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隐胞子虫──水系传染病寄生虫1993年4月,美国威斯康星州密尔沃基市发生了罕见的大规模隐胞子虫病(Cryp-tosporidiosis),波及160万人口,其中40.3万人受到不同程度的感染。隐胞子虫病主要是通过饮水传播的,水源受隐胞子虫(Crypt... 相似文献
饮用水水质与净化新观念 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
现代化工业在近几十年中的迅速发展,尤其是合成化学工业的突飞猛进,使得人工合成化学物总数已超过4万种,每年还有上千新品种投入市场。这些化学物的相当大一部分通过人类活动进入水体,如生活污水和工业废水的排放,农业上使用的化肥、除草剂和杀虫剂的流失等等。使接纳水体的物理、化学性状发生了显著变化,有机污染物在数量和浓度上占了绝对优势。不少有机化学物对人体有三致(致畸、致 相似文献
本文结合国际水质标准,与我国现行的GB5749-2006生活饮用水卫生标准进行了比较分析,介绍了我国饮用水标准的发展过程,重点介绍了强制性国家GB5749-2006生活饮用水卫生标准,并提出了指导性建议。 相似文献
随着人民生活水平的日益提高,饮用水水质安全受到越来越高的关注,而科学合理的饮用水水质标准是保证饮用水安全的基础。对澳大利亚饮用水水质标准进行概述和探讨,以期为我国的饮用水水质标准制订提供参考。澳大利亚现行生活饮用水水质标准共分为三类,即微生物指标、放射性指标以及物理化学指标,其中微生物指标仅限大肠杆菌一项,而放射性指标为α和β放射性两项,物理化学指标则高达256项,其中144项为农药指标。这些水质指标既设定了健康限值,还设定了人体感官限值,即该水质标准既考虑了人体健康风险,又兼顾了人的感官,其中大部分依据异味化学物质的异味阈值而确定。此外,澳大利亚生活饮用水水质标准还包含一些新污染物,这是未来生活饮用水水质标准的新趋势,但相关指标和限值还有待进一步探讨。 相似文献
本文主要以国标水质指标为研究对象,通过对典型水质问题的分析,提出相应的控制技术和系统的解决技术路线。 相似文献
我国现行的《生活饮用水卫生标准》与发达国家的标准差不多,国内普遍认为一旦达到标准就意味着超过标准了,在国外达标是必须做到的,只能算60分及格,必须好于标准,各种运行资料都表明国外的出水水质相当好。由于环境保护严格,工业废水、城市污水基本上都经过处理,所以水源水质是稳定的。我国的水源水质不仅季节性差异很大,而且与上游工业废水排放和市政污水处理程度密切相关。 相似文献
供水水质直接关系到人体健康,随着居民生活水平的提高对城市供水水质的要求也必然越来越高。2005年2月,建设部颁布了《城市供水水质标准》(CJ/T206—2005,以下简称《标准》),并将于6月1日起开始实施。《标准》由中国城镇供水协会主编,约70位专家和技术人员参加起草工作,历时六年,进行了大量调查研究,分析了国内现行标准、规范和执行状况,参考了世界卫生组织、欧盟以及美、英、法、德等国际组织和发达国家的水质标准,既体现国际先进水平的要求,同时也结合国情,充分考虑供水行业的实际情况和发展趋势。 相似文献
为保障人民身体健康和经济社会发展,江苏供水经过近20年的探索与努力,搭建形成了“备用水源、深度处理、严密检测、预警应急”的供水安全保障体系,实现了应急水源建设、自来水深度处理、二次供水设施改造、城乡统筹区域供水“四个全覆盖”。为进一步实现新时代下“正常时供优质水、应急时供合格水”的目标,江苏省相继出台了《江苏省城市自来水厂关键水质指标控制标准》(DB 32/T 3701—2019)、《城乡统筹区域供水企业水质检测能力建设技术规范》(T/JSWA 002—2020),旨在规范全省县级及以上城市自来水厂的运行管理,强化生产过程的水质控制,提升供水水质。介绍了上述标准及规范的主要内容及实施实践。 相似文献
以江苏省沭阳县农村饮水安全工程为例,针对实施过程中容易出现的质量问题,从管材管件质量控制、管道铺设质量控制、地下水源井质量控制等方面入手,从微观的角度阐述了在平原地区农村饮水安全工程实施过程中的质量控制要点,具有较强的可操作性。 相似文献
广西城市水源水的水质特征决定了供水水质的饮用特征,通过对广西主要城市供水水质的饮用特征性指标的全年表现和不同流域地域的比较研究,得到广西城市供水水质的流域地域饮用特征主要呈现为:西江水系流域城市酸碱度偏碱,桂南和沿海诸河流域城市酸碱度偏酸;硬度和溶解性总固体在不同流域地域城市中存在明显的差异性,西江流域城市稍高,桂南和沿海诸河流域城市略低;硫酸盐、氯化物指标在各流域地域城市中保持了较低的水平。结果表明,广西城市供水的饮用特征继承了原水水质中良好的天然特性,其饮用品质和口感俱佳,是广西城市成为宜居城市的基础性条件,值得倍加珍惜和维护。 相似文献
以武汉市的主要供水水源地水质参数(氨氮)为研究对象,利用某时段的实测数据和遥感影像数据,尝试性地建立了氨氮含量的回归反演模型。精度和可用性检验结果表明,氨氮模型的反演精度较好,最大平均相对误差为10.02%,最小为6.28%,可以用来进行氨氮含量参数的反演。 相似文献
In order to better leverage past experience of water quality incidents, and to tap into the unique incident database currently being maintained and required by regulatory authorities, a data mining approach is herein proposed. The quality of drinking water is paramount to protecting public health. However water quality failures do occur, with some of the hardest to understand and manage occurring within distribution systems. In the UK, a regulatory process is applied in which water service providers must report on significant water quality incidents, their causes, actions and outcomes. These reports form a valuable resource that can be explored for improved understanding, to help with future incident management and evaluate potential solutions. Case-based reasoning is a knowledge-based problem-solving technique that relies on the reuse of past experience. The WaterQualityCBR software system presented here was developed as such a decision support tool to more effectively manage water quality in distribution systems. 相似文献
Thomas R Deetz Eric M Smith Sagar M Goyal Charles P Gerba John J Vollet III Liane Tsai Herbert L DuPont Bruce H Keswick 《Water research》1984,18(5):567-571
