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If there were inadequate cooling during a reactor accident, a significant amount of core material could become molten and relocate to the lower head of the reactor vessel, as happened in the Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) accident. If it is possible to ensure that the vessel lower head remains intact so that relocated core materials are retained within the vessel, the enhanced safety associated with these plants can reduce concerns about containment failure and associated risk. For example, the enhanced safety of the Westinghouse Advanced 600 MWe Pressurized Water Reactor (AP600), which relied upon External Reactor Vessel Cooling (ERVC) for in-vessel retention (IVR), resulted in the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (US NRC) approving the design without requiring certain conventional features common to existing Light Water Reactors (LWRs). Accordingly, IVR of core melt is a key severe accident management strategy adopted by some operating nuclear power plants and proposed for some advanced light water reactors. However, it is not clear that currently-proposed methods to achieve ERVC will provide sufficient heat removal for higher power reactors. A US–Korean International Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (INERI) project has been initiated in which the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL), Seoul National University (SNU), Pennsylvania State University (PSU), and the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) will determine if IVR is feasible for reactors up to 1500 MWe. This paper summarizes results from the first year of this 3-year project.  相似文献   

In-Vessel Retention (IVR) of core melt is a key severe accident management strategy adopted by operating nuclear power plants and advanced light water reactors (ALWRs), AP600, AP1000, etc. External Reactor Vessel Cooling (ERVC), which involves flooding the reactor cavity to submerge the reactor vessel in an attempt to cool core debris relocated to the vessel low head, is a novel severe accident management for IVR analysis. In present study, IVR analysis code in severe accident (IVRASA) has been proposed to evaluate the safety margin of IVR in AP600 with anticipative depressurization and reactor cavity flooding in severe accident. For, IVRASA, a simple novel analysis procedure has been developed for modeling the steady-state endpoint of core melt configurations. Furthermore, IVRASA was developed in a more general fashion so that it is applicable to compute various molten configurations such as UCSB Final Bounding State (FIBS). The results by IVRASA were consistent with those of the UCSB and INEEL. Benchmark calculations of UCSB-assumed FIBS indicate the applicability and accuracy of IVRASA and it could be applied to predict the thermal response of various molten configurations.  相似文献   

If cooling is inadequate during a reactor accident, a significant amount of core material could become molten and relocate to the lower head of the reactor vessel, as happened in the Three Mile Island Unit 2 accident. In such a case, concerns about containment failure and associated risks can be eliminated if it is possible to ensure that the lower head remains intact so that relocated core materials are retained within the vessel. Accordingly, in-vessel retention (IVR) of core melt as a key severe accident management strategy has been adopted by some operating nuclear power plants and planned for some advanced light water reactors. However, it is not clear that currently proposed external reactor vessel cooling (ERVC) without additional enhancements can provide sufficient heat removal to assure IVR for high power reactors (i.e., reactors with power levels up to 1500 MWe). Consequently, a joint United States/Korean International Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (I-NERI) has been launched to develop recommendations to improve the margin of success for in-vessel retention in high power reactors. This program is initially focussed on the Korean Advanced Power Reactor—1400 MWe (APR1400) design. However, recommendations will be developed that can be applied to a wide range of existing and advanced reactor designs. The recommendations will focus on modifications to enhance ERVC and modifications to enhance in-vessel debris coolability. In this paper, late-phase melt conditions affecting the potential for IVR of core melt in the APR1400 were established as a basis for developing the I-NERI recommendations. The selection of ‘bounding’ reactor accidents, simulation of those accidents using the SCDAP/RELAP5-3D© code, and resulting late-phase melt conditions are presented. Results from this effort indicate that bounding late-phase melt conditions could include large melt masses (>120,000 kg) relocating at high temperatures (3400 K). Estimated lower head heat fluxes associated with this melt could exceed the maximum critical heat flux, indicating additional measures such as the use of a core catcher and/or modifications to enhance external reactor vessel cooling may be necessary to ensure in-vessel retention of core melt.  相似文献   

