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Yun-Hao Yuan Author Vitae Author Vitae Qiang Zhou Author VitaeAuthor Vitae 《Pattern recognition》2011,44(5):1031-1040
Multiset canonical correlation analysis (MCCA) is difficult to effectively express the integrated correlation among multiple feature vectors in feature fusion. Thus, this paper firstly presents a novel multiset integrated canonical correlation analysis (MICCA) framework. The MICCA establishes a discriminant correlation criterion function of multi-group variables based on generalized correlation coefficient. The criterion function can clearly depict the integrated correlation among multiple feature vectors. Then the paper presents a multiple feature fusion theory and algorithm using the MICCA method. The detailed process of the algorithm is as follows: firstly, extract multiple feature vectors from the same patterns by using different feature extraction methods; then extract multiset integrated canonical correlation features using MICCA; finally form effective discriminant feature vectors through two given feature fusion strategies for pattern classification. The multi-group feature fusion method based on MICCA not only achieves the aim of feature fusion, but also removes the redundancy between features. The experiment results on CENPARMI handwritten Arabic numerals and UCI multiple features database show that the MICCA method has better recognition rates and robustness than the fusion methods based on canonical correlation analysis (CCA) and MCCA. 相似文献
Quan-Sen Sun Author Vitae Zheng-dong Liu Author Vitae Author Vitae De-Sen Xia Author Vitae 《Pattern recognition》2005,38(3):449-452
This paper proposes a kind of generalized canonical projective vectors (GCPV), based on the framework of canonical correlation analysis (CCA) applying image recognition. Apart from canonical projective vectors (CPV), the process of obtaining GCPV contains the class information of samples, such that the combined features extracted according to the basis of GCPV can give a better classification performance. The experimental result based on the Concordia University CENPARMI handwritten Arabian numeral database has proved that our method is superior to the method based on CPV. 相似文献
Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is a well-known feature extraction technique. In this paper, we point out that LDA is not perfect because it only utilises the discriminatory information existing in the first-order statistical moments and ignores the information contained in the second-order statistical moments. We enhance LDA using the idea of a K-L expansion technique and develop a new LDA-KL combined method, which can make full use of both sections of discriminatory information. The proposed method is tested on the Concordia University CENPARMI handwritten numeral database. The experimental results indicate that the proposed LDA-KL method is more powerful than the existing techniques of LDA, K-L expansion and their combination: OLDA-PCA. What is more, the proposed method is further generalised to suit for feature extraction in the complex feature space and can be an effective tool for feature fusion.An erratum to this article can be found at 相似文献
Multiset features extracted from the same pattern usually represent different characteristics of data, meanwhile, matrices or 2-order tensors are common forms of data in real applications. Hence, how to extract multiset features from matrix data is an important research topic for pattern recognition. In this paper, by analyzing the relationship between CCA and 2D-CCA, a novel feature extraction method called multiple rank canonical correlation analysis (MRCCA) is proposed, which is an extension of 2D-CCA. Different from CCA and 2D-CCA, in MRCCA k pairs left transforms and k pairs right transforms are sought to maximize correlation. Besides, the multiset version of MRCCA termed as multiple rank multiset canonical correlation analysis (MRMCCA) is also developed. Experimental results on five real-world data sets demonstrate the viability of the formulation, they also show that the recognition rate of our method is higher than other methods and the computing time is competitive. 相似文献
