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Transgenic and gene targeting approaches have now been applied to a number of genes in order to investigate the metabolic disorders that would result by manipulating insulin action or pancreatic beta-cell function in the mouse. The availability of such mutant mice will allow in the future to develop animal models in which the pathophysiologies resulting from polygenic defects might be reconstituted and studied in detail. Such animal models hopefully will lead to better understanding of complex polygenic diseases such as non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM).  相似文献   

We assessed the importance of lean and fat tissue depletion as determinants of the adaptive reduction in basal metabolic rate (BMR) in response to food deprivation by reanalyzing the data on BMR and body composition for the 32 men participating in the classic Minnesota experiment of semi-starvation and refeeding. We used individual data on BMR, body fat, and fat-free mass (FFM) assessed during the control (prestarvation) period, at weeks 12 and 24 of semistarvation (S12 and S24), and week 12 of restricted refeeding (R 12) to calculate an index of the reduction in thermogenesis at S12, S24, and R12, defined as the change in BMR adjusted for changes in FFM and fat mass, and an index of the state of depletion of the fat mass and FFM compartments at these times, defined as the deviation in fat mass or FFM relative to control values. The results indicated a positive relation between the reduction in thermogenesis and the degree of fat mass depletion (but not FFM depletion) during weight loss as well as during weight recovery (r = 0.5, P < 0.01). Furthermore, the residual variance was predicted by the initial (prestarvation) percentage fat and the cormic index (sitting height/height). Taken together, these results in normal-weight men responding to severe food deprivation reveal anthropometric predictors for human interindividual variability in the capacity for energy conservation and suggest that the adaptive reduction in BMR is partly determined by an autoregulatory feedback control system linking the state of depletion of fat stores to compensatory mechanisms that suppress thermogenesis.  相似文献   

Zinc is distributed subcellularly throughout the lateral prostate of the rat in both the stromal and epithelial elements. The connective tissue appears to be a major store of zinc. Within the epithelium, the highest concentrations of the element are found in the lysosomes, nucleoli, nuclear chromatin, secretory granules and luminal secretion. Histochemical studies indicate that the metal is bound relatively tightly within the nucleoli (associated with RNA) and in the secretory products of the cytoplasm. Changes in tissue zinc concentration, observed by other workers, following changes in various external stimuli, may not necessarily be reflected by proportionate changes in epithelial concentrations. The role of zinc in the epithelium is considered to be at least two-fold: firstly, for incorporation into vital cellular mechanisms necessary for cell maintenance and, secondly, for involvement in secretory products. It is also possible that the metal participates in the physiology of the sub-epithelial stroma.  相似文献   

The globular heads of skeletal muscle myosin have been shown to exist as isoenzymes S1 (A1) and S1 (A2), and there are also isoforms of the heavy chains. Using capillary electrophoresis, we found two dominant isoenzymes of the whole native myosin molecule, in agreement with what has previously been found by various techniques for native and nondenatured myosin from adult rabbits. Findings about possible states of aggregation of myosin and its heads are contradictory. By analytical ultracentrifugation, we confirmed the existence of a tail-tail dimer. By laser light scattering, we found a head-head dimer in the presence of MgATP. Capillary electrophoresis coupled with analytical ultracentrifugation and laser light scattering led us to refine these results. We found tail-tail dimers in a conventional buffer. We found tail-tail and head-head dimers in the presence of 0.5 mM MgATP and pure head-head dimers in the presence of 6 mM MgATP. All the dimers were homodimers. Naming the dominant isoenzymes of myosin a and b, we observed tail-tail dimers with isoenzyme a (TaTa) and with isoenzyme b (TbTb) and also head-head dimers with isoenzyme a (HaHa) and with isoenzyme b (HbHb).  相似文献   

