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近红外漫反射光谱法快速测定混合炸药组分含量 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
研究了近红外漫反射技术快速测定混合炸药组分含量的新方法.以偏最小二乘法建立了混合炸药中HMX(A)、复合黏结剂(氟橡胶B 塑料C)、聚四氟乙烯(D)、石蜡(E)5个组分的定标模型,并对模型进行了内部交互验证和外部检验.结果表明,5种模型准确度和精度较高,交互验证相关系数(R)为0.931 1~0.987 4,交互验证均方根(RMSECV)为0.100 ~0.582,预测标准偏差(SEP)为0.069~0.371;t检验也表明新方法与化学法无显著差异.新方法快速、无损,结果可靠. 相似文献
硝化棉含氮量测定方法的研究 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
使用意大利CARLOERBA公司生产的NA-1500元素分析仪,研究了硝化棉含氮量的测定方法,并与五管法和干涉仪法进行对比实验,元素分析法是测定硝化棉含氮量的一种很好的方法。 相似文献
采用偏最小二乘法(PLS)建立了快速测定高含量精制甘油中甘油含量的近红外光谱校正模型,该模型主因子数为4,相关系数(R2)为99.12%,校正标准偏差(RMSECV)为0.027;以预测集对模型进行验证,结果表明,R2为99.17%,预测标准偏差(RMSEP)为0.023,对同一样品预测值的相对标准偏差(RSD)为0.04%。 相似文献
为了快速检测HMX中杂质晶型α-HMX的含量,在制备建模样品的基础上,利用近红外光谱技术,采用偏最小二乘法建立了HMX光谱与其α-HMX杂质晶型含量的计算模型。讨论了建模样品的代表性、模型光谱范围的选择及模型的优化过程。结果表明,模型具有广泛代表性,最佳光谱范围为6 476~6 446cm-1和4 602~4 424cm-1,交互验证决定系数(R2)为0.996,参考值交互验证残差均方根(RMSECV)为0.20%;外部验证的残差均方根(RMSEP)为0.27%;该法误差均小于0.13%,标准偏差为0.1%;近红外光谱法操作简单、快速、无损、绿色环保,可用于HMX中α-HMX杂质晶型含量的检测。 相似文献
文章探讨了利用近红外分析技术快速判断聚丙烯粉料中的二甲苯可溶物含量的应用。用近红外漫反射法收集了样品的近红外光谱图。参照化学计量学分析方法测定聚丙烯样品的二甲苯可溶物含量。利用偏最小二乘法线性回归法建立了聚丙烯二甲苯可溶物的近红外光谱预测模型。将近红外法测定结果与化学分析方法测定结果进行了比较,对光谱测量的重复性进行了考察。结果表明,利用近红外光谱法与化学分析法的测定结果无显著差异。 相似文献
探讨了用近红外光谱法测定四氢呋喃聚合反应液中水含量的可行性,采用微库仑法测定聚合反应液中的水含量作为建立数学模型的标准数据。近红外光谱经一阶导数法预处理后,方法的灵敏度和准确性都有较大的改善,可以获得较好的定量结果。试验结果表明近红外光谱法与标准方法测定结果的相对偏差小于5%,成对t检验结果表明这2种分析方法之间无显著性差异,具有较好的重复性和准确性,适用于工业现场的在线检测。 相似文献
Mary Bliss Barbara L. Walden William B. White 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1990,73(4):1078-1083
It is shown that high-quality IR specular reflectance spectra can be obtained from polished surfaces of dense ceramics. The reflectance spectra can be deconvoluted by the Kramers-Kronig transformation to yield absorption spectra or the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function. IR line shapes and peak wavenumbers are comparable to single-crystal data providing that the particle size is small compared with the IR wavelengths of interest. For noncubic structures, the spectra are a superposition of polarization components. Modes separated by less than a bandwidth are merged into a single band, thus limiting the resolution of the measurement procedure. Grain size effects were modeled using the spectra of single-crystal and polycrystalline quartz as an example. 相似文献
文章探讨了利用近红外漫反射分析技术快速判断共聚聚丙烯中的乙烯含量的应用。用近红外漫反射法收集了样品近红外光谱图。利用中红外方法测定共聚聚丙烯样品的乙烯含量。利用偏最小二乘法线性回归法建立了聚丙烯中聚乙烯含量的近红外光谱预测模型。将近红外法测定结果与中红外方法测定结果进行了比较,对光谱测量的重复性进行了考察。结果表明,利用近红外光谱法与中红外方法的测定结果无显著差异,近红外法具有准确,快速,操作简便和低成本等特点。 相似文献
近红外光谱分析技术及应用进展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
近红外光谱技术是近年来用于分析测试行业的一门新技术。对近红外光谱分析技术的概况、原理、特点进行了论述,介绍了该技术在石油化工行业中的应用,探讨了近红外光谱分析技术在炼油企业中的应用前景。 相似文献
近红外透反射光谱用于掺假牛奶的快速识别初探 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为快速识别掺加违禁物质的假牛奶,在市售纯奶基础上按不同比例添加水+糊精、水+糊精+三聚氰胺(硝酸铵、尿素)的溶液,配制掺假牛奶,测试真、假牛奶样品的近红外透反射光谱,分别采用PLS-DA、KNN、LDA、改进与简化的KNN(IS-KNN)模式识别方法和不同光谱预处理方法进行真、假牛奶的识别。各模式识别方法在不同预处理光谱下对真、假两类牛奶的识别正确率最高为95.12%和96.34%并且在最高正确率下对所有掺假牛奶均能正确识别。表明采取适宜的近红外光谱预处理方法和模式识别方法,可以良好地对纯奶和掺假牛奶进行区分。 相似文献
