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The beneficial role of dietary fibre in human nutrition and effects of properties on fermented dairy products have led to a growing demand for the incorporation of novel fibre‐based fat replacers. The aim of the present work was to investigate the possibility of using inulin and oat‐based β‐glucan in Labneh cheese and to analyse the physico‐chemical, textural and sensory properties of the resulting product. The results showed that the textural and sensory properties of the cheese with addition of inulin increased at a 12% fat ratio. Overall, full‐fat and reduced‐fat Labneh cheeses were firmer and had better flavour than all the low‐fat cheeses. However, inulin and oat β‐glucan, as fermentable fibres, were also degraded as fermentable fibres to produce organic acids and had the potential for use as fat replacers in low‐fat dairy systems.  相似文献   

In this study yoghurts produced from full-fat milk (3.2%) and from low-fat milk (0.5%), with 0.7% and 2.7% added inulin, were compared. Inulin addition did not influence bacterial counts and acidity. Yoghurt from full-fat milk showed the highest values of apparent viscosity, followed by yoghurt with 2.7% of inulin. The sensory properties of the yoghurts differed mainly in terms of texture and taste. The highest scores were gained by yoghurt from full-fat milk, but yoghurt with 2.7% of inulin received only slightly lower scores. The results indicate that inulin has potential as a fat replacer in yoghurt.  相似文献   

The influence of different levels of inulin on the quality of fat-free yogurt production was investigated. Inulin was added to milk containing 0.1% of milk fat to give inulin levels of 1, 2 and 3%. The experimental yogurts were compared with control yogurt produced from whole milk. The total solids content of milk was standardized to 14% by adding skim milk powder to the experimental yogurt. The chemical composition, pH, titratable acidity, whey separation, consistency, acetaldehyde and volatile fatty acidity contents were determined in the experimental yogurts after 1, 7 and 15 days. Sensory properties of the yogurts were evaluated during storage. The addition of inulin at more than 1% increased whey separation and consistency. Acetaldehyde, pH and titratable acidity were not influenced by addition of inulin. Tyrosine and volatile fatty acidity levels were negatively affected by inulin addition. With respect to the organoleptic quality of yogurt, inulin addition caused a decrease in organoleptic scores: the control yogurt had the highest score, and the lowest score was obtained in yogurt samples containing 3% of inulin. Overall, the yogurt containing 1% of inulin was similar in quality characteristics to control yogurt made with whole milk.  相似文献   

Because a high fat content in foods is associated with health disorders, consumers demand low fat products, but without any loss of their texture quality. The instrumental texture and sensory properties of biscuits in which 15 and 30 g/100 g of the fat has been replaced by two different carbohydrate-based fat replacers (inulin and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose) were studied. The instrumental texture measurements showed that inulin and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) biscuits were harder and the sound emissions were higher than for the control biscuits. The trained sensory panel rated the biscuit with 15 percent fat replacement by inulin as crisper than the control. The consumer study revealed that fat replacement up to 15 g/100 g with inulin or HPMC provided acceptable biscuits, but higher replacement decreased the overall acceptability.  相似文献   

The effects of incorporating various concentrations of bacterial cellulose (BC) (1.7 and 3.5% w/v) on the physicochemical and sensorial properties of low‐fat soft cheese Turkish Beyaz were investigated during a 60‐day ripening period. Control cheeses were produced using nonfat, half‐fat (1.7% fat) and full‐fat milk, for comparison. Depending on changing fat percentage, some physicochemical properties of cheeses, such as moisture, pH and salt showed significant differences, but BC had no influence on these properties. Fat content and BC altered the textural and sensory properties. These results indicated that BC improved the quality of reduced‐fat and low‐fat Turkish Beyaz cheeses.  相似文献   

The effect of high pressure (HP; 300 and 400 MPa for 5 min at 6 °C) on physico-chemical, microbial, color, texture and sensorial characteristics of starter-free fresh cheeses stored at 4 and 8 °C was studied. Physico-chemical parameters considered were total solids, fat, total protein, pH, whey loss and water activity. The microbiological quality was studied, on cheeses stored at 4 and 8 °C, by enumerating aerobic mesophilic bacteria, lactococci, psychrotrophic bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli, molds and yeasts. Cheeses treated at 300 and 400 MPa, stored at 4 °C, presented a shelf-life of 14 and 21 days, respectively, compared to untreated control cheese, which presented a shelf life of 7 days. On the other hand, HP treatments modified the texture (more firm) and color (more yellow) compared to control cheeses. These changes were detected by instrumental and sensory analysis.  相似文献   