Recriticality in a BWR during reflooding of an overheated partly degraded core, i.e. with relocated control rods, has been studied for a total loss of electric power accident scenario. In order to assess the impact of recriticality on reactor safety, including accident management strategies, the following issues have been investigated in the SARA project: (1) the energy deposition in the fuel during super-prompt power burst; (2) the quasi steady-state reactor power following the initial power burst; and (3) containment response to elevated quasi steady-state reactor power. The approach was to use three computer codes and to further develop and adapt them for the task. The codes were SIMULATE-3K, APROS and RECRIT. Recriticality analyses were carried out for a number of selected reflooding transients for the Oskarshamn 3 plant in Sweden with SIMULATE-3K and for the Olkiluoto 1 plant in Finland with all three codes. The core initial and boundary conditions prior to recriticality have been studied with the severe accident codes SCDAP/RELAP5, MELCOR and MAAP4. The results of the analyses show that all three codes predict recriticality—both super-prompt power bursts and quasi steady-state power generation—for the range of parameters studied, i.e. with core uncovering and heat-up to maximum core temperatures of approximately 1800 K, and water flow rates of 45–2000 kg s−1 injected into the downcomer. Since recriticality takes place in a small fraction of the core, the power densities are high, which results in large energy deposition in the fuel during power burst in some accident scenarios. The highest value, 418 cal g−1, was obtained with SIMULATE-3K for an Oskarshamn 3 case with reflooding rate of 2000 kg s−1. In most cases, however, the predicted energy deposition was smaller, below the regulatory limits for fuel failure, but close to or above recently observed thresholds for fragmentation and dispersion of high burn-up fuel. The highest calculated quasi steady-state power following initial power excursion was in most cases approximately 20% of the nominal reactor power, according to SIMULATE-3K and APROS. However, in some RECRIT cases higher power levels, approaching 50% of the nominal power, were predicted leading to fuel temperatures exceeding the melting point, as a result of insufficient cooling of the fuel. Long-term containment response to recriticality was assessed through MELCOR calculations for the Olkiluoto 1 plant. At a stabilised reactor power of 19% of nominal power, the containment failure due to overpressurisation was predicted to occur 1.3 h after recriticality, if the accident is not mitigated. The SARA studies have clearly shown the sensitivity of recriticality phenomena to thermal-hydraulic modelling, the specifics of accident scenario, such as distribution of boron-carbide, and importance of multi-dimensional kinetics for determination of local power distribution in the core. The results of the project have pointed out the importance of adequate accident management strategies to be used by reactor operators and emergency staff during recovery actions. Recommendations in this area are given in the paper.  相似文献   

一次严重事故发生后总引发业内人士颇有兴趣的讨论并相应地对核安全框架做出修改,但每次重大事故的起因并非相同,触及到的问题也不一样。25年前的切尔诺贝利核事故让世界震惊;25年中5个堆发生堆熔远远超出了国际上对严重事故发生概率的规定;25年中因堆熔事故11个机组报废、两个厂址变成了人们不敢前往的地方。面对这一切,我们需要有全新的核安全思维。  相似文献   

15 prism-shaped steel samples were removed from the lower head of the damaged Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) nuclear reactor pressure vessel to assess the effects of approximately 19 tonne of molten core debris that had relocated there during the 1979 loss-of-coolant accident. Metallographic examinations of the samples revealed that inside-surface temperatures of 800–1100°C were attained during the accident, in an elliptical ‘hot spot’ with dimensions of about 1 m × 0.8 m. Tensile, creep and Charpy V-notch specimens were cut from the samples to assess the mechanical properties of the lower head material at temperatures up to the peak accident temperature. These properties were used in a margin-to-failure analysis of the lower head. Examinations of instrument nozzles removed from the lower head region assisted in defining the relocation scenario of the molten core debris and showed that the lower head was largely protected from catastrophic failure by a solidified layer below the molten core debris that acted as a partial thermal insulator.  相似文献   

