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A mathematical model based on multiphase filtration theory is developed to describe the electrofiltration process. The model takes both electrophoretic and electroosmotic effects into account. The electrophoretic migration velocity of solid particles is predicted from the model using the filtrate volume time data obtained from electrofiltration experiments.  相似文献   

In the pulp and paper industry, it is often necessary to characterize the drainage capability or a pulp on the paper machines. The industry uses a standard measure called the freeness to represent this and other properties for papermaking pulps.

The freeness is the total volume of water discharged from a side orifice of a specific configuration while the pulp suspension drains freely under gravity. In this paper, a model for the gravity filtration of pulp suspensions forming a compressible pulp mat is along with some empirical treatment of the flow is used to model the freeness test. The gravity drainage process is assumed to be described by a cake filtration process with the pressure at each instant being given by the gravity head.

From the model, the critical parameters governing the freeness of a pulp suspension are shown to be the specific surface area and the specific volume of the pulp fibers in addition to the compressibility of the pulp mat. When these parameters are available from independent gravity drainage measurements, the freeness itself can be estimated. Estimated freeness values are in agreement with experimental measurements for pulps which are reasonably free of fines. When fines are present however, they get entrapped within the pulp mats decreasing their permeability. The model predictions are higher than experimental measurements in this case.  相似文献   

本研究采用新型AF滤料在水厂进行了模型试验和生产性试验。模型试验结果表明:单层AF滤料滤池、双层AF-无烟煤滤料滤池在充氧条件下,滤速为4m/h时,对CODMn的去除率分别为17,4%和21.3%,对氨氮的去除率分别为55%和61%,出水水质均优于国家饮用水标准。生产性试验表明:双层AF-无烟煤滤料滤池的周期产水量是双层石英砂-无烟煤滤料滤池的1.5倍,出水水质前者优于后者,采用双层AF-无烟煤滤料滤池可为供水企业带来显著的经济效益。  相似文献   

葛荣德 《硅酸盐学报》1994,22(3):253-258
本文以流变力学理论为基础,将热压时的粉末作为粘弹性体处理并应用Kelvin模型,导出了粉末的热压模型。用氧化镁粉末的热压实验数据对热压模型验证的结果表明,该热压模型与实验结果能很好地吻合。此外,根据此模型还可确定某一热压压力下的压坯终极(t→∞)相对密度。  相似文献   

纳米膜超滤处理2-萘酚β-盐母液的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对2—萘酚β—盐母液采用纳米膜超滤法进行处理。试验结果表明:进水COD为39000mg/L的β—盐母液,经处理后出水COD小于4500mg/L,COD平均去除率达到88.7%以上,再进一步二次处理.可达标排放,同时,无机盐被有效分离回收。  相似文献   

用微扰理论建立水的分子热力学模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
吴建中  陆九芳 《化工学报》1994,45(6):658-664
提出1种水的分子热力学模型,从微扰理论出发,建立了自由能及其它热力学函数的关系式.水分子间作用包括硬球、色散、静电及诱导几个部分.通过同时关联0~300°C下饱和水蒸气压及液体密度数据获得分子参数,还预测了水的蒸发焓及饱和水蒸气的比容,比较了文献中处理水的几种理论方法.结果表明,本模型简单,且较接近实际.  相似文献   

The theoretical background of dielectrophoresis in a rod-matrix system is briefly reviewed. A static equilibrium build-up model is then developed, using suitable dimensionless groups allowing for fast and easy study of a large number of the main parameters. This is followed by a numerical analysis of the equations obtained demonstrating the possibilities offered by the model, which is also readily applicable in high-gradient magnetic separation.  相似文献   

本文对被阳离子艳蓝染料溶液吸附饱和的活性炭进行了再生试验研究。根据复极性粒子群电极理论,提出了新的活性炭再生方法。此法再生效率高,能耗低,炭损和再生成衣低,操作简单,再生后的活性炭可反复使用。此法特别适用于吸附质是易吸附又易氧化还原的活性炭的再生。  相似文献   

This paper presents a solution for the problem of multiple roots in Gilliland's parametric solution of the Maxwell-Stefan equations. Based on it a new algorithm for calculating ternary mass transfer with a non transferring species is obtained. This new algorithm demonstrates rapid and stable convergence. In contrast to the well known calculation of mass transfer in multicomponent mixtures using the matrix solution of the Maxwell-Stefan equations the new algorithm simplifies the calculation by avoiding any matrix operations.  相似文献   

光敏聚酰亚胺抗蚀剂的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
光敏聚酰亚胺是近20年来随着微电子工业的发展而迅速崛起的一类新型高分子材料,它广泛应用于微电子领域,在航空航天等尖端工业中也有着重要用途.预亚胺化可溶性负性光敏聚酰亚胺光致抗蚀剂在简化光刻工艺,增强耐热性,提高图形留膜率等方面具有诱人的前景[1~2].1 实验部分1-1 材料(1)利用3种二胺单体分别和二苯甲酮四羧酸二酐(BTDA)和少量活性偶联剂———二氨基二苯氧基二甲基硅烷通过低温溶液缩聚高温化学亚胺化的方法制备了3种光敏树脂,并采用IR、UV、DSC、TGA等方法对所得树脂的结构和性能进…  相似文献   

