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在■理论成功应用于常规换热器的基础上,将■传递效率、■耗散数及基于■耗散的换热器热阻应用于相变储能换热器的传热性能分析中。定义广义■耗散率并由此推导出相变储能换热器蓄热、放热及总过程的■传递效率及其瞬时值。确定■耗散数及基于■耗散的换热器热阻计算中换热量的取法。选取一种相变储能装置作为分析对象,通过理论分析绘制各主要部分温度变化趋势,进一步简化得到硅油、水的出口温度表达式,作为算例分析基础。结果表明,■传递效率的应用范围最广,可用于计算相变储能换热器蓄热、放热及总过程的(瞬时)不可逆热损失,且评价结果与传热性能相符,瞬时■传递效率随蓄热时间的增加先增大后不变再增大,随放热时间的增加先减小后不变再减小;■耗散数在蓄热过程和总过程中的评价结果与■传递效率一致,瞬时■耗散数随蓄热时间的增加先减小后不变再减小,然而在放热过程中的应用受限。基于■耗散的换热器热阻的部分评价结果与实际不符,应用限制较大。蓄热过程及总过程中,当蓄热量、取热量与蓄、放热阶段时长同步变化时,■传递效率、■耗散数与基于■耗散的换热器热阻几乎无变化;当装置传热性能提高时,■传递效率增大,■耗散数减小,基于■耗散的换热器热阻减小;放热过程中,设置参数的变化不影响装置传热性能,■传递效率基本无变化。  相似文献   

针对以太网无源光网络的网络规划和算法研究,在IEEE802.3ah标准的基础上,通过扩展开源网络模拟程序Network Simulator Version 2 (NS2),完成对以太网无源光网络(EPON)的建模与测试,实现了光网络单元 (ONU) 注册、测距、带宽分配、服务质量 (QoS) 等诸多功能,为EPON网络规划和算法研究提供了一个全面完整的仿真平台 (EPONns).注册过程模拟给出成功注册的ONU数目与注册窗口值的关系;光传输线路终端 (OLT) 负载状况检测反映出EPONns在高负荷下的状态.  相似文献   

The concepts of entransy flux and entransy dissipation in radiative heat transfer were introduced based on the analogy with heat conduction and heat convection processes. Entransy will be partially dissipated during the radiative heat transfer processes due to the irreversibility. The extremum principle of entransy dissipation was developed for optimizing radiative heat transfer processes. This principle states that for a fixed boundary temperature the radiative heat transfer is optimized when the entransy dissipation is maximized, while for a fixed boundary heat flux the radiative heat transfer process is optimized when the entransy dissipation is minimized. Finally, examples for the application of the entransy dissipation extremum principle are presented. Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (“973” Project) (Grant No. 2007CB206901)  相似文献   

储冰球相变传热数值计算及分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对圆球形相变储冷器的相变传热问题进行了详细分析,采用焓法模型对常用相变介质水在球内的凝结过程进行了数值求解,得出了第一类边界条件下的相变界面位置变化与界面部移动速度变化以及相奕时间与球径和传热温差的关系等结果,可以为圆球形及其它形状的相变储的设计和分析计算提供理论依据与参考。  相似文献   

泡沫金属相变材料凝固传热过程的数值分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用计算流体力学软件FLUENT凝固/熔化模型,对填充以及未填充泡沫金属的2种相变材料蓄热球的相变传热过程进行数值模拟研究,得到了在第1类边界条件下蓄热球放热过程中的温度场分布、相界面移动规律。研究结果,表明与单纯填充相变材料的蓄热球相比,填充泡沫金属的相变材料蓄热球可以有效减少其放热时间,提高蓄热系统的放热速率。  相似文献   

定义了火积耗散均匀性系数,选用倾角β=30°~70°的复合人字形板式换热器为研究对象,利用三维CFD数值模拟软件ANSYS-CFX模拟分析换热器的火积耗散率、火用损失率以及系统火积耗散均匀性.结果表明:相同流量时,β=30°的复合人字形板式换热器的火用损失率最少;相同换热量时,β=30°的复合人字形板式换热器的火积耗散率最小;相同传热单元数与有效度时,β=30°的复合人字形板式换热器的火积耗散率最小且系统火积耗散均匀性最优.  相似文献   

