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In a research laboratory there can be a need for a complex experimental rig to be used in a variety of ways by different people. If a computer is used to control the apparatus and the associated electronics, routine experiments can be automated while maintaining or even increasing the flexibility and capability of the experimental arrangement. This paper describes how a disc-based microcomputer system has been interfaced with such an apparatus to handle experimental control, data acquisition and its subsequent analysis.  相似文献   

In this paper the problem of robust tracking for robot manipulators in the presence of uncertainty and input constraints is studied. Using the theory of uncertain dynamical systems, robust non-linear control strategies, with guaranteed tracking properties that can be quantified given bounds on the extent of model uncertainty, sensor noise, input disturbances, etc., are derived. A torque optimization strategy is also utilized to optimize the joint torques in the event of actuator saturation. The algorithm has been implemented using a single Motorola 12 MHz MC68000 microprocessor on a three-link revolute joint manipulator constructed by the School of Mechanical Engineering at Cornell University. Experimental results are presented here showing the feasibility and performance of the control stragegy.  相似文献   

The need to monitor the minimum and maximum load or extension being applied to a test specimen in cyclic loading on a destructive test machine arose in work on stress analysis. Specialized techniques were developed to achieve this aim. The techniques employed and the microprocessor-controlled monitor developed to detect, track, display and record the loading characteristics as they were applied during the test are described.Use of a microprocessor allows additional features to be readily incorporated. The inclusion of adequate processing in the actual design is valuable. An IEEE standard interface bus permits communication directly to service computers. Additional outputs allow warning of imminent conditions and indications of the rate of progress in a particular test.Post design modifications via software can be applied and the real possibility of making this inhouse manual destructive test machine perform destructive tests under microprocessor control is now possible.  相似文献   

DISCUS (distributed control microprocessor system) represents a simple, yet effective approach to multimicroprocessor applications. It is being developed and used at RSRE. The basic concept is of a collection of asynchronous microprocessors cooperating to perform a task, with each processor dedicated to one function, and one function only. Interprocess communication is achieved through an operating system resident in each processor, via a specified hardware and software interface. It is also possible to add, online, an extra processor, containing identical software to a similar processor already in the system, thus increasing the functions throughput by parallel working. The prototype system consists of Intel 8080 processors, and programs are written in CORAL.An experimental digital communications switch is being built in conjunction with other work at RSRE as the first application of DISCUS and its concepts.  相似文献   

Dance is the expression of artists' favourite art forms such as express emotions, their body language, and the combination of dance art and stage effects in dance performance. In almost all genres of the art form, the effectiveness of the dance performance is largely due to the quality of the individual dancer's and group dance performance. Performing arts, particularly dance, it is one of the most important of intangible cultural heritage. However, due to the preservation, documentation, analysis, and visualization understanding of dance mode, it is difficult because of technical difficulties relations. The Proposed Machine Learning Support Decision Vector Machine (SDVM) algorithm and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is a dance expert watching dance due to the recognition task, the task knowledge of professional forecasters, gestures, and facial expressions and face-to-face conditions led to better synchronization of timing. In the proposed Machine learning SDVM algorithm, the results show that positive and dancers in the audience increased negative emotions; acceleration rate and body movement also increased. SDVM is classified as dancer performance based on the artist's facial expressions, stage performance, emotions. The simulation results show good results compared to other methods.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the implementation of an “optimal” field oriented control on an induction machine. In a first step, an optimal control law is applied, which minimizes the time, to establish the required flux for a field oriented control. When the flux magnitude and direction reach their references, the machine speed control is performed by a sliding mode regulator. Simulation results show that the machine presents a high dynamic. They also show that the sliding mode control is robust.  相似文献   

This paper describes a non-homogeneous multiple microprocessor system which utilizes shared memory for inter-processor communication and is suitable for real-time industrial control applications. A typical industrial control application involving a process with short time constants has been partitioned. Independent cooperating processors execute different aspects of the computational load. This leads to availability of more computational power, more efficient use of the hardware resources, and an increase in the sampling rate of the control system.  相似文献   

An improved optimal regulator control system synthesis method has been developed in order to obtain good steady-state characteristics for the designed control system in spite of variations of the parameters of the controlled object. This control system includes proportional action, averaged derivative action, and integral action. Several physical constraints, such as input variable constraints, state variable constraints, and input delay times, are treated simultaneously. To reveal the effectiveness of the method, the speed control system of a static Scherbius induction motor system was synthesized by this method and satisfactory experimental results were obtained using microprocessor system as the controller. In this experiment, the processing time in the microprocessor must be considered as an input delay time; and the input variable constraints due to the restricted range of the controlling angle of the cycloconverter must be taken into account.  相似文献   