对后过渡金属(Fe、Co、Ni、Pd)为中心金属的聚乙烯催化剂的最新进展进行了评述,讨论了它们的合成方法、结构特征和催化性能。  相似文献   

研制了用于缠绕成型的双马来酰亚胺树脂体系,研究该树脂体系的化学流变特性.经黏度实验证实,该体系黏度平台低,低黏度保持时间长,110℃下保持黏度低于1000 mPa·s的时间为864 min.在黏度实验和差示扫描量热(DSC)实验的基础上,建立了该树脂体系恒温情况下的双阿累尼乌斯黏度模型,该模型与实验数据吻合良好,可有效...  相似文献   

A unified model for predicting high-pressure viscosities of both hydrocarbon gases and liquids was developed,which is based on the similarity between P-V-T and T-μ-P plots and Patel-Teja equation of state.The characteristic feature of this new model is its capability of describing the continuous variation of fluid viscosity throughciritical region.The pure component parameters are generalized into functions of reduced temperature,reducedpressure,acentric factor and molecular weight.The overall average absolute deviation of predicted viscositiesof 20 pure hydrocarbon fluids(a total of 1941 data points)is 8.7%.  相似文献   

The Redlich-Kwong (RK) equation of state introduced in 1949 has been considered the most accurate two-constant-parameter cubic equation of state. The other cubic equations which are more accurate than the RK equation contain either three, or more, parameters and/or their parameters are temperature- dependent. A New two-constant-parameter cubic equation of state, $ is introduced using a simplified molecular theory of hard-sphere fluids for its repulsive term. This two-constant-parameter cubic equation of state appreciably increases the accuracy of thermodynamic property predictions and phase equilibria of pure fluids and flluid mixtures over the equations of this category.  相似文献   

新的多产品间歇生产调度的MILP模型   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
吴建昱  何小荣  陈丙珍  邱彤 《化工学报》2003,54(9):1251-1256
提出了一种新的多产品厂间歇调度问题的连续时间混合整数线性规划 (MILP)模型,该模型的整数变量体系不依赖于时间块(或者事件点)的概念,并且利用了变量物理概念上的对称互补性,使得与传统的建模方法相比不仅整数变量的数目减少了一半以上,而且建模思想、建模理论都有了新的改进.通过对一个算例的考察证实了新模型可以快速地求得全局最优解.  相似文献   

重点针对快速原型制造技术中的新型塑料水龙头注塑模具结构、冷却系统、浇注系统的位置与尺寸进行了设计,阐述了产品创新开发中的快速原型(RP)技术与CAD/CAE/CAM之间的关系。并就简化模具结构设计的优缺点与前后三次激光选区烧结(SLS)的成型工艺条件和收缩率进行了探讨,提出了SLS技术的现状、发展趋势与方向。  相似文献   

预测非理想多元混合物精馏点效率的新模型   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
宋海华  王秀英 《化工学报》1996,47(5):571-580
提出一个新的计算非理想多元元精馏物系Murphree点效率的方法,在计算塔板上鼓泡液体中汽液两相间的传质通量时,充分考虑了在扩散路径上混合物组成的变化所产生的影响,同时根据多相湍流动力学的原理计算了鼓泡液体中汽、液相的接触面积.利用这个新模型对6个多元非理想混合物的计算,表明它能够准确地预测某些组元点效率的奇异性,而且预测的精度明显地优于现有其他方法,证明它是一个有效的、可靠的非理想多元精馏点效率预测方法.  相似文献   

Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷抗弯强度的价电子判据研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
利用固体分子经验电子理论,计算了金属陶瓷中三元复合陶瓷相(Ti,Mo,W)C,四元复合陶瓷相(Ti,Mo,W,Nb)C和(Ti,Mo,W,Ta)C五元复合陶瓷相(Ti,No,W,Nb,Ta)C的价电子结构,探讨陶瓷相的价电子结构与金属陶瓷抗弯强度关系,提出判据关系式,此外,还进行了抗弯强度的实验验证。  相似文献   

卞白桂  王延儒 《化工学报》1993,44(3):309-314
提出了在参考压力下将过量自由焓(g~E)模型引入状态方程的修正Huron-Vidal混合规则,由g~E模型确定状态方程中混合物的参数,以SRK方程和Wilson模型为例,取大气压为参考压力,计算了16个体系50组汽液平衡,结果表明本文建议的混合规则可直接使用现有文献报道的常压g~E模型参数由立方型状态方程预测常压汽液平衡,并对直接外推预测高压汽液平衡作了尝试.  相似文献   

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