Specifically targeted aequorin chimeras were used for studying the dynamic changes of Ca2+ concentration in different subcellular compartments of differentiated skeletal muscle myotubes. For the cytosol, mitochondria, and nucleus, the previously described chimeric aequorins were utilized; for the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), a new chimera (srAEQ) was developed by fusing an aequorin mutant with low Ca2+ affinity to the resident protein calsequestrin. By using an appropriate transfection procedure, the expression of the recombinant proteins was restricted, within the culture, to the differentiated myotubes, and the correct sorting of the various chimeras was verified with immunocytochemical techniques. Single-cell analysis of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c) with fura-2 showed that the myotubes responded, as predicted, to stimuli known to be characteristic of skeletal muscle fibers, i.e., KCl-induced depolarization, caffeine, and carbamylcholine. Using these stimuli in cultures transfected with the various aequorin chimeras, we show that: 1) the nucleoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]n) closely mimics the [Ca2+]c, at rest and after stimulation, indicating a rapid equilibration of the two compartments also in this cell type; 2) on the contrary, mitochondria amplify 4-6-fold the [Ca2+]c increases; and 3) the lumenal concentration of Ca2+ within the SR ([Ca2+]sr) is much higher than in the other compartments (> 100 microM), too high to be accurately measured also with the aequorin mutant with low Ca2+ affinity. An indirect estimate of the resting value (approximately 1-2 mM) was obtained using Sr2+, a surrogate of Ca2+ which, because of the lower affinity of the photoprotein for this cation, elicits a lower rate of aequorin consumption. With Sr2+, the kinetics and amplitudes of the changes in [cation2+]sr evoked by the various stimuli could also be directly analyzed.  相似文献   

A series of native naturally occurring neutral glycosphingolipids has been analysed by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry using a hybrid magnetic sector-TOF instrument. The collision-induced dissociation products of precursor ions were detected by an orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight mass spectrometer as the second analyser. Glycosphingolipids, with mono- to hexa-saccharide chain lengths with different ceramide constituents, were studied. The result of electrospray ionization in the positive ion mode generally showed singly charged molecular ions with Na+ as adduct, [M + Na]+. The sensitivity of the electrospray ionization was greatly enhanced by addition of NaCl, LiCl (forming [M + Li]+) or KCl (yielding [M + K]+) to the sample. A comparison between the collision-induced dissociation of precursor molecular ions of monoglycosylceramides, using Na+, Li+ and K+ as adducting species, showed that the intensity of the fragment ions and the extent of the daughter ion fragmentation of the molecular ions, are dependent on the type of adduct used. The daughter ion spectra of Li+ adduct ions showed intense sequence fragment ions, both of the saccharide chain and the ceramide moiety, and were superior to those obtained using Na+ or K+. The collision-induced dissociation spectra of the [M + Li]+ ions, of glycosphingolipids containing di- to hexasaccharides, are also presented. Proposed possible fragments, resulting from the CID of the molecular ions [M + Li]+ of monoglycosylceramides, are shown.  相似文献   

The kinetic mechanism of rabbit muscle glycogen synthase I was investigated by determining isotope-exchange rates at chemical equilibrium between uridine diphosphoglucose (UDPG) and glycogen and between UDPG and uridine 5'-diphosphate (UDP). The rates were followed simultaneously by use of UDPG labeled with 14C in the glucose moiety and with 3H in the uracil group. They were found to be independent of the concentrations of glycogen and the UDPG-UDP pair, averaging 6 X 10(-9) mol min-1 mg-1, with a ratio of UDPG-glycogen exchange to UDPG-UDP exchange of 0.85-0.95. The conclusion is that glycogen synthase has a rapid equilibrium random bi bi mechanism. The previously reported slow activation of glycogen-free synthase in the presence of glycogen was examined kinetically. The activation rate appears to be independent of glycogen concentration over a wide range, while the maximum activation is related to the third or fourth root of the glycogen concentration. This suggest that the slow bimolecular reaction mechanism proposed for human polymorphonuclear leucocyte glycogen synthase I [S?lling, H., & Esmann, V. (1977) Eur. J. Biochem. 81, 129] does not apply to rabbit muscle synthase I. The rate of exchange of glycogen molecules in the complex between glycogen and rabbit muscle synthase I under conditions where the enzyme is catalytically active was estimated by a novel method. The enzyme-glycogen complex was treated with [glucose-14C]UDPG and glycogen of different molecular weight. The distribution of isotope between the two forms of glycogen was determined after their separation by agarose gel chromatography. A rate constant of 0.3 min-1 was estimated for the exchange. It can be calculated, on the basis of the specific activity of the enzyme (20 mumol min-1 mg-1) and its action pattern, that hundreds of individual chains in the glycogen molecule must be available to the enzyme during the average lifetime of the complex. A mechanism is proposed for this process.  相似文献   

