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Modeling of Strain-Induced Precipitation Kinetics and Evolution of Austenite Grains in Nb Microalloyed Steels 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
ZHOU Xiao-guang LIU Zhen-yu YUAN Xiang-qian WU Di WANG Guo-dong LIU Xiang-hua 《钢铁研究学报(英文版)》2008,15(3):65-69
Considering the effect of strain and chemical composition onprecipitation behavior, new models for the start and end time of Nb(C,N) precipitation in austenite under the conditions of different temperatures and strains have been investigated for Nb microalloyed steel. The value of n in the precipitation kinetic equation has been determined by using the available experimental data in literature, which indicated that n is a constant and independent of temperature. The values of the start and end time of the predicted precipitation are compared with the experimental values. Calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental results. Also, the evolution of austenite grains before ferrite transformation is simulated by taking the effect of precipitation into consideration. The measured austenite grain size is in good agreement with predicted one prior to ferrite transformation. 相似文献
Thermo-simulation test and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) have been used to investigate the interaction between the microalloying elements Nb and Mo within the precipitates during relaxation after austenite deformation of C-Ti-Mo steel and C-Nb-Mo steel.The experimental results demonstrated that the austenitic structure was preserved both in C-Ti-Mo steel and C-Nb-Mo steel even if they were relaxed for 1000 s after deformation at 850 ℃.The strain-induced precipitate occurs in two kinds of steel.Through the energy spectrum analysis,it was found that the precipitates were Ti(C,N) and Mo-bearing Nb(C,N) respectively and there exists a strong affinity of Mo for Nb with in the precipitates.Mo atoms would enter the lattice of Nb(C,N) particles probably after Nb(C,N) formation. 相似文献
Precipitation kinetics of Nb(C,N) in microalloyed steels is crucial for the achievement of favoured steel properties. Therefore, numerous experimental studies have been performed in the past and various theoretical models have been developed to describe Nb(C,N) precipitation. However, the experimental data is sometimes contradictory and even the thermodynamic data for NbC solubility in austenite have a large scatter. In this paper, experimental results on the Nb(C,N) and NbV(C,N) precipitation kinetics in deformed and undeformed austenite are reviewed. Based on these data and with the precipitation kinetics module of the software package MatCalc, computer simulations are performed. The predicted interfacial energy of precipitates is adjusted to match the observed kinetics. A comparison between experimental information and simulation, i.e. time ‐ temperature ‐ precipitation (TTP) diagrams, is drawn and discussed. The results of the computer simulations using modified interfacial energies are in good agreement with the experiments. 相似文献
Based on the two sublattice model of the regular solution,one being metal atom sublattice and another being interstitial atom sublattice,a thermodynamic model for the precipitates of niobium carbonitride,vanadium carbonitride and titanium carbonitride was established to study the starting-temperature of precipitates and the austenite compositions at given temperature in a low carbon steel.The calculation results show that starting-temperature of the precipitation of niobium carbonitride,vanadium carbonitride and titanium carbonitride are 1100℃,920℃ and 1340℃,respectively,the mole fraction of carbonitride precipitates is 8.65×10-4 in the 0.053C-0.0028N-1.28Mn-0.008S-0.031Al-0.046Nb-0.008Ti0.029V-Fe steel.When the N content is from 0.0028% to 0.0056%,the starting-temperature of the precipitation of the titanium carbonitride changes from 1340℃ to 1430℃.And the C content is from 0.053% to 0.07%,the startingtemperature of the precipitation of the titanium carbonitride hardly changes,but the atomic fraction of niobium in the carbonitride obviously increases. 相似文献
