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辐射诱发哺乳类损伤中染色体畸变是最主要的指标之一,氚有较强的致染色体畸变作用。本文介绍了氚的毒理学特性,以及氚水对哺乳动物、细胞系及人离体细胞的辐射损伤导致的微核和染色体畸变的研究进展。  相似文献   

本文报道了经腹腔注入不同活度的氚水后第35天小鼠成熟精子和附睾上皮细胞超微结构变化的观察结果,并讨论了引起这些变化的原因。结果表明,部分成熟精子头部出现不同程度的损伤;附睾上皮细胞则出现胞浆空泡变性。  相似文献   

本文报道了经腹腔注入7.4×10~6Bq/g体重的氚水后不同时间大鼠肝组织超微结构的变化,同时估算了大鼠体内氚水累积吸收剂量。结果表明:注后1天,肝细胞出现变化,注后7天,损伤明显,注后35天细胞形态结构基本恢复正常。  相似文献   

肖艳森  周湘艳 《辐射防护》1992,12(6):475-478
本文用单层液相溶血空斑技术研究了氚水内照射对 BALB/c 小鼠脾脏空斑形成细胞(PFC)的影响。结果表明,在本实验剂量范围内(0.047—1.270 Gy),氚水对小鼠脾脏 PFC 有抑制作用,并且随剂量增加,抑制作用更加明显,呈指数性抑制反应。当剂量为1.270 Gy 时,约98.5%的 PFC 受抑制。氚水对脾脏重量和脾细胞数也有类似的影响。  相似文献   

氚水生物学效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文概述中国辐射防护研究院近十余年有关氚水生物学效应研究工作,包括氚水在体内的分布和代谢;氚水β射线对胎鼠中枢神经发育的影响,其中包括脑重量变化、组织学变化和剂量与机能效应;氚水对性腺的影响;氚水的细胞生物学效应;氚水的致癌效应,在致癌效应中进行了体外细胞恶性转化实验和动物长期饮用氚水的致癌效应观察,都获得了阳性结果。在各实验中,部分求出了相对生物效应RBE值。  相似文献   

为了估算内照射剂量,国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐了多种放射性核素的参考人的生物动力学模型及其参数.ICRP还建议,若受照个体的剂量接近或大于个人年剂量限值时,应尽可能多的获得受照个体内照射监测资料,以便更准确地估算剂量;当受照个体接受了促排等医学处理,应采取个体的代谢资料估算剂量.本文以事故性过量摄入氚化水,且接受了促排医学处理的内污染为例,通过尿氚浓度的大量监测结果分析,得出了该受照个体的代谢资料.按此代谢资料估算的待积有效剂量为25.5 mSv,与国际原子能机构IAEA最终给出的参考值25.8 mSv仅相差1%.为了比较,也按照ICRP推荐的参考人的代谢资料估算了待积有效剂量,其结果为38.6 mSv,与参考值相差了48%.  相似文献   

大米样品的总氚(TT)与其组织自由水氚(TFWT)具有非常显著的相关性,其线性回归方程为TT=1.0671+1.3605TFWT。该方程的应用为大米样品总氚测定提供了一个简便的方法。  相似文献   

介绍了一起非计划摄氚事件的监督及事件处理过程中发现的一些问题,同时分析了此类事件发生的原因,并对氚内照射事件的处理提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

对10名氘化水摄入者的观察结果表明,单位摄入量所致的体内氚滞留量R~I(t)可用两项指数函数之和来描述,即R~I(t)=0.987exp(-0.693(t/10))+0.013exp(-0.693(t/42))。假定人的体水体积为42L,体水氚浓度与尿氚浓度相同,则可推导出摄入量-尿氚浓度换算因子c_u~I(单位摄入量所致的尿氚浓度,以下简称摄入量换算因子),即c_u~I=[0.987exp(-0.693(t/10))+0.013exp(-0.693(t/42))]/42。在摄入后早期,上式给出的摄入量换算因子与ICRP第54号出版物给出的换算因子是一致的。但随着摄入后时间的推移,二者之间的差异将越来越明显,在摄入后第100天,前者较后者高约3.5倍,第200天时高约500倍。因此,在缺乏摄入后早期(约40天)的尿氚监测资料情况下,采用两个指数项之和的滞留函数来估算摄入量更为合适。  相似文献   

出生前氚水照射对仔代小鼠生长发育及神经行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高卫民  周湘艳 《辐射防护》1998,18(4):280-289
妊娠12.5d的成年C57BL/6J小鼠腹腔单次注入氚水,各组仔鼠氚累积吸收剂量分别为0.036、0.071和0.213Gy。观察氚β射线对仔鼠出生后生长发育及神经行为的影响。结果表明,0.036Gy氚水照射即可使仔鼠体重发育受阻,张耳出现延迟,听觉惊愕发育延迟,痛觉反应潜伏期延长,转体发育延迟,足展开距离增大,Y迷宫刺激单向回避反射逃避时间延长;0.071Gy氚水照射即可使开眼发育延迟,断崖回避  相似文献   

