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结合中国语境在空间生产理论的基础上,提出社会转型、资本与城市化的逻辑关系.重点讨论了1990年代以后城市化与资本增长的机制特征,认为中国城市化的资本增长效应来源于特定阶段对城市空间的有效需求和增长主义导向下制度性的成本转嫁,并反思了推崇资本增长过程的城市化方式及其局限性.认为在全新的转型环境下,政府应该改变增长主义的城市化态度,基于社会需求主动推动城市化转型.  相似文献   

何明俊 《城市规划》2012,36(7):9-14
中国的城市化改变了社会结构和空间结构。在城市化过程中,基本权利在时间上是变化的,在空间上是矛盾甚至是冲突的。这种变化与矛盾的实质是权利与权利、权力与权利、权力与权力在空间中的"同时在场"。这就引出了一个严肃的话题:我们能否构建出一个平等的、正义的并关注人的基本权利的空间秩序。本文在宪政研究中引入空间的维度,提出空间宪政的概念,并试图提出在城市化进程中关于空间秩序建立的制度设计的理论。  相似文献   

杨宇振 《新建筑》2011,(3):6-10
首先讨论全球化格局中的城市与大学之间的关系,探讨大学的不同定义与资本主义发展史之间的关系;提出社会生产与再生产理论分析框架以及资本空间、地方空间和信息空间三种亚空间类型,进一步阐述大学的社会功用;再结合中国的现实,分析大学空间规划与政治经济之间的关系,指出中国的社会、城市与大学异形同构,具有高度政治集权和寻求经济自主权力最大化的共同特性。突破这一格局的希望仍然在于大学的教育。  相似文献   

焦饰的欢颜:全球流动空间中的中国城市美化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文旨在讨论全球化格局中,权力、资本与中国城市美化之间的关系。首先简要回顾城市美化运动的实践与理论背景;结合重庆城市"刷城运动"的过程与批判展开论述;进而探讨为何形象成为权力与资本热切追求的对象。文中特别研讨地方政府权力在中国社会转型中的社会功能;详细分析权力谋求合法性以及资本追求剩余价值各自的两个回路,以及形象在这一过程中的重要作用;指出近30年来中国城市美化的最根本缘由在于"资本城市化过程"中激烈的地方竞争。文章结论认为在一个交换价值掩埋了使用价值的世界里,在一个全球化的表演世界里,城市美化是当代城市的生存之道。  相似文献   

自1997年直辖以来,重庆市城市化发展迅速.产业结构调整幅度明显。本文通过文献资料法、理论分析与模型分析相结合以及实证分析法,研究重庆市城市发展和产业结构调整之间的关系.从而为城市化进程的加快.产业结构的优化提供依据。研究结果显示重庆城市化率成阶段性上升趋势:产业结构总体趋向优化,发展态势良好,城市化和产业结构呈线性相关,且与第一产业显著的负相关.与第二,三产业正相关。  相似文献   

中国城市化进程总体朝着健康化的方向发展,城市化进程基本符合城市化发展的"S"曲线规律,目前进入快速城市化发展阶段。在快速城市化进程中不可避免地出现了一系列亟待解决的现实问题,这使得中国的城市化整体处在亚健康状态。本文通过对我国现行城市化亚健康状态的深刻反思后认为,中国城市化不应该是"算出来"、"比出来"、"拆出来"、"耗出来"、"染出来"和"挤出来"的城市化。为了积极稳妥地推进中国城市化向健康方向发展,需要贯彻落实以人为本的科学发展观,科学调控城市化速度与质量之间的关系,把提升城市化质量作为重中之重;正确处理好主动城市化与被动城市化之间的关系,走主动城市化的道路;努力协调好城市化与生态环境之间的胁迫关系,立足资源环境承载能力推行可持续的城市化;高度重视城市化与新农村建设的关系,推行城乡统筹与共荣发展;辨证地看待城市化与市场化的关系,以市场化积极稳妥地推进城市化。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,很多科学家、政治家、社会学家和有识之士,陆续提出了人类文明的低碳生态发展方向.作为经济主体的中国城市,经过30年的高速发展,已迈入矛盾与问题凸显阶段.到2011年,按照人口普查数据,中国的城镇人口已经超过6.5亿人,城市化水平超过了 49%.城镇人口的增多以及城市化进程的加快,正在倒逼城市建设生态化.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,城市化进程加速对城市住宅价格的上涨产生了重大影响。选取1998-2007年这个经济与城市化发展较稳定的时期作为研究阶段,根据该时期全国及地区统计数据,采用曲线拟合及回归分析的方法分析城市化进程与住宅价格的关系,并以"纳瑟姆"曲线为理论依据,简要分析函数关系存在的条件,可为住宅价格预测提供理论参考。  相似文献   

