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We present experimental results of the investigation of the strength of cylindrical shells loaded by internal pressure formed as a result of a localized thermal impact caused by laser radiation. The types of fracture of shells recorded in the experiments are characterized either by the loss of gas-tightness as a result of the formation of cracks (or holes) or by the total fracture of a shell. We performed the criterion analysis of the experimental results by using the methods of the theory of similarity. The amount of conveyed radiant energy and the level of excess internal pressure are the main factors responsible for the fracture of shells. We suggest a formula which establishes a relationship between these factors and which can be regarded as a helpful criterion in comparing the results of testing of various models under different loading modes and application of these results to actual objects. Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 5, pp. 51–57, September–October, 1997.  相似文献   

The article considers problems of finding the limit pressure leading to ductile failure of a cylinder with an axial crack. Actual formulas are obtained for a thin-walled shell and for cylinders with considerable thickness. The article shows their satisfactory agreement with the results of full-scale tests.Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 2, pp. 16–20, February, 1990.  相似文献   

A longitudinal crack in a cylindrical shell under internal pressure   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The study relates to the strength of a cracked shell. Linear thin shell theory is employed to obtain solutions for internal pressure and uniform circumferential bending. A shallow shell approximation is used, and shown valid providing crack length and shell thickness are small enough in comparison with shell radius. Initial formulation as a boundary value problem is shown equivalent to two coupled singular integral equations. These were solved numerically using a computer. Stresses are found to display singularities as inverse square-root of distance from a crack tip, as with the flat plate. The main results are graphs of normal and bending stress singularity strengths against a curvature/crack-length dimensionless parameter.
Zusammenfassung Diese Arbeit behandelt die Stärke von einer gerissenen Schale. Die lineare Theorie dünner Schalen ist benutzt um dieses Problem für den Innendruck und gleichmäßige Umkreis-biegung zu lösen. Die Annäherungen der mäßig gekrümte Schalen sind benutzt welche zulassig sind nur wenn die Rißlänge und die Dicke der Schale klein sind im Vergleich zu dem Schalradius. Die anfängliche Formelierung als ein Randwertproblem ergibt sich als gleichwertig zwei gekuppelten singulären Integralgleichungen. Diese sind numerisch gelöst mit Hilfe einer Rechenautomat. Die Spannungen zeigen, in Übereinstimmung mit der flachen Platte, umgekehrte Quadratwurzelsingularitäten. Die Resultaten der Stärke der Normal- und Biegung-spannungsingularitäten sind graphisch als Funktion eines dimensionslosen Krümmungs-Rißlängeparameter gegeben.

Résumé Cette étude est sur la résistance d'une monocque fêlée longitudinalement. À l'aide de la théorie linéare des toques minces élastiques l'on obtient la solution de deux cas: 1) coque sous pression intérieure et 2) flexion circonférentielle uniforme. On fait l'approximation que la coque est de faible profondeur et l'on démontre que les solutions sont valables pourvu que la longeur de la fêlure et l'épaisseur de la coque soient assez petites comparées au rayon de la coque. On formule d'abord un système elliptique des équations aux dérivées partielles, qui se transforme en deux équations intégrales simultanées. Celles-ci sent résolues numériquement à l'aide d'un ordinateur. On trouve que la contrainte possède des singularités proportionelles à l'inverse de la racine carrée de la distance d'une extrémité de la fêlure: ce résultat est identique à celui qui existe pour une plaque. Les résultats principaux que l'on présente sont des courbes de l'amplitude de ces singularités en fonction d'un paramètre charactéristique de la grandeur de la fêlure et du rayon de la coque.

Notation c half crack length, inch - E Young's modulus of elasticity, psi - h thickness of shell, inch - M t twisting moment resultant - M circumferential bending moment resultant far from crack - M x , M y , M xy bending and twisting moment resultants - N x , N y , N xy normal and shear stress resultants - p i internal pressure, psi - p 0 reference pressure, psi - Q, Q x , Q y transverse shear stress resultants - R radius of shell, inch - x, y Cartesian coordinates for shallow shell formulation, inch - w outward radial displacement of cylindrical shell, inch - Euler constant (0.5772...) - dimensionless parameter, 2=[3(1–v 2)/4]1/2(c 2/Rh) - v Poisson's ratio This work was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research under Contract Nonr 1866(02), in part by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Grant NsG-559, and by the Division of Engineering and Applied Physics, Harvard University.  相似文献   

A solid propellant rocket motor can be considered to be made of various circumferential layers of different properties. A simple procedure is described here to obtain an analytical solution for the general case of multilayered thick cyclindrical shell for internal pressure and thermal loads. This analytical procedure is useful in the preliminary design analysis of solid propellant rocket motors. Since solid propellant material is of viscoelastic behaviour an approximate viscoelastic solution methodology for the multilayered shell is described for estimation of time dependent solutions of propellant grain in a rocket motor. The analytical solution for a two layer reinforced thick cylindrical shell available in the literature is shown to be a special case of the present analytical solution. The results from the present analytical solution for multilayers is found to be in good agreement with FEA results.  相似文献   

We present first-order and second-order iteration solutions to the Donnell cylinder equations for the post-buckling response of an axially loaded elastic cylindrical shell. Both solutions possess looping equilibrium paths with a remote bifurcation point, a feature inaccessible to standard linear perturbation analysis. The implication of this result for linear perturbation theory is discussed.  相似文献   