Cheeses containing Agave fructans were compared with both full‐fat and reduced‐fat samples without fructans. Microstructure results showed that the cheeses obtained were very similar to the control samples (without fructans), even the full‐fat control sample, demonstrating the texturing role of the carbohydrates. Regarding the composition, a moisture content of 47.96 ± 1.45 and a good protein retention with a low‐fat content were found. Therefore, the cheese yield was not adversely affected, and no significant differences were observed in sensory aspects. Considering the health benefits of fructans and their abundance, this development could represent an innovation for dairy industry.  相似文献   

The effect of the water extract of green chilli pepper (WECP) on some properties of low‐fat fresh cheese was studied. Cheese was manufactured from a mixture of reconstituted skim milk powder, whey protein concentrate and sodium chloride and fortified with WECP at concentrations of 0, 1, 2 and 3%. The addition of WECP significantly decreased the total and lactic acid bacteria counts as well as the yeasts and moulds counts in the fortified cheeses. The flavour was improved in cheeses made using 1 and 2% WECP, and the cheese manufactured with 2% WECP had the highest flavour and total scores.  相似文献   

The influence of different levels of inulin as fat replacer on the quality of ice cream was investigated. Inulin was added at 2, 4 and 6% to replace milk fat and the experimental ice creams were compared to a control with 10% milk fat. The chemical composition, overrun, water activity, viscosity, melting rate, hardness and colour value were determined. Sensory properties of the ice cream samples were evaluated during storage. The overall acceptability of ice creams prepared with 2 and 4% substitution were similar to the control.  相似文献   

The stability of cream cheeses as a symbiotic food carrier, through supplementation with different concentrations of probiotic bacteria Bifidobacterium animalis Bb‐12 and Lactobacillus acidophilus La‐5 and the prebiotic ingredient inulin was investigated. Physicochemical parameters, pH values, total solids, fat and protein levels and the viable counts of the starter lactic culture Streptococcus thermophilus and probiotic cultures, were carried out at 1, 15, 30 and 45 days of refrigerated storage (8 ± 0.5 °C). Different physicochemical characteristics were observed in all formulations. S. thermophilus showed good viability in all the trials (6.66–9.38 log cfu/g), whereas B. animalis remained above 6 log cfu/g in all the trials during the period evaluated. However, L. acidophilus showed an accentuated decline, registering values of 3.1 log cfu/g at the end of the period studied. The results suggested that cream cheese was an adequate food matrix for supplementation with probiotic bacteria, in particular B. animalis, and the prebiotic ingredient, showing potential as a symbiotic food.  相似文献   

Majorero cheeses from six producers were analysed for basic physicochemical, textural, colour and sensorial characteristics. These analyses took place at different stages of the ripening process, from 15 to 90 days. The basic composition and the texture attributes of Majorero cheese changed significantly during the storage period (P < 0.001). Fracturability, hardness, adhesiveness and gumminess increased from 15 to 90 days of ripening while elasticity decreased. Furthermore, ripening time affected most of the sensory parameters analysed (P < 0.05): as the cheeses matured and became drier, there was an increase in roughness and elasticity in addition to odour and aroma intensity.  相似文献   

In this study, low‐fat Beyaz pickled cheeses were produced from ewe's milk using a protein‐based fat replacer (1.0% w/w Simplesse®), a carbohydrate‐based fat replacer (0.5% w/w Maltrin®) and a blend of both (0.5% w/w Simplesse® + 0.25% w/w Maltrin®). The chemical, textural and sensory properties of cheeses were examined during storage for 60 days. The use of fat replacers affected chemical (except pH and acidity), textural and sensory properties of the cheeses. The cheeses produced with Simplesse® (Sample B) were similar to full‐fat cheese and had the highest sensory scores.  相似文献   

The influence of enzyme‐modified cheese (EMC) and fat content on sensory and texture properties of cream cheese was investigated. Enzyme‐modified cheese and fat content were set at three levels each, and organoleptic and texture properties for all experimental cheeses were then determined. Data were analysed using response surface methodology. Both design parameters had significant influence on sensory and texture properties. The EMC did not alter hardness significantly, whereas the higher fat formula had the higher hardness. The results indicated that the optimum level of EMC was less than 1% for high‐fat cream cheeses and at least 5% for low‐fat cream cheeses.  相似文献   

Fresh cheese composition was assessed by measuring ultrasonic velocity in cheese and cheese blends at different temperatures. Twenty types of commercial, fresh cheeses with fat contents ranging from 0.2% to 17.6% w.b. were analyzed. Ultrasonic velocity was not only heavily dependent on the composition of the cheese but also on its structure. Based on the different effect temperature has on velocity in water and fat, a semi-empirical model was used to estimate the cheese composition from velocity measurements at six temperatures ranging from 3 to 29 °C. The model provided good results for the assessment of the fat (R2 = 0.984/0.996; RMSE = 4.6/1.1 for whole and blended cheese, respectively) and water (R2 = 0.964/0.995; RMSE = 6.5/0.7 for whole and blended cheese, respectively) content. The ultrasonic measurements could be carried out during the cooling process that takes place after curdling and used as a quality control tool to detect process anomalies in-line.  相似文献   

