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25Cr3Mo3NiNb二次硬化钢中的碳化物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用TEM和萃取相分析方法,研究了25Cr3Mo3NiNb二次硬化钢淬火回火组织中的碳化物。结果表明,随淬火奥氏体化温度的升高,M6C型碳化物逐渐溶解。于1050℃奥氏体化时M6C型碳化物全部溶解,淬火态试样中只有少量的Nb(C,N)颗粒和自回火M3C型碳化物。随回火温度的升高,先后析出ε、M3C、M2C和M7C3等类型的碳化物。Nb(C,N)颗粒可以阻止淬火奥氏体晶粒的异常长大,而高温回火析出的M2C碳化物有二次硬化作用,从而提高回火稳定性和高温强韧性。  相似文献   

Multiphase steels show a strong bake hardening effect being of importance for shaping of car body structural parts. The raised yield strength is exploited for improved crash resistance. Especially the automotive industry has a growing interest in using this effect. Normally the bake hardening effect is examined in tensile tests whereas under industrial conditions shaping of structural parts shows a wide spread of stress strain behaviour, from uniaxial conditions over plain strain to biaxial ones. So it is obvious that the bake hardening behaviour of a material cannot be described with results of the uniaxial tension test only. To give a first answer to this question, the dependence of the bake hardening effect on different biaxial prestrains was investigated for several hot rolled multiphase steels using various baking temperatures and holding times whereas the bake hardening effect under uniaxial prestrain had already been examined in [5]. Considering the choices to generate biaxial strain, a Marciniak forming tool with a diameter of 250 mm mounted on a 2500 kN hydraulic press was chosen. For control of plastic deformation and adjustment the non‐contact measuring system ARGUS, was used. To reduce the quantity of experiments “Design of Experiments” and statistical methods were applied for a martensitic steel, a dual phase steel, a complex phase steel, a ferrite‐bainite steel, and a retained austenite steel known as TRIP, all in hot rolled condition. As a result, a formula for yield stress, tensile strength and residual deformability was developed. Furthermore, a method was found to predict easily whether a steel under investigation is qualified for additional experiments in regard to bake hardening or more exactly its response to different baking temperatures and holding times.  相似文献   

完卫国  彭大成 《钢铁》2005,40(9):73-76
以多元少量的合金化原则设计的4Cr2WMoVSi钢是一种经济型热作模具钢,研究了4Cr2WMoVSi钢的热处理工艺及性能,并与3Cr2W8V钢的热处理工艺和性能作了对比,用4Cr2WMoVSi钢制作了热剪刃,进行了装机使用试验,其使用寿命与3Cr2WSV剪刃的寿命相当,而是5CrW2Si剪刃寿命的3.4倍。  相似文献   

基于数值模拟的718塑料模具钢大模块淬火新工艺设计   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过对新型718塑料模具钢大模块淬火过程进行计算机数值模拟,结合金相组织与硬度测试制订了一种淬火的新工艺,即高温930℃完全奥氏体化后直接空冷。该工艺能使整个模块均获得贝氏体组织,保证模块硬度在29-35HRC的范围内,而且同一截面硬度差值小于3HRC。此外,淬火冷却过程中表面与心部的温差较小,明显减小了淬火裂纹产生的可能性。  相似文献   

 研究了w(C)=039%和w(C)=053%的2种Cr17Mo型耐蚀塑料模具钢的组织、力学性能及耐蚀性能。实验结果表明:2种钢材经适当的淬、回火处理后,均具有较高的硬度和强度;在弱酸和氧化性酸(醋酸和硝酸)中,均具有良好的耐腐蚀性能。  相似文献   

研究了钒含量(0.28%和0.50%,质量分数,下同)的变化对Cr8Mo2SiV钢组织和性能的影响。结果表明,随着钒含量的增加,一次碳化物尺寸增大,淬火峰值硬度向高温区移动,钒含量0.5%的Cr8Mo2SiV钢的淬火晶粒尺寸明显小于钒含量0.28%的Cr8Mo2SiV钢。经1 040℃淬火、180~520℃回火后,随着钒含量的升高,Cr8Mo2SiV钢的二次硬化峰值硬度以及二次硬化峰之前的回火硬度均明显提高。钒对提高Cr8Mo2SiV钢的淬火温度和二次硬化效应有利。  相似文献   

新型热精锻模具钢3Cr4Mo2NiVNb的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周洪发  简小华 《特殊钢》1998,19(6):44-47
新开发的新型热精锻模具钢3Cr4Mo2NiVNb热强性明显高于H13,在应用过程中,模具寿命较3Cr2W8V钢高0.5 ̄2倍。  相似文献   

Thixoforming is a new manufacturing technology which has been widely investigated for aluminium alloys. The thixoformability of steel and especially the impact of different pre‐processing is subject of this paper. For the thixoforming process it is of special interest to obtain the required fraction liquid content between 20 and 40%, a globulitic microstructure and low process temperatures. Therefore, steel primary material from three different processing routes was compared. The primary materials are rolled bars, laboratory cast billets and laboratory cast billets with liquid core reduction. The melting behaviour of the different materials was investigated by using Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA). Furthermore the materials were reheated into the solid‐liquid range and quenched to monitor the development of the microstructure. No significant differences between the three different pre‐processing routes could be determined with regard to thixoforming. Thus it seems possible to start thixoforming with as‐cast primary material.  相似文献   