We have identified two members of a novel class of genes in Drosophila that encode putative transmembrane proteins with six leucine-rich repeats and a single immunoglobulin loop. These two molecules, Kek1 and Kek2, show striking conservation in their extracellular domains and have large and more divergent intracellular regions. Both genes are expressed in neurons as they differentiate in the embryonic central nervous system (CNS). kek1 is also expressed in other patterned epithelia, such as the follicle cells of the developing egg chamber, where it is found in a dorsal-ventral gradient around the oocyte. The homology of the kek genes to other known adhesion and signaling molecules, together with their expression patterns, suggests that both genes are involved in interactions at the cell surface. Genetic analysis reveals that deletion of the kek1 gene causes no obvious developmental defects. The coexpression of kek2 in the CNS leads us to suggest that Kek1 is part of a family of cell surface proteins with redundant function.  相似文献   

Play fighting by juvenile rats involves playful attacks directed at the partner's nape, where successful contact leads to gentle rubbing of the snout into the nape area. In addition, the recipient of such contact may defend the nape by adopting tactics of playful defense. The two most common defensive tactics in the juvenile period are evasion, where the recipient swerves or leaps away and facing defense involving rotation to supine, where the attacker is faced and its further attempts to contact the nape are blocked. An unresolved issue is whether the nape contact itself or defense by the recipient alone or in combination with nape contact, are involved in rewarding play fighting. In this study, drug-induced non-playful partners were used to test the 'motivation' for play fighting when only playful nape contact was possible. In drug-trials compared to baseline and saline trials, both neonatally androgenized females (high players) and control, oil-treated, females (low players), decreased the frequency of launching nape attacks. These results suggest that nape contact alone, in the absence of defense by the recipient, is not sufficient reinforcement for such playful activity, irrespective of the initial playfulness of the subjects. However, while nape attacks decrease, other forms of social contact, such as anogenital investigation and climbing over the partner (i.e., crawl overs), increase in frequency. These results suggest that non-playful partners are not neutral targets for normal rats. Rather, the 'non-normal' behavior of the drugged target may affect the subjects' behavior in such a way as to reduce their playfulness for reasons other than reduced reinforcement for play.  相似文献   

In addition to its role in olfaction and as a primary epileptogenic site, the anterior piriform cortex has been suggested to play a role in neuroperception of deficiencies or imbalances in physiologically essential amino acids. In recent studies, amino acid deficient diets were shown to induce expression of c-fos in the anterior piriform cortex within the rapid time frame associated with the normal anorectic response to such diets. It became important to examine the neurocytochemical architecture of this region for clues as to how and more precisely where dietary amino acid deficiency or imbalance might be monitored. The relationships of neuropeptide Y-, somatostatin-, and cholecystokinin-containing neurons were of particular interest because ongoing studies indicate that those peptides administered to the anterior piriform cortex alter intake of diets deficient in essential amino acids. The neuropeptides were endogenous to intrinsic neurons only; none resembled pyramidal projection neurons. Peptidergic neurons and fibers were concentrated most heavily in layer III of the paleocortex. The cytoarchitecture suggests that neuropeptide Y-, somatostatin-, and cholecystokin-containing neurons of the anterior piriform cortex may relate synaptically or multisynaptically to local circuit neurons during electrical activity, modulation of olfactory information, and neuroperception of essential amino acids.  相似文献   

Ankyrins are a multigene family of proteins that function as adapters between the cytoskeleton and trans-membrane proteins, such as ion channels. Previous studies have shown the linkage between ankyrin and ionic transport proteins such as Na+-K+ ATPase, voltage-dependent Na+ channels and Ca2+ channels. In the present study, we have investigated the subcellular distribution of ankyrin and its relationship to the Na+-Ca2+ exchange protein in immature and adult rabbit ventricular myocytes. Isolated single cardiomyocytes from neonatal, juvenile and adult rabbit hearts were examined by immunofluorescence labeling techniques, using antibodies against ankyrin and the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger. We found that in neonatal rabbit cardiac myocytes, ankyrin labeling was mainly present at the Z disk, whereas the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger was only present on the peripheral sarcolemma. At 2 weeks of age, ankyrin labeling was still predominantly observed at the level of the Z disks as well as in the partially developed T-tubules. In the adult cells, however, ankyrin and the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger seem to be co-localized within T-tubules and at the costamere region of the peripheral sarcolemma. Immunogold labeling studies at the higher resolution electron microscopic level using cyrosection tissues of rabbit heart at different ages confirm these findings. These results indicate that the distribution pattern of ankyrin and the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger changes with development in rabbit ventricular myocytes.  相似文献   