The COLOSS project was a 3-year shared-cost action, which started in February 2000. The work-programme performed by 19 partners was shaped around complementary activities aimed at improving severe accident codes. Unresolved risk-relevant issues regarding H2 production, melt generation and the source term were studied through a large number of experiments such as (a) dissolution of fresh and high burn-up UO2 and MOX by molten Zircaloy, (b) simultaneous dissolution of UO2 and ZrO2, (c) oxidation of U–O–Zr mixtures, (d) degradation–oxidation of B4C control rods.Corresponding models were developed and implemented in severe accident computer codes. Upgraded codes were then used to apply results in plant calculations and evaluate their consequences on key severe accident sequences in different plants involving B4C control rods and in the TMI-2 accident.Significant results have been produced from separate-effects, semi-global and large-scale tests on COLOSS topics enabling the development and validation of models and the improvement of some severe accident codes. Break-throughs were achieved on some issues for which more data are needed for consolidation of the modelling in particular on burn-up effects on UO2 and MOX dissolution and oxidation of U–O–Zr and B4C–metal mixtures. There was experimental evidence that the oxidation of these mixtures can contribute significantly to the large H2 production observed during the reflooding of degraded cores under severe accident conditions.The plant calculation activity enabled (a) the assessment of codes to calculate core degradation with the identification of main uncertainties and needs for short-term developments and (b) the identification of safety implications of new results.Main results and recommendations for future R&D activities are summarized in this paper.  相似文献   

The paper summarizes the dominant effects which finally ensure the core coolability of a pressurized water reactor in a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA).The main results are summarized as follows:
• — The cooling effect of the two-phase mixture which is intensified during reflooding increases temperature differences on the cladding tube circumference and thus limits the mean circumferential burst strains to values of about 50%.
• — An unidirected flow through the fuel rod bundle during the refill and reflooding phases causes maximum cooling channel blockage of about 70%.
• — The coolability of deformed fuel elements can be maintained up to flow blockages of about 90%.
All effects investigated indicate that in a LOCA no impairment of core coolability and public safety has to be expected.  相似文献   

Compact, fast spectrum, nuclear reactors are being considered to support NASA's future space exploration sometime in the next decade. In order to secure launch approval, these reactors should remain sufficiently subcritical when submerged in seawater or wet sand and subsequently flooded, following a launch abort accident. In such an accident, the neutron spectrum in the reactor is thermalized, typically increasing reactivity, and potentially making the reactor supercritical. Incorporating “Spectral Shift Absorbers” (or SSAs), which have significantly higher absorption cross-sections for thermal versus fast neutrons, could offset the reactivity increase. It has always been the assertion that the worst-case submersion accident involves a fully flooded reactor; however, this work shows that, depending on the type and amount of SSA in the reactor, a submerged but unflooded reactor could be more reactive. A screening of the existing nuclear database for potential SSAs yielded 28 elements and nuclides, which are examined in detail as additives to a representative homogenous space reactor core by varying the SSA-to-U235 atom ratio. The effect of placing a thin coating of different SSA materials on the outside surface of the reactor core is also investigated. Nine SSAs (boron-10, cadmium, cadmium-113, samarium-149, europium-151, gadolinium, gadolinium-155, gadolinium-157, and iridium) are recommended for further consideration in actual space reactor designs.  相似文献   

Results of the Level 1 Probabilistic Safety Assessment of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant have shown that in the risk topography transients are dominating. Analysis has shown that failure of the long-term core cooling is the main contributor to the core damage frequency. However, the reactor core damage in the long-term indicates the potential opportunities for the accident management. The main goal of accident management is to avoid a multiple fuel channel rupture because considering the design of RBMK reactors the consequences of rupture of more than 11–16 FC at full pressure would be close to the consequences of Chernobyl accident. This paper presents a detailed thermal–hydraulic analysis of the accidents with the loss of long-term core cooling, performed using the RELAP5 model of Ignalina NPP reactor cooling circuit and safety systems. Different ways of potential accident management are discussed. On the basis of this analysis the accident management strategy was developed.  相似文献   

