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随着人们建筑工程的质量的要求的不断的提高,建筑工程的质量的检测技术在也在不断的发展和受到人们越来越多的重视。在建筑施工的过程中的建筑工程的质量的控制和监督是影响工程的整体质量的一个关键的因素。在建筑的工程质量检测的过程中要对工程的工期和工程建设质量检测人员的素质等的因素进行严格的控制和管理,以保证工程的质量的合格。  相似文献   

丁杰  郑文涛 《电子世界》2012,(22):19-20
随着我国的水电站系统不断的发展,远程的集中控制系统也在不断的发展,针对现在我国的水电站的实际情况,为了能够有效的防止远程操作的时候发生事故失误操作,更具电力系统的五防的定义,基于现代意义上的需要在远程的集中控制计算机的监控系统的应用上进行的内涵的扩展,本文的设计实现了计算机的监控系统的五防功能,为了梯级水电站的远程操作的正确性提供了一定的保证。  相似文献   

在由于我国的电网建设的不间断发展,从而用电户对于电的要求也将会越来越高,用电户最有效的保证是电网线路的可靠、实在的运用。本文的作者总结出的多年的工作经验,经过对于配电网的线路检修的某个意义做出的简略的描绘,最主要的也就是配电网的线路状态进行的检修中所存在的问题和相应的解决方案做了深入研究,并且也为人们相对的提出一些保障措施。  相似文献   

城市发展的好与坏与城市的设计规划有着巨大的联系,这是不容置疑的,发展好的城市的规划设计就是要比其他城市的规划设计更加的合理。但是在这个城市遍地的时代,不是所以的城市都发展的很好,这主要就是城市的设计规划的不同所导致的,譬如:城市中的道路;建筑;楼房的建设;环境的创建等,这些东西的不同直接导致了两个城市的发展结果截然不同,这就说明城市规划对城市的发展是有很大的意义的。  相似文献   

李春晓 《电子测试》2014,(Z2):53-54
科学技术的发展现在一个国家的发展中显的极为的重要,对于科学技术的研究是体现一个国家的综合国力的表现,本文主要针对LISA数据库收录的有关云计算机的文献进行的研究,通过这些的研究分析来关注它的起源,发展历程极其研究的最新动态。并且在一定的范围内探讨出在以后的研究道路上的目标以及我们应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

对于当今社会来说,交通运输的发展趋势是势不可挡的,人们的生活水平不断的提高的同时对出行的要求来越高,铁路运输的发展也要愈来愈适应社会发展的需求。我国的高速铁路面对愈来愈多的竞争与需求,由于动车有诸多优点所以它的发展带动了铁路运输业的飞跃。本文简单的介绍了动车的组成和特点概括性的总结了动车的优缺点,并对动车的产生于使用对其发展进行了大致的分析。  相似文献   

网络的规划及计算机的维护工作主要涉及到了计算机的软硬件的管理及维护的工作还有网络的相应的规划和管理的工作,此外还有中心机房的规划和布置的相关的内容以及计算机的外部设备相应的维护及管理的工作等内容。本文就局域网的建设和维护工作做了很好地分析,并针对其中的问题提出了很好地建议。  相似文献   

经典的最大意义在于,它有着真正的价值——这种价值的内涵是丰富的,就音响范畴上的经典而言,它的价值既包括文化意义上的,也包括历史长度上的.最特别的是,与当今在技术发达背景下形成的快速消费型电子产品有所不同,经典的全方位价值始终沉淀在那里.虽然它一时无法在这个热闹的时代成为人们的最高关注,但是,它的那种源远流长的魅力却是无法阻挡的.在这里,我们说的是LP.历史极为悠久的LP有着独属于自己的喜与悲.在最早的讯源时代,它的诞生不仅是划时代的,而且还是受到全球性欢迎的,其所积累起来的声誉使得在很长的一段时间内成为绝对的主角.  相似文献   

在现代技术和科学水平的不断推动下,我国的社会主义经济不断的向前发展,为我国各行各业的发展带来了发展的机遇,通讯工程产业就随着科技和经济的发展下,发生了巨大的改变。这种新兴的产业通信工程不仅改善了人们的生活质量,让人们的交流和沟通变得更加的容易,还在一定的程度上促进了经济的整体发展,推动了经济全球化的发展步伐。本文将主要从通信工程具备的特征、通信工程的发展现状以及通信工程的发展前景这三个方面出发对通信工程的发展进行了分析。希望能够依据通信工程的发展前景提前的做好发展的准备工作,更好的规避发展的风险,从而获得更多的产业利润,保证产业的长远发展。只有顺应时代发展潮流的企业才不会被市场所淘汰,只有积极进行改革的企业才能保持长久的生命活力。  相似文献   

在经济与科技高速发展的今天,为了满足人们对于信息的大量需求,计算机与相应的信息技术充斥在我们衣食住行的方方面面.随着各个领域的应用的加深,也出现了相应的矛盾即计算机技术的快速更替导致的信息的量级的增长,因而多媒体技术的信息检索方法取代了传统的信息检索方法来满足人们对于信息的数量与质量的实际需求.针对广播发射系统中的信息识别问题,尚存在相应的冲突问题.信息在传送过程中因为某一方面的问题导致的信息通道的拥堵,信息滞留导致的系统的效率的降低与稳定性差的问题.本文将就广播发射系统中的信号冲突消除技术进行分析.  相似文献   

