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Design and implementation of an Hinfin controller for a micropermanent- magnet synchronous motor position control system is proposed. The diameter of the micromotor is only 6 mm. In addition, the weighting functions of the Hinfin controller are selected using the genetic algorithms. A state-space Hinfin controller, obtained using a systematic design procedure, is incorporated in a closed-loop position control micromotor system. The system has good performance, including fast transient responses and good load disturbance rejection responses, although its encoder is only 100 pulses/revolution. A digital signal processor, TMS320F2407, is used to execute the position control algorithms. Experimental results validate the theoretical analysis and show the correctness and feasibility of the proposed method. An advanced controller design is proposed for a micromotor. 相似文献
针对永磁直线同步电机(PMLSM)的特点,建立PMLSM在dq两相坐标系下的数学模型。介绍了永磁直线同步电机矢量控制系统并给出了硬件和软件的设计思想。通过对控制电流以及电机位置的实验分析,验证了所研究的基于矢量控制的永磁直线同步电机矢量控制方法的有效性。 相似文献
This study proposes an adaptive backstepping controller design for a position control system of permanent-magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs). The proposed system has good performance, including fast transient responses, good steady-state responses and good tracking responses. Based on a proper Lyapunov function, an adaptive backstepping position controller can be systematically developed. In addition, a notch filter is used in the current loop to reduce the limit cycles of the motor current. The control algorithm is implemented by using a Renesas digital signal processor. As a result, the hardware is very simple. The proposed control system includes a position-loop controller and a current-loop controller. All control loops are executed by the digital signal processor. Several experimental results are shown to validate the correctness and feasibility of the proposed control algorithms. The system can achieve a precise position control. In fact, a ball?screw table and a knitting machine have been applied to evaluate the performance of the control system. The study provides a new direction in the use of an advanced control technique in PMSMs and investigates its real industrial applications. 相似文献
The design and implementation of adaptive controllers for a sensorless synchronous reluctance drive system with direct torque control is proposed. Two adaptive control algorithms, which include adaptive backstepping control and model-reference adaptive control, are proposed to improve the performance of a sensorless direct torque control synchronous reluctance motor drive system. A digital signal processor, TMS320-C30, is used to execute the rotor position estimating technique and the adaptive control algorithms. The system shows good transient responses, good load disturbance responses and good tracking responses. Several experimental results validate the theoretical analysis. The advanced controller design for a sensorless synchronous reluctance motor drive with direct torque control is proposed. 相似文献
A position sensorless control of interior permanent magnet synchronous motors (IPMSMs) is proposed using the adaptive full-order observer with inductance identification. First, mathematical models are discussed for robustness improvement to inductance variation and inductance identification in IPMSMs, the models show that a high-frequency signal needs to be injected to identify the inductance. Next, novel adaptive schemes for inductance identification are proposed here. Finally, identification experiments under IPMSM position sensorless control are carried out with the proposed methods, in which the feasibility and effectiveness of the methods are shown in terms of inductance identification performance and the convergence of position estimation error. 相似文献
A novel synchronous permanent magnet planar motor and its model for control applications 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Jiayong Cao Yu Zhu Jinsong Wang Wensheng Yin Guanghong Duan 《IEEE transactions on magnetics》2005,41(6):2156-2163
A novel synchronous permanent magnet planar motor (SPMPM) with iron core is proposed. It has higher continuous force compared to the coreless SPMPM. In the novel SPMPM, two sets of windings for generating x-direction thrust and y-direction thrust are perpendicularly fixed in the x-direction slots and y-direction slots of a mover core, respectively. For control system development applications, an electromagnetic model is derived and the analytical method for calculating the model parameters is also reported. The model describes an important characteristic of the novel SPMPM that the x-direction thrust and y-direction thrust are independent of each other. To verify the model and the parameter calculation method, the finite element method (FEM) is used for calculating the phase inductances and electromagnetic forces of an example SPMPM. The results from FEM are in good agreement with the results from the analytical equations. It demonstrates the feasibility and credibility of the proposed model and parameter calculation method to a certain extent. 相似文献
