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Wave packets in strongly dispersive media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An analytical study of the evolution of slowly varying wave pulses in strongly dispersive media which takes into account dispersive correction terms involving higher derivatives of the group velocity is given. A higher order differential equation for the envelope function is derived and solved recursively and by means of a procedure based on an analogy with the Schrödinger equation. The equation for the envelope function is used to obtain generalizations of the velocity of the pulse defined as the velocity of the center of inertia, and expressions are derived which determine the spreading of the pulse. Finally, we discuss how the presence of other wave modes affects the primary mode in the multimode case.  相似文献   

Using the Lagrangian approach, a time-domain analysis of wave propagation in an inhomogeneous lossy medium is described. We consider a half-space problem (x ≥ 0) in which the medium is plane stratified in the direction of propagation and can be modeled by a piecewise uniform lossy transmission line. A method of profile inversion which is based directly upon quantities measured in time at the sending end boundary is presented. The problem of uniqueness is discussed. For a given medium, computer simulation results obtained by using the known reflected waves at the boundary x = 0 are shown.  相似文献   

Asymptotic transient field solutions of the form A(r,t) exp [iS (r, t)], where S is a rapidly and A a slowly varying function of space and time, may be analyzed in terms of wave packets with central frequency ω =-∂S/∂t and central wavenumber k = ∇S. When the (dispersive) medium is lossless, stationary, and homogeneous, wave packets with constant real ω and k move along straightline trajectories called space-time rays. In the presence of dissipation and (or) when the input signal has an exponential amplitude dependence, S is complex. The corresponding wave packets with constant complex ω and k move along complex space-time rays, i.e., along trajectories defined in a complex (r, t) coordinate space. The properties of complex space-time rays and of the fields propagating along them, and their relation to physical fields observed on real (r, t) coordinates, are illustrated for a plane pulse with Gaussian envelope and frequency swept carrier, launched into a lossy environment. Tracking of spatial and temporal maxima is performed by ray techniques, and a paraxial ray regime is defined that permits discussion of a signal velocity. Special attention is given to ray focusing and the associated phenomena of pulse compression. It is shown how a complex input frequency profile can be synthesized so as to achieve optimum compression at a real space-time observation point in a lossy medium. The general results are applied in detail to a cold dissipative plasma, and a representative set of numerical calculations is included.  相似文献   

Using the concept of modified power density, expressions are derived for the radiation resistance and efficiency of antennas in a dissipative medium.  相似文献   

The reciprocity principle and the concept of the group and energy velocities are generalized to the fields and waves in chiral media and guiding structures.  相似文献   

To code, or not to code: lossy source-channel communication revisited   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
What makes a source-channel communication system optimal? It is shown that in order to achieve an optimal cost-distortion tradeoff, the source and the channel have to be matched in a probabilistic sense. The match (or lack of it) involves the source distribution, the distortion measure, the channel conditional distribution, and the channel input cost function. Closed-form necessary and sufficient expressions relating the above entities are given. This generalizes both the separation-based approach as well as the two well-known examples of optimal uncoded communication. The condition of probabilistic matching is extended to certain nonergodic and multiuser scenarios. This leads to a result on optimal single-source broadcast communication.  相似文献   

The uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (UTD) is extended so that it can be used to calculate the scattering from an object buried in a lossy medium. First, the accuracy of this high frequency method is examined by comparing numerical results for the scattering by a polygonal cylinder in a lossy medium of infinite extent with calculations based on a method of moments (MoM) solution. Next, the more difficult scattering problem of a polygonal cylinder in a lossy half space is treated. The UTD solution for the unbounded region is employed together with the fields of rays introduced by the interface between air and the lossy medium to obtain expressions for the scattered field in air and in the lossy medium  相似文献   

An extended spectral-domain immittance approach for the rigorous analysis of resonant frequencies and radiation characteristics of microstrip resonators is presented. The dyadic Green's function in the spectral domain is modified to include a complex anisotropic substrate with both permeability and permittivity tensors, lossy ground metallization, and a lossy conducting patch of conventional or superconducting material. Closed-form expressions for the transverse propagation constants and related immittances of TE and TM waves in the spectral domain lead to a CPU-time efficient algorithm that is operational on standard workstations. Numerical results show how the radiation characteristics are affected by losses as well as uniaxial and biaxial anisotropies  相似文献   