A spatially independent model of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSEL's) is built up in this paper by integrating the spatially dependent rate equations over the cross section of the active reigon of VCSEL's. The LP cosine modes in a weakly guiding cylindrical waveguide are used to represent the transverse modes in the VCSEL's cavity. This model is performed numerically with the 4th order Runge-Kutta method in a self-consistent way. The dynamic and steady state characteristics of the multi-transverse mode competitions are investigated in detail. Different kinds of injection currents such as a disk-contact and ring-contact injection current are employed in these numerically implementations. Some interesting results are obtained and analyzed detailedly.  相似文献   

Optimum resolution in the Doppler spectra of rotating targets is obtained by using an optimum aspect angle window from which the data for the Fourier transforms are taken. The width of the optimum aspect angle window depends on the location, relative to the axis of rotation, of the scattering center to be resolved, so that for optimum resolution a sort of focusing by choosing the appropriate aspect angle window is necessary. Formulae and graphs for optimum width of aspect angle windows and the obtainable resolutions are given. Typical applications of the scheme presented are in the experimental determination of the location, the strength, and the interaction of the scattering centers on a target. These in turn are of major interest, e.g., for the analysis and synthesis of radar cross sections, in glint investigations, and in target imaging.  相似文献   

From discussions on the behavior of the high-field domain, five different modes are shown to appear successively when changing the carrier concentration in material with a positive field derivative of the carrier-diffusion coefficient. Two of them are cyclically traveling modes whose traveling directions are opposite to each other. The others are trapped-domain modes, and they are classified by the positions in which they are trapped.  相似文献   

Simple analytical formulas are derived to estimate the parameters of the main maximum in the surface distribution of the field strength for the low-frequency source located in the Earth ionosphere. The dependences of the relative calculation errors on the source frequency and position are presented. The resulting formulas are applied for loop antennas and for the wave propagation in geomagnetic waveguides (ducts).  相似文献   

The forced nonlinear precession of the magnetization vector in the normally magnetized magnetic plate is considered under the conditions for the orientational transition. The time dependences and precession patterns of the oscillations of magnetization are presented. Five regimes of precession are revealed: small-amplitude circular precession, precession of the equilibrium position without encircling of center, undamped precession of equilibrium position with encircling of center, damped precession of equilibrium position with encircling of center, and full-scale circular precession. The transitions between the regimes are studied using the 3D model of potential. The domains of the regimes of precession are determined on the plane decay parameter-ac field amplitude. It is demonstrated that a variation in the amplitude of the ac field leads to the stepwise dynamic orientational transition from the fourth regime to the fifth regime. The recommendations for the practical applications are worked out using the results.  相似文献   

Considering the numerical optimization approach for the inversion of the Schwarz-Christoffel conformal transformation formula, some improvements in integration procedures and some topics in optimization methods are discussed. Predictor-corrector techniques are introduced in order to map internal lines after the polygonal boundary is transformed these are applied to the dielectric interface in inhomogeneous line cross sections, allowing conformal transformation of quasi-TEM structures by purely numerical methods. Some examples of computations are presented, and some results are compared to known analytical calculations.  相似文献   

On the theory of the electrocardiogram   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The biophysical basis for understanding the electrocardiogram is set forth. Bioelectric sources arise from electrical activity in the heart at the cellular level. The relation of these sources, which can be formally represented as impressed currents, to potentials involves solution of the volume conductor problem. This solution is based on Green's theorem. Sources are related to the transmembrane action potential through a bidomain model of heart muscle. Microscopic and macroscopic aspects of the bidomain model are developed. Various transformations of the source are considered, including multipoles, multiple dipoles, and replacement of the volume distribution with distributions on the heart surface. Time integrals of the waveform are related to excitation time and action potential duration. The theoretical results form the basis of a computer model of the electrocardiogram that relates skin potentials to the spatial and temporal distribution of action potentials in the heart  相似文献   

The steady-state and dynamic characteristics in the overcurrent-limited mode of a DC-DC converter are analyzed theoretically and experimentally. The circuit conditions are defined for foldback current limiting, constant current, and voltage drooping characteristics, which are realized when the DC voltage gain of the overcurrent limiting control loop is larger than, equal to, and less than unity, respectively. It is shown that the stability in the overcurrent-limited mode, as well as the transient response from the load point in the constant voltage-regulated mode to that in the current-limited mode, can be improved by using a relatively large DC voltage gain and by approximately adjusting the rate time and reset time in the derivative and integral compensators, respectively  相似文献   

Phase-locked loops (PLLs) are designed to extract timing signals in telecommunication networks. Noise, cross-talk, inter-symbol interference, quantization noise, and signal distortion are responsible for oscillations in the time between two successive transitions of the clock or data signal. It appears as an accidental phase modulation superposed to the original signal. This phenomenon is called timing jitter and affects the integrity of the data recovering process and, as a consequence, the error bit rate is increased. This problem has been studied by treating the jitter as a band limited noise process and tolerance masks for the jitter amplitude and frequency are recommended for several network architectures. Here, we develop a simple model with the continuous phase deviations of the clock signals considered as periodic signals in the band of the real disturbances. Comparisons with the stochastic approach are presented.  相似文献   

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