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为辅助设计人员解决施工设备布置问题,基于遗传算法、虚拟现实技术和三维模型处理技术,提出了类交互式遗传算法。该算法首先执行计算机自动迭代完成的自然阶段,在满足人工参与条件后进入虚拟现实环境,进行人工评价和人工指导变异。通过对比分析表明,该算法能在明显减少用户参与次数的前提下,取得优于交互式遗传算法的解。基于该算法,实现了施工设备布置系统原型,并设计了基于不同技术的不同模块间的数据交互机制。实际应用验证了系统的有效性。  相似文献   

Facility layout planning (FLP) has substantial impact on the various aspects of a manufacturing system. FLP is typically performed for new shop floors. However, enterprises nowadays are often faced with the need to reconfigure the existing shop floor layouts to synchronize the shop floor operations with the constantly changing production targets. FLP tasks for existing shop floors are often small in scale, e.g., adding or removing a couple of machines, but complex to address since a wide range of criteria need to be incorporated and the presence of the existing facilities imposes critical constraints. Current FLP approaches are not efficient to handle these issues. The development of computer-aided design (CAD) technology has provided feasible solutions to bridge this gap. In this paper, an augmented reality (AR)-based hybrid approach is proposed which facilitates on-site layout planning and evaluation in real time. By integrating AR technology with the mathematical modeling technique, the proposed approach allows the users to augment the shop floor with the facilities to be laid out, model the existing facilities to obtain their geometric data, and define the criteria and constraints to formulate the problems as multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) models. Two planning methods are employed to solve the MADM models, namely, information-aided manual planning and analytic hierarchy process (AHP)–genetic algorithm (GA)-based automatic planning. During the planning process, the criteria and the constraints are assessed in real time to provide immediate evaluation and feedback to facilitate decision-making.  相似文献   

针对设备混合布局方案设计过程中忽略了设备单元划分的不足,运用模糊理论以设备间在某种特性上的模糊关系为依据进行设备单元划分,并通过置信水平λ的变化率找出最优的模糊聚类.以某日化企业面膜生产车间为例,详细阐述了如何利用模糊理论进行设备单元划分,对解决类似问题具有一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

Augmented reality (AR) is a novel technology which overlays computer-generated information seamlessly on the real-world environment. AR technologies have opened up a powerful set of tools for computer-aided assembly planning. This paper presents a manual assembly design system using AR technologies. An assembly data structure is devised for assembly information management. Algorithms for assembly constraint recognition and assembly location refinement have also been proposed. A hybrid approach based on these methods has been formulated and implemented to allow the users to simulate a manual assembly without the need for auxiliary computer-aided design information in assembly design. This would result in enhanced user experience and reduced preparation time. A methodology for 3D bare-hand interaction is integrated with this interactive manual assembly design system for the users to manipulate the virtual components in a natural and effective manner. A prototype system for interactive manual assembly design has been developed. An example has been provided to demonstrate the developed prototype system.  相似文献   

齿轮车间物流分析与设备布置   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在对齿轮加工车间主要产品的物流进行分析的基础上运用SLP法(系统布置设计法)对某齿轮加工车间的设备平面布置进行了设计,并以物流量最小为目标,应用设施优化分析原理对SLP法给出的平面布置方案进行了优化,得出了令人满意的结果。  相似文献   

从工程角度系统分析了大型激光驱动惯性约束聚变装置(ICF)—美国的国家点火装置(NIF)和法国在建的兆焦耳激光装置(LMJ)的总体布局和总体结构设计的特点.NIF采用“U”型总体布局,可以提供优化的激光实验设备布局并允许未来增加第二靶室.LMJ采用“In-line”型总体布局,可以减小激光实验区输出光束至终端光学系统之间的光程,并为未来增加第二靶室提供了可能.文中指出,ICF装置的总体布局应满足物理实验以及稳定运行、集成和维护的要求.在此前提下,还应设计进一步发展所需要的接口.ICF装置总体结构设计中,光学元器件封装在光机组件内;在线可更换单元采用运动学支承定位.总体结构设计在结构布局和构型上应与总体光路设计相匹配,设计时需考虑功能性、稳定性和洁净度,满足光学元件,物理设备和光学诊断设备的安装定位、集成调试、运行维护的要求.  相似文献   