It is shown that even in a strongly dispersive medium, the packet velocity and the energy velocity are identical. For the slightly absorptive medium, expressions are given for the pulse velocity and the pulse damping. Different velocity definitions are discussed with relation to experiments.  相似文献   

We have introduced a fast method of calculating the time domain Green's functions for multilayered media. In this paper, we demonstrate the use of this method to compute the scalar potential Green's function for a multilayer lossy dispersive medium on a PEC ground. The strength of the method lies in obtaining the Green's function for many source-to-field distances /spl rho/ and time instances t simultaneously. It only takes 6 min 28 s to compute 100/spl times/336=33 600 space time Green's function points in Matlab on a Pentium III 867 MHz processor with 1 GB of RAM for a multilayered lossy dispersive medium.  相似文献   

Interest in time-domain probing of a lossy dielectric medium by means of optimization processes has been shown in former papers. Some problems related to the application of such techniques to realistic situations are envisaged. Screening effects due to losses are first investigated, and a setup (perturbed line) is presented to reduce them. The influence of a finite extent of the illumination, implied by classical wave applicators, is then discussed.  相似文献   

The equivalent circuit and the scattering parameters of the orthogonal microstrip crossover discontinuity are determined by assuming that the conducting strips are embedded in a multilayered substrate which may contain both anisotropic dielectrics and materials with a nonnegligible conductivity. The equivalent circuit of the crossover is obtained in terms of the complex excess charge densities on the strips. These excess charge densities are computed by means of the Galerkin method in the spectral domain. Comparison is carried out with previously existing results for microstrip crossovers on lossless isotropic substrates and original results are presented for crossovers on anisotropic and lossy substrates  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a novel finite-difference time-domain model of transient wave propagation in general dispersive bi-isotropic media with losses. The special properties of these materials may lead to new applications in microwave and millimeter-wave technology. While their frequency-domain properties have been well described in the literature, their time-domain behavior has only been modeled thus far for special sub-classes and monochromatic time dependence. We have validated our method by first computing time-harmonic wave propagation through a bi-isotropic medium and comparing it with analytical results. Agreement is typically better than 1%. We have then computed transient field propagation in a general lossy dispersive bi-isotropic medium.  相似文献   

Finite, boundary, and hybrid element approaches are presented as numerical methods for computing electromagnetic (EM) fields inside lossy dielectric objects. These techniques are implemented as computer algorithms for solving the Maxwell equations in heterogeneous media in three dimensions. Algorithm verification takes the form of comparisons of test cases with analytic solutions. Computed results for each technique are in good agreement with exact solutions, especially in light of the coarse computational grid resolutions used. Implementation was in FORTRAN on a moderate-sized computer (MicroVax II). The basic problem formulation is quite general; however, it has direct application in hyperthermia as a cancer therapy where the EM fields produced inside the patient by external sources are of interest. An example of the application of these numerical methods in a three-dimensional clinical setting is shown  相似文献   

The problem of TEM wave propagation in a structure containing a medium exhibiting negative differential conductivity is solved. Some difficulties emerging from previous letters on the same argument are explained.  相似文献   

Wave propagation in time-varying media   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

分析了时间步长、空间步长、电导率和电磁波传播方向对时域精细积分(PITD)方法的数值损耗和数值色散的影响。结果表明:PITD的数值损耗大于电磁波的真实损耗,其数值波速可以大于电磁波的真实波速。PITD的数值损耗和数值色散都基本上不受时间步长的影响。随着空间步长的减小,PITD的数值损耗和数值色散的误差都逐步减小。当电导率较小时,PITD的数值损耗和数值色散的误差比时域有限差分(FDTD)方法的大。但当电导率较大时,PITD的数值波速却比FDTD的数值波速更加接近于电磁波的真实波速。PITD的数值损耗和数值色散的各向异性在三维情况下的值要大于其在二维情况下的值。数值算例表明:对良导体而言,PITD比FDTD拥有更高的计算精度和更快的计算速度。  相似文献   

It is shown that H.F. Harmuth's magnetic conductivity term is not needed to predict the transient response for plane-wave transmission in a homogeneous lossy medium. Thus, his repeated harsh criticisms of S.A. Stratton's classic analysis using Laplace transforms are not justified  相似文献   

The Spectral Domain Approach (SDA) is used for a rigorous full-wave analysis of thick microstrip lines embedded in lossy multilayered dielectric media. The effects of the conductor thickness on the propagation constant and characteristic impedance are investigated.  相似文献   

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