This study presents complete permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drive scheme along with mathematical model of motor and inverter. Speed proportional integral (PI) controller parameters are designed in discrete time domain. Stability of the speed controller is observed with respect to motor-load parameters. A modified hysteresis current control scheme is implemented for the drive and a detailed comparative study is done with conventional hysteresis current control scheme. Merits of the modified hysteresis current controller over conventional hysteresis current controller are investigated with both simulation and experimental results. 相似文献
《Electric Power Applications, IET》2009,3(1):8-18
A model reference adaptive control (MRAC)-based current control scheme of a PM synchronous motor with an improved servo performance is presented. Although the predictive current control is known to give ideal transient and steady-state responses among various PWM inverter-fed current control schemes for a PM synchronous motor, its steady-state response may be degraded under the motor parameter variations. To overcome such a limitation, the disturbances caused by the parameter variations will be estimated using an MRAC technique and compensated by a feedforward manner. Thus, the steady-state control performance can be effectively improved, while retaining its good dynamic performance. The proposed control scheme does not require the measurement of the phase voltage unlike the conventional disturbance estimation scheme using observer. This can be an effective way considering the phase voltage contains much harmonics as well as noise. The asymptotic stability of the overall system is proved and the adaptation laws are derived by the Lyapunov stability theory. The proposed scheme is implemented using DSP TMS320C31 and the effectiveness is verified through the comparative simulations and experiments. 相似文献
Full speed range permanent magnet synchronous motor control without mechanical sensors 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Bisheimer G. Sonnaillon M.O. Angelo C.H.D. Solsona J.A. Garc?a G.O. 《Electric Power Applications, IET》2010,4(1):35-44
This study presents a control method for permanent magnet (PM) motors based on a combination of a non-linear full-order observer and a signal injection scheme. Stable mechanical-sensorless operating range down to zero speed at full load is obtained using only voltage and current sensors. The signal injection scheme uses the asymmetry of the motor?s d and q-axis inductances to estimate rotor position and speed. Such asymmetry is also taken into account in the motor model used to construct the observer to reduce current estimation error. The performance of the proposed scheme is validated through experimental results. 相似文献
Sensorless interior permanent magnet synchronous motor drive system with a wide adjustable speed range 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
《Electric Power Applications, IET》2009,3(2):133-146
The authors propose a novel extended flux estimating method for an interior permanent magnet synchronous motor. By using the proposed method, an extended flux can be systematically derived. Then, the shaft position and speed of the motor can be obtained. Starting from a standstill and at a low-speed range control, a current-slope estimating method is used to replace the extended flux method because the estimating extended flux decreases as the motor speed is reduced. By combining the extended flux and the current-slope estimating methods, the interior permanent magnet synchronous motor drive system can be controlled in a wide range with satisfactory performance. The adjustable speed range is from 1 to 2000 r/min. In addition, the system performs fast transient responses and good load-disturbance responses. Moreover, a sensorless position control system has been well developed based on the speed control drive system. A TMS 320LF2407 digital signal processor is used to execute the rotor position estimation, rotor speed estimation, current-loop control, speed-loop control and position-loop control algorithms. The hardware circuit therefore is very simple. Several experimental results are provided to validate the theoretical analysis. 相似文献
《Electric Power Applications, IET》2009,3(2):93-101