A 2.3 kb region of rabbit cardiac and skeletal muscle titin has been cloned. The cDNA sequences of the two tissues are identical and show 91% identity on the nucleotide level with the corresponding region of human cardiac muscle titin. On the amino acid level the identity is 96% and similarity is 98%. Alignment of predicted amino acid sequences of several homologous kinase domains reveals that the rabbit titin kinase has all the necessary elements of an active catalytic domain and carries a potential regulatory region on its C-terminal end. The distance of the 2.3 kb contig from the 3' end of the message was determined to be 5.7 kb in both tissues using oligonucleotide directed RNase H cleavage of titin mRNAs. This is essentially identical with the length of the fully sequenced human cardiac titin C-terminal end. It therefore appears unlikely that there are major tissue specific differences in this 8 kb cDNA region which encodes the C-terminus of rabbit skeletal and cardiac titin.  相似文献   

A-band and Z-line/I-band lattice spacings were measured by small-angle X-ray diffraction from relaxed and isometrically-contracting whole frog sartorius muscles with lattice spacings reduced or swollen by changing the osmolarity of the bathing solution. A-band spacing increased by approximately 3% upon isometric contraction at reduced lattice spacings (245-356 mOsm) and decreased by approximately 1% at swollen spacings (172 mOsm), similarly to the behaviour of skinned muscles upon changing from the relaxed state to rigor. The Z/I lattice underwent a significant lattice expansion (3-8%) upon isometric contraction at all osmolarities, in qualitative agreement (but quantitative disagreement) with results from electron microscopy on mammalian skeletal muscle. Lattice areas calculated for the Z/I and A-band lattices indicate a barrel-shaped sarcomere in the resting state, which may provide a partial explanation for how longitudinal forces produced in the A-band can produce a radial expansive force in the Z-line during contraction. The radial component of cross-bridge stiffness was calculated from the A-band data for contracting muscle, using a lattice stability model incorporating structural, osmotic and electrostatic forces. The calculations gave a radial cross-bridge stiffness during contraction of about 9 x 10(5) N m-2, and outward radial force per thick filament in normal Ringer's solution of 6 x 10(-9) N, corresponding to a radial force per cross-bridge of 10(-11) N.  相似文献   

1. A lamellar body-enriched fraction was prepared from rabbit lung and characterized by electron microscopy, surface activity studies, phospholipid assay and marker enzymes. 2. Both phospholipases A1 and A2 were found to be present in lamellar bodies. After these had been ruptured both enzymes were found to be principally in the soluble phase. 3. The possible roles for phospholipases in lamellar body development and in the respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn are discussed.  相似文献   

To identify the structural basis for the observed physiological effects of myosin regulatory light chain phosphorylation in skinned rabbit skeletal muscle fibers (potentiation of force development at low calcium), thick filaments separated from the muscle in the relaxed state, with unphoshorylated light chains, were incubated with specific, intact, myosin light chain kinase at moderate (pCa 5.0) and low (pCa 5.8) calcium and with calcium-independent enzyme in the absence of calcium, then examined as negatively stained preparations, by electron microscopy and optical diffraction. All such experimental filaments became disordered (lost the near-helical array of surface myosin heads typical of the relaxed state). Filaments incubated in control media, including intact enzyme in the absence of calcium, moderate calcium (pCa 5.0) without enzyme, and bovine serum albumin substituting for calcium-independent myosin light chain kinase, all retained their relaxed structure. Finally, filaments disordered by phosphorylation regained their relaxed structure after incubation with a protein phosphatase catalytic subunit. We suggest that the observed disorder is due to phosphorylation-induced increased mobility and/or changed conformation of myosin heads, which places an increased population of them close to thin filaments, thereby potentiating actin-myosin interaction at low calcium levels.  相似文献   

