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Georges F. Comair Prabhas Gupta Chris Ingenloff Gihye Shin Daene C. McKinney 《Water and Environment Journal》2013,27(4):495-504
The Jordan River Basin is under great hydric stress. Increases in population and agricultural demand are contributing to the closure of the basin. This paper analyses the results of integrated water resources planning model (WEAP) by studying the vulnerability of water resources in the lower Jordan River under a changing climate pattern and growing water demands. Water balance models show that all aquifers supplying the city of Amman will be depleted within the next few decades. Mitigation measures should include the introduction of additional water into the basin through the Red Sea–Dead Sea canal, in addition to demand management measures such as water conservation and increase in irrigation efficiency. The findings of this study would provide a useful guide to the co‐riparians for policy formulation, decision making and dispute resolution. Cooperation among the five riparian countries may be improved by building a Geographic Information System (GIS) database that provides access to accurate data for hydrological analysis. 相似文献
针对山西省城镇供水现状进行了分析,分别阐述了全社会供水、公共供水及自建供水设施三方面的数据统计结果,探讨了山西省用水、用水需求及今后发展趋势,提出今后城镇供水工作重点,为山西省合理开发利用水资源提供了科学建议。 相似文献
Understanding water demand and consumers' capacity for change is essential in underpinning water demand management and water efficiency programmes. This paper presents the outcomes of a qualitative study, which used discussion groups relating to water infrastructure with environmentally aware citizens in five London boroughs in the Lower Lea River Basin. The results showed a subtle interaction between users, water and technology. Users are generally unaware of their own water consumption. Individual perceptions of changes in water behaviour are constrained by habit and lack of knowledge about what changes can be made and how. Knowledge of environmental information was described as the inspiration behind making any changes. The paper concludes that access to information about water resources, infrastructure and conservation measures should be enhanced because although information sources are abundant, participants claimed they were inaccessible without considerable effort. Finally, an emphasis should also be put on helping the public form a more substantial part in environmental decisions. 相似文献
The growth in population and of the economy of Hong Kong has caused a significant increase in the demand for fresh water. To secure sufficient water supply and to reduce reliance on imported water from Dongjiang (East River) in Mainland China, the Hong Kong Special Administration Region (HKSAR) government has implemented a wide range of water conservation measures which include the use of seawater for toilet flushing, metering and a tiered water tariff, large‐scale replacement and rehabilitation of ageing pipelines to reduce leakage, valve‐type toilet flushing apparatus and education and publicity programmes. To ensure sustainable and safe water supply, the HKSAR government is actively exploring alternative water resources including the treated effluent from sewage treatment plant, desalination of seawater and the extension of water‐gathering grounds in the territory. 相似文献
《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(6):449-455
This paper presents evidence of the potential for institutional water conservation in a developing country using a university campus in Kumasi, Ghana, as a case study and suggests measures for reducing water demand in institutions. A water end-use survey was conducted using a sample of 144 students from six halls of residence to determine lavatory faucet (tap), showerhead and water closet water-use. The average per capita water use was 115.12 ± 5.33 litres per day at 95% confidence level. Results of the water end-use analysis showed that students use high quantities of water for bathing (61.90 ± 4.06 litres per capita per day at 95% confidence level). There is a potential for reducing the annual water demand by 30.85% through water conservation measures such as retrofitting with water-efficient showerheads and water closets. The payback period for the cost of retrofitting in the current study was found to be 6.5 years. 相似文献
J. W. Hall G. Watts M. Keil L. de Vial R. Street K. Conlan P. E. O'Connell K. J. Beven C. G. Kilsby 《Water and Environment Journal》2012,26(1):118-129
The publication of the UKCP09 climate change projections for the United Kingdom provides the opportunity for more rigorous inclusion of climate change uncertainty in water resources planning. We set out how the current approach to incorporating climate change and other uncertainties in water resources planning may be updated to incorporate the UKCP09 projections. In an uncertain future, the frequency with which customers will experience water shortages cannot be predicted for sure, so a water company cannot predict definitely whether it will or will not fulfil its Level of Service commitments. We therefore go on to propose that the probability of failing to meet Level of Service (for given populations of customers) provides an appropriate metric of risk, which conveniently summarises the uncertainties associated with supply and demand, including climate change uncertainties. We sketch out how this risk metric can be calculated based upon simulation modelling of the water resource system. 相似文献
This paper describes a qualitative study of practitioner perspectives on regulated water resources planning practice in England and Wales. The study focuses on strengths and weaknesses of existing practice and the case for change towards a risk‐based approach informed by stochastic modelling assessments. In‐depth, structured interviews were conducted to capture the views of planners, regulators and consultants closely involved in the planning process. We found broad agreement that the existing water availability assessment methods are fallible; they lack transparency, are often highly subjective and may fail to adequately expose problems of resilience. While most practitioners believe these issues warrant a more detailed examination of risk in the planning process, few believe there is a strong case for a fundamental shift towards risk‐based planning informed by stochastic modelling assessments. The study identifies perceived business risks associated with change and exposes widespread scepticism of stochastic methods. 相似文献
