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The phagodepression activity of five furanocoumarins (FC), bergapten, xanthotoxin, psoralen, imperatorin, and angelicin, has been studied against larvae of Egyptian cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) using a leaf-disk choice bioassay. The dose range used was 0–10 g/cm2 for linear furocoumarins and 0–30 g/cm2 for angelicin, the angular furanocoumarin. Dose–feeding deterrency activity correlations were governed by various sigmoidal functions, except in the case of imperatorin and bergapten, which had dose–response curves showing irregular traces with two maxima. All five FCs induced various degrees of phagodepression in S. littoralis; at 3 g/cm2, the relative feeding deterrence was bergapten = xanthotoxin > psoralen = imperatorin = angelicin. Structure–activity correlations indicated that a methoxy group on C-5 or C-8 enhanced the activity. Comparison of experimental feeding deterrence of binary mixtures of imperatorin with xanthotoxin, bergapten, or psoralen at various relative concentrations with the calculated additive activity of each combination indicated that a proportion of 40% or more of imperatorin may exert a greater antifeedant effect on S. littoralis than the sum of individual compounds. The effect of angelicin also was examined in combination with psoralen, both of which are present in Psoralea plants. Their mixtures yielded a clear synergistic effect in the 20–80% angelicin range (coactivity coefficient = 124–133). By contrast, the effect of angelicin on xanthotoxin was only additive. In the dose–response curves of imperatorin/bergapten combinations, synergism was found at >60% imperatorin relative concentration and 1 g/cm2, whereas lower proportions led to antagonism. The threshold between the two opposing effects was found to depend on the total FC concentration employed. Some natural systems contain FCs in the range of synergistic proportions recorded here and, thus, may have been produced by the host to increase its defensive effect at a lower metabolic cost.  相似文献   

Effects of Alfalfa Saponins on the Moth Spodoptera littoralis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Alfalfa saponins administered to Spodoptera littoralis in the larval diet caused prolongation of the larval and pupal stages, retarded growth, increased mortality, and reduced fecundity and fertility. At least some of these effects were probably due to digestion problems manifested by longer food retention in the gut. Preliminary data indicated that the efficiency of food utilization was not altered. Saponin aglycones exerted similar developmental derangements; medicagenic acid proved most active; hederagenin, soysaponogenol A, and soysaponogenol B exhibited moderate activities; and soysaponogenol E was inactive. It is proposed that saponins become active only when the sugar component is cleaved off by the gut glycosylases and that substrate specificity of these enzymes is decisive for the activity of ingested saponins. For example, all tested -L-arabinopyranosyl glycosides were inactive, while the corresponding aglycones or glucosides were active. The liberated aglycones are apparently deposited in the tissues and exert post-feeding disturbances such as delay of imaginal ecdysis and reduced egg hatchability.  相似文献   

The antiherbivore potential of the glucosinolate–myrosinase defense system found in plants of the order Capparales is heavily influenced by the types of hydrolysis products (e.g. isothiocyanates, nitriles) formed from the parent glucosinolates upon plant damage. However, comparison of the effects of glucosinolate hydrolysis products on insect herbivores has been hampered by the lack of suitable experimental tools for rigorous bioassays, such as intact plants differing only in the types of hydrolysis products they produce, or artificial diets that can accurately simulate glucosinolate hydrolysis. The wide array of molecular resources for Arabidopsis thaliana has facilitated the identification of several genes that play a role in glucosinolate hydrolysis. One of these encodes the epithio-specifier protein (ESP) that promotes the formation of nitriles at the expense of isothiocyanates in certain ecotypes of A. thaliana. We overexpressed the ESP cDNA from the nitrile-producing ecotype Landsberg erecta in the isothiocyanate-producing ecotype Columbia-0 to generate transgenic lines of A. thaliana that differed from wild-type plants in the type of glucosinolate hydrolysis products formed upon tissue damage, whereas parent glucosinolate profile and myrosinase activity levels, as well as plant morphology and growth habit, remained unchanged. Bioassays with the model generalist herbivore Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) demonstrated that larvae reared on the nitrile-producing lines on average gained weight faster in the first larval stages than larvae that fed on isothiocyanate-producing control plants. Furthermore, larvae with medial growth rates showed a tendency to pupate earlier on the ESP-overexpressing plant lines. Together with the results of previous studies, these findings suggest that isothiocyanates are more effective defenses against insect herbivores than nitriles, and raise questions about what conditions select for nitrile formation in plants.  相似文献   

