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动态式节能窗户属于最新国家专利,由外层窗、内层窗和内置窗帘构成,具有结构简单,经济耐用,不仅保温隔热性能好,而且冬季取暖效果显著,是一种很值得大力推广的环保型高效节能窗户。  相似文献   

从节能战略看建筑门窗的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李学智 《门窗》2008,(1):31-35
本文从国家的节能战略出发,从建筑节能入手,得出建筑节能必须门窗节能;通过对市场上第三代塑钢门窗和玻璃钢门窗的具体特点分析,最后得出了从节能战略考虑,将来建筑门窗的发展方向,玻璃铜门窗是首当其冲,大有作为的。  相似文献   

第一条 为了加强民用建筑节能管理,提高能源利用效率,改善室内热环境质量,根据《中华人民共和国节约能源法》、《中华人民共和国建筑法》、《建设工程质量管理条例》,制定本规定.……  相似文献   

近年来,国管局认真贯彻落实科学发展观,按照党中央、国务院关于建设节约型社会、节约型政府的要求,精心组织,狠抓落实,在公共机构节能规划、制度建设、节能改造、宣传教育等方面作了大量工作,并在继续扎实有序的推进公共机构节能,取得了显著成效,在全国起到了良好的示范作用。  相似文献   

本文对合同能源管理(EPC)在国内的发展进行了介绍.结合数据,分析了在中国建筑节能领域中合同能源管理发展的现状和主要问题.提出了项目规模、金融融资和能耗计量与验证是制约合同能源管理模式在中国发展的主要瓶颈,并对这三个主要问题给出了建议.通过案例,解释了建筑节能合同能源管理的全过程中各个要素的体现形式.  相似文献   

刘险峰 《门窗》2008,(5):36-40
1 概述 建筑外窗是建筑围护结构中的轻质、薄壁、透明构件,受建筑外窗的影响,采暖空调、照明能耗往往占到整个建筑能耗的一半左右。因此开展建筑门窗节能工作势在必行。  相似文献   

合同能源管理中节能量计算方法的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了一种基于ANN的合同能源管理节能量计算方法.分析了公共建筑能耗的主要影响因素,利用ANN建立了公共建筑的实际能耗计算模型,得出全年能耗模拟值.节能量即为该模拟值与改造后的实际能耗值之差.对南京市两幢公共建筑2007年能耗进行了仿真模拟,全年模拟能耗与实际能耗偏差均在3%以内.  相似文献   

本文通过对我市建筑节能目前的状况及存在的难点,阐述如何加强对建筑节能工作的监督管理及对建筑节能工作的设想。  相似文献   

In Serbia, around 50% of energy is used in built environment and most of it for 6-month heating in residential buildings. Because of actual international efforts to protect environment, energy conservation in heating in residential buildings is an issue of permanent research interest. In this paper, we tried to determine how type of partitions inside a residential building influences energy consumption and demand for houses in cold climate and consequently energy conservation. For a typical house in Serbia, by using software HTB2, it was evaluated how its heating depends on six applied types of partitions. It was found that (1) the house with glass-wool partitions would have the minimum yearly heat consumption, (2) the house with masonry partitions would require heaters of minimum size, (3) the house with siporex partitions would require the lowest investment in partitions and heaters, and (4) the house with glass-wool partitions would yield the highest net savings during the life cycle of the house.  相似文献   

Awareness of the need to conserve energy has increased in recent years. In Sweden the Government supports not only research in this field but also measures which can cut back on energy consumption. For instance, special subsidies and loans are granted with the aim of reducing energy usage in the building sector. In this article the problems of energy conservation in the building sector have been analyzed from an economical point of view.A model is constructed which shows how different factors affect the profitability of energy-saving investments. It is formulated as a dynamic control model in which the effect of energy-savings has been chosen as state variable and the investments made in energy conservation at a certain point of time as control variable. A sensitivity analysis is carried out to permit a discussion of how taxes, subventions, energy price trends and technological advances affect the solution obtained.The value of this article lies in its identification of a method for analyzing the impact of various factors on the profitability of energy-saving measures in the building sector.  相似文献   

Domestic demands account for about 40 per cent of total energy supplies in Sweden. This article reviews research by the Building Technology Division of the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology over many years into the thermal behaviour of houses. It highlights the importance of effective insulation and of solar heat gains in particular situations, entailing modifications to conventional design calculations.  相似文献   

郎四维 《建筑技术》1996,23(11):741-743
根据《民用建筑节能设计标准》采暖设计部分的节能目标,阐述热源,管网以及用户系统达标的技术环节,特别强调水力平衡及量化管理产关键因素,并讨论了采暖按一计费等技术问题。  相似文献   