染色体提前凝聚技术测量辐射诱发的间期染色体的损伤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯嘉林  邵松生 《核技术》1991,14(5):291-294

通过改进的水浴自组装技术,制备出由氧化石墨烯纳米片组成的氧化石墨烯(Graphene oxide,GO)薄膜,对该薄膜进行γ射线辐照后采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射光谱(XRD)对辐照前后的薄膜进行表征,分析辐照对GO薄膜的改性作用。结果表明,辐照后GO薄膜的层间距由0.94nm减小到0.80nm,薄膜中GO纳米片的平均厚度从1.69nm减小到0.86nm,证明了γ射线对GO薄膜良好的还原效应,使GO纳米片的层间官能团减少并导致了层间距和厚度减小。本文还探讨了γ射线辐照对GO薄膜的还原机理。  相似文献   

The subject of radiation damage to Si detectors induced by 24-GeV/c protons and nuclear reactor neutrons has been studied. Detectors fabricated on single-crystal silicon enriched with various impurities have been tested. Significant differences in electrically active defects have been found between the various types of material. The results of the study suggest for the first time that the widely used nonionizing energy loss (NIEL) factors are insufficient for normalization of the electrically active damage in case of oxygen- and carbon-enriched silicon detectors. It has been found that a deliberate introduction of impurities into the semiconductor can affect the radiation hardness of silicon detectors  相似文献   

The deuterium trapping behaviors in tungsten damaged by light ions with lower energy (10 keV C+ and 3 keV He+) or a heavy ion with higher energy (2.8 MeV Fe2+) were compared by means of TDS to understand the effects of cascade collisions on deuterium retention in tungsten. By light ion irradiation, most of deuterium was trapped by vacancies, whose retention was almost saturated at the damage level of 0.2 dpa. For the heavy ion irradiation, the deuterium trapping by voids was found, indicating that cascade collisions by the heavy ion irradiation would create the voids in tungsten. Most of deuterium trapped by the voids was desorbed in higher temperature region compared to that trapped by vacancies. It was also found that deuterium could accumulate in the voids, resulting in the formation of blisters in tungsten.  相似文献   

Ge oxide films were irradiated with 150 MeV Ag ions at fluences varying between 1012 and 1014 ions/cm2. The irradiation-induced changes were monitored by FT-IR spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The FT-IR spectra indicate stoichiometric changes and an increase in Ge content on irradiation. X-ray diffraction shows a crystallization of the irradiated films and presence of both Ge and GeO2 phases. The Ge nanocrystal size, as calculated from Scherrer’s formula, was around 30 nm. The morphological changes, observed in atomic force microscopy, also indicate formation of nanostructures upon ion irradiation and a uniform growth is observed for a fluence of 1 × 1014 ions/cm2.  相似文献   

本文采用双层辉光离子渗金属技术在316L不锈钢表面进行Al-Cr-Si共渗后氧化处理,制备致密的氧化物阻氚渗透涂层。用SEM、TEM和XRD分析制备涂层的组织结构,用划痕法和抗热震实验对其进行性能测试。结果表明,Cr、Si元素的掺入使涂层生成连续致密的Al2O3氧化膜;在外层富铝区,Al2O3和少量Fe、Cr的氧化物反应生成了尖晶石型复合氧化物Fe(AlCr)2O4。氧流量为0.01L/min时制得的氧化涂层的组织和性能最佳,其结合力达68N,热震实验后表面无裂纹出现。  相似文献   

PN结型器件在氚钛片辐照下电输出性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用多片具有不同金属钛膜厚度和充氚量的氚钛片对两种单晶硅基PN结型器件进行了辐照,在线测量了它们的电输出性能并进行了定性分析.结果表明,在本文所采用的钛膜厚度和氚量级下,器件输出短路电流等随充氚量增加而小幅增大,但不成正比关系;器件的掺杂浓度、结深等结构参数对器件电输出性能影响较大.  相似文献   

To investigate effects of nitric oxide on cellular radio-sensitivity, three human glioma cell lines, i.e. A172, A172 transfected green fluorescence protein (EGFP) gene (EA172) and A172 transfected inducible nitric oxide synthesis (iNOS) gene (iA172), were irradiated by 12C6 ions to 0, 1 or 2Gy. Productions of nitric oxide and glutathione (GSH) in A172, EA172 and iA172 were determined by chemical methods, cell cycle was analyzed by flow cytometry at the 24th hour after irradiation, and survival fraction of the cells was measured by colorimetric MTT assay at the 5th day after irradiation. The results showed that the concentrations of nitric oxide and GSH in iA172 were significantly higher than in A172 and EA172; the G2/M stage arrest induced by the 12C6 ion irradiation was observed in A172 and EA172 but not in iA172 at the 24th hour after exposure; and the survival fraction of iA172 was higher than that of EA172 and iA172. Data suggest that the radio-sensitivity of the A172 was reduced after the iNOS gene transfection. The increase of GSH production and the change of cellular signals such as the cell cycle control induced by nitric oxide may be involved in this radio-resistance.  相似文献   

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