The effect of volatiles related to feeding activity of nonprey caterpillars, Spodoptera exigua, on the olfactory response of the predatory mites Phytoseiulus persimilis was examined in a Y-tube olfactometer. At a low caterpillar density (20 caterpillars on 10 Lima bean leaves), the predators were significantly more attracted to volatiles from infested leaves on which the caterpillars and their products were present or from infested leaves from which the caterpillars and their products had been removed when compared to volatiles from uninfested leaves. The predators, however, significantly avoided odors from 20 caterpillars and their products (mainly feces) removed from bean leaves. In contrast, at a higher caterpillar density (100 caterpillars on 10 Lima bean leaves), the predators avoided volatiles from caterpillar-infested bean leaves. Volatiles from infested leaves from which the caterpillars and their products had been removed were not preferred over volatiles from uninfested leaves. Volatiles from feces collected from 100 caterpillars were strongly avoided by the predators, while the behavior of the predatory mites was not affected by volatiles from 100 caterpillars removed from a plant. The data show that carnivorous arthropods may avoid nonprofitable herbivores. This avoidance seems to result from an interference of volatiles from herbivore products with the attraction to herbivore-induced plant volatiles.  相似文献   

Maize plants under attack by caterpillars emit a specific blend of volatiles that is highly attractive to parasitic wasps. The release of these signals is induced by elicitors in the caterpillar regurgitant. Studies suggest that plants respond differently to different herbivore species and even to different herbivore stages, thus providing parasitoids and predators with specific signals. We tested if this is the case for different larval instars of the noctuid moth Spodoptera littoralis when they feed on maize plants. Cut maize plants were incubated in diluted regurgitant from second, third, or fifth instar caterpillars. There were no differences in total amount released after these treatments, but there were small differences in the release of the minor compounds phenethyl acetate and -humulene. Regurgitant of all three instars contained the elicitor volicitin. To test the effect of actual feeding by the larvae, potted plants were infested with caterpillars of one of the three instars, and volatiles were collected the following day. The intensity of the emissions was correlated with the number of larvae feeding on a plant, and with the amount of damage inflicted, but was independent of the instar that caused the damage. We also used artificial damage to mimic the manner of feeding of each instar to test the importance of physical aspects of damages for the odor emission. The emission was highly variable, but no differences were found among the different types of damage. In olfactometer tests, Microplitis rufiventris, a parasitoid that can only successfully parasitize second and early third instar S. littoralis, did not differentiate among the odors of maize plants attacked by different instar larvae. The odor analyses as well as the parasitoid's responses indicate that maize odors induced by S. littoralis provide parasitoids with poor information on the larval developmental stage. We discuss the results in the context of variability and lack of specificity in odorous plant signals.  相似文献   

In order to locate mates, food, and oviposition sites, insects mainly rely on volatile cues released by their sexual partners, food sources, and host and non-host plants. Calling, mating, and oviposition behaviors, as well as fecundity and longevity, of newly emerged Spodoptera littoralis (Bois.) moths were recorded in the presence of volatiles from leaves of a host plant, Gossypium hirsutum (cotton) and two non-host plants, Adhatoda vasica (Av) or Picea abies (spruce), either alone or in host/non-host combinations. Females exposed to cotton volatiles started calling earlier than females exposed to non-host plant volatiles (NHV), or the blank control. Likewise, moth pairs exposed to cotton volatiles started mating earlier than the other treatments. The period of calling in females alone was longer than females kept with males, having the opportunity to mate. However, the callings, as well as mating durations in the moth pairs, in different treatments were not different. Longevity was decreased either in the absence of cotton or the presence of Av, and spruce leaves. Fecundity was reduced in moths exposed to a combination of spruce and cotton. The effect of NHV on attraction of 2-3–day-old male moths towards a pheromone (Ph) source was studied in a wind tunnel. In the no-choice assay, more males arrived at close approach and landed on the Ph source when the host plant, cotton, was offered in the background as compared to the non-hosts. In the dual-choice assay, more males landed on the Ph source in front of the host plant compared to the Ph source in front of non-hosts. Gas chromatography-electroantennographic detection on female S. littoralis revealed five antennally active compounds in headspace collections of spruce and three compounds in Av.  相似文献   