In light of increasing pressures on water supplies in some areas, water demand management and water conservation techniques are likely to become increasingly prevalent. In‐house systems using alternatives to mains supplies for nonpotable uses present one such option for reducing potable water demand. This paper, through a formal desk‐based health impact assessment (HIA) and quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA), examines one of the possible health implications (Campylobacter infection from toilet flushing) resulting from the use of rainwater harvesting in the home in the United Kingdom. This is investigated using data from the literature and a hypothetical case study population of over 4000 people (based on data for the ‘average’ population in England), with the results being expressed as disability‐adjusted life years (DALYs) (on an annual basis) and placed in context of the ‘tolerable’ risk from drinking‐water supplies. 相似文献
提出了在健康水循环思路指导下的以供需水预测、节制用水、水资源保护为基础的,综合考虑水资源配置的水资源综合规划方法,改变了传统的根据水量需求单纯扩大供水规模的以需定供规划方式.在水资源总量有限的条件下,从依靠技术管理提高用水效率、调整工农业产业结构、降低用水定额、兼顾经济社会用水与生态用水等方面对需水加以控制管理;从一次性水源向再生性水源转变,挖掘供水潜力;对饮用水水源地和一般水体涵养保护、供水排水、污水处理、再生回用进行全过程管理,实行地表水、地下水统一保护.最后,以北京市新城顺义区为对象进行了区域水资源综合规划. 相似文献
《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(1):13-22
The implementation of sustainable development principles in water resources management refers to an integrated management and coordination of the entirety of the actions and interventions that concern the water ecosystem, or parts of it, within a watershed. This procedure is accomplished through the development and application of an overall management plan at a hydrological basin level. This concept was followed by the water resources management plan of the city of Volos' watershed, which is presented in this paper. The main objective is the choice of the best set, among others, of hydraulic projects, which will be able to re-establish the balance in the basin's deficient water budget, satisfying at the same time future urban water demand. Decision making was carried out using a GIS tool and involved traditional water capture hydraulic projects on the one hand and sustainable water saving measures on the other. The whole procedure is being developed in an area with serious environmental problems, concerning mainly the groundwater resources. The particularity here is that the alternative solutions strongly depend on administrative agreement and consensus between relevant authorities. 相似文献
Lu Liao Mildred E. Warner George C. Homsy 《Journal of the American Planning Association. American Planning Association》2020,86(1):60-74
AbstractProblem, research strategy, and findings: Plans often sit on the shelf and fail to promote action. This raises the question of how and when plans matter. This is especially important in sustainability planning where local governments are more likely to take actions with short-term benefits that are easy to adopt. How can planners promote more sustainability actions, especially those with longer term benefits? In this study we examine factors influencing local sustainability actions by tracking 651?U.S. local governments’ adoption of 34 sustainability actions from 2010 to 2015. We differentiate places that recently adopted a sustainability plan from those that have had a plan for a longer period and those that have never adopted a sustainability plan. We use difference-in-difference (DID) modeling to assess what effect plans have on the level of sustainability actions. We find a plan may have its greatest effect in motivating actions when it is newly created. Places that adopted a plan between 2010 and 2015 exhibited a significant increase in sustainability actions during those same years. By contrast, places that already had a plan in 2010 showed higher initial levels of sustainability actions but did not show a higher level of growth in the number of actions adopted compared with places without plans. In general, we find local governments with higher levels of sustainability actions articulate social equity goals, devote staff and budget resources to the effort, engage the public, and promote interdepartmental coordination. Local governments under Republican control enact fewer sustainability actions.Takeaway for practice: Sustainability plans are most effective in spurring local sustainability actions when they are newly created. However, this initiation impact in motivating actions wanes over time. Promoting continued adoption of sustainability actions requires a comprehensive approach with attention to political support, public participation, social equity, interdepartmental coordination, and local capacity. 相似文献
Northern Cyprus (NC) is at the cutting edge of complete salinization of freshwater resources. In spite of some precautions taken to reduce seawater intrusion of the groundwater resources, the contamination had increased up to brackish water attribute in the coastal aquifers. The Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management (IWRM) system was introduced as a powerful tool in order to identify water consumption in the country. To perform the future forecast, it is necessary to determine the water needs at the present time; thus, this research analysed the present and historical water budget of the country under normal and drought conditions. The calculations were extended to future forecasting of water needs considering different scenarios for the country. The results obtained were grouped into monthly, sector wise and regional consumptions. The water extractions are linked to the available water amounts, and the water deficiencies in the aquifers were revealed. A rough economical analysis of new water resources was also performed. Conclusions and recommendations are provided to guide scientists, engineers and stakeholders for the future studies and evaluations. 相似文献
To improve water supply energy efficiency micro-hydropower turbines can be installed within networks at locations of excess pressure. However, future changes in flow rates and pressures at these locations could render an installed turbine unsuitable. It is therefore important that long term changes in flow conditions at potential turbine locations be considered at initial feasibility/design stages.
Using historical data over a ten-year period, this paper predicts the effects of changes in water flow rates at potential turbine locations in Ireland and the UK. Results show that future flow rates at these locations could be predicted with an R2 of up to 66% using multivariate linear regression and up to 93% using artificial neural networks. Flow rates were shown to vary with population, economic activity and climate factors. Changes in flow rate were shown to have a significant impact on power output within the design life of a typical hydropower turbine. 相似文献
本文结合当前水资源缺乏的严峻形势,从建筑给水、排水、雨水、中水、消防、自动控制和计量等方面对节水技术进行介绍,提出要增强节水意识,保护水资源,同时提供一些节水理念供水设计参考。 相似文献
历史街区动态保护中的公众参与 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
为了使历史街区获得可持续性发展,必须对其进行动态保护。历史街区的动态保护是一种实行动态平衡的保护规划。在这种动态平衡的实施中,加强公众参与,使得公众的参与构成与政府的连续互动的关系,是保证历史街区动态保护目标得以顺利实现的有利保证。 相似文献
主要结合当前水资源缺乏的严峻形势,立足建筑给排水,从热水循环方式的选择、中水处理、推广新型节水设备等方面提出一些给排水设计的想法和建议,从而缓解城市用水供需矛盾,减少水资源的隐形浪费。 相似文献