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An approach based on the local stress response is proposed to locate the fatigue critical point for metallic blunt notched specimens under multiaxial fatigue loading. According to the stress analysis, both stress gradient and gradient of loading nonproportionality exist at notch root. The plane in the vicinity of the notch that passes through the fatigue critical point and experiences the maximum shear stress amplitude is defined as the critical plane for notch specimens (CPN). Furthermore, the Susmel's fatigue damage parameter is modified to assess fatigue life of notched components by combining CPN and the theory of critical distance (TCD). The multiaxial fatigue test of the thin‐walled round tube specimens made of Ni‐base alloy GH4169 is carried out to verify the above approaches. In addition, test data of two kinds of materials are collected. The results show that the maximum absolute error of the fatigue critical point is 9.6° and the majority of the predicted life falls within the three‐time scatter band.  相似文献   

本文研究在13SiMnNiCrMoV 结构钢中用尖裂纹的应力强度因子来反映三点弯曲缺口试样的疲劳裂纹萌生规律。当 R=0.1,f=100Hz,试样尺寸 B×W×L=12.5×25×117mm 时,缺口名义应力幅的门槛值为Δσ_(th)=3315ρ~(0.352) MPa,0.5mm≤ρ≤5mmΔK_(th)=250ρ~(0.352) MPam~(1/2)门槛值与ρ有关。同时得到缺口裂纹萌生的循环次数 N_i 与名义应力幅Δσ、缺口曲率半径ρ的定量关系是N_i=3.98×10~(22)ρ~(1.62)/Δσ~(4.85),N_i≤10~(5.5)并讨论了(ΔK_1/ρ~(1/2))_(th)与ρ无关的结论。  相似文献   

A new calculation approach is suggested to the fatigue life evaluation of notched specimens under multiaxial variable amplitude loading. Within this suggested approach, if the computed uniaxial fatigue damage by the pure torsional loading path is larger than that by the axial tension–compression loading path, a shear strain‐based multiaxial fatigue damage parameter is assigned to calculate multiaxial fatigue damage; otherwise, an axial strain‐based multiaxial fatigue damage parameter is assigned to calculate multiaxial fatigue damage. Furthermore, the presented method employs shear strain‐based and axial strain‐based multiaxial fatigue damage parameters in substitution of equivalent strain amplitude to consider the influence of nonproportional additional hardening. The experimental data of GH4169 superalloy and 7050‐T7451 aluminium alloy notched components are used to illustrate the presented multiaxial fatigue lifetime estimation approach for notched components, and the results reveal that estimations are accurate.  相似文献   

Well‐defined starter cracks at preselected sites in the microstructures are needed for systematic investigation of the characteristic features of microstructure controlled growth of small cracks. A kinked ellipsoidal micronotch with very high notch factor at the trailing kink is proposed, which triggers controlled crack initiation along the notch contour. These micronotches can be machined by femtosecond laser ablation with virtually no heat‐affected zone at the edges. Crack growth results obtained for an intermetallic γ‐TiAl alloy are presented as an illustrative example.  相似文献   

The present studies are aimed at validation of a newly developed critical plane model with respect to large variety of engineering materials used for different applications. This newly developed model has been recently reported by present authors. To strengthen general applicability of this model, multiaxial test database consisting of a wide variety of multiaxial loading paths have been considered. The strain paths include pure axial, pure torsion, in‐phase axial‐torsion, out‐of‐phase axial‐torsion with phase shift angles varying from 30° to 180° having sine/trapezoidal/triangular strain waveforms, with/without mean axial/shear strains and asynchronous axial‐torsion strain paths of different frequency ratios etc. The materials covered in present study are mainly categorized as ferrous and nonferrous alloys. In ferrous alloy category, material grades from plain carbon steel (mild steel, 16MnR, SA333 Gr. 6, E235 and E355), low‐alloy steel (1Cr‐Mo‐V and S460 N) and austenitic stainless steel (SS304, SS316L and SS347) have been considered. In nonferrous alloy category, aluminium alloys (2024T3‐Al, 7075T651‐Al, and PA38‐T6‐Al), titanium (pure titanium and TC4 alloy), cobalt base super‐alloy (Haynes 188), and nickel alloy (Inconel‐718) have been considered. The predicted and test fatigue lives are found in good agreement for all these materials and complex multiaxial loading paths.  相似文献   

Tension‐compression, tension‐tension, torsional, and 90° out‐of‐phase axial‐torsional fatigue tests were performed on a quenched and tempered U2 steel. All tests were conducted under force/torque control because macroscopic plastic strains were insignificant in the life range of interest (from 104 to 2 × 106 loading cycles). Stress‐based versions of the Fatemi‐Socie critical plane parameter and of the Smith‐Watson‐Topper parameter with a critical plane interpretation were evaluated using the experimental data. The Smith‐Watson‐Topper parameter was not able to correlate the test data. The Fatemi‐Socie method correlated most of the test data within factor‐of‐three boundaries. A modified Crossland invariant‐based parameter made of two interaction rules between the shear stress amplitude and the maximum hydrostatic stress, and of a definition of shear stress amplitude based on the maximum prismatic hull method, yielded fatigue life estimates in reasonable agreement with the experimental observations.  相似文献   