Induction of systemic resistance to feeding of beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua, was investigated in two isogenic lines of Stoneville 213 cotton, Gossypium hirsutum, that differed in the presence of pigment glands. In laboratory bioassays, larvae strongly preferred to feed on glandless cotton plants when presented a choice between undamaged terminal leaves of undamaged glanded and glandless plants. Feeding damage inflicted by S. exigua larvae on the two oldest leaves of glanded plants seven days prior to feeding bioassays caused larvae to prefer by 33-fold the undamaged terminal foliage from undamaged plants compared to that from damaged plants. Feeding damage on glandless plants caused only a 2.6-fold greater preference for terminal foliage from undamaged plants over foliage from previously damaged plants. Extracts of terminal foliage from glanded cotton damaged seven days earlier had significantly greater quantities of terpenoid aldehydes (hemigossypolone, gossypol, and heliocides) than did foliage from undamaged glanded plants. Terpenoid aldehydes were undetectable in extracts of both undamaged and previously damaged glandless plants. The profile of volatile compounds collected from the headspace of mechanically damaged terminal leaves of undamaged glanded and glandless plants differed. Both cotton isolines released large quantities of lipoxygenase products (hexenyl alcohols, acetates, and butyrates), but glandless plants released only small amounts of mono- and sesquiterpenes compared to glanded plants. Glandless plants damaged seven days prior to volatile collection released significantly greater quantities of lipoxygenase products, -ocimene, and - and -farnesene than did undamaged glandless plants. Previously damaged glanded plants released significantly greater quantities of all mono- and sesquiterpenes and hexenyl acetates and butyrates, but not alcohols. The relative importance of volatile compounds versus terpenoid aldehydes in induced feeding deterrence in cotton to S. exigua larvae is still unclear.  相似文献   

Pigment glands in cotton contain terpenoid aldehydes that are toxic and deterrent to feeding of several generalist lepidopteran insects. We hypothesized that previously observed systemically induced feeding deterrence may be associated with pigment glands. We conducted experiments to determine the dynamics and chemical nature of inducible feeding deterrents in leaves of cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L, to larvae of the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua. Production and/or filling of pigment glands was influenced by physiological age of Deltapine 90 cotton plants. In undamaged plants, successively formed leaves contained more pigment glands, up to the seventh or eighth true-leaf developmental stage. Feeding choice tests conducted one or seven days after initial feeding damage revealed that third instars of S. exigua consumed more of the two youngest leaves from control cotton plants than from plants whose two oldest leaves had been fed on previously for 24 hr by S. exigua. The preference for leaves from control plants was significant one day after initial damage and highly significant seven days after damage. Consumption of mature foliage (leaf immediately above initially damaged leaves) from control plants and damaged plants did not differ. More pigment glands were counted on the youngest leaf of damaged plants than on the youngest leaf of control plants one day after initial damage. HPLC analysis revealed greater amounts of hemigossypolone, heliocides 1 and 2 (H1 and H2), and total terpenoid aldehydes per gland in young foliage of damaged plants than control plants one day after initial injury. By seven days after initial injury, greater quantities of hemigossypolone and all heliocides except H4 were detected in young foliage from damaged plants compared to control plants. Concentrations of H1 per gland in young leaves from damaged plants increased the most of all terpenoid aldehydes measured (3.4× the amount found in leaves from control plants). Mature leaves from damaged plants did not contain more terpenoid aldehydes than mature leaves from control plants. We suggest that systemically induced feeding deterrence to S. exigua in young leaves of glanded cotton was due to increased amounts of terpenoid aldehydes in pigment glands.  相似文献   

We investigated the desensitization of Asian armyworms, Spodoptera litura, to a crude methanolic extract of wood Trichilia americana. Following repeated exposures to the extract over four days, desensitization was observed under no-choice conditions at low extract concentration (0.5 g/cm2). No desensitization was observed under choice conditions or at a higher concentration (5.0 g/cm2). Repeated exposures of larvae to the extract over 7.5 hr showed that larvae increasingly tolerated the extract due to hunger, rather than showing true desensitization. When larvae were exposed to the extract in test arenas of different sizes, larvae showed reduced feeding and desensitization as arena size increased. Finally, treatment of whole cabbage plants with extract resulted in larvae abandoning the plant. The crude extract was effective at protecting the plants, although desensitization did not occur, because the larvae moved away from the plant.  相似文献   