本文通过计算分析,对比内置百叶中空玻璃窗和墙体节能的效果,提出推广运用空玻璃窗的必要性。  相似文献   

以某烟草工业公司杭州制造部降低压缩空气单耗项目为例,介绍能源项目管理团队如何在项目管理中引入六西格玛方法,研究企业降低压缩空气能耗的途径。通过对能耗数据进行统计分析,发现生产工艺中的不合理用能环节,优化供能和用能方式,从而实现节能减排降耗。  相似文献   

This paper is focused on background issues which currently underlie attempts to reconcile comfort with reduced consumption of fuels in buildings in Britain. Two specific topics are considered; first, developments which have taken place in environmental design and, second, those which have occurred in comfort research in this country over the past thirty years. Developments in both these fields are presented as having contributed to making the idea of habitable spaces in buildings in Britain synonymous with the notion of consuming finite fossil fuels. Physiologically-grounded, orthodox comfort theory is questioned as an adequate basis for understanding how people judge internal environments in buildings they occupy since social issues, concerned with what constitutes an acceptable environment, are also identified as significant. environment, are also identified as significant.  相似文献   

节能减排是一项功在当代、利在千秋的事业,具有显著的经济效益、社会效益和环境效益。通过节能减排工作,切实做到节约发展、清洁发展、安全发展和可持续发展,是企业的历史责任和使命。建材行业是一个能源消耗和环境污染都较大的行业,节能减排有很大的潜力可以挖掘,仅在设备管理上就大有文章可做。  相似文献   

目的:分析2015-2017年韶关市10县(市、区)非结防机构肺结核患者网络报告、转诊与追踪情况,为加强结核病发现管理工作提供科学依据。方法:收集、整理2015-2017年韶关市结核病网络直报数据及同期报表等,进行统计分析。结果:2015年转诊到位率:始兴县(78.45%)最高,浈江区(7.86%)最低;追踪到位率:始兴县(97.09%)与仁化县(97.09%)最高,新丰县(33.33%)最低;总体到位率:始兴县(99.79%)最高,浈江区(82.70%)最低。2016年转诊到位率:曲江区(65.54%)最高,浈江区(2.15%)最低;追踪到位率:始兴县(97.83%)最高,新丰县(2.47%)最低;总体到位率:始兴县(99.25%)最高,新丰县(43.17%)最低。2017年乐昌市(53.67%)转诊到位率最高,浈江区(1.16%)最低;追踪到位率:乳源瑶族自治县(94.92%)最高,新丰县(9.29%)最低;总体到位率:始兴县(98.26%)最高,新丰县(56.54%)最低。2015年10县(市、区)的转诊到位率、追踪到位率与总体到位率均最高,分别为38.70%、85.10%、91.37%,显著高于2016年(32.22%,80.59%,88.57%)与2017年(22.44%,65.38%,81.13%),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);2016年显著高于2017年,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:2015-2017年韶关市10县(市、区)非结防机构肺结核患者转诊追踪情况存在差异。  相似文献   

建筑节能现场检测方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田斌守 《工程质量》2006,(12):52-56
本文综述了几种建筑物围护结构传热系数现场检测方法的原理、操作方法、适用条件,指出各种方法的优缺点及注意事项。  相似文献   

为了早日实现"十一五"规划中的节能目标,住宅建筑的节能设计成为目前建筑设计中的重要部分。本文阐述了住宅工程建筑节能的主要内容、控制要点,分析了当前住宅工程建筑的实际情况,并结合实际工作经验提出了对墙体、屋面、地面、房屋结构、门窗等方面节能设计的技术措施。  相似文献   

《Urban Water》2000,1(4):317-321
In a limited land area of about 630 km2 Singapore has an average annual rainfall of 2250 mm. As catchment area is limited and about 60% of water is being imported, there is a continuous search for new sources. One such source is roofwater from high-rise buildings in which almost 84% of the population lives. The main objectives of this paper are to study the feasibility of collecting the roofwater from the north spine of the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) campus and to utilise it for non-potable uses. A well-established simple input–output model incorporating a dual-mode system (DMS) of operation has been used so as to ensure that all the collected roofwater from an area of 38,700 m2 is used only for non-potable purposes. The design parameters were optimized leading to a rainwater storage tank linked to the existing water tanks with pump cut-in and cut-out electrodes placed at depths of 1 and 1.5 m above the base of the tank that will ensure that the supply of water will always be available for the non-potable uses. The overall system will realise a monthly saving in water consumption expenditure in the NTU complex by about S$18,500.00.  相似文献   

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