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Thermal actuated sliders have been widely used in today's hard disk drive industry for its advantages of easier control of flying height (FH) and less risk of contacts with the disk over the conventional slider. In this paper, we used a coupled-field analysis method, which includes an air bearing model, a heat transfer model and a thermal-structural finite element (FE) model to investigate the flying and thermal performances of a thermal actuated slider at various environmental temperatures. We also proposed a generalized mean free path model to incorporate various molecular dynamics models and consider temperature effects of the mean free path. Some temperature dependent air properties, such as the viscosity and the thermal conductivity are also considered in the simulation. It is found that the mean free path is a crucial parameter in determine air bearing and heat transfer across the head-disk interface (HDI). Our simulation results also show that the temperature effects of the viscosity and the thermal conductivity are contrary to that of the mean free path, which limit the variations of air bearing and heat transfer as the environmental temperature increases. However, their temperature effects still need to be considered for an accurate simulation, especially when the disk drives operate in a wide temperature range. 相似文献
随着计算机控制技术的迅速发展,以微处理器为核心的可编程序控制器已逐步取代继电器,普遍应用于各行各业的自动化控制领域.该文主要探讨了AB公司的PLC及其网络技术在西安地铁一号线通风空调控制系统中的应用,详细阐述了通风空调控制系统的组成与控制策略,并介绍了PLC控制程序与触摸屏上位监控程序的开发设计.该控制系统已在西安地铁实际工程项目中成功应用,取得了良好效果. 相似文献
Kim Yeonghun Shin Yunchan Cho Honghyun 《Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology》2021,35(9):4201-4224
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology - Thermal comfort has become one of the most important factors to be considered for the working efficiency and health of occupants in an indoor space.... 相似文献
变风量空调系统结构复杂,规模庞大,而且变量多,耦合性强,还存在各种不确定因素。传统的自动控制方法大都采用控制参数固定的方法,虽然能够满足系统的稳定性运行,但会带来很大的能量浪费。该文设计一种递阶方式的控制方案,以变风量空调系统能耗最小为优化目标,使其在满足舒适性和稳定性的同时,减少系统的运行能耗,达到最佳的节能效果。 相似文献
Gun Joo Jung Sung Ki Song Young Chull Ahn Geun Sug Oh Young Bin Im 《Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology》2011,25(2):503-512
This research has investigated physical variables affecting indoor thermal comfort and subjective responses of thermal comfort of students in a university in Korea in which the weather is oceanic temperate climate, and has been performed to contribute to the research fields of Sustainable Thermal Standard and Adaptive Thermal Comfort (ATC). This research is based on the ISO 7730-2005 standard and the ATC theories and 4 main variables of PMV such as dry bulb temperature (Ta), relative humidity (RH), black bulb temperature (Tg), and air velocity (Va) are measured once a week during two regular semesters. A clothing insulation, a thermal sensation vote (TSV), an acceptability of thermal environment, and a preference for cooling and heating are investigated at the same time using a questionnaire. This study was carried out for 26 weeks during the spring season, from March to June 2009, and the autumn season, from September to December 2009. The main achievements of this study are as follows. Monthly Mean Outdoor Temperature (MMOT) and Operative Temperature (OT) in the classroom during research periods are 7.4∼23.3°C and 17.5∼29.0°C, respectively. The acceptability ratio of thermal environment shows over 80% when the range of OT in the classroom is 17∼25°C, and the range can be applicable to operative index of heating and cooling of classroom. The mean TSV of respondents is almost “neutral (0)” when the PMV in the classroom moves to “neutral (0)” and “slightly cool (−1)”, and the TSV is almost “+1.5” when the PMV moves to “slightly warm (+1)”. The acceptability ratio of thermal environment is slightly different from ASHRAE Standard 55-2004. So it is necessary to more investigate standard range of acceptability of thermal environment in oceanic temperate climate region using much more databases. 相似文献
Direct contact air conditioning systems, in which heat and mass are transferred directly between air and water droplets, have
many advantages over conventional indirect contact systems. The purpose of this research is to investigate the cooling and
heating performances of direct contact air conditioning system for various inlet parameters such as air velocity, air temperature,