In this paper, both volatile and strongly adsorbed products of heavy hydrocarbon conversion on a zeolite were investigated by gas-phase and solid-state NMR. For this purpose, the reactions were carried out in sealed glass tubes under vacuum to collect the volatile reaction products. This procedure is demonstrated for pure 2-ethylphenol conversion on ultra-stabilized zeolite Y leading to both the formation of light alkanes and deoxygenation products. The above-mentioned method is useful to improve the understanding of heavy hydrocarbon conversion under batch conditions.  相似文献   

We measured feeding behavior, feeding damage, and larval growth of the crucifer specialist, Plutella xylostella and the generalist, Spodoptera eridania, on the cotyledons of 14 homozygous lines of Brassica juncea differing in myrosinase activity and glucosinolate profiles. The proportion of time feeding and area damaged by P. xylostella were lower on lines with high myrosinase activities [0.49–0.73 nmol glucose released/mg tissue(fresh weight, FW)/min] than on lines with low myrosinase activities [0.20–0.31 nmol glucose released/mg tissue(FW)/min]. In contrast, the proportion of time feeding and area damaged by S. eridania were not related to myrosinase activity, but were lower on cotyledons of lines with high glucosinolate concentrations [6.8–21.3 g/g(FW)] than on lines with low glucosinolate concentrations [0.09–0.61 g/g(FW)]. Relative growth rates (RGR) of both insect species were lower on lines with high glucosinolate concentrations, but were not related to myrosinase activity in the lines. In toxicity experiments that used artificial diets, allyl isothiocyanate, but not allyl glucosinolate, was lethally toxic to neonate P. xylostella (LC50s of 1.54 mol/g, and 100 mol/g, respectively), whereas isothiocyanate and the glucosinolate were lethally toxic to neonate S. eridania (LC50s of 3.42 and 6.73 mol/g, respectively). We interpret these results to indicate that myrosinase activity might be more important for plant defense against specialist insects that have adaptations to intact glucosinolates, but less important for defense against generalists, which are susceptible to the intact glucosinolates.  相似文献   

Combinatorial effects of influential growth nutrients were investigated in order to enhance hydrogen (H2) production during direct conversion of cellulose by Clostridium thermocellum DSM 1237. A central composite face-centered design and response surface methodology (RSM) were applied to optimize concentrations of cellulose, yeast extract (YE), and magnesium chloride (Mg) in culture. The overall optimum composition generated by the desirability function resulted in 57.28 mmol H2/L-culture with 1.30 mol H2/mol glucose and 7.48 mmol/(g·cell·h) when cultures contained 25 g/L cellulose, 2 g/L YE, and 1.75 g/L Mg. Compared with the unaltered medium, the optimized medium produced approximately 3.2-fold more H2 within the same time-frame with 50% higher specific productivity, which are also better than previously reported values from similar studies. Nutrient composition that diverted carbon and electron flux away from H2 promoting ethanol production was also determined. This study represents the first investigation dealing with multifactor optimization with RSM for H2 production during direct cellulose fermentation.  相似文献   

何优选  张丰如 《山东化工》2011,40(6):13-17,20
研究了白泥对食品废水的处理。通过利用白泥作为吸附过滤材料进行吸附反应,确定白泥用于食品废水处理的可行性,并讨论了反应时间、pH、自泥剂量等对废水处理效果的影响。结果表明,白泥对废水中的COD、氨氮、悬浮物等有着良好的吸附能力。其吸附能力随着吸附时间的延长、泥水比的增大而增强。  相似文献   

以硫酸钠 -氧化铝 -硫酸复合体系作为催化剂 ,研究了磷酸和异辛醇直接酯化反应合成磷酸辛酯的可行性和工艺过程 ,考察了复合体系催化剂的催化活性 ,确定出了较适宜的催化剂组成及其反应条件。实验表明 ,磷酸直接酯化法制取磷酸辛酯是可行的。  相似文献   