针对传统典型相关分析(Canonical Correlation Analysis,CCA)的图像识别中出现的小样本(Small Sample Size,SSS)问题,提出二维典型相关分析(Two-Dimensional CCA,2DCCA)。首先阐述了2DCCA方法的基本原理并给出了类成员关系矩阵的构造方法,推导出了类成员关系协方差矩阵广义逆的解析解。其次,从理论上证明了2DCCA方法对于解决小样本问题的有效性。最后,利用人脸识别实验来测试该方法的性能,实验结果表明,2DCCA方法有效地解决了图像识别中常见的小样本问题,并且能取得较其他几种基于CCA的人脸识别方法更优的识别结果。 相似文献
This paper formulates independent component analysis (ICA) in the kernel-inducing feature space and develops a two-phase kernel ICA algorithm: whitened kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) plus ICA. KPCA spheres data and makes the data structure become as linearly separable as possible by virtue of an implicit nonlinear mapping determined by kernel. ICA seeks the projection directions in the KPCA whitened space, making the distribution of the projected data as non-gaussian as possible. The experiment using a subset of FERET database indicates that the proposed kernel ICA method significantly outperform ICA, PCA and KPCA in terms of the total recognition rate. 相似文献
一种新的特征提取方法及其在模式识别中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
核典型相关分析(KCCA)是一种有监督的机器学习方法,可以有效地提取非线性特征。然而随着训练样本数目的增加,标准的KCCA方法的计算复杂度会随之增加。针对此缺点,提出一种改进的KCCA方法:首先用几何特征选择方法选择一个训练样本子集并将其映射到再生核希尔伯特空间(RKHS),然后设计了一种提升特征提取效率的算法,该算法按照对特征分类贡献的大小巧妙地选取样本的特征值,进而求出其相应的特征向量,最后将改进的KCCA与支持向量数据描述(SVDD)多分类器相结合用于分类识别。在ORL人脸图像数据库上的实验结果表明,改进的方法相对传统的KCCA方法,在不影响识别率的情况下提高了人脸识别速度,减小了系统存储量。 相似文献
Application of image correction and bit-plane fusion in generalized PCA based face recognition 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A novel generalized PCA based face recognition algorithm is proposed in this paper. Two approaches to improve the illumination robustness of the algorithm are presented, symmetrical image correction (SIC) and bit-plane feature fusion (BPFF). Specifically, for an assumed eudipleural face image, SIC first compares a pixel with the mean of this pixel and its symmetrical one and constructs a weight using the difference, then performs correction of the face image by adding the weight image to it to reduce bright speckles and shadows caused by over lighting. BPFF decomposes a face image into its eight bit-planes and extracts outline features and texture features respectively from them, then it constructs a new virtual face by combining those two features. Finally, Generalized PCA is applied to the virtual faces to achieve face recognition. Experimental results show that, the proposed combined approach can effectively reduce the sensitivity of face recognition algorithm to illumination variances and thus fewer projection vectors are required to achieve the same recognition rate than the comparing approaches. 相似文献
Wen-Sheng Chu Author VitaeAuthor Vitae Jenn-Jier James Lien Author Vitae 《Pattern recognition》2011,44(8):1567-1580
This study presents a novel kernel discriminant transformation (KDT) algorithm for face recognition based on image sets. As each image set is represented by a kernel subspace, we formulate a KDT matrix that maximizes the similarities of within-kernel subspaces, and simultaneously minimizes those of between-kernel subspaces. Although the KDT matrix cannot be computed explicitly in a high-dimensional feature space, we propose an iterative kernel discriminant transformation algorithm to solve the matrix in an implicit way. Another perspective of similarity measure, namely canonical difference, is also addressed for matching each pair of the kernel subspaces, and employed to simplify the formulation. The proposed face recognition system is demonstrated to outperform existing still-image-based as well as image set-based face recognition methods using the Yale Face database B, Labeled Faces in the Wild and a self-compiled database. 相似文献
This work proposes a method to decompose the kernel within-class eigenspace into two subspaces: a reliable subspace spanned
mainly by the facial variation and an unreliable subspace due to limited number of training samples. A weighting function
is proposed to circumvent undue scaling of eigenvectors corresponding to the unreliable small and zero eigenvalues. Eigenfeatures
are then extracted by the discriminant evaluation in the whole kernel space. These efforts facilitate a discriminative and
stable low-dimensional feature representation of the face image. Experimental results on FERET, ORL and GT databases show
that our approach consistently outperforms other kernel based face recognition methods.