用计算机作为控制监测及数据处理手段,实现了快速监测处理和及时反馈信息,将为监测提供一条全新的途径,对采矿工作的安全、高效生产将起到重要作用.本文开发了一种基于单片机的压力测量控制系统,包含传感器、光耦6N139、数据开关74HC151、RS-485接口电路及高效电源电路等模块设计.  相似文献   

基于微处理器的精密数控恒流源   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在线性负反馈恒流源基础上,设计了一种新的数控高精度恒流源。该恒流源使用新型微处理器对电流源负载电流进行采样,使用PID算法在数字域对采样数据进行处理,将处理结果转换为模拟信号,反馈到恒流源调整器,实现快速数字闭环反馈控制。测试结果表明,在输出电流10mA~2010mA范围内,电流纹波≤0.06mA,输出电流与设定电流相对误差≤1%,电流调节最小步进值为1mA。  相似文献   

美国国家标准与技术研究局(NIST)建立的RBAC2001技术的参考模型,只规定了最基本的概念需求,还有许多方面值得研究。为使RBAC适用于更广泛的范围,提出一种具有条件约束的权限清晰的基于角色的访问控制扩展模型(ERBAC)。不同于以往对角色集的划分,直接对权限集进行划分,降低了角色-权限授权的难度,为角色-权限的自动配置提供了支持。此ERBAC模型不仅继承了传统RBAC的所有优势,而且可以不作任何修改地嵌入到工作流系统中,在工作流系统中实现动态的访问控制。  相似文献   

穆玲玲  张韶松 《计算机工程与设计》2012,33(10):3797-3800,3806
针对传统访问矩阵模型的不足,提出了一种扩展的基于属性的访问矩阵模型。该模型以主体属性、客体属性、时间属性为参数,按照一定的授权规则来授权,授权规则是根据用户的需求而制定的。授权模型的提出和授权规则的灵活制定保证了访问矩阵能够灵活多样的赋予主体权限,弥补了传统访问矩阵的不足,并很好的适应当前的复杂情况。通过模型的理论设计,表明了模型的可行性。  相似文献   

微处理器VRM的滑模控制技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了改善微处理器VRM(电压调节模块)输出电压的动态响应特性和稳态纹波及精度,简化VRM滑模控制器的设计过程,通过深入研究滑模控制VRM的相关文献,全面评述了VRM的滑模控制技术应用及研究,重点分析了系统抖振削弱,稳态误差减小或消除、瞬态响应速度提高、开关频率的固定和降低、切换面的构造和滑模系数的选取方法以及滑模控制器设计方法的研究现状和取得的研究成果.实验分析结果表明,滑模控制器是最适合电压调节模块的控制器,VRM未来的工作重点是滑模控制器的设计与实现.  相似文献   

基于液动冲击钻主要参数的测量原理,设计了以单片机为核心,由信号采集模块、数据计算处理模块、键盘/显示模块和打印模块组成的测试系统。  相似文献   

The present study examined (1) how executive control contributed to in-game behaviors in young children while playing a serious game, (2) whether the levels of control changed when the game was played repeatedly, and (3) how the first experience with the game mediated the role of executive control to in-game behaviors when the game was repeated. Attentional and action control were directly assessed in 106 kindergartners, who played a single-leveled serious game twice. During their gameplay, the following behaviors were registered: time, number of scaffolds needed, mistakes, verbal expressions, questions, irrelevant game activities (drawings), and off-task behavior. The results for the first game round showed that time, expressions, and the need for scaffolds were predicted by attentional control. In the second round, a strong role for action control was found to overcome off-task behavior and irrelevant drawings. Verbal expressiveness was again influenced by attentional control. Moreover, mediation effects of attentional control to efficient in-game behaviors in the second gameplay were evidenced via scaffolding and expressiveness in the first gameplay. It is concluded that in new games children's attentional control contributes to formulating strategies and problem-solving, while their action control underlies sustained and goal-directed learning over time.  相似文献   

分析了嵌入式睡眠质量控制研究的重要性。在不影响人们自然睡眠的基础上,采集人体的脉搏信号,挖掘其中与睡眠相关的信息,以嵌入式微处理器为核心设计系统监控硬件。利用虚拟仪器(LabVIEW)技术搭建脉搏信号显示平台,实现了脉搏信号的数据采集、波形显示、波形回放等功能,同时给出了软件设计流程图,以此构造睡眠质量控制系统,合理引导人们的睡眠。  相似文献   

本文介绍以单片机为核心元件组成的电热油炉温度控制系统,给出了系统硬件电路设计,编制了相应软件,阐述了提高系统运行可靠性的几种方法。  相似文献   

In a drive-by-wire steering system for the disabled driver, the safety of the system depends on the reliability of the electronic components. There is however another constraint, that of cost. A microprocessor-based system appears to be the most appropriate type. It was found however that three independent channels were needed to get the required level of reliability. The prototype system described here illustrates some of the problems and some of the potential solutions. Important among these is the balancing of the computations between the parallel channels.  相似文献   

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