新型PMS塑料模具钢超塑性成形及强化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用PMS镜面塑料模具钢进行恒温超塑性试验,利用试验参数对话机键模进行超塑性精密成形,并对其组织结构、宏观强度及其强化机制进行了研究分析。指出,由于超塑性变形导致PMS钢的位错强化、沉淀强化和细晶强化,使其在超塑性精密成形的同时能有效地提高强度。  相似文献   

Thermo Calc software package (TCP DICTRA) was used to simulate the carbide transformation process in die steel for plastic. Combined with TEM analysis, the calculated result confirms that the carbide in equilibrium state is M7C3 carbide. The dissolution of M7C3 carbide in steel is predicted by DICTRA program. It was shown that the temperature remarkably affects the dissolution process of M7C3 carbide, but the influence of alloy elements such as manganese and molybdenum can be neglected in this steel.  相似文献   

The present investigation deals with the influence of pre‐straining with or without bake hardening on the strain rate sensitivity of automotive sheet steels in typical crash conditions. The strain rate sensitivity m has been determined by means of dynamic tensile tests in the strain rate range 0.005‐1000 s?1 and in the temperature range 233‐373K. A bake hardening heat treatment at 170 °C for 20 min without pre‐straining does not influence the m‐value in comparison to the base material condition. A small pre‐straining near plane strain condition, as commonly found in outer door panels, or a 10% uniaxial, plane strain and biaxial pre‐straining, as typically used in formed automotive crash components, without bake hardening does not affect the m‐value of sheet steels in comparison to the base material condition. Uniaxial 2% to 10% pre‐straining, longitudinal or transverse to rolling direction with subsequent bake hardening, does not clearly change the m‐value in comparison to the base material condition either. Small differences in the strain rate sensitivity behaviour are rather attributed to experimental scattering without real physical background.  相似文献   

针对热作模具钢市场的需求,采用转炉冶炼——LF精炼——VD真空处理-模注-均热-轧制-缓冷工艺,研制开发了3Cr2Mo和P20模具钢坯。并对试制结果进行了较全面的检验分析。  相似文献   

蔡永海 《江西冶金》2000,20(1):24-27
新研制的塑料模具钢为 4Cr2Mn2NiMoV ,经金相分析和力学性能检验及厂家使用表明 ,其特点是淬透性及抛光性能良好 ,预硬处理后经机械加工即可直接使用 ,是一种值得推广的新钢种。  相似文献   

The corrosion behavior of TiC particle‐reinforced 2Cr13 stainless steels prepared by in situ reaction and electroslag remelting (ESR) was investigated using potentiodynamic polarisation measurements and immersion tests. The addition of TiC particles to 2Cr13 stainless steel impeded rapid pit propagation but maintained a high corrosion rate in the whole immersion time investigated. The TiC addition developed finer matrix structure, the formation of Cr‐rich carbides and high dislocation density around the TiC particles before corrosion, which results in an increasing corrosion rate and preferential pitting attack at the steel matrix/TiC interface. Although the corrosion resistance of 2Cr13 stainless steel is sharply decreased due to TiC addition, it is significantly improved after the ESR process. This is attributed to the more uniform distribution and smaller size of TiC particles, the increase of value of χ in TiCχ and the elimination of the porosity in TiC particle‐reinforced 2Cr13 stainless steel after the ESR process.  相似文献   

王传雅  徐维 《特殊钢》1995,16(1):29-33
研究了渗扩氮等温淬火对Cr7Mo3V2Si钢硬度,组织,韧性和含氮硬化层扫描断和口形态的影响。结果表明,Cr7Mo3V2Si钢制冷作模具复合强韧化处理后的使用寿命提高1倍,且破坏形式得改善。  相似文献   

热作模具钢4Cr5Mo2NiVRE(R88)的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李选民 《特殊钢》1995,16(2):22-27
通过加钒-钼和镍-稀土使新研制的钢种4Cr5Mo2NiVRE(R88)在高温下具有高的热稳定性、抗氧化性和高的强韧性。应用结果表明,R88钢制成的热作模具寿命比3Cr2W8V钢模具提高一倍。  相似文献   

 The striations on the surface of 3Cr2W8V die steel were processed by laser. The microstructure, hardness, wear resistance and thermal fatigue behavior of the specimens processed by laser were measured. The appearance and mechanism of thermal fatigue crack propagation in the zone processed by laser were observed and discussed. The results show that the wear resistance and thermal fatigue resistance of materials processed by laser are all better than those of the unprocessed material. The processed zone by laser plays a role in baffling wearing process and crack propagation. The pile nail effect of processed zone is the main factor for improving the wear resistance and thermal fatigue resistance of material.  相似文献   

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