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Detailed microscopic analyses have been made on the high-cycle mechanisms in 1045 steel under various stress-controlled axial-torsional loadings. A special attention has been paid to a critical example of non-proportional loading, i.e., 90° out-of-phase loading with different stress ratios. The replica technique has been used to monitor crack initiation and propagation from the microstructure scale. The orientations of persistent slip bands and Stage I cracks are in good agreement with the critical plane concept. The evolutions of crack length with cycle life as well as the crack aspect ratios depend on the loading condition. However at a given life, the data are consolidated in terms of crack depth versus cycle life. The McDiarmid parameter correlates stress-life data under proportional loadings. However, it underestimates fatigue lives under out-of-phase loading at high stress ratio and it overestimates them in the case where all planes experience the same shear stress amplitude (stress ratio = 0.5). More damaging mechanisms are involved in crack initiation and crack propagation. It is recommended to test the fatigue performance of materials in this last condition that involves the worst damage mechanisms.  相似文献   

Observations related to the formation and growth of small cracks ranging from subgrain dimension up to the order of 1 mm are summarized for amplitudes ranging from low cycle fatigue (LCF) to high cycle fatigue (HCF) conditions for polycrystalline metals. Further efforts to improve the accuracy of life estimation which address LCF, HCF and LCF–HCF interactions must consider various factors that are not presently addressed by conventional elastic–plastic fracture mechanics (EPFM) or linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) approaches based on long, self-similar cracks in homogeneous, isotropic materials, nor by conventional HCF design tools such as the εN curve, the SN curve, modified Goodman diagram and fatigue limit.Development of microstructure-sensitive fatigue crack propagation relations relies on deeper understanding of small crack behavior, including (a) interactions with microstructure and lack of constraint for microstructurally small cracks, (b) heterogeneity and anisotropy of cyclic slip processes associated with the orientation distribution of grains, and (c) local mode mixity effects on small crack growth. The basic technology is not yet sufficiently advanced in these areas to implement robust damage tolerant design for HCF. This paper introduces an engineering model which approximates the results of slip transfer calculations related to crack blockage by microstructure barriers; the model is consistent with critical plane concepts for Stage I growth of small cracks, standard cyclic stress–strain and strain–life equations above threshold, and the Kitagawa diagram for HCF threshold behaviors. It is able to correlate the most relevant trends of small crack growth behavior, including crack arrest at the fatigue limit, load sequence effects, and stress state effects.  相似文献   

The stress–strain history and the crack initiation lives of bainitic and head‐hardened pearlitic rail steels were determined under rolling contact loading by implementing the semi‐analytical Jiang–Sehitoglu rolling contact model that incorporates both ratchetting and multiaxial fatigue damage. The calculations revealed that the bainitic steel withstands higher loads than the pearlitic steel at low shear tractions, however; both materials behave in an increasingly similar manner as the shear tractions increase. Furthermore, maximum damage occurs in both steels when ratchetting and fatigue damage coincide on the surface. In addition to shedding light on the rolling contact fatigue (RCF) performance of bainitic and pearlitic rail steels, the current work also establishes a methodology for the realistic prediction of crack initiation under RCF.  相似文献   

Very high cycle fatigue tests under axial loading at frequencies of 95 Hz and 20 kHz were performed to clarify the effect of loading type on fatigue properties of a high strength bearing steel in combination with experimental result of this steel under rotating bending. As a result, this steel represents the single P-S-N (probabilistic-stress-life) curve characteristics for surface-induced fracture and interior inclusion-induced fracture, just like that under rotating bending. However, fatigue strength is lower, where the run-out stress at 109 cycles is evaluated to be 588 MPa, less than that under rotating bending with about 858 MPa. Occurrence probability of larger and deeper inclusion-induced fracture is much higher than that under rotating bending. Furthermore, the formation process of fine granular area (FGA) is independent of the type and frequency of loading, which is very slow and is explained as the crack nucleation process under the special dislocation mechanism. The stress intensity factor range at the front of FGA, ΔKFGA, is approximately regarded as the threshold value controlling the stable propagation of interior crack. For the control volume of specimen under axial loading, the estimated value of fatigue limit by FGA is similar to experimental run-out stress value at 109 cycles, but that by inclusion is larger. However, the corresponding estimated results under rotating bending are all conservative.  相似文献   

