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Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) systems are able to measure the speed of incoming wind before it reaches a wind turbine rotor. These preview wind measurements can be used in feedforward control systems designed to reduce turbine structural loads. However, the degree to which such preview‐based control techniques can reduce loads by reacting to turbulence depends on how accurately the incoming wind field can be measured. This study examines the accuracy of different measurement scenarios that rely on coherent continuous‐wave or pulsed Doppler LIDAR systems, in terms of root‐mean‐square measurement error, to determine their applicability to feedforward control. In particular, the impacts of measurement range, angular offset of the LIDAR beam from the wind direction, and measurement noise are studied for various wind conditions. A realistic simulation case involving a scanning LIDAR unit mounted in the spinner of a MW‐scale wind turbine is studied in depth, with emphasis on preview distances that provide minimum measurement error for a specific scan radius. Measurement error is analyzed for LIDAR‐based estimates of point wind speeds at the rotor as well as spanwise averaged blade effective wind speeds. The impact of turbulence structures with high coherent turbulent kinetic energy on measurement error is discussed as well. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Vertical wind shear is one of the dominating causes of load variations on the blades of a horizontal axis wind turbine. To alleviate the varying loads, wind turbine control systems have been augmented with sensors and actuators for individual pitch control. However, the loads caused by a vertical wind shear can also be affected through yaw misalignment. Recent studies of yaw control have been focused on improving the yaw alignment to increase the power capture at below rated wind speeds. In this study, the potential of alleviating blade load variations induced by the wind shear through yaw misalignment is assessed. The study is performed through simulations of a reference turbine. The study shows that optimal yaw misalignment angles for minimizing the blade load variations can be identified for both deterministic and turbulent inflows. It is shown that the optimal yaw misalignment angles can be applied without power loss for wind speeds above rated wind speed. In deterministic inflow, it is shown that the range of the steady‐state blade load variations can be reduced by up to 70%. For turbulent inflows, it is shown that the potential blade fatigue load reductions depend on the turbulence level. In inflows with high levels of turbulence, the observed blade fatigue load reductions are small, whereas the blade fatigue loads are reduced by 20% at low turbulence levels. For both deterministic and turbulent inflows, it is seen that the blade load reductions are penalized by increased load variations on the non‐rotating turbine parts. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

D. J. Malcolm 《风能》1999,2(2):79-98
Stall‐controlled, teetered, free‐yaw downwind turbines have historically experienced higher than desired peak loads due to occasional large teeter excursions when the blades are stalled. Understanding of the causes of these excursions and the potential solution have been the subject of much research in the past. This article contributes to this study in three areas. One is the development of the equations of motion for a teetered rotor with a delta‐3 angle. The solution of these equations leads to an improved understanding of the mechanics of these types of rotors and to a theory concerning how the rotor responds to different overall aerodynamic moments. A second contribution is a set of test cases to confirm the theories developed and to show how wind speed and different delta‐3 angles affect the restoring moments on the rotor and nacelle. A final contribution is an ADAMS® analysis of the fatigue loading of the AWT‐27 under high turbulent wind speeds with different delta‐3 angles and the comparison with results of a field testing programme. Both the predictions and the field data point to the more benign response of a hub having a negative delta‐3 angle. This contradicts previous opinions but is consistent with the criteria presented in this article. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

When a wind turbine works in yaw, the wake intensity and the power production of the turbine become slightly smaller and a deflection of the wake is induced. Therefore, a good understanding of this effect would allow an active control of the yaw angle of upstream turbines to steer the wake away from downstream machines, reducing its effect on them. In wind farms where interaction between turbines is significant, it is of interest to maximize the power output from the wind farm as a whole and to reduce fatigue loads on downstream turbines due to the increase of turbulence intensity in wakes. A large eddy simulation model with particular wind boundary conditions has been used recently to simulate and characterize the turbulence generated by the presence of a wind turbine and its evolution downstream the machine. The simplified turbine is placed within an environment in which relevant flow properties like wind speed profile, turbulence intensity and the anisotropy of turbulence are found to be similar to the ones of the neutral atmosphere. In this work, the model is used to characterize the wake deflection for a range of yaw angles and thrust coefficients of the turbine. The results are compared with experimental data obtained by other authors with a particle image velocimetry technique from wind tunnel experiments. Also, a comparison with simple analytical correlations is carried out. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