Ras proteins play a significant role in signal transduction in response to growth factors and in cell transformation. To be active, ras has to be translocated to the cell membrane. Since subcellular distribution has been mainly studied in vector-transformed cells which highly express ras proteins, and it has been difficult to detect ras in cells expressing the protein at physiological levels, we studied subcellular distribution in human and murine fibroblasts. Here we show for the first time that a significant amount of ras is associated with the membrane skeleton and the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which mutations in presenilin-1 (PS1) and presenilin-2 (PS2) result in the Alzheimer's disease phenotype are unclear. Full-length PS1 and PS2 are each processed into stable proteolytic fragments after their biosynthesis in transfected cells. PS1 and PS2 have been localized by immunocytochemistry to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi compartments, but previous studies could not differentiate between the full-length presenilin proteins and their fragments. We carried out subcellular fractionation of cells stably transfected with PS1 or PS2 to determine the localization of full-length presenilins and their fragments. Full-length PS1 and PS2 were principally distributed in ER fractions, whereas the N- and C-terminal fragments were localized predominantly to the Golgi fractions. In cells expressing the PS1 mutant lacking exon 9 (DeltaE9), we observed only full-length molecules that were present in the ER and Golgi fractions. The turnover rate was considerably slower for the DeltaE9 holoprotein, apparently due to decreased degradation within the ER. Our results suggest that that full-length presenilin proteins are primarily ER resident molecules and undergo endoproteolysis within the ER. The fragments are subsequently transported to the Golgi compartment, where their turnover rate is much slower than that of the full-length presenilin in the ER.  相似文献   

Caveolin is believed to play an important role in sorting processes, vesicular trafficking, transmembrane signaling, and molecular transport across membranes. In this study we have evaluated the expression and distribution of caveolin in skeletal muscle and its interaction with GLUT4 glucose carriers. Caveolin was expressed to substantial levels in muscle and its expression was regulated in muscle; aging and high fat diet enhanced caveolin expression in skeletal muscle and inversely, myogenesis down-regulated caveolin in L6E9 cells. Under fasting conditions, most of caveolin was found in intracellular membranes and the caveolin present in the cell surface was found in both sarcolemma and T-tubules. Insulin administration led to a redistribution of caveolin from intracellular high density membrane fractions to intracellular lighter density fractions and to the cell surface; this pattern of insulin-induced redistribution was different to what was shown by GLUT4. These results suggests that caveolin is a component of an insulin-regulated machinery of vesicular transport in muscle. Quantitative immunoisolation of GLUT4 vesicles obtained from different intracellular GLUT4 populations revealed the absence of caveolin which substantiates the lack of colocalization of intracellular GLUT4 and caveolin. This indicates that caveolin is not involved in intracellular GLUT4 trafficking in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Chronic heart failure (CHF) is accompanied by a reduced exercise capacity, and the symptoms can be at least in part explained by qualitative and quantitative changes in the skeletal muscle composition and metabolism. We have correlated the myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition of the gastrocnemius in 20 patients with different degrees of CHF to expiratory gases measured during maximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing, NYHA functional class and echocardiographic parameters. MHC composition was determined electrophoretically in skeletal muscle needle microbiopsies and the percent distribution calculated by laser densitometry. There was no correlation between ejection fraction, left ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic diameters and MHC composition. The percentage of MHC 1 (slow aerobic isoform) was positively correlated with peak VO2 (r2 = 0.5, p = 0.0004), ventilatory threshold (VT, r2 = 0.33, p = 0.008), and O2 pulse (peak VO2/HR, r2 = 0.40, p = 0.003). There was a negative correlation between MHC 2a and 2b (fast isoforms) and peak VO2 (r2 = 0.38 and 0.37, p = 0.004, respectively), VT (r2 = 0.2, p = 0.05; r2 = 0.34, p = 0.007, respectively) and O2 pulse (r2 = 0.39, p = 0.003; r2 = 0.23, p = 0.03, respectively). NYHA functional class was also negatively correlated with the same parameters (r2 = 0.2, p = 0.01; r2 = 0.4, p = 0.001; r2 = 0.34, p = 0.006, respectively) as well as with MHC 1 (r2 = 0.62, p = 0.0001). A positive correlation was found between NYHA functional class and MHC 2a and 2b (r2 = 0.46, p = 0.001; r2 = 0.41, p = 0.002, respectively). The severity of heart failure is paralleled by a shift of the MHC pattern toward the fast MHC 2b. The correlation between the magnitude of the MHCs shift, from the slow aerobic to the fast type, with both clinical parameters (NYHA functional class) and functional measurements (peak VO2, VT, O2 pulse) of exercise capacity seem to suggest that changes in skeletal muscle composition may play a key role in exercise tolerance in patients with CHF.  相似文献   

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