基于Logistic模型,并利用相关城市化数据,本文对我国城市化进程与饱和水平S、初始水平a和速度指标b的内在关系以及城市化进程"S"型演变的影响因素进行了实证研究。结果表明:(1)城市化的饱和水平S确定了城市化进程的上限,城市化的初始水平a和速度指标b的大小则决定了城市化进程的实现周期;(2)城市化进程的"S"型趋势受到政策变革的干扰,并通过影响速度指标b的大小引致城市化进程的加速或者停滞过程;(3)城市化本质上可视作一个多维度的系统演变过程,主要包括了时间维度、空间维度和城市化系统本身。  相似文献   

文章着眼物质性实践和设计工作,进而探索共时性的创造与发展时间压缩之间的研究。这两者说明了中国城市化的特点,也对借助建筑实践和设计思考来度量中国转变的标准提出更多的要求。鉴于对中国城市化进程的激烈争论,建筑在实践中容纳复杂、激进的社会空间形式的程度有多少?纵观改革开放以来、后毛泽东时代的30年间的悲与喜,以及之后到来的城市化超速发展的时代,对建筑项目来说重要的是什么?像通信和计算技术,建筑将变得更加普遍和成为一种较为理想的文化产物的模式,还是会沦为空间物质性的实践的机械化的形式?文章围绕北京两幢相邻的住宅项目展开:联接复合体和清水苑。基于B.A.S.E北京建筑工作室的相关工作,这两者建立了围绕中国的城市化以及建筑教育方面问题的讨论框架。其目的是通过插入空间碎片和对进程的微妙打乱,直接的注意力并不在对中国城市化的"超速"发展的争论中,而是重点关注在社会有机体的城市化进程中建筑如何体现基因多样性,以及既非均质处理又非沉溺于极端差异化的物质性实践。  相似文献   

Urban growth combined with increasing population modifies landscape structure and functions at various scales. Identifying the accumulated effects of urbanisation on landscape composition and configuration over time is crucial to anticipate the functional change of altered landscape and to gauge landscape sustainability. Focusing on critical ecosystems, this study aims to understand how landscape patterns will evolve in response to the proposed development plans in Maricopa County, Arizona. Two primary GIS data layers were developed including the urban ecosystem layer with different natural land cover types (e.g. desert shrub, grassland, green space, and agriculture) and the urbanisation layer with residential, commercial, and recreational land use. To examine the spatiotemporal pattern change, urbanisation scenarios were designed with a basis on development status and implementation certainty, along with landscape metrics calculation. The findings demonstrated how the landscape metrics behave differently across different urbanisation conditions and which type of landscape will be most likely sensitive to future urbanisation processes. The study provides significant implications for landscape planning and guides planners to seek more optimal alternatives among various policy decisions.  相似文献   

This paper compares the emergence of urban regions around European second-tier cities based on population data between 1890 and 2011. It asks whether a characteristic trajectory of formation exists for those urban regions distinguishing them from the centrifugal growth typical of the early expansion stages of larger cities. The results are consistent with existing research and contribute to a spatial-historical characterisation of second-tier urban region formation. Their dominant long-term urbanisation mode lies somewhere between centrifugal and polycentric models of development, suggesting a more nuanced interpretation of urbanisation timelines and stressing the legacy of past urban growth in current urbanisation dynamics.  相似文献   

近30年快速城镇化背景下城市规划理念的变迁   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
通过近30年我国城镇化历史的回顾,对快速城镇化背景下我国城市规划理念的发展历程做了简要回顾和分析,特别对城市规划的编制体制、技术内容、分析方法等方面做了概括和分析.  相似文献   

Rates of urbanisation and the resiliency of air and water quality   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Global human population and urban development are increasing at unprecedented rates and creating tremendous stress on local, regional, and global air and water quality. However, little is known about how urban areas vary in their capacity to address effectively air and water quality impacts associated to urban development. There exists a need to better understanding the factors that mediate the interactions between urbanisation and variations of environmental quality. By synthesizing literatures on the relationship between urban development and air and water quality, we assess the amount of scholarship for each of these cities, characterize population growth rates in one hundred of the largest global cities, and link growth trends to changes in air and water quality. Our results suggest that, while there is a growing literature linking urbanisation and environmental quality, some regions of the globe are better represented than others, and that these trends are consistent with our characterization of population growth rates. In addition, the comparison between population growth rates and air and water quality suggest that multiple factors affect the environmental quality, and that approaching rates of urbanisation through the lens of ‘resiliency’ can be an effective integrative concept for studying the capacity of urban areas to respond to rapid rates of change. Based on these results we offer a framework for systematically assessing changes in air and water quality in megacities.  相似文献   


Dalian is a particular Chinese city, which was occupied for half a century successively by the British, Japanese, and Russian Empires before 1949, with each imposing its own urban planning and building styles onto the city’s development. Since 1984, with China’s open-door policy and economic reform, dramatic changes have taken place in Dalian, transforming it into a modern and famous tourist destination within the country. However, with its rapid urbanisation, the built heritage is being compromised, and the preservation of colonial legacy has become contested. This paper reviews the unique planning history of Dalian and the challenges the city faces regarding its contested heritage, with a special focus on the case of Dongguan Street, which is a colonial legacy without any official designated status. Conflict arises between those who want to erase what they feel is a humiliating past, to make way for the modern city, and the ones who value the legacy to save the endangered heritage that remains.  相似文献   