One of the primary criteria for extracting energy from the wind using horizontal axis upwind wind turbines is the ability to align the rotor axis with the dominating wind direction. The conventional way of estimating the direction of the incoming flow is by using transducers placed atop the nacelle and downwind of the rotor. Recent studies have suggested methods based on advanced upwind measurement technologies for estimating the inflow direction and improving the yaw alignment. In this study, the potential of increased power output with improved yaw alignment is investigated by assessing the performance of a current measurement and yaw control system. The performance is assessed by analyzing data containing upwind wind speed and direction measurements from a met mast, and yaw angle and power production measurements from an operating offshore wind turbine. The results of the analysis indicate that the turbine is operating with a wind speed‐dependent yaw error distribution. The theoretical annual energy production loss due to the yaw error distribution of the existing system is estimated to approximately 0.2%. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A field test with a continuous wave wind lidar (ZephIR) installed in the rotating spinner of a wind turbine for unimpeded preview measurements of the upwind approaching wind conditions is described. The experimental setup with the wind lidar on the tip of the rotating spinner of a large 80 m rotor diameter, 59 m hub height 2.3 MW wind turbine (Vestas NM80), located at Tjæreborg Enge in western Denmark is presented. Preview wind data at two selected upwind measurement distances, acquired during two measurement periods of different wind speed and atmospheric stability conditions, are analyzed. The lidar‐measured speed, shear and direction of the wind field previewed in front of the turbine are compared with reference measurements from an adjacent met mast and also with the speed and direction measurements on top of the nacelle behind the rotor plane used by the wind turbine itself. Yaw alignment of the wind turbine based on the spinner lidar measurements is compared with wind direction measurements from both the nearby reference met mast and the turbine's own yaw alignment wind vane. Furthermore, the ability to detect vertical wind shear and vertical direction veer in the inflow, through the analysis of the spinner lidar data, is investigated. Finally, the potential for enhancing turbine control and performance based on wind lidar preview measurements in combination with feed‐forward enabled turbine controllers is discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Structural health monitoring (SHM) is a process of implementing a damage detection strategy for a mechanical system. Wind turbine machinery stands to benefit from SHM significantly as the ability to detect early stages of damage before significant malfunction or structural failure occurs would reduce costs of wind power projects by reducing maintenance costs. Vibration analysis of dynamic structural response is an approach to SHM that has been successfully applied to mechanical and civil systems and shows some promise for wind turbine application. Traditionally, a setback to turbine vibration‐based SHM techniques has been the unavailability of turbine vibration response data. This study begins to address this issue by presenting vibration response for a commercial 2.3 MW turbine to a limited number of operating conditions. A database of acquired vibration response signals detailing turbine response to yaw motion, start‐up, operation and shutdown has been assembled. A Daubechies sixth‐order wavelet was used to perform an eight‐level discrete wavelet decomposition such that general trends and patterns within the signals could be identified. With further development, the presented analysis of vibration response may be integrated into routines to reduce downtime and failure frequency of utility scale wind turbines. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Aerodynamic wake interaction between commercial scale wind turbines can be a significant source of power losses and increased fatigue loads across a wind farm. Significant research has been dedicated to the study of wind turbine wakes and wake model development. This paper profiles influential wake regions for an onshore wind farm using 6 months of recorded SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) data. An average wind velocity deficit of over 30% was observed corresponding to power coefficient losses of 0.2 in the wake region. Wind speed fluctuations are also quantified for an array of turbines, inferring an increase in turbulence within the wake region. A study of yaw data within the array showed turbine nacelle misalignment under a range of downstream wake angles, indicating a characteristic of wind turbine behaviour not generally considered in wake studies. The turbines yaw independently in order to capture the increased wind speeds present due to the lateral influx of turbulent wind, contrary to many experimental and simulation methods found in the literature. Improvements are suggested for wind farm control strategies that may improve farm‐wide power output. Additionally, possible causes for wind farm wake model overestimation of wake losses are proposed.Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A. Pace  K. Johnson  A. Wright 《风能》2015,18(2):351-368
Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) systems can be used to provide wind inflow information to a wind turbine controller before the wind reaches the turbine. Both fatigue and extreme load reduction are possible as a result; in this research, we propose a LIDAR‐based controller designed to prevent emergency shutdowns caused by rotor overspeed. This switching controller consists of a disturbance accommodating control (DAC)‐based baseline controller and a different DAC linearized about a reduced generator speed for extreme events, also referred to as an extreme event controller. Switching between the controllers was performed using linear interpolation over various transition times, depending on how early the extreme event could be detected. If a gust of wind is detected using LIDAR measurements evaluated by a one‐sided cumulative summation algorithm, a relatively long transition time can be used. Switching can also be based on a large output estimation error, εy, in which case the transition time is shorter. Once the extreme event passed, control is switched from the extreme event controller back to the baseline DAC. This switching controller resulted in fewer overspeeds when compared with the modified baseline controller, which is a gain scheduled DAC. By preventing overspeeds, the switching controller increased the mean power the wind turbine generated over a simulated 10 min period. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