Based on constructal theory and entransy theory,a generalized constructal optimization of a solidification heat transfer process of slab continuous casting for a specified total water flow rate in the secondary cooling zone was carried out.A complex function was taken as the optimization objective to perform the casting.The complex function was composed of the functions of the entransy dissipation and surface temperature gradient of the slab.The optimal water distribution at the sections of the secondary cooling zone were obtained.The effects of the total water flow rate in the secondary cooling zone,casting speed,superheat and water distribution on the generalized constructal optimizations of the secondary cooling process were analyzed.The results show that on comparing the optimization results obtained based on the optimal water distributions of the 8 sections in the secondary cooling zone with those based on the initial ones,the complex function and the functions of the entransy dissipation and surface temperature gradient after optimization decreased by 43.25%,5.90%and 80.60%,respectively.The quality and energy storage of the slab had obviously improved in this case.The complex function,composed of the functions of the entransy dissipation and surface temperature gradient of the slab,was a compromise between the internal and surface temperature gradients of the slab.Essentially,it is also the compromise between energy storage and quality of the slab.The"generalized constructal optimization"based on the minimum complex function can provide an optimal alternative scheme from the point of view of improving energy storage and quality for the parameter design and dynamic operation of the solidification heat transfer process of slab continuous casting.  相似文献   

Solid-liquid phase change processes have two important features: the process is an approximately isothermal process and the heat of fusion of phase change material tends to be much greater than its specific heat. Therefore, if any phase change material adjacent to a hot or cold surface undergoes phase change, the heat transfer rate on the surface will be noticeably enhanced. This paper presents a novel insight into the mechanisms of heat transfer enhancement induced by solid-liquid phase change based on the analogy analysis for heat conduction with an internal heat source and solid-liquid phase change heat transfer. Three degrees of surface heat transfer enhancement for different conditions are explored, and corresponding formulae are written to describe them. The factors influencing the degrees of heat transfer enhancement are clarified and their effects quantitatively analyzed. Both the novel insight and the analysis contribute to effective application of phase change heat transfer enhancement techniq  相似文献   

为研究空气饱和程度对换热效果的影响,采用数值模拟方法,计算气体沿等温线、等焓线、等含湿量线向饱和线靠近的过程中全热交换量、"火积"耗散、"火积"耗散热阻、全热交换效率的变化情况。研究发现:气体沿着这三条线逐渐向饱和线靠近时其"火积"耗散热阻始终在减小,全热交换效率在增大。  相似文献   

应用火积概念导出了对流换热过程的火积耗散表达式,进一步基于火积耗散极值原理讨论了换热器N股冷、热流在不同情况下参与换热的优化。研究表明,若参与换热的任何冷、热流之间的温差可以独立调控,在总换热量一定寻求火积耗散最小或在总火积耗散一定的条件下寻求换热量最大,则整个换热系统冷、热流之间的温差分布均匀时换热最优;若参与换热的任何冷、热流体之间的换热量或火积损耗可独立确定,则换热冷热流之间的温差分别保持各自的均匀温差分布时换热最优;若在任何冷、热流之间存在可能换热的情况下,无论是总换热量一定时寻求火积耗散最小,还是总火积耗散一定时寻求换热量最大,整个换热系统不同的冷热流换热的优化温差并不是同一个常数。  相似文献   

为使热网加热器具有最优的换热性能,基于粒子群优化算法,以火积耗散数为目标函数,提出热网加热器优化设计的最小火积耗散优化方法.与传统的热网加热器设计计算不同,本文的优化设计不预先设定热网加热器的结构,通过优化确定热网加热器的最佳尺寸,同时,热网加热器优化设计考虑了工质的相变,以潜热修正值对壳侧蒸汽凝结的对流换热系数进行修正.对一热网加热器优化设计结果表明,通过优化设计,热网加热器的效能增加7.8%,同时热网加热器功率消耗下降19.6%,表明当热网加热器的热力性能最优时,其功耗达最小值.  相似文献   

研究了土壤冻结对地源热泵系统中的地热换热器与其周围土壤的热交换过程的影响。探讨了土壤水分含量、斯蒂芬数、土壤初始温度(即地温)等对周围土壤温度分布、冻结锋面发展等的影响,并与不考虑土壤冻结情况作了对比分析。当考虑土壤中水分冻结时,由于冻结时放出大量的潜热,且冰的导热系数大,因此计算出地下埋管周围的土壤平均温度高,传热热阻小,设计的地热换热器规模可以变小,亦即可以减小钻孔的深度或钻孔的数量,从而可以减小地源热泵系统的初投资。另外也扩大了地下回路中防冻液的选择范围。当土壤含湿量大、土壤初始温度高时,对于系统的设计与运行是有利的。  相似文献   

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