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1 GSM-WLL Technology1.1 GSM-WLL System ArchitectureAWLL (Wireless Local Loop)is a radioaccess system for users to access PSTN(Public Switched Telephone Network).It isa substitute for conventional wiredaccess.The GSM-WLL system makes use ofGSM technologies to achieve WLL.As shown in Figure 1,a GSM-WLL system  相似文献   

夏雨 《新潮电子》2006,(7):28-29
2005年7月中旬的一个周五,摩托罗拉(MOTOROLA)公司产品设计专家们齐聚一堂,会议厅中心的桌面上摆放着一款代号为“O”的手机设计模型,这款充满摩氏风格的手机寄托了公司对于一个全新领域的期望,就是挑战加拿大RIM(Research in Motion)公司黑莓(Blackberry)统治的Push Mail市场,事实上,试图挑战RIM的不止是摩托罗拉一家,紧随其后的还有虎视眈眈的索尼爱立信(Sony Ericsson)和诺基亚(NOKIA),Push Mail空间是何方神圣,引得众巨头如此注目?  相似文献   

How human beings think about, talk about, and organize around sexuality is changing. Growing social legitimization for sexual minority relationships and a more fluid social understanding of sexual identities has shifted how we bound “normal” sexuality. In the workplace, these shifting norms affect employees of all sexual identities who must make sense of new policies and complex daily practices. This paper introduces the concept of co-sexuality, the push-and-pull process of communicatively organizing around sexuality. Using this concept, we take a grounded theory approach to exploring how employees of various sexualities and in different occupations understand “normal” sexuality and subsequently organize around it. Ultimately, participants described being silenced or silencing another to maintain sexual “norms” at work.  相似文献   

李俭伟 《通信世界》2005,(14):19-20
如果说3G是中国通信运营商们可以堂而皇之关注的热点,VoIP则是运营商们暗地里关注的热点。但是,作为一项大势所趋,人心所向的业务,VoIP必将会在未来拥有它应该获得的空间。本期专题组织各路专家围绕VoIP将可能带给电信业格局的变化、VoIP在中国发展受限的因素及中国政府将可能开放VoIP的时间表进行探讨,从专家的笔下我们可以清晰地嗅到,VoIP已经带着春一样的气息一步步向我们走来。  相似文献   

The regulation of electronic structure is intricately linked to the intrinsic activity of oxygen reduction. Herein, a strategy for electronic structure modulation induced by bimetallic push–pull electronic effects in dual-atom catalysts (Fe,Ni/N-C@NG) is developed. Experiments and theoretical analysis reveal that Fe sites exhibit favorable bonding behaviors (Fe–O: dxz-p, dyz-p, and dz2-p) and spin configurations, which can enable rapid desorption of *OH and thus enhance the intrinsic activity of oxygen reduction. In situ monitoring techniques and Gibbs free energy diagram further demonstrate that the adjacent Ni could serve as second active center to participate in oxygen reduction. The Fe,Ni/N-C@NG exhibits enhanced oxygen reduction reaction activity and excellent stability. Meanwhile, the assembled Zn–air battery maintains stability for over 300 h with a small voltage gap. This study provides multiple insights into the orbital scale laws of oxygen reduction.  相似文献   

This paper, co-authored by BT and Telspec, describes the architecture, development and deployment of the recorded information distribution equipment (RIDE) replacement platform. The platform delivers large volumes of announcements into the PSTN yet has an internal architecture built on a multicast QoS-enabled VoIP network and provides a ready-made evolution path to terminate calls originated from IP networks. It is therefore seen as one of the first platforms to be deployed by BT to deliver consistent functionality into both the legacy PSTN and the evolving IP world.  相似文献   

For a given voice quality, VoIP does not offer a particularly efficient transport solution. This becomes a concern in any bandwidth-constrained part of a network, in particular, a copper-based, access network. VoIP access systems need to be carefully designed if they are to offer an acceptable combination of quality and efficiency. This paper identifies and quantifies the various issues which need to be addressed in undertaking such a design, and suggests possible solutions. The challenges of distributing VoIP within the customer premises are also addressed, with specific and different solutions being proposed for the business and residential environments.  相似文献   

Design of high divide-by-value dual-modulus prescaler remains a challenge in CMOS realization for high speed operation. Prior arts for dual modulus prescaler either divide by a low divide-by-value or cannot operate at high speed. The proposed topology is suitable for high divide-by-value operation at high speed.  相似文献   

The paper presents a new steganographic method called LACK (Lost Audio PaCKets Steganography) which is intended mainly for VoIP. The method is presented in a broader context of network steganography and of VoIP steganography in particular. The analytical results presented in the paper concern the influence of LACK’s hidden data insertion procedure on the method’s impact on quality of voice transmission and its resistance to steganalysis.  相似文献   