Over the last three decades, a variety of models have been developed in order to predict the life of components under fatigue. Some of the models are based on the definition of the fatigue process as a combination of the phases of crack initiation and crack propagation, considering component life as the sum of the duration of each phase. Other models consider only one of the phases; some consider only initiation while others only propagation, though in this case, from cracks with lengths in the order of the microstructural dimensions. This article will carry out a comparative analysis of the methods that consider life as the sum of the duration of both phases. In this same line, it proposes yet another method, which simulates crack growth according to damage theories. In analysing the behaviour of each model, this paper will describe various elements: the prediction that each of them produces regarding notched specimens submitted to testing, the advantages and inconveniences of each, and lastly, the possibilities of applying each of the models to more realistic geometries.  相似文献   

This work describes the application of multiaxial fatigue criteria based on critical plane and mesoscopic (Dang Van, 1973, Sciences et Techniques de lÁrmement, 47 , 647—722) approaches to predict the fatigue initiation life of fretted components. To validate the analysis, several tests under closely controlled laboratory conditions are carried out in a Ti‐6Al‐4V alloy. These classical Hertzian tests reveal a size effect where fretting fatigue lives vary with contact size. Experimentally available data for fretting fatigue of an Al‐4Cu alloy are also used to assess the models. Neither the critical plane models nor the mesoscopic criterion considered can account for the effects of different contact stress fields on the initiation life, if the calculation is based only on highly stressed points on the surface. It is shown, however, that satisfactory results can be achieved if high values of the fatigue parameters are sustained over a critical volume.  相似文献   

In the present work, we propose a robust calibration of some bi‐parametric multiaxial fatigue criteria applied in conjunction with the theory of critical distances (TCD). This is based on least‐square fitting fatigue data generated using plain and sharp‐notched specimens tested at two different load ratios and allows for the estimation of the critical distance according to the point and line method formulation of TCD. It is shown that this combination permits to incorporate the mean stress effect into the fatigue strength calculation, which is not accounted for in the classical formulation of TCD based on the range of the maximum principal stress. It is also shown that for those materials exhibiting a low fatigue‐strength‐to‐yield‐stress ratio σfl,R = ?1YS, such as 7075‐T6 (σfl,R = ?1YS = 0.30), satisfactorily accurate predictions are obtained assuming a linear‐elastic stress distribution, even at the tip of sharp notches and cracks. Conversely, for any materials characterized by higher values of this ratio, as quenched and tempered 42CrMo4 (σfl,R = ?1YS = 0.54), it is recommended to consider the stabilized elastic‐plastic stress/strain distribution, also for plain and blunt‐notched samples and even in the high cycle fatigue regime still with the application of the TCD.  相似文献   

This work investigates the possibility of designing fretting and notch fatigue experiments that are nominally equivalent in terms of damage evaluated by a multiaxial fatigue model. The methodology adopted to carry out this search considered a cylinder‐on‐flat contact geometry and a V‐notched plate. The loading conditions and geometries of the experimental configurations were adjusted to obtain the same decay of the multiaxial fatigue index from the hot spot up to a critical distance. Aluminium alloy 7050‐T7451 was used in the experimental evaluation of the methodology. Considering the well‐known scatter of fatigue data and the limited number of specimens available, the obtained results suggest that the use of the notch analogy in fretting fatigue is appropriate.  相似文献   

The stress–strain history and the crack initiation lives of bainitic and head‐hardened pearlitic rail steels were determined under rolling contact loading by implementing the semi‐analytical Jiang–Sehitoglu rolling contact model that incorporates both ratchetting and multiaxial fatigue damage. The calculations revealed that the bainitic steel withstands higher loads than the pearlitic steel at low shear tractions, however; both materials behave in an increasingly similar manner as the shear tractions increase. Furthermore, maximum damage occurs in both steels when ratchetting and fatigue damage coincide on the surface. In addition to shedding light on the rolling contact fatigue (RCF) performance of bainitic and pearlitic rail steels, the current work also establishes a methodology for the realistic prediction of crack initiation under RCF.  相似文献   

疲劳缺口系数Kf与理论应力集中系数Kt之间的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
疲劳缺口系数Kf是表征缺口部位疲劳强度降低程度的参量,这一系数在结构抗疲劳设计中经常被使用.一般认为Kf与理论应力集中系数Kt呈线性关系,线性的斜率与不同材料类别(铝合金、钛合金和钢)有关.通过对大量不同材料、不同应力比和不同缺口试样形式的高周疲劳极限的系统分析,发现大多数情况下K f与Kt的呈线性关系,但有些情况下二者不服从线性关系.Kf与Kt的关系除与材料类别有关外还与实验的应力比有关.  相似文献   