Rotaviruses have been implicated as a major cause of childhood and traveler's diarrhea in developing countries. Since water is known to be a vehicle of transmission of other enteric viruses, we sought to determine if water could play a role in the transmission of rotavirus infections in a developing nation by applying recently developed techniques for the concentration of viruses from tapwater and environmental (lake, river, ocean and aqueduct) water in Mexico. In an initial survey during the rainy season in August 1978, rotavirus was detected in 10 of 10 drinking water samples and coxsackie B4 or B6 virus in 5 of 10. In a larger survey during the dry season in December 1979, rotavirus was recovered from 3 and enteric viruses from 8 of 21 drinking water samples. Water quality data, available for the 1979 survey, indicated that while many tapwater samples did not meet U.S. coliform standards, some samples containing infectious virus did. Our data suggest that current bacteriological water quality standards for potable water do not reflect viral contamination. 相似文献
The quality of raw water and drinking water was analysed at 18 sites in the Rhine delta in an integrated program with hydrological,chemical and toxicological parameters. About 600 different organic compounds have been detected,of which about 200 could be identified,and 400 more have been classified on the basis of their mass spectra. Lipophilic compounds with a log P(octanol/water) greater than 3.2 are adsorbed during the first few meters of the bank infiltration. More hydrophilic compounds are often not adsorbed and not removed by the currently used water purification systems,such as aeration and sand filtration.The presence of organohalogens was demonstrated with surrogate parameters,such as extractable and adsorbable organohalogen. All the samples tested were mutagenic in the Ames test with strain TA98 + S9 mix. Only part of the mutagenic activity was related to compounds originating from Rhine water. 相似文献
Merijn Schriks Minne B. Heringa Pim de Voogt Annemarie P. van Wezel 《Water research》2010,44(2):461-5411
The detection of many new compounds in surface water, groundwater and drinking water raises considerable public concern, especially when human health based guideline values are not available it is questioned if detected concentrations affect human health. In an attempt to address this question, we derived provisional drinking water guideline values for a selection of 50 emerging contaminants relevant for drinking water and the water cycle. For only 10 contaminants, statutory guideline values were available. Provisional drinking water guideline values were based upon toxicological literature data. The maximum concentration levels reported in surface waters, groundwater and/or drinking water were compared to the (provisional) guideline values of the contaminants thus obtained, and expressed as Benchmark Quotient (BQ) values. We focused on occurrence data in the downstream parts of the Rhine and Meuse river basins. The results show that for the majority of compounds a substantial margin of safety exists between the maximum concentration in surface water, groundwater and/or drinking water and the (provisional) guideline value. The present assessment therefore supports the conclusion that the majority of the compounds evaluated pose individually no appreciable concern to human health. 相似文献
对直饮水进行了较全方位的介绍,并从直饮水的定义出发,主要对直饮水的发展历程、现行的水质标准、供水方式、水质处理、生产工艺流程等问题进行了阐述,同时指出直饮水在国内具有广阔的发展前景。 相似文献