An approach based on the local stress response is proposed to locate the fatigue critical point for metallic blunt notched specimens under multiaxial fatigue loading. According to the stress analysis, both stress gradient and gradient of loading nonproportionality exist at notch root. The plane in the vicinity of the notch that passes through the fatigue critical point and experiences the maximum shear stress amplitude is defined as the critical plane for notch specimens (CPN). Furthermore, the Susmel's fatigue damage parameter is modified to assess fatigue life of notched components by combining CPN and the theory of critical distance (TCD). The multiaxial fatigue test of the thin‐walled round tube specimens made of Ni‐base alloy GH4169 is carried out to verify the above approaches. In addition, test data of two kinds of materials are collected. The results show that the maximum absolute error of the fatigue critical point is 9.6° and the majority of the predicted life falls within the three‐time scatter band.  相似文献   

In this study, fretting fatigue tests were conducted to gather information on both fretting fatigue and fretting wear. Subsequently, an evaluation methodology that combined the Modified Wöhler Curve Method (MWCM) with the theory of critical distance (TCD) was established to investigate multi-site fretting crack initiation. The results showed that the fretting fatigue damage could be reasonably evaluated using the MWCM equivalent stress σMWCM. σMWCM is greatly influenced by both bulk stress and fretting wear-induced stress concentration. The stress field close to the wear boundary increased due to the continuous fretting wear, leading to an increase in σMWCM; meanwhile, the bulk stress near the wear boundary decreased as the crack propagated, resulting in a decrease in σMWCM. The combined effect of the fretting crack propagation and wear caused σMWCM, which was located within an annular strip of the axle, to exceed the critical value, causing the multi-site fretting crack initiation.  相似文献   

In modern electronic packaging, especially surface mount technology (SMT), thermal strain is usually induced between components during processing, and in service, by a mismatch in the thermal expansion coefficients. Since solder has a low melting temperature and is softer than other components in electronic packaging, most of the cyclic stresses and strains take place in the solder. Fatigue crack initiation and fatigue crack propagation are likely to occur in the solder even when the cyclic stress is below the yield stress. It is an objective of this research to study the behaviour of fatigue crack initiation and propagation in both lead‐containing solder (63Sn‐37Pb), and lead‐free solders (Sn‐3.5Ag). The effect of alloying (Cu and Bi addition), frequency, tensile hold time and temperature on low cycle fatigue (LCF) behaviour of the solders is discussed. Mechanisms of LCF crack initiation and propagation are proposed and LCF life prediction, based on the various models, is carried out.  相似文献   

The paper clarifies the effect of a galvanizing coating on the fatigue strength of a ferritic steel. Depending on experimental conditions and on the microstructure of the coating, a reduction in fatigue strength is observed especially when the coating is thick. Cracks in the galvanizing coating rapidly form under cyclic loading and then propagate into the steel substrate. This completely modifies the distribution of crack lengths. Very short cracks are not observed in the steel when galvanized. It is shown that the propagation of a crack in the substrate from the coating is only possible when the crack completely crosses the coating. By assimilating the coating thickness to a crack in the steel substrate, the fatigue resistance of hot-dip galvanized steel can be predicted using the Kitagawa–Takahashi diagram.  相似文献   

Fracture toughness testing of high speed steel, which has a high fatigue strength and low fracture toughness, is a problem because fatigue cracks are difficult, or impossible, to initiate at a maximum fatigue stress intensity of 0.7 KIC, as specified. A method of initiation by the use of an electric pen and subsequent fast propagation by fatigue has been studied and a procedure developed to give accurate, reproducible values of KIC on subsequent fracture toughness testing.  相似文献   