介绍了机器视觉系统的组成,对视点规划方法进行分类,分别阐述了基于模型和未知模型的视点规划方法研究情况,分析目前视点规划研究中需要解决的遮挡问题,最后展望了视点规划的研究方向.  相似文献   

设施布局形式的拓扑结构研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
借鉴计算机网络的拓扑结构和制造系统的物料流动形式,确定制造系统的设施布局形式,并利用拓扑学中图形的拓扑性质,对设施布局形式进行修正,建立制造系统设施布局的创新拓扑结构形式:单行与双行总线型、网型、环型、星型与树型.  相似文献   

In this paper, an up-to-date review of literature on computer-aided techniques in plant layout is presented. Mathematical models in the area fall into categories of quadratic assignment models, set covering problem, integer and mixed integer programming models, nonlinear programming models and graph theoretic models. The algorithms are optimal or heuristic. The heuristic algorithms considered are construction, improvement, hybrid and fuzzy-set based algorithms. Special considerations are given to multi-criteria models/algorithms and algorithms based on artificial intelligence which are either pure expert systems or hybrid methods. Important issues in facility layout are also discussed. Deficiencies in current methods may be overcome by the use of AI based tools. More research is required in this area.  相似文献   

以某汽车冲压车间设备布局的调整优化为研究对象,通过以汽车冲压工艺为导向,构建成组生产单元设备布局基本框架;应用遗传算法求解,实现车间设备布局的成本最小化;运用Flexsim软件,验证车间设备布局优化方案的研究方法,以调整优化汽车冲压车间设备布局,不仅满足了汽车冲压车间产能的需求,减少压力机的投入成本,更重要的是提高了汽车冲压车间的综合效益,为汽车冲压车间设备布局优化调整提供了一条新的思路和方法.  相似文献   

制造系统设备布局的建模理论与求解方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高企业对市场的敏捷反应能力及市场竞争力,在制造系统中提出了设备布局设计问题.介绍了设备布局的相关概念及不同分类标准下的布局形式,分析了各种设备布局形式的适用范围及优缺点.概括了布局设计中的优化目标及约束条件,综述了布局建模理论及其所建立的模型,并阐释了模型的求解算法.最后,探讨了目前研究中存在的一些问题,为今后的设备布局设计提供了参考.  相似文献   

Group technology (GT) and a facility layout problem share a common factor to optimize, which is the “Intercell Flow or Material Handling Flow”. Most group technology-based approaches use binary part-machine incidence matrix for cell formation. Impacts of flow volume analysis between machine pairs have not been analyzed in the design of cellular manufacturing systems. It is important to analyze the placement of machine cells for reduced material handling costs at the grouping stage itself. This paper develops a method to integrate GT philosophy with a facility layout problem using “From–Between” relationship chart as a tool. A new optimization technique with a “from–to chart” as the primary input, is used to determine the cell formation. A modified grouping efficiency measure is used to determine the efficiency of grouping. A genetic algorithm-based approach is used for machine cell placement within a layout matrix. Cells formed using the proposed approach show reduced intercell flows, high grouping efficiencies and reduced material handling costs when cells are placed in a layout grid compared to existing cell formation approaches.  相似文献   

工厂布局是现代企业发展中面临的一个重要问题,它在很大程度上决定着产量、质量、生产率和经济效益。运用经典的设施规划方法(SLP),设计规划了某工厂布局,并将多标准决策应用于多布局方案的择优中,为布局评估建立了一种简单、可操作的评价指标体系,并实施了一致性和敏感性分析,从而使整个设计过程更加客观、高效。  相似文献   