Maltodextrin was used as a fat replacer in low‐fat ultrafiltered cheese. Fat was replaced with 25% maltodextrin milk solution (w/w) in cheese at 15 and 50% (w/w). The chemical, rheological and sensory properties as well as the microstructure of the cheese samples were evaluated after storage for 2 months at 8 °C. Maltodextrin affected the chemical (pH, dry matter, fat, water‐soluble nitrogen to total nitrogen, nonprotein nitrogen to total nitrogen, total free amino acid) and rheological (mean relaxation time) properties, as well as the microstructure. In general, based on textural properties, sensory evaluation and economic aspects, the 50%‐fat‐reduced sample was selected as the best treatment.  相似文献   

A mixed starter culture containing exopolysaccharide (EPS)‐producing strains of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus was combined with Lactobacillus helveticus LH301 and used in the manufacture of low‐fat and reduced‐fat Kasar cheeses. For comparison, low‐fat (C10) and reduced‐fat (C20) cheeses were made using EPS‐producing (EPS+) starter strain and EPS‐non‐producing (EPS?) starter strain. The physicochemical properties of the cheeses were assessed in terms of chemical composition, texture, microstructure and microbial content over 90 days. Cheeses made with EPS‐producing culture (EPS10 and EPS20) had lower protein contents than control cheeses with 10% and 20% fat in dry basis (C10 and C20). Scanning electron microscopy images showed that using EPS‐producing culture resulted in a less compact protein matrix and sponge‐like structure in the cheese samples. In general, cheeses made using EPS‐producing culture had lower total viable counts. This could be related to the reduced survivability of EPS‐producing cells in the cheese matrix during ripening due to autolysis ability.  相似文献   

The effect of fat reduction and the addition of octenyl succinylated (OS) waxy maize starch as a fat replacer on the physicochemical properties, texture, and microstructure of Minas fresh cheese was studied. The cheeses were produced according to three formulations: full-fat cheese (FC), reduced-fat cheese (RC), and reduced-fat cheese with 0.5 kg/100 L of added starch (SC). Analyses of the chemical composition, titratable acidity, water-holding capacity (WHC), yield, texture, microstructure, and electrophoretic profile of casein were conducted. Fat reduction increased the hardness and decreased the yield of the cheeses. Fat reduction also promoted a denser microstructure and less proteolysis. The concentration of starch that was added was insufficient to improve the yield and texture parameters of the reduced-fat cheese. However, the addition of starch increased the moisture content and the WHC of the reduced-fat cheese. In general, OS waxy maize starch improved the overall quality of the reduced-fat Minas fresh cheese.  相似文献   

The effect of added microparticulated whey protein (Simplesse®) on textural and thermophysical properties of fat‐reduced semihard cheese type Gouda was investigated. Full‐fat, reduced‐fat and low‐fat cheeses were manufactured of comparable moisture content, each made of control milk and milk systems containing 1% Simplesse®, respectively. Whey protein particles improved textural properties of reduced‐fat and low‐fat cheese. Meltability and flowability were significantly enhanced by an increased fat level, Simplesse® addition and ripening time. The results emphasise the role of microparticulated whey proteins acting as an inert filler within the composite cheese matrix and allow textural and thermophysical properties of fat‐reduced cheeses to be adjusted towards cheese with higher fat content.  相似文献   

In this study, four different fresh Kashar cheese samples were ripened for 90 days. The physicochemical properties, texture attributes, fatty acid composition and volatile compound profiles of the samples were measured every 30 days of ripening. The texture properties of the cheese samples were significantly affected by the duration of the ripening period. The results of this study highlighted that texture parameters as a function of ripening period should be considered for both fresh and aged Kashar cheeses to determine the ripening period as they are very important for consumer acceptability and consumption of the end product.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine basic composition, aroma and sensory characteristics of Circassian cheese. Seven Circassian cheeses were provided by local producers. Aroma compounds were extracted by using solid‐phase microextraction procedure and determined by gas chromatography‐olfactometry system. Water‐soluble, trichloroacetic acid‐soluble and phosphotungstic acid‐soluble nitrogen fractions ranged between 2.30–29.35%, 2.48–9.96% and 3.33–6.26%, respectively. Diacetyl, butyric acid, 2‐acetyl‐1‐pyrroline, 1‐octen‐3‐one and methional were identified at high intensities in cheeses. In addition, ‘cooked’, ‘whey’, ‘creamy’ and ‘fermented’ were defined as characteristic flavour terms for Circassian cheeses.  相似文献   

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