英飞凌推出了面向新一代VoIP接入应用的全新系列产品VINETIC—SVIP。通过进一步增强VINETIC和SLIC技术,VINETIC—SVIP系列片上系统(SoC)解决方案可提供超高密度和扩展性。  相似文献   

Quality VoIP — An Engineering Challenge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Initial impressions of VoIP quality have not always been favourable. This paper discusses the issues behind delivering an 'appropriate' quality of service, specifically voice quality, by showing how design choices ultimately affect, and potentially limit, a customer's perception of VoIP quality.The paper continues by introducing new signal processing techniques that are helping to measure and optimise the performance of VoIP solutions.  相似文献   

张煦 《现代通信》2001,(10):16-18
一、VoIP的由来和涵义 20世纪90年代中期是通信事业发展的关键转折时期。其起因是由于全球性“因特网(Internet)”向广大计算机用户公开开放应用,由此引起国际上数据通信业务爆炸性快速增长。估计进入21 世纪后,数据业务必将跃居为最主要的通信业务,超过多年来电话作为基本通信业务领头羊的地位。因此“因特网规约IP(Internet Protocal)”将随着时间的前进步伐越来越多地在世界各地的各种通信网普遍应用。IP规约的第4版(IPv.4)近来正在进展至第6版(IPv.6)。它们是全世界公认…  相似文献   

Voice over IP (VoIP) hit the headlines during the mid-1990s amid claims concerning its potential impact upon existing switched-circuit telephony services. While VoIP has provided a focus for much debate within the industry, there has been a clear gulf between the marketing hype and the technological reality of what VoIP really is and what it can offer. This paper examines VoIP as a technology, considering some of the drivers for meriting its application within the communications industry, introduces the key aspects that need to be considered and indicates the nature of the scope of opportunities afforded.  相似文献   

VINETIC-CPE是面向英飞凌新一代VoIP处理器的系列产品,专门针对VoIP用户端设备(CPE)和中小型企业(SME)VoIP应用而优化。  相似文献   

The traditional telecommunications operator of China has entered into a substantive network construction stage of NGN and new VoIP service in 2006. As the increasing understanding and the consideration of cost to VoIP, VoIP has become more acceptable for CIO of large-scale enterprises. Small and medium-scale enterprises are sensitive to communication cost, but influenced by the maturity of VoIP technology and reduction of VoIP equipment price, the market is intensified. All these drive the VoIP equipment entering into the actual purchase stage and promote the stable growth of VoIP equipment scale.  相似文献   

目前,众多企业随着业务的扩张,开设了大量的分支机构,这样企业总分支机构以及分支机构之间的语音沟通是非常频繁.企业长途电话费用是企业经营成本中的一项巨大开支。现在互联网已非常普及,几乎每个企业及其分支机构都有互联网接入。因此借助现有互联网实现网络电话,帮助公司节约长途电话成本,日渐成为公司的重要选择。  相似文献   

Voice is an integral element of many of the emerging conversational IP applications found on the Internet. This paper examines the opportunities to provide these types of application at scale and considers some of the difficulties in translating what may be interesting toys on the laboratory bench into genuinely useful public communication services. It characterises early VoIP network service solutions, charting their evolution towards contemporary services and considers some of the types of application that may be possible in the future.  相似文献   

No-one knows precisely what life will be like in 2020, but it is always fun guessing. If we know the development rates of many different technologies, we can anticipate many of the things that will be possible and when they are likely to happen. Considering the interactions between the many technologies and society along the way, we can also foresee many potential consequences on business and social life. Developing such scenarios allows us to plan with a much better picture of how life might look, realising that many things will still turn out differently in spite of our best efforts.It is in computer-based technology that we may see the greatest changes. By 2020, we will have synthetic intelligent life forms sharing our planet and they may even have legal rights. They will catch up with human intelligence before then in overall terms, though there will still be a few things left that only people can do. Most new knowledge will be developed by synthetic intelligence and we will have to accept that we just do not understand some of it, while accepting the resultant benefits. This will lead us into the care economy, where people gradually concentrate more on the human side of activity, as machines gradually take over both physical and mental work. A partnership between man and machine will make our work more productive and our play more enjoyable, augmenting the smallest spark of creativity with machine intelligence. Even entertainment will be within the machine domain, with today's crude computer game heroes and heroines evolving to a whole range of entertainers, even chat show hosts. It is even possible that some of our friends may be synthetic. Since many of our relationships will be net based, we will not even necessarily know which of our friends are synthetic.  相似文献   

VoIP技术的出现大大降低了电信语音业务的运营成本,但VoIP穿越防火墙/NAT等问题一直阻碍着VoIP的大规模应用.本文着重介绍了会话控制器的功能及其在解决防火墙/NAT穿越问题中的应用.  相似文献   

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