风电机组运行数据能够反映各系统之间的相关性和机组运行中存在的问题。为了判断机组发电效率低的原因,本文根据机舱振动加速度数据提出假定并通过计算分析风速功率曲线和偏航误差角度对应关系。现场检查结果表明,该机组偏航存在45°误差并导致振动异常,与理论推算误差角度44.6°相符。  相似文献   

In the present paper, Reynolds‐averaged Navier–Stokes predictions of the flow field around the MEXICO rotor in yawed conditions are compared with measurements. The paper illustrates the high degree of qualitative and quantitative agreement that can be obtained for this highly unsteady flow situation, by comparing measured and computed velocity profiles for all three Cartesian velocity components along four axial transects and several radial transects. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The development of a more reliable method of measuring the wind field upstream of a turbine (light detection and ranging) has enabled the implementation of feedforward‐related control strategies to enhance the control performance of wind turbines. By incorporating wind speed measurements, the controller is able to anticipate upon future events and thereby improve structural load mitigation and power regulation of the wind turbine. This work aims to experimentally verify the benefits of using predictive and feedforward‐based control strategies over industry standard control solutions. To achieve this, both a feedforward and a model predictive control strategy are presented, which have been validated on an experimental wind turbine in a wind tunnel. Both the model predictive controller and feedforward algorithm have shown superior performance over a baseline controller in terms of rotor speed regulation under wind speed disturbances. The experiment confirmed that a phase advantage in the control input of the predictive controller led to this performance increase. It has also been found that knowledge of just the current wind speed can already significantly increase the control performance. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The vast majority of wind turbines are today erected in wind farms. As a consequence, wake‐generated loads are becoming more and more important. In this first of two parts, we present a new experimental technique to measure the instantaneous wake deficit directly, thus allowing for quantification of the wake meandering, as well as the instantaneous wake expansion expressed in a meandering frame of reference. The experiment was conducted primarily to test the simple hypothesis that the wake deficit is advected passively by the larger‐than‐rotor‐size eddies in the atmospheric flow, and that the wake at the same time widens gradually, primarily because of mixing caused by small‐scale atmospheric eddies. In this first paper, we focus on our new measurement technique, and test if the wake meandering follows the wind direction fluctuations, i.e. if it is advected passively in the lateral direction. The experimental results are used as a preliminary verification of a wake meandering model that essentially considers the wake as a passive tracer. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Shake table tests were undertaken on an actual wind turbine (65 kW rated power, 22.6 m hub height and a 16 m rotor diameter) using the Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation Large High Performance Outdoor Shake Table at the University of California, San Diego. Each base shaking event was imparted in two states, whereas the turbine rotor was still (parked), and while it was spinning (operational). Each state was tested in two orientations of shaking direction, one parallel (fore‐aft) and another perpendicular (side‐to‐side) to the axis of rotation of the rotor. Structural response characteristics are presented for motions imparted in both configurations and both operational states. Modal parameters (natural frequencies, damping ratios and mode shapes) were estimated throughout the testing program. It is found that shaking imparted in the fore‐aft direction while spinning is the only observed situation where operational effects appear significant, with reductions up to 33% in seismic bending moment demand near the tower base. Using modifications developed by the research team to the FAST code, experimental results are compared with corresponding simulations to show that dynamic characteristics, acceleration time histories and trends in tower bending seismic demand can be numerically approximated. This experimental evidence and associated numerical simulations suggest that modeling of combined wind and earthquake loading with existing turbine specific codes produce meaningful results. Discrepancies between experimental and numerical results support that further refinement of simulation codes can improve accuracy beyond the current state. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wind turbine controllers are commonly designed on the basis of low‐order linear models to capture the aeroelastic wind turbine response due to control actions and disturbances. This paper characterizes the aeroelastic wind turbine dynamics that influence the open‐loop frequency response from generator torque and collective pitch control actions of a modern non‐floating wind turbine based on a high‐order linear model. The model is a linearization of a geometrically non‐linear finite beam element model coupled with an unsteady blade element momentum model of aerodynamic forces including effects of shed vorticity and dynamic stall. The main findings are that the lowest collective flap modes have limited influence on the response from generator torque to generator speed, due to large aerodynamic damping. The transfer function from collective pitch to generator speed is affected by two non‐minimum phase zeros below the frequency of the first drivetrain mode. To correctly predict the non‐minimum phase zeros, it is essential to include lateral tower and blade flap degrees of freedom. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在风功率预测误差建模应用中,无偏交叉验证(UCV)和经验法则(ROT)是两种常用的非参数方法。然而,由于风功率预测误差中存在的尖峰厚尾,以及局部小样本特征,直接使用这两种方法会产生较大的泛化误差。为了使UCV和ROT在应用中发挥更好的作用,文章提出了一种基于光滑自助法的核密度估计方法。该方法利用了光滑自助法在分位数推断上的优势,通过修改平均积分平方误差(MISE)指标函数,实现了对基本估计方法的校正。