In this study, fretting fatigue tests were conducted to gather information on both fretting fatigue and fretting wear. Subsequently, an evaluation methodology that combined the Modified Wöhler Curve Method (MWCM) with the theory of critical distance (TCD) was established to investigate multi-site fretting crack initiation. The results showed that the fretting fatigue damage could be reasonably evaluated using the MWCM equivalent stress σMWCM. σMWCM is greatly influenced by both bulk stress and fretting wear-induced stress concentration. The stress field close to the wear boundary increased due to the continuous fretting wear, leading to an increase in σMWCM; meanwhile, the bulk stress near the wear boundary decreased as the crack propagated, resulting in a decrease in σMWCM. The combined effect of the fretting crack propagation and wear caused σMWCM, which was located within an annular strip of the axle, to exceed the critical value, causing the multi-site fretting crack initiation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to predict fatigue life of metal welded boxes. Experimental results of fatigue life are satisfactory predicted using an analytical scheme based on the volumetric approach.Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 6, pp. 17–25, November–December, 2004.  相似文献   

Detailed microscopic analyses have been made on the high-cycle mechanisms in 1045 steel under various stress-controlled axial-torsional loadings. A special attention has been paid to a critical example of non-proportional loading, i.e., 90° out-of-phase loading with different stress ratios. The replica technique has been used to monitor crack initiation and propagation from the microstructure scale. The orientations of persistent slip bands and Stage I cracks are in good agreement with the critical plane concept. The evolutions of crack length with cycle life as well as the crack aspect ratios depend on the loading condition. However at a given life, the data are consolidated in terms of crack depth versus cycle life. The McDiarmid parameter correlates stress-life data under proportional loadings. However, it underestimates fatigue lives under out-of-phase loading at high stress ratio and it overestimates them in the case where all planes experience the same shear stress amplitude (stress ratio = 0.5). More damaging mechanisms are involved in crack initiation and crack propagation. It is recommended to test the fatigue performance of materials in this last condition that involves the worst damage mechanisms.  相似文献   

本文新设计了光滑与含孔两种复合材料试样的抗失稳装置, 简述了这两种试样的压-压疲劳实验概况, 分析和讨论了其疲劳破坏机理, 提出复合材料疲劳损伤的“转捩点”概念。  相似文献   

This paper provides a direct method to determine the critical plane orientation for biaxial random vibration. The critical plane is obtained by finding the direction that maximizes the normal stress variance. It is found that the shear stress is uncorrelated with the normal stress in this orientation. Furthermore, the direction of maximal normal stress is shown to coincide with the principal direction in the case of proportional stress components. Spectral fatigue damage methods proposed in recent literature involve a Monte Carlo enumeration step to find the critical plane orientation. By using the proposed technique, computationally expensive enumeration methods are avoided and greater accuracy in the fatigue damage estimate may result.  相似文献   

In the present study, attempts are made to extend the application of the mechanical model for the fatigue crack initiation (FCI) and the FCI life formula of metallic notched elements in laboratory air to those in the corrosive environment. The test results and analysis of the corrosion FCI (CFCI) life of aluminum alloys and Ti---6A1---4V show that the expression of the CFCI life obtained by modifying the FCI life formula in laboratory air can give a good fit to the test results of the CFCI life. The salt water (3.5% NaCl) environment has no effects on the CFCI resistant coefficient compared with the FCI resistant coefficient in laboratory air. However, 3.5% NaCl environment greatly decreases the CFCI threshold of aluminum alloy, but has little effect on the CFCI threshold of Ti---6A1---4V. The loading frequency ranging from 1 Hz to 10 Hz has no appreciable effect on the CFCI life, and thus, the CFCI threshold of aluminum alloys investigated. Hence, the expression for the CFCI life of metallic notched elements proposed in this study is a better one, which reveals a correlation between the CFCI life and the governing parameters, such as, the geometry of the notched elements, the nominal stress range, the stress ratio, the tensile properties and the CFCI threshold. However, this new expression of the CFCI life needs to be verified by more test results.  相似文献   

A new method for predicting crack plane direction in high‐cycle multiaxial fatigue is proposed. This method considers material properties and loading conditions. Two situations are considered: (i) in‐phase loading, where the crack plane direction only depends on the loading condition and material properties have little influence on it, and (ii) out‐of‐phase loading, where the crack plane direction is affected by both loading conditions and material properties. The prediction accuracy is assessed by comparison with several experimental results, including different loading conditions and materials. The results show that the proposed method provides a good prediction capability for these experiments.  相似文献   

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