Alex KotEmail: |
偏最小二乘(PLS)是一种有效的图像特征抽取方法。不同于其他的多元数据分析方法,PLS综合了PCA与CCA的优点,抽取对样本具有最佳解释能力的成分。讨论了偏最小二乘法建模思想及非迭代算法、共轭正交算法和基于2D特征抽取时的算法原理和特点,以及PLS用于图像识别时类隶属矩阵的构造。在ORL与Yale人脸库上的实验结果表明用2DCOPLS抽取的特征进行图像识别的效果更好,更稳定。 相似文献
黄勇 《计算机工程与应用》2013,49(4):224-226
提出了一种基于边际关联分析MCA的人脸表情识别方法。传统的CCA、MML等处理的是所有训练样本的全局关联系数。受关联分析和边际学习启发,MCA专注于样本与对应类标间的个体关联,而非整体或全局关联。基于JAFFE和CED-WYU两个表情数据库的识别结果证实了MCA特征提取方法的有效性。 相似文献
Georgios Vamvakas Author Vitae Basilis Gatos Author Vitae Author Vitae 《Pattern recognition》2010,43(8):2807-2816
In this paper, we present a methodology for off-line handwritten character recognition. The proposed methodology relies on a new feature extraction technique based on recursive subdivisions of the character image so that the resulting sub-images at each iteration have balanced (approximately equal) numbers of foreground pixels, as far as this is possible. Feature extraction is followed by a two-stage classification scheme based on the level of granularity of the feature extraction method. Classes with high values in the confusion matrix are merged at a certain level and for each group of merged classes, granularity features from the level that best distinguishes them are employed. Two handwritten character databases (CEDAR and CIL) as well as two handwritten digit databases (MNIST and CEDAR) were used in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique. The recognition result achieved, in comparison to the ones reported in the literature, is the highest for the well-known CEDAR Character Database (94.73%) and among the best for the MNIST Database (99.03%) 相似文献
We present a fully automated algorithm for facial feature extraction and 3D face modeling from a pair of orthogonal frontal and profile view images of a person's face taken by calibrated cameras. The algorithm starts by automatically extracting corresponding 2D landmark facial features from both view images, then compute their 3D coordinates. Further, we estimate the coordinates of the features that are hidden in the profile view based on the visible features extracted in the two orthogonal face images. The 3D coordinates of the selected feature points obtained from the images are used first to align, then to locally deform the corresponding facial vertices of the generic 3D model. Preliminary experiments to assess the applicability of the resulted models for face recognition show encouraging results. 相似文献
Due to the noise disturbance and limited number of training samples, within-set and between-set sample covariance matrices in canonical correlation analysis (CCA) usually deviate from the true ones. In this paper, we re-estimate within-set and between-set covariance matrices to reduce the negative effect of this deviation. Specifically, we use the idea of fractional order to respectively correct the eigenvalues and singular values in the corresponding sample covariance matrices, and then construct fractional-order within-set and between-set scatter matrices which can obviously alleviate the problem of the deviation. On this basis, a new approach is proposed to reduce the dimensionality of multi-view data for classification tasks, called fractional-order embedding canonical correlation analysis (FECCA). The proposed method is evaluated on various handwritten numeral, face and object recognition problems. Extensive experimental results on the CENPARMI, UCI, AT&T, AR, and COIL-20 databases show that FECCA is very effective and obviously outperforms the existing joint dimensionality reduction or feature extraction methods in terms of classification accuracy. Moreover, its improvements for recognition rates are statistically significant on most cases below the significance level 0.05. 相似文献
Xiao-Sheng Zhuang Author Vitae Author Vitae 《Pattern recognition》2007,40(5):1570-1578
Many pattern recognition applications involve the treatment of high-dimensional data and the small sample size problem. Principal component analysis (PCA) is a common used dimension reduction technique. Linear discriminate analysis (LDA) is often employed for classification. PCA plus LDA is a famous framework for discriminant analysis in high-dimensional space and singular cases. In this paper, we examine the theory of this framework and find out that even if there is no small sample size problem the PCA dimension reduction cannot guarantee the subsequent successful application of LDA. We thus develop an improved discriminate analysis method by introducing an inverse Fisher criterion and adding a constrain in PCA procedure so that the singularity phenomenon will not occur. Experiment results on face recognition suggest that this new approach works well and can be applied even when the number of training samples is one per class. 相似文献
Wankou Yang Author Vitae Author Vitae Lei Zhang Author Vitae 《Pattern recognition》2011,44(8):1649-1657
In this paper, we propose a Multi-Manifold Discriminant Analysis (MMDA) method for an image feature extraction and pattern recognition based on graph embedded learning and under the Fisher discriminant analysis framework. In an MMDA, the within-class graph and between-class graph are, respectively, designed to characterize the within-class compactness and the between-class separability, seeking for the discriminant matrix to simultaneously maximize the between-class scatter and minimize the within-class scatter. In addition, in an MMDA, the within-class graph can represent the sub-manifold information, while the between-class graph can represent the multi-manifold information. The proposed MMDA is extensively examined by using the FERET, AR and ORL face databases, and the PolyU finger-knuckle-print databases. The experimental results demonstrate that an MMDA is effective in feature extraction, leading to promising image recognition performance. 相似文献