该方法本质上是一种装袋方法,可以与任何基本的核密度方法结合使用。在实例仿真中,得到了SBUCV方法和SBROT方法的运行结果,并与UCV和ROT方法的结果进行了对比。仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The load reduction potential in regular operation and the design drivers of a flexible hub connection on two‐bladed turbines are presented in this paper. Developed for the two‐bladed Skywind 3.4 MW wind turbine, the flexible hub connection integrates an additional, multidirectional elasticity between the hub mount and the nacelle carrier to reduce the load transfer into the support structure. The stiffness and damping properties of the interface connection determine the load amplitudes of the system and influence the overall turbine dynamics. Consequently, the design relevant operating scenarios change due to a potential dynamic instability, resonance, or violation of deflection margins in comparison with a nonflexible hub connection. The system's capability to reduce fatigue and ultimate loads is assessed in several turbulent inflow conditions and transient operating states, while taking into account the operating limits of displacements. A permutation of the dynamic coupling parameters is conducted to characterize the sensitivity of load characteristics to the design variables. By identifying the critical operating conditions, it is possible to provide design guidelines for an effective optimization strategy.  相似文献   

Detailed and reliable spatiotemporal characterizations of turbine hub height wind fields over coastal and offshore regions are becoming imperative for the global wind energy industry. Contemporary wind resource assessment frameworks incorporate diverse multiscale prognostic models (commonly known as mesoscale models) to dynamically downscale global‐scale atmospheric fields to regional‐scale (i.e., spatial and temporal resolutions of a few kilometers and a few minutes, respectively). These high‐resolution model solutions aim at depicting the expected wind behavior (e.g., wind shear, wind veering and topographically induced flow accelerations) at a particular location. Coastal and offshore regions considered viable for wind power production are also known to possess complex atmospheric flow phenomena (including, but not limited to, coastal low‐level jets (LLJs), internal boundary layers and land breeze–sea breeze circulations). Unfortunately, the capabilities of the new‐generation mesoscale models in realistically capturing these diverse flow phenomena are not well documented in the literature. To partially fill this knowledge gap, in this paper, we have evaluated the performance of the Weather Research and Forecasting model, a state‐of‐the‐art mesoscale model, in simulating a series of coastal LLJs. Using observational data sources we explore the importance of coastal LLJs for offshore wind resource estimation along with the capacity to which they can be numerically simulated. We observe model solutions to demonstrate strong sensitivities with respect to planetary boundary layer parameterization and initialization conditions. These sensitivities are found to be responsible for variability in AEP estimates by a factor of two. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The stability of the electrical grid depends on enough generators being able to provide appropriate responses to sudden losses in generation capacity, increases in power demand or similar events. Within the United States, wind turbines largely do not provide such generation support, which has been acceptable because the penetration of wind energy into the grid has been relatively low. However, frequency support capabilities may need to be built into future generations of wind turbines to enable high penetration levels over approximately 20%. In this paper, we describe control strategies that can enable power reserve by leaving some wind energy uncaptured. Our focus is on the control strategies used by an operating turbine, where the turbine is asked to track a power reference signal supplied by the wind farm operator. We compare the strategies in terms of their control performance as well as their effects on the turbine itself, such as the possibility for increased loads on turbine components. It is assumed that the wind farm operator has access to the necessary grid information to generate the power reference provided to the turbine, and we do not simulate the electrical interaction between the turbine and the utility grid. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Shengbai Xie  Cristina Archer 《风能》2015,18(10):1815-1838
Mean and turbulent properties of the wake generated by a single wind turbine are studied in this paper with a new large eddy simulation (LES) code, the wind turbine and turbulence simulator (WiTTS hereafter). WiTTS uses a scale‐dependent Lagrangian dynamical model of the sub‐grid shear stress and actuator lines to simulate the effects of the rotating blades. WiTTS is first tested by simulating neutral boundary layers without and with a wind turbine and then used to study the common assumptions of self‐similarity and axisymmetry of the wake under neutral conditions for a variety of wind speeds and turbine properties. We find that the wind velocity deficit generally remains self similarity to a Gaussian distribution in the horizontal. In the vertical, the Gaussian self‐similarity is still valid in the upper part of the wake, but it breaks down in the region of the wake close to the ground. The horizontal expansion of the wake is always faster and greater than the vertical expansion under neutral stability due to wind shear and impact with the ground. Two modifications to existing equations for the mean velocity deficit and the maximum added turbulence intensity are proposed and successfully tested. The anisotropic wake expansion is taken into account in the modified model of the mean velocity deficit. Turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budgets show that production and advection exceed dissipation and turbulent transport. The nacelle causes significant increase of every term in the TKE budget in the near wake. In conclusion, WiTTS performs satisfactorily in the rotor region of wind turbine wakes under neutral stability. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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