water flow rate and water temperature. The experimental apparatus comprises a wind tunnel, water spray system, scrubber, demister,
heater, refrigerator, flow and temperature controller, and data acquisition system. The inlet and outlet conditions of air
and water are measured when the air contacts directly with water droplets as a counter flow in the spray section of the wind
tunnel, and the heat and mass transfer rates between air and water are calculated. The droplet size of the water sprays is
also measured using a Malvern Particle Analyzer. In the cooling conditions, the outlet air temperature and humidity ratio
decrease as the water flow rate increases and as the water temperature, air velocity and temperature decrease. On the contrary,
the outlet air temperature and humidity ratio increase in the heating conditions as the water flow rate and temperature increase
and as the air velocity decreases. 相似文献
随着电气自动化的不断发展和推广,传统的控制方式已经不能满足现在工业的发展。该文针对蒸发器成型机的工作要求,进行控制上的改进,采用PLC控制,使其拥有触摸屏进行手动和自动的控制和监测,安全光幕进行保护,投入生产使用后产生了良好的经济效益。 相似文献
In this work, the Finite Element Method is used to simulate and visualize the maximum contact temperature of polymer composites under ring-on-block tribolgical test. The simulated temperatures are in good agreement with the experimental results under all testing conditions. The error values between the experimental and simulated temperature are less than 10%. The contact temperature is decreased to nearly 72 °C just by reduction of the friction coefficient by 40%, which is about 18 times higher than the 40% increase of thermal conductivity. The results indicate that the friction coefficient plays a more important role in the contact temperature than the thermal conductivity. 相似文献
The friction and wear properties of an Al 201 alloy and a unidirectionally oriented graphite fiber-aluminum matrix composite (T50-Al 201) were investigated. The experiments were conducted on a pin-on-disc type friction machine. The diameter of the pin was 0.22 cm and the load 4.46 N. The sliding velocity varied between 0.17 and 0.43 m s?1. The disc counterface was of commercially pure iron. It has been found that the friction coefficient μ and the wear rate WL of the composite material decrease as the sliding time is increased until a steady state value is reached. The steady state wear rate is proportional to the reciprocal of the sliding speed in accord with a recently proposed model. Scanning electron microscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy observations indicate that the high initial values of μ and WL are due to a high degree of matrix adhesion to the counterface accompanied by fiber breaking and transfer. The low steady state values of μ and WL are due to the formation of a film that impedes adhesion and confers some degree of self-lubrication. It is suggested that the observed variation of WL with sliding speed is related to changes in the degree of subsurface damage as the velocity is varied. 相似文献
Muhsin Kiliç Gökhan Sevilgen 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2012,60(5-8):799-809
A three-dimensional (3-D) transient numerical analysis was performed inside an automobile cabin during cooling period. A three-dimensional vehicle cabin including glazing surfaces was modelled by using the real dimensions of a car. A virtual manikin with real dimensions and physiological shape was added to the model of the vehicle cabin, and it was assumed that the manikin surfaces were subjected to constant temperature. The virtual manikin was divided into 17 parts in standing posture to evaluate the local heat transfer characteristics of the human body during transient cooling period. We considered three different cases that the cooling capacity of the automobile cabin was same for all cases. Three-dimensional fluid flow, temperature distribution and heat transfer characteristics inside the automobile cabin were calculated with different type of inlet vents. Comparisons of the numerical results were presented and discussed. 相似文献
利用广西河池市地面站2009年的观测资料,对不同季节天气情况下的草温、地温和气温的变化进行了综合性的对比分析。分析表明,草温最高温度平均值比地面最高温度平均值低5.7℃,对抑制“热岛效应”有一定作用。 相似文献
近年来随着云技术的发展,基于云服务的远程控制系统越来越受到关注。搭建一个基于OpenStack的私有云服务器,采用ZMQ通信中间件、MongoDB非关系型数据库和红外传输等技术,设计了一种结构简单、性价比高、扩展灵活的"云+端"控制系统,从而实现对空调的远程控制,并应用云模型中的逆向云发生器使系统具有分析能力。该文详细描述了系统总体设计方案,详细说明其中的软硬件设计要点,阐明系统的应用特点和应用前景。 相似文献