The role of fast reactors in a strategy for developing nuclear power in Russia because of the inevitable exhaustion of natural uranium deposits in the foreseeable future is discussed. The BN-800 reactor, which is under construction and incorporates unique solutions – greatly enhancing the safety of the reactor – to technical and constructional problems, is examined. Cost assessments taking account of the complete life cycle show that fast reactors could be no more expensive than the most widely reactors in the world – water-moderated water-cooled reactors.Closing the BN-800 nuclear fuel cycle will make it possible to solve the problem of utilizing plutonium and actinides. This makes fast reactors safer for the environment.  相似文献   

The integral physico-numerical model for the reactor vessel lower head response has been exercised for the TMI-2 accident and possible severe accident scenarios in PWR and BWR designs. The proposed inherent cooling mechanism of the reactor material creep and subsequent water ingression implemented in this predictive model provides a consistent representation of how the debris was finally cooled in the TMI-2 accident and how the reactor lower head integrity was maintained during the course of the incident. It should be recalled that in order for this strain to occur, the vessel lower head had to achieve temperatures in excess of 1000 °C. This is certainly in agreement with the temperatures determined by metallographic examinations during the TMI-2 Vessel Inspection Program. The integral model was also applied to typical PWR and BWR lower plena with and without structures under pressurized conditions spanning the first relocation of core material to the reactor vessel failure due to creep without recovery actions. The design application results are presented with particular attention being focused on water ingression into the debris bed through the gap formed between the debris and the vessel wall. As an illustration of the accident management application, the lower plenum with structures was recovered after an extensive amount of creep had damaged the vessel wall. The computed lower head temperatures were found to be significantly lower (by more than 300 K in this particular example) with recovery relative to the case without recovery. This clearly demonstrates the potential for in-vessel cooling of the reactor vessel without a need to externally submerge the lower head should such a severe accident occur as core melting and relocation.  相似文献   

In this paper, it is shown that because of the public perception of the risk of nuclear power and the likelihood that in the event of a severe core damage accident in a reactor claimed to have a high degree of inherent safety, it is necessary to reconsider the basis for establishing safety objectives. It is shown that, if there were a large program of inherently safe reactors, the safety objectives would be determined more by investment risk than by the public health risk. These considerations lead to an objective on the order of 1 × 10−7 per r.yr (reactor year) for the probabability of a severe core damage accident. It is also shown that the introduction of inherently safe features leads to a considerable change in the allocation of the safety goal between the major safety functions. For these reactors, a major portion of the allocation shifts from the decay heat removal function to the scram function, with emphasis on insuring the integrity of critical structures.  相似文献   

采用严重事故最佳估算程序RELAP5/SCDAPSIM/MOD3.2,建立美国Surry-2核电站的详细计算模型,对完全丧失给水(TLFW)引发的堆芯熔化事故进行研究分析。为准确预测压力容器内堆芯熔化的进程,为二级概率安全评价提供可信的初始条件,计算中考虑了一回路压力边界的蠕变破裂失效,并评价了人为干预对堆芯熔化进程及事故后果的影响。计算结果表明,由完全丧失给水引发的压水堆核电站严重事故不会出现人们担心的高压熔堆;反应堆压力容器下封头的失效位置不是在其底部,而是在其侧面;通过打开稳压器释放阀对一回路实施主动卸压能够大大推迟事故的进程。  相似文献   

In-vessel retention (IVR) of core melt is a key severe accident management strategy adopted by most operating nuclear power plants and advanced light water reactors (ALWRs), AP600, AP1000, etc. External reactor vessel cooling (ERVC) is a novel severe accident management for IVR analysis. In present study, IVR analysis code in severe accident (IVRASA) has been developed to evaluate the safety margin of IVR in AP1000 with anticipative depressurization and reactor cavity flooding in severe accident. For, IVRASA, the point estimate procedure has been developed for modeling the steady-state endpoint of two core melt configurations: Configuration I and Configuration II. The results of benchmark calculations of AP600 by IVRASA were consistent with those of the UCSB and INEEL. Then, IVRASA is used to calculate the heat transfer process caused by two core melt configurations of AP1000. The results of calculations of Configuration I indicate that the heat flux remains below the critical heat flux (CHF), however, the sensitivity calculations show that the heat flux in the metallic layer could exceed the CHF because of the focusing effect due to the thin metallic layer. On the other hand, the results of calculations of Configuration II suggest that the thermal failure of the lower head at the bottom location is highly unlikely, but the heat flux in light metallic layer could be higher than that of base case due to the portion of metal partitioning into the lower head. This work also investigated the effect of the uncertainties of the CHF correlations on the analysis of IVR.  相似文献   