Feeding by herbivorous insects may change photosynthetic activity of host plants. We studied how feeding and oviposition by herbivorous stink bugs, Murgantia histrionica and Nezara viridula (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), affect photosynthetic parameters of Brassica oleracea (savoy cabbage) and Phaseolus vulgaris (French bean). First, we measured photosynthetic gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence imaging, and emission of induced volatile organic compounds (VOC) immediately after feeding and during a post-feeding period. Photosynthesis decreased rapidly and substantially in B. oleracea and P. vulgaris infested by feeding bugs. Stomatal conductance did not decrease proportionally with photosynthesis; instead, inhibition of photosynthesis likely was due to a reduced diffusion of CO2 in the mesophyll. We also measured the impact of oviposition per se and oviposition associated with feeding on photosynthetic parameters. A surprisingly large inhibition of photosynthesis was detected in cabbage leaves in response to oviposition by M. histrionica, even when oviposition was not associated with feeding activity. High resolution chlorophyll fluorescence imaging revealed that the damage to photochemistry caused by feeding and oviposition was restricted to the attacked areas. By contrast, the photochemical yield increased temporarily in the unaffected areas of the attacked leaves, indicating the onset of a compensatory response. Measurement of volatile organic compounds (VOC) revealed that feeding-damaged plants did not emit detectable amounts of VOC, indicating cellular damage (methanol and green leaf volatiles). However, feeding by M. histrionica induced emission of mono- and sesquiterpenes in savoy cabbage leaves. The different time-course of the induction of these two classes of terpenes may reflect the induction of two different biosynthetic pathways and indicate different roles of these terpenoids in tritrophic interactions.  相似文献   

建立了以微波消解-电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定食品中总砷含量的检测方法,通过检测方法的摸索以及对方法的稳定性、重复性进行验证,确定了方法检测过程中仪器的检测参数和砷元素的分析线。该检测方法重复性RSD值为2.8%,回收率94.6%~101.5%之间,检出限为0.018 mg/kg。该检测方法样品前处理简便、具有良好的准确度和精密度,且检测过程中无污染,为检测食品中总砷含量提供了一种快速、准确的方法。  相似文献   

丙烯直接水合法生产异丙醇技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了气相、液相、气-液相等3种丙烯直接水合制异丙醇的工业生产技术,并评述了各自的优缺点。介绍了固体酸催化剂在丙烯直接水合制异丙醇催化反应中的应用研究进展及国内异丙醇的生产和研究现状,并对国内异丙醇的生产前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

分析了现有挤出机喂料方法及其装置的特点和不足之处,提出了可克服现有喂料方法及其装置缺点的新型螺旋啮合喂料方法及其装置,并认为该装置具有推广应用前景。  相似文献   

在原有工艺的基础上采用氯气一步法直接氯代1-硝基蒽醌生产1-氯蒽醌。首先在三口烧瓶中加入原料和以亚硫酸钠为助溶剂后开始缓慢升温当达到160℃时,原料开始融化。此时通入氯气和氮气的混合气体,保持通气2.5 h以上。结果表明此氯化反应是自由基机理,优化的工艺条件为:复合引发剂用量[n(偶氮二异丁腈)∶n(三苯基磷)=1∶1]0.2%、助熔剂亚硫酸钠用量0.5%下,反应温度160℃、混合气体[v(氯气)∶v(氮气)=70∶30]的速率为300 mL/min、反应时间为2.5 h,1-氯蒽醌的收率为90.9%;利用1-氯蒽醌易升华的特点,提纯1-氯蒽醌可使其含量在99.5%以上。  相似文献   

以锌烟灰、软锰矿和机械厂废铁屑为原料,经同时浸出,净化和共沉淀后制取锰锌软磁铁氧体用前驱体.结果表明,同时浸出过程中铁、锰、锌的直收率分别为97.84%,92.47%和90.18%,浸出液中硅铝杂质含量分别为29.29和6.7 mg/L;经过净化过程后,净化液中的硅、铝、铜、镉、铅等杂质含量低,相对较难去除的铅镉杂质的脱除率分别为92.61%和95.90%;经过共沉淀后,共沉粉中的钙镁杂质含量分别为0.07%和0,05%.得到的共沉粉经铁氧体工艺后产品质量均优于PC30的标准.  相似文献   

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