Interior permanent magnet (IPM) synchronous machines have gained increased attention for applications in electric vehicle, variable speed wind turbine, industrial drives, etc., because of their high torque density, wider speed range and compact construction. The authors present a detailed analysis and modelling of control trajectories and incorporate those trajectories in the direct torque control (DTC) scheme of an IPM synchronous motor drive, for constant-torque and constant-power operating regions. The control trajectories are implemented on a real-time digital signal processor. Because the inputs to the inner torque control loop of DTC are the references for the torque and the amplitude of the stator flux linkage (λs), they are transformed in the T-λs plane, than in the id - iq plane in the indirect control. The modelling and experimental results are presented. Results show very good dynamic and steady-state performances of direct torque controller, incorporating these control trajectories. 相似文献
以电动汽车驱动用永磁同步电机为研究对象,从作用于电机定子表面的电磁力波和电机定子结构的动态特性两个方面对电动汽车驱动用永磁同步电机空载工况的电磁噪声展开研究.通过研究永磁同步电机产生电磁力波的机理,推导了空载工况电磁力波的解析分析方法,结合电磁仿真的手段,精确计算了电机在空载工况下电磁力波的波次、频率和幅值;通过建立电机定子结构的有限元仿真模型及有限元模态仿真计算,得到了定子结构的模态频率和振型.发现:电机定子结构的前6阶模态频率较低,电机空载工况在调速过程中所激发的电磁力容易引起电机定子结构的共振.该研究为电动汽车驱动用永磁同步电机的减振降噪提供了指导. 相似文献
An innovative current control scheme for a permanent magnet synchronous motor using a single current sensor placed at a low potential, in the DC return line of the inverter is proposed. The feedback mechanism employs a digital asymptotic sinusoidal curve-fitting observer implemented in a single field programmable gate array chip. The observer, activated by firing pulses, reconstructs the three-phase feedback signals. The asymptotic observer does not require the parameters of the motor or the load and it is robust under dynamic conditions. The development of the algorithm, implementation and experimental verification of the proposed control scheme are presented in detail 相似文献
Abstract This study employed the approach of non‐linear autoregressive moving average model with exogenous inputs (NARMAX) to analyze the dynamics of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM). The non‐linearity in PMSM including cogging force, reluctance force and force ripple is difficult to estimate. By using the NARMAX approach, thrust‐speed relationship and thrust‐position relationship could be analyzed by identifying both time and frequency domain models of the system. The frequency domain analysis is studied by mapping the discrete‐time NARMAX models into generalized frequency response functions (GFRFs) to reveal the non‐linear coupling between the various input spectral components and the energy transfer mechanisms in the system. From the results, the interpretation of the higher‐order GFRFs has been comprehensively studied and non‐linear effects have been related to the physical models of the systems. 相似文献
A wide-area control system (WACS) uses wide-area measurement signals to provide auxiliary stabilising controls to power system devices. An adaptive WACS has been designed to provide damping control signals to the excitations of generators. The delays in signal transmission and the reliability of the communication network is a major concern with wide-area measurement- based control. The adaptive WACS is designed to compensate for a wide range of communication delays and provide robust damping to mitigate system oscillations. A single simultaneous recurrent neural network is used in the realisation of the adaptive WACS for both identification and control of the power system. The WACS has been implemented on a digital signal processor and its performance is evaluated on a power system implemented on a real-time platform - the real-time digital simulator. The additional damping provided by the WACS is enumerated using Prony analysis. 相似文献
利用DSP的速度及硬件资源优势,设计了相应的外围检测、电流限幅、倍频、PWM调理等功能电路以及保护电路,使控制系统结构紧凑,可靠性高.实现了系统的电压PWM斩波控制方式下的稳定运行. 相似文献
以船携式溢油回收机围油栏布放驱动控制系统为研究对象,针对双马达速度同步控制问题,提出以可编程逻辑控制器(programmable logic controller,PLC)为控制核心的电液比例阀控马达主从速度同步控制方案.建立其速度同步控制系统数学模型,利用MATLAB/Simulink软件进行稳定性、输出速度与速度同步误差分析;为提高系统稳定性同时减小速度同步误差,引入PID控制环节.仿真结果表明,控制系统引入PID整定环节后,其稳态性能明显提高,马达输出速度稳定性与同步性均有满意的设计效果.在同步精度要求不高的情况下,基于PLC的主从同步控制策略是切实可行的. 相似文献
This paper deals with the design, analysis and fabrication of a 320 W, 5 m/s, 4-pole permanent-magnet-based linear synchronous machine (LPMSM). The design deals with conventional hand calculations followed by design fine-tuning and analysis using standard FEM packages. Fabrication of the machine has been also done at the works of a local small machine manufacturer after procurement of imported permanent magnets (PMs). The work presented here focuses on design and fabrication of LPMSM linor stampings with fixed dimensions and standard available PM tablets with a view to providing simple design guidelines. This prototype forms part of a variable speed linear motor drive that is being developed. The approach presented here might provide new ideas to those researchers who may not have the capability to bear cost of fabrication of lamination and PMs from scratch but would like to manufacture LPMSMs from available stampings and tablet PMs. Additionally, it may serve as a base document for the R&D personnel in this area. 相似文献