高V钢中V(C,N)沉淀强化作用的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过实验室轧钢试验,研究了三种高V钢轧制状态下的组织的和力学性能,并用透射电镜观察了V(C,N)析出的状况.结果表明,高V钢中可以获得单相的铁素体组织,并可以获得较高的强度,最高的屈服强度值达到525 MPa.对C3钢而言,由V(C,N)析出颗粒的沉淀强化造成的屈服强度增量最大可达244 MPa.透射电镜观察结果表明,高V钢中容易获得相间析出.试验获得的V(C,N)析出颗粒为4~10 nm,经计算分析,该尺寸在V(C,N)最大沉淀强化效果的范围. 相似文献
采用热模拟渗碳方法研究了Ti、Ti-Nb微合金化的20CrMnTi和20CrMnTiNb渗碳齿轮钢在930~1200℃的奥氏体晶粒长大规律。结果表明,添加0. 038%(质量分数,下同)的钛和0. 048%的铌的20CrMnTiNb钢中含有铌和钛的析出相,其粒子间距为0. 361μm;而含0. 054%的钛的20CrMnTi钢中仅含有较大尺寸的TiN析出相,粒子间距为0. 471μm,前者奥氏体晶粒粗化倾向明显低于后者。20CrMnTiNb钢经1000℃奥氏体化10h后奥氏体晶粒长大不明显,且无混晶现象,适合高温渗碳工艺。 相似文献
低碳钒氮微合金钢中V(C,N)在奥氏体中的析出动力学 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
控制VN在奥氏体中的有效析出是利用VN诱导晶内铁素体细化铁素体晶粒的关键技术。采用应力松弛方法研究了低碳钒氮微合金钢中V(C,N)在奥氏体区的等温析出行为。结果表明:试验钢的析出-温度-时间曲线(PTT)呈典型的C形,本试验条件下析出开始时间最短的“鼻子”温度为870℃左右。钢中的碳、氮含量以及变形量对PTT曲线有较大影响,它们增加均使C曲线向左移,特别是氮含量对V(C,N)析出的影响最显著。在碳含量约为0.10%的试验钢中,当氮含量从0.0036%增加到0.0140%时,可使870℃的析出开始时间从400s缩短到70s左右。 相似文献
M. Djahazi X. L. He J. J. Jonas W. P. Sun 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》1992,23(8):2111-2120
The influence of boron addition, amount of deformation, and solution heat-treatment temperature on the precipitation and recrystallization
behaviors of a family of high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels was studied. A stress relaxation technique was employed to
detect the occurrence of austenite recrystallization and to determine the precipitation start(P
s) and finish(P
f) times. After preheating to 1100 °C or 1200 °C for 30 minutes, the specimens were cooled to test temperatures between 800
°C and 1000 °C. They were subsequently deformed to true strains of 5 or 25 pct and subjected to stress relaxation. The advent
of recrystallization produced a sharp increase in relaxation rate, while the occurrence of carbonitride precipitation led
to the appear- ance of a stress plateau. The results indicate that the presence of boron (1) accelerates carbo- nitride precipitation
and (2) retards austenite recrystallization when present in combination with Nb. The precipitation-time-temperature (PTT)
diagrams determined in this investigation are C-shaped for both the B-free as well as the B-modified Nb steels. These data
were analyzed in terms of the classical theory of nucleation, on the basis of which it is demonstrated that the acceleration
of the nucleation kinetics of precipitation can be attributed to the segregation of boron and of boron-vacancy complexes to
dislocations and grain boundaries, as well as to the faster diffusion of Nb in the presence of boron. 相似文献
一种Nb-Ti微合金钢微合金碳氮化物析出行为的研究 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
利用热模拟和TEM技术研究了Nb—Ti微合金钢中微合金碳氮化物的析出行为,研究结果表明,高温奥氏体区析出的微合金碳氮化物数量随变形量的增大而增加,尺寸随着变形温度的升高稍有增大。铁素体区析出的微合金碳氮化物尺寸比在形变奥氏体中析出的更为细小,数量随着保温时间的增加而增多,但尺寸变化不大;当温度较低的时候,微合金碳氮化物主要在位错线等晶内缺陷处析出。 相似文献
Yves J. M. Bréchet Christopher R. Hutchinson Hatem S. Zurob Chad W. Sinclair 《国际钢铁研究》2007,78(3):210-215
A promising new method for steel design is based on controlling alloy chemistry and thermomechanical processing parameters to tailor microstructural evolution though an explicit understanding of the physical mechanisms governing microstructural change. Additions of Nb have been shown to have a large effect on microstructural processes in steels and this contribution summarizes recent work on elucidating the effect of Nb on the processes of recrystallization in ferrite and the kinetics of the austenite to ferrite phase transformation. In particular, emphasis is placed on distinguishing the effects of Nb in solution and Nb present as Nb‐containing precipitates. Nb in solution is shown to have a very strong effect on the recrystallization in ferrite and this can be quantified and understood in terms of the well‐known solute‐drag effect. The effect of NbC particles on the kinetics of the austenite to ferrite phase transformation is, however, less clear. Theoretical considerations would lead us to expect interphase boundary carbide precipitation to influence the transformation rate but novel decarburization experiments suggest this is not the case. This illustrates that although we are making progress on our understanding of the physical mechanisms governing change in Nb containing steels, there remains a number of important issues requiring further work. 相似文献