What is the relation of humanity to the ‘rest of nature’? Situated in the epoch of the Anthropocene and as concerns about climate emergency dramatically rise, the paper looks beyond the human/nature ontological separation and narratives of domination, in order to investigate the possibility of alternative worldviews and practices, instrumental for socio-ecological repair. Kentos, deriving from the greek verb kentaw (embroider or sting), describes the harvest practice of mastiha tree, which grows solely on Chios island. In the precision of the manual labour and the rituality of Kentos, one can read beyond pure production, a relationship of mutuality and a socio-ecological bond unfolding between human bodies, trees and their environment. The paper revisits the mastiha landscapes of Chios island, at North Aegean in Greece and narrates the story of relations that have occurred between humans and a tree native to the island, the Pistacia lentiscus var. Chia. It unpacks this socio-ecological bond and its various social, political and economic extensions, investigating how this interspecies relation has operated in history as a productive force and how it has survived in the present time, entangled in capitalist flows, climatic and urban pressures. The aim is to explore knowledge latent in interspecies relations that occurre in territories entangled in capitalist processes of extended urbanisation. Gathering this knowledge aims at informing alternative concepts and strategies for dealing with the contemporary socio-ecological challenges. The paper employs a methodology of relational thinking: it problematises and retracts strict ontological boundaries between human and ‘the rest of Nature’. By doing so it reveals a whole new space of relations between species and sets for an exploration of the relations that we encounter there. This space is examined and conceptualised through qualitative ethnographic work, analysis of documentary sources, oral history and secondary sources that have captured intentionally or unintentionally facets of the socio-ecological bond. Concluding, the paper identifies a socio-ecology of care nested in interspecies relations. It reveales care as a latent interspecies practice, as situated knowledge, as a more-than-human collective, and as an intrinsic value of reciprocity between forms of life, within and beyond capitalism, generating alternative socio-political formations and alternative vision. The paper ends with a proposition: care is a choice, a valid alternative option for design space, strategy and practice to re-engage productively with the ‘rest of nature’, material and living world.  相似文献   

情境主义国际评述与城市空间再解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱海波 《华中建筑》2009,27(2):136-139
该文首先简要介绍情境主义国际的景观社会与日常生活批判思想及其建构情境的主要策略,并通过剖析其思想和实践中所蕴含的批判潜力和不足,揭示出隐藏在空间背后知识、资本和权力的意识形态运作。然后从知识、资本、权力互为表征的视角重新审视城市空间,并针对空间知识的生产,空间生产中的资本积累方向和权力运作方式中存在的不足提出相应解决策略。最后,根据文中的分析结论,提出情境主义思想对我国城市空间生产的现实意义。  相似文献   

伴随着全球化浪潮,消费文化在中国蔓延开来,铺陈在大都市边缘区的乡村逐渐被纳八城市的消费体系。本文基于空间生产的视角,构建了“利益主体空间变迁”分析框架,通过对高淳国际慢城大山村中三类主体(消费者、生产者、所有者)两两关系的深入剖析,揭示了消费文化驱动下乡村空间的再生产过程。研究发现,伴随着城市消费文化的入侵,传统的、自然的乡村绝对空间消失,取而代之的是关注空间交换价值和抽象价值的抽象空间,村民在其中是被压制或顺从的状态,没有出现列斐伏尔认为的“日常生活的反抗”。另外,乡村的消费化并非乡村的主动作为,而是城市需求推动下的产物,侧面折射出当今中国的城乡关系正由显性剥夺向隐性规训转变。乡村消费带来乡村空间的异化,本质上是空间的资本化现象,说明乡村地区逐渐成为了资本运作的舞台。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a nationwide field survey of wastewater plants under build–operate–transfer (BOT) contracts in China. The survey yielded information on contracting parties, size, duration and location of 37 BOT contracts. The key findings are that municipal governments feature as first parties to BOTs, and that many second parties are domestic rather than international entities. Municipalities favour BOT contracts because of familiarity with infrastructure BOTs and the access they offer to the capital market. A subsample of five BOT contract documents was examined. Gaps in contract specifications included clauses allocating responsibility for defects in plant design and environmental incidents, and coverage of commercial risk. Many of the BOT contracts examined qualify as public–public partnerships rather than public–private partnerships (PPPs) in the classic sense of the word. This dampens the risk of contract failure.  相似文献   

城市灯光景观体系构成   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出城市灯光景观规划中灯光景观体系的构成程序,在对灯光景观进行视觉分析的基础上,结合实例讨论了灯光景观体系组成要素和构成方法。  相似文献   

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