利用腐蚀疲劳测试系统研究了高温高压水环境下两种压水堆核电站一回路主管道用不锈钢的腐蚀疲劳裂纹萌生行为。结果表明,316LN奥氏体不锈钢的裂纹主要在材料表面的驻留滑移带处萌生,少量裂纹在两簇驻留滑移带交界的亚晶界面处。含有少量铁素体的Z3CN20.09M奥氏体不锈钢的疲劳裂纹依次在试样表面的驻留滑移带处、相界处和点蚀坑处萌生,但主要是在驻留滑移带处。通过研究高温高压水环境下氧化膜的组成和腐蚀疲劳试样横截面的形貌,分析了疲劳裂纹在滑移带处萌生的机理。最后对比分析两种不锈钢裂纹萌生机制的异同,并讨论了铁素体对材料腐蚀疲劳性能的影响。  相似文献   

Axially push–pull fatigue tests of a low-strength Cr–Ni–Mo–V steel welded joint were conducted up to very high cycle fatigue regime at room temperature and 370 °C. The S–N curve at room temperature shows a duplex shape, while the S–N curve at 370 °C is continuously decreasing with lower fatigue strength. The welds at 370 °C undergoes dynamic strain ageing and has an enhanced load–defects interaction, leading to equal distribution of failures among different parts of the welds. The Z parameter model, with micro-defect location incorporated, having sound physical representation, is life-controlling of the welds at high temperature.  相似文献   

In order to understand the effects of annealing and quenching on fatigue behaviour in type 444 stainless steel, fully reversed axial fatigue tests have been performed using smooth specimens of heat‐treated materials in laboratory air and 3%NaCl aqueous solution. Three materials subjected to different heat treatments, annealing at 960 and 1000 °C, and water‐cooling at 960 °C, were prepared. In laboratory air, the fatigue limit of the annealed specimens was lower than that of the as‐received specimen and decreased with increasing annealing temperature. The subsequent grain coarsening from the heat treatments was primarily responsible for the lower fatigue strength in the annealed specimens. The fatigue strength of the water‐cooled specimen was lower than that of the corresponding annealed specimen. In the annealed specimens, cracks were generated within ferritic grains, while in the water‐cooled specimen, at or near grain boundaries. In 3%NaCl solution, the fatigue strengths of all specimens decreased compared with those in laboratory air. Only in the water‐cooled specimens, crack initiation at grain boundary and intergranular crack growth were observed, indicating the most sensitive to corrosion environment.  相似文献   

Two methods based on local stress responses are proposed to locate fatigue critical point of metallic notched components under non‐proportional loading. The points on the notch edge maintain a state of uniaxial stress even when the far‐field fatigue loading is multiaxial. The point bearing the maximum stress amplitude is recognized as fatigue critical point under the condition of non‐mean stress; otherwise, the Goodman's empirical formula is adopted to amend mean stress effect prior to the determination of fatigue critical point. Furthermore, the uniaxial stress state can be treated as a special multiaxial stress state. The Susmel's fatigue damage parameter is employed to evaluate the fatigue damage of these points on the notch edge. Multiaxial fatigue tests on thin‐walled round tube notched specimens made of GH4169 nickel‐base alloy and 2297 aluminium‐lithium alloy are carried out to verify the two methods. The prediction results show that both the stress amplitude method and the Susmel's parameter method can accurately locate the fatigue critical point of metallic notched components under multiaxial fatigue loading.  相似文献   

When high‐strength steels are subjected to very high‐cycle fatigue loading, crack initiation site shifts from surfaces to the interior, and a fish‐eye forms on the fracture surface. Majority of the fatigue life is estimated to be associated with the formation of this internal crack morphology. In the present work, features of such internal cracks in two high‐strength steels are studied. Specifically, three initiation patterns are investigated. A general internal crack initiating scenario is proposed base on an understanding of dislocation slip in the materials. A simplified threshold is calculated from Young's modulus and interatomic spacing, defining the transition from the initiation stage to the crack propagation. The relationship between internal crack initiation and slower descending S‐N curves is discussed.  相似文献   