To study the influence of the layered structure of a shell on the dynamics of its dilatation and rupture, the problem of the motion of an elastoplastic double-layered shell under the effect of the internal pressure of detonation products was posed. The solution of the problem reduced to the integration of a linear differential equation. Test examples showed the research possibilities of the suggested statement, and also special traits of the rupture of double-layered shells with different physicomechanical properties of the materials of the layers.Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 6, pp. 49–56, November–December, 1996.The work was carried out with the support of the Humanitarian Fund of Soros and in cooperation with the American Physical Society. Grand UG225.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the modelling and analysis of the problem of the safety and residual lifetime of pressurized components (e.g. pressure vessels, apparatus, pipelines) with zones of local corrosion damage. Corrosion damage is the most common form of structural material degradation in service conditions, in particular, in the chemical and gas, and oil industries. Attention is paid to nonstationary regimes of the component operation, e.g., start‐stop regimes. It is shown that the critical parameters calculated taking into account the nonstationary loading can be lower compared with ones determined for the stationary regimes, e.g., on the basis of the ASME Code B31G.  相似文献   

Adhesive bonding has been widely used to join or repair metallic and composite structural components to achieve or restore their designated structural stiffness and strengths. However, current analysis methods and empirical databases for composite bonded patch repairs or joints are limited to flat structures, and there exists a very limited knowledge on the effect of curvature on the performance and durability of composite bonded joints and repairs. Recently, a novel finite element formulation was presented for developing adhesive elements for conducting 2.5‐D simplified stress analysis of bonded repairs to curved structures. This paper presents the work on optimal shape design of a bonded curved composite patch using the newly developed adhesive element. The Sequential Linear Programming (SLP) method is employed as the optimization algorithm in conjunction with a fully implemented mesh generation algorithm into which new features have been incorporated. The objective of shape optimization is to minimize the maximum stress in the entire adhesive layer to ensure that the bonded patch effectively works together with the parent structure in service. Several different objective functions, related to possible failure mechanisms of the adhesive layer, are proposed to optimize the shape of a bonded patch. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A study is presented of the stress inside a two-dimensional elastic solid which has a boundary surface angle and which is loaded by an internal point source of expansion. An exact analytic solution for the stress is obtained, for general surface angle and source position, and evaluated numerically for several representative cases of wedges and notches. The singular behaviour given by the leading terms near the angle vertex is found to be highly localized, and there is little or no stress enhancement near the source. For many combinations of boundary angle and source location, however, a local region of significant enhancement occurs on that part of the surface nearest the source. Implications of these results are discussed, with particular reference to surface steps.  相似文献   

1.  In the presence of longitudinal cracks of varied length (40–160 mm) and varied amount of elastic energy of the compressed air model (1400–9400 kgf·m) the failure of models on thin-walled shells 0.5 mm thick, when loaded by an internal pressure, has a ductile character, independently of the fitting of transverse tires located at different distances from the crack tip (from 20 to 105 mm).
2.  As the initial length of crack increases, its subcritical growth in thin-walled shells increases linearly.
3.  As the crack length increases, the failure stress (gross) is substantially reduced (from 22 to 9 kgf/mm2). At the same time the character of failure is altered: a straight-line propagation of the crack along the generator of the cylinder is replaced by a curvilinear propagation that approximates the failure direction to the circumferential direction.
4.  With a reduction by a factor of two the amount of elastic energy contained by the compressed air model has almost no effect on the strength and geometrical features of the fracture. A dominant effect on the character of fracture is exerted, apparently, by the magnitude of the failure pressure which alters the relationship of the velocities of propagation of the crack and the waves of elastic unloading.
5.  The limitations on the applicability of the existing calculation methods of the fracture mechanics, for the estimation of the resistance to a ductile failure of thin-walled cylindrical shells, is revealed, and appropriate corrections are proposed.
6.  The effectiveness of the use of transverse tires to stop a started ductile failure of shells loaded by an internal pressure, depends on the distance between the tire and the vertex of the initial crack. This distance leads to a transition from the stoppage of the moving crack to its direction being altered.

This paper presents an overview of the hypervelocity impact test campaign ongoing in the frame of the ESA contract “spacecraft disturbances from hypervelocity impact”. The project aims at analyzing the propagation of shocks due to hypervelocity impacts from the external shell of a spacecraft to its internal components. The object of the study is the GOCE satellite, which has been recognized to be very sensitive to small disturbances because of its payload that has been designed to measure even very low acceleration levels. In the first step presented hereafter, the test campaign has been focused on the qualification of the background environment inside the impact chamber and on the determination of the vibration levels induced by perforating and non-perforating hypervelocity projectiles on simple aluminum plates. The results currently obtained and a preliminary data analysis will be presented in the following.  相似文献   

加筋圆柱壳的振动特性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以一种半解析法为基础 ,分别独立地建立圆柱壳和加强筋的线性方程组。考虑到圆柱壳和加强筋连接界面上的应力和位移的连续性 ,联立圆柱壳和加强筋的方程 ;从而得到全结构的方程组 ,并获得求解固有频率的特征方程和振型方程。此方法主要优点是 :结构的转动惯性、剪切变形等因素都得到了考虑 ,而且不限制结构的圆柱壳厚度和加强筋的高度。本文的方法很容易被推广到加筋的复合材料或加筋的压电材料层合壳等问题。  相似文献   

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