Sang-Ik Han Jong-Hyun Chae Kristin Bilyeu J. Grover Shannon Jeong-Dong Lee 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》2014,91(2):229-234
Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr] with increased oleic acid is desirable to improve oxidative stability and functionality of soybean seed oil. Recently, soybean genotypes with high oleic acid (≥70 %) were developed by breeding programs. Efficient and effective identification of high oleic acid soybean genotypes using non-destructive near infrared reflectance (NIR) on whole seeds would greatly enhance progress in breeding programs. The objective of this study was to develop a calibration equation for NIR determination of high oleic acid from single soybean seeds. A total of 600 intact, single F2 seeds were scanned by NIR. Spectral data were collected between 400 and 2,500 nm at 2 nm intervals. The relationship between NIR spectral patterns of each soybean seed and its oleic acid content was examined. The best predicted equations for oleic acid were selected on the basis of minimizing the standard error of cross-validation and increasing the coefficient of determination. Validation demonstrated that the equations for determining total oleic acid and over 50 % oleic acid content had high predictive ability (r 2 = 0.91 and r 2 = 0.99, respectively). To validate the newly developed equation, F2 seeds from a different genetic background were tested. Again, high oleic acid from single soybean seeds was accurately predicted from various genetic backgrounds. Therefore, applying the calibration equations to NIR will be useful to rapidly and efficiently select high oleic acid soybean genotypes in breeding programs. 相似文献
Abstract The use of calibrated visible and near infrared (NIR) (400–2500 nm) spectroscopy to predict the klason lignin content of Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens), Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.), Paulownia (Paulownia elongata), and Poplar (Populus nigra var.) samples was investigated. For bamboo, Chinese fir, and Paulownia, the lignin content predicted by means of chemical methods and that predicted by NIR are similar. The ratio of performance to deviation (RPD) of bamboo, Chinese fir, and Paulownia was 3.33, 2.53, and 1.77, respectively. However, for the poplar, the RPD was 1.07 only. The original models were constructed using a full spectrum ranging from 400 nm to 2500 nm. If the spectral range is reduced to the range of 400–1050 nm or 1100–2500 nm, a slight decrease in the quality of the models will occur. However, this decrease is minor considering the advantages of using a reduced spectral range. The results demonstrated that NIR could predict Klason Lignin Content of bamboo, Chinese fir, Paulownia, and Poplar. 相似文献