The DISCO test facility at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK) has been used to perform experiments to investigate direct containment heating (DCH) effects during a severe accident in European nuclear power plants, comprising the EPR, the French 1300 MWe plant P’4, the VVER-1000 and the German Konvoi plant. A high-temperature iron–alumina melt is ejected by steam into scaled models of the respective reactor cavities and the containment vessel. Both heat transfer from dispersed melt and combustion of hydrogen lead to containment pressurization. The main experimental findings are presented and critical parameters are identified.The consequences of DCH are limited in reactors with no direct pathway between the cavity and the containment dome (closed pit). The situation is more severe for reactors which do have a direct pathway between the cavity and the containment (open pit). The experiments showed that substantial fractions of corium may be dispersed into the containment in such cases, if the pressure in the reactor coolant system is elevated at the time of RPV failure. Primary system pressures of 1 or 2 MPa are sufficient to lead to full scale DCH effects. Combustion of the hydrogen produced by oxidation as well as the hydrogen initially present appears to be the crucial phenomenon for containment pressurization.  相似文献   

Light water reactor (LWR) technology is nowadays the most successful commercial application of fission reactors for the production of electricity. However, in the next few years, nuclear industry will have to face new and demanding challenges: the need for sustainable and cheap sources of energy, the need for public acceptance, the need for even higher safety standards, the need to minimize the waste production are only a few examples. It is for these very reasons that a few next generation nuclear reactor concepts were selected for extensive research and development; super critical water reactors are among them. The use of a supercritical coolant would allow for higher thermal efficiencies and a more compact plant design, since steam generators, or steam separators and driers would not be needed, hence achieving a better economy. Moreover, because of the high heat capacity of supercritical water, relatively less coolant would be needed to refrigerate the reactor, therefore the feasibility to design a water cooled fast reactor: the supercritical water fast reactor (SCFR). This system presents unique features combining well-known fast and light water reactor characteristics in one design (e.g. a tendency to a positive void reactivity coefficient together with loss of coolant accident – LOCAs as a design basis accident). The core is in fact loaded with highly enriched MOX fuel (average plutonium content of 23%), and presents a peculiar and significant geometrical and material heterogeneity (use of radial and axial blankets, solid moderator layers, 12 different enrichment zones). The safety analysis of this very complex core layout, together with the optimization of the void reactivity effect through core design, is the main objective of this work.  相似文献   

从现有水冷反应堆核电厂存在堆芯熔化危险这一安全问题的焦点出发,分析了改进型反应堆AP-600、SIR、非能动安全反应堆PIUS和具有固有安全的模块高温气冷堆MHTGR等的安全特性.按照下一代水冷反应堆的设计要求和用户要求,提出了解决水堆核电厂安全问题的新概念——自安全铀氢锆反应堆,该堆型可能成为世界水堆核电发展的一个方问。中国核动力研究设计院正在探讨这种堆型。  相似文献   

选择一个典型的3环路压水堆作为参考对象,采用最佳估算程序RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD3.2建立了一个典型的3环路压水堆严重事故计算模型。分析了全厂断电(SBO)事故引发的堆芯熔化基准事故后,高压安全注射系统对该事故的缓解能力。敏感性分析表明,堆芯出口温度达到920 K时,采用卸压充水缓解措施可以有效地阻止堆芯熔化,维持堆芯长期处于稳定、安全状态。  相似文献   

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