,优化计算机技术课堂,提高学生信息素养。  相似文献   

The widespread use of technology and the Internet have changed many of language learners' everyday practices, including literacies. While there have been many studies with the focus on language learners' digital literacies, few, however, have explored language learners' digital information literacy and online reading practices with the use of social bookmarking tools, especially in a community college setting. We address this gap by investigating community-college language learners' digital literacies when social bookmarking with the focus on digital information and online reading practices from an ecological perspective. In this qualitative multiple-case study, the focal participants were five English learners, students in an English as a Second Language writing course in a community college in the northeastern United States. Data collection included interviews, observations, and researchers' e-journals. Thorough within- and cross-case analysis of data shows that language learners searched for digital texts and evaluated them based on relevance, reliability, interest, language, and importance for them and their learning community in the social bookmarking tool. The participants struggled with the number of results in search engines, keywords, and evaluation of digital texts for relevance and reliability. We show the need for more instruction, support, and guidance of language learners' digital information literacy practices as well as the benefits of providing students with opportunities to read digital texts. Our suggestions for future research include investigating the role of multimodality and other factors that influence language learners' evaluation practices when they look for and read information online.  相似文献   

BOPPPS是根据教育学人的认知理论提出的一种用于教学过程设计的模型。针对《信号分析与处理导论》课程的特点与存在的问题,将BOPPPS模型应用到该课程中,并以其中的"时频压缩特性"为案例进行BOPPPS模型的课堂设计,充分应用灵活多样、贴近学生的教学手段,激发学习兴趣,鼓励学生积极参与教学过程,使学生能够深刻地领会和掌握所学知识。  相似文献   

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