车间设施布局问题是生产系统的重要问题。大规模定制生产模式对车间设施布局问题提出了动态性、多目标等方面的需求。在梳理相关文献的基础上,总结了多目标动态车间设施布局的特征,指出了图论、二次分配、混合整数三种基本数学模型在多目标动态车间设施布局方面的不足,分析了遗传算法、模拟退火算法、禁忌搜索算法和蚁群优化算法四种元启发式算法的适用性,最后指出了多目标动态车间设施布局的研究趋势。  相似文献   

Due to the trends of energy shortage and energy price rise, energy efficiency, which was always ignored over the past decades, becomes a worldwide hot issue and also a significant challenge for most factories. Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate energy-relevant criterion as a key criterion with traditional criteria in the layout planning phase. As a multiattribute decision-making (MADM) problem, the evaluation and selection of facility layout alternatives are often difficult and time consuming since the criteria generally have different units and conflicting features. In this article, a MADM approach which incorporates the advantages of rough set theory, analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) is proposed to solve the facility layout design problem with considering both traditional layout criteria and energy relevant criteria. At first, rough set theory is integrated with AHP to determine the weights for each criterion of alternatives. Then, TOPSIS is applied to get the final alternative ranking. Besides, sensitivity analysis for both decision weights and production rates is performed, and a comparison among different decision-making approaches for the same problem is also studied to demonstrate the rationality of the final decision. Finally, a practical expanding case is studied to validate the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Rapid prototyping assisted surgery planning   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In recent years, new surgical techniques have been developed to improve the quality of operations, reduce the risk to patients and reduce the pain experienced by patients. Prominent developments include minimally invasive surgery, robot-assisted hip operations, computer-assisted surgery (CAS) and virtual reality (VR). These developments have helped surgeons operate under difficult visual conditions.Rapid prototyping (RP) technology has also found applications in medicine. The RP technique is able to fabricate a representative, physical 3D model. This 3D model can enhance interpretation, visual and physical evaluation, and the rehearsal and planning of the surgical steps before a surgical operation is carried out in order to eradicate the trauma. This paper presents the procedures involved in the conversion of computerised tomography (CT) scan data to a useful physical model. A case study of a CT scanned file of a patient who had an injury to the right eye socket is presented. Three different RP systems (SLA, SGC and LOM) are benchmarked for comparison in terms of the surface finish, accuracies, visual appearance and processing speed.Because of the ability of RP to fabricate models that are complex in design with intricate features that may be hidden by undercuts, as demonstrated in this paper, the results of this research can be extended to applications in general engineering. One specific area of application would be reverse engineering.  相似文献   

针对再制造工艺过程的不确定性问题,提出一种再制造车间设施动态布局优化方法。对再制造工艺过程的不确定性进行描述,分析了再制造车间的不确定性物流要素,以再制造物流成本和再制造工艺单元重布置成本最小为目标,建立了再制造车间设施动态布局模型,并提出一种基于模拟退火算法的再制造车间设施布局优化求解方法。将所提方法应用到某机床再制造车间设施布局中,运用MATLAB编程实现了再制造车间优化布局,并对再制造布局方案和算法性能做了分析,验证了所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Here, an attempt is made to present a state-of-the-art review of papers on facility layout problems. This paper aims to deal with the current and future trends of research on facility layout problems based on previous research including formulations, solution methodologies and development of various software packages. New developments of various techniques provide a perspective of the future research in facility layout problems. A trend toward multi-objective approaches, developing facility layout software using meta-heuristics such as simulated annealing (SA), genetic algorithm (GA) and concurrent engineering to facility layout is observed.  相似文献   

在企业未来产品需求可预测的情况下,对具有多个计划期的车间内动态设备布局问题进行了研究.将动态设备布局中设备重置费用简化为设备移动成本与产能损失成本,结合静态设备布局问题连续模型以及动态设备布局问题离散模型的研究方法,构建了针对不等面积设备的动态多期布局问题的连续模型,并设计了改进型的遗传算法对模型进行了求解.此算法具有新颖的编码策略以及自适应选择交叉算子,具有良好的寻优能力.最后通过对一个3×8动态连续型设备布局问题的实例验证,证明了模型与方法的可行性.  相似文献   

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