The present studies are aimed at validation of a newly developed critical plane model with respect to large variety of engineering materials used for different applications. This newly developed model has been recently reported by present authors. To strengthen general applicability of this model, multiaxial test database consisting of a wide variety of multiaxial loading paths have been considered. The strain paths include pure axial, pure torsion, in‐phase axial‐torsion, out‐of‐phase axial‐torsion with phase shift angles varying from 30° to 180° having sine/trapezoidal/triangular strain waveforms, with/without mean axial/shear strains and asynchronous axial‐torsion strain paths of different frequency ratios etc. The materials covered in present study are mainly categorized as ferrous and nonferrous alloys. In ferrous alloy category, material grades from plain carbon steel (mild steel, 16MnR, SA333 Gr. 6, E235 and E355), low‐alloy steel (1Cr‐Mo‐V and S460 N) and austenitic stainless steel (SS304, SS316L and SS347) have been considered. In nonferrous alloy category, aluminium alloys (2024T3‐Al, 7075T651‐Al, and PA38‐T6‐Al), titanium (pure titanium and TC4 alloy), cobalt base super‐alloy (Haynes 188), and nickel alloy (Inconel‐718) have been considered. The predicted and test fatigue lives are found in good agreement for all these materials and complex multiaxial loading paths.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the influence of non-metallic inclusions on fatigue life in the high cycle fatigue and the very high cycle fatigue regime. For that purpose, several castings of steel 42CrMo4 (AISI 4140, DIN EN 1.7225) were produced by using recently developed novel metal-melt filters. The specimens were tested in hot-isostatically pressed and heat treated condition. After fatigue failure every fracture surface was intensively investigated by scanning electron microscopy in order to define the type, the size, the chemical composition, the morphology and the location of the crack initiating discontinuity. Subsequently, Murakami’s √area model was used for the evaluation of the influence of non-metallic inclusions on the fatigue life. In the present investigation four common types of chemical compositions of crack initiating discontinuities were identified. Furthermore, four different internal failure types and their influence on the fatigue life in cast steel were investigated and described. Thus, the present contribution proposes a basic correlation determined from fatigue lives in case of various internal crack initiation types. The key parameters for fatigue life prediction in case of internal fatigue failure in the very high cycle fatigue regime are (i) the size of the crack initiating discontinuity, (ii) the inclusion depth and (iii) the crack initiating failure type.  相似文献   

Rolling contact fatigue (RCF) is one of the most important failure mechanisms in rails with significant cost‐ and safety‐related implications on the operation of railway systems. In this work, a metallurgical analysis of RCF crack initiation and propagation, including geometrical characteristics of RCF cracks – length, depth from surface, angle of propagation and spacing between cracks, is presented. The role of proeutectoid ferrite in crack initiation has been studied. Analysis of the fracture surface of an RCF crack revealed a ductile initiation zone followed by a quasi‐cleavage crack propagation. Iron oxide formed in the interior of all cracks in rails exposed to stagnant water with implications to crack propagation rate because of crack closure effects. Sequential sectioning parallel to the rolling surface revealed that RCF cracks possess convoluted surfaces. The crack trace expands with depth from the rolling surface. Subsurface crack initiation has also been documented.  相似文献   

Rotating bending fatigue test at very high cycle regimes was carried out on martensitic steel of 2Cr13 in air and 3.5% NaCl environment. The result showed that the S–N curve presents a stepwise tendency over the range of 106–108 cycles in both air and 3.5% NaCl environment. In air fatigue, cracks initiated from the sample surface and inclusions at subsurface and no typical fish eye feature in very high cycle fatigue were observed for all samples tested up to 6 × 108 cycles. In 3.5% NaCl solution, a fatigue limit over the range of 106–108 cycles exhibited with the corrosion fatigue strength reduced by 47% compared to the air fatigue. Multiple cracks initiated from surface and the number of crack origins increased with increasing stress level and surface proportion of fatigue propagation increased as number of cycles increased.  相似文献   

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