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Consideration is given to a single-model assembly line balancing problem with fuzzy task processing times. The problem referred to herein as f-SALBP-E consists of finding a combination of the number of workstations and the cycle time as well as a respective line balance such that the efficiency of the line is maximized. f-SALBP-E is an extension of the classical SALBP-E under fuzziness. First, a formulation of the problem is given with the tasks processing times presented by triangular fuzzy membership functions. Then, since the problem is known to be NP-hard, a meta-heuristic based on a Genetic Algorithm (GA) is developed for its solution. The performance of the proposed solution approach is studied and discussed over multiple benchmarks test problems taken from the open literature. The results demonstrate very satisfactory performance for the developed approach in terms of both solution time and quality. 相似文献
Li Zixiang Janardhanan Mukund Nilakantan Tang Qiuhua 《Neural computing & applications》2021,33(14):8575-8596
Neural Computing and Applications - Industries are increasingly looking for opportunities at utilizing collaborative robots in assembly lines to perform the tasks independently or assist the human... 相似文献
用改进的遗传算法解决ALB问题 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
针对生产装配线平衡问题,提出一种改进的遗传算法.算法采用缩放适应度法、随机普遍取样的选择策略、线性可变的杂交和变异算子.使用PB语言实现了这一应用平台,给出了系统的功能结构图和主要的数据结构,并结合实例给出了ALB-2问题的解决方案.实例对比证明,改进的算法很好地解决了简单遗传算法易早熟的问题,大大改善了简单算法的性能. 相似文献
Li Zixiang Dey Nilanjan Ashour Amira S. Tang Qiuhua 《Neural computing & applications》2018,30(9):2685-2696
Neural Computing and Applications - Robotics are extensively utilized in modern industry to replace human labor and achieve high automation and flexibility. In order to produce large-size products,... 相似文献
Designing and operating two-sided assembly lines are crucial for manufacturing companies which assemble large-sized products such as trucks, buses and industrial refrigerators. This type of assembly line structure has several advantages over one-sided assembly lines such as shortened line length and reduced throughput time. The research area has recently focused on balancing two-sided assembly lines owing to these advantages. However, due to the complex structure of this problem, some practical constraints have been disregarded or have not been fully incorporated. In order to overcome these deficiencies, a fully constrained two-sided assembly line balancing problem is addressed in this research paper. Initially, a mathematical programming model is presented in order to describe the problem formally. Due to the problem complexity, two different swarm intelligence based search algorithms are implemented to solve large-sized instances. Bees algorithm and artificial bee colony algorithm have been applied to the fully constrained two-sided assembly line balancing problem so as to minimize the number of workstations and to obtain a balanced line. An extensive computational study has also been performed and the comparative results have been evaluated. 相似文献
Fuzzy assembly line balancing using genetic algorithms 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
In this paper, we implement genetic algorithms to synthesis fuzzy assembly line balancing problem which is well-known as a NP-hard problem. The genetic operators concerned with the feasibility of chromosomes will be discussed, and its performance will be shown with a numerical example. 相似文献
Assembly-line balancing problem is known as one of difficult combinatorial optimization problems. This problem has been solved with linear programming, dynamic programming approaches, but unfortunately these approaches do not lead to efficient algorithms. Recently, genetic algorithm has been recognized as an efficient and usefull procedure for solving large and hard combinatorial optimization problems, such as scheduling problems, travelling salesman problems, transportation problems, and so on. Fuzzy sets theory is frequently used to represent uncertainty of information. In this paper, to treat the data of real-world problems we use a fuzzy number to represent the processing time and show that we can get a good performance in solving this problem using genetic algorithms. 相似文献
Line balancing of PCB assembly line using immune algorithms 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) are widely used in most electronic devices. Typically, a PCB design has a set of components that needs to be assembled. In a broad sense, this assembly task involves placing PCB components at designated location on a PCB board; fixing PCB components; and testing the PCB after assembly operation to ensure that it is in proper working order. The stringent requirements of having a higher component density on PCBs, a shorter assembly time, and a more reliable product prompt manufacturers to automate the process of PCB assembly. Frequently, a few placement machines may work together to form an assembly line. Thus, the application of more than one machine for component placement on a PCB presents a line-balancing problem, which is basically concerned with balancing the workload of all the machines in an assembly line. This paper describes the application of a new artificial intelligence technique known as the immune algorithm to PCB component placement as well as the line balancing of PCB assembly line. It also includes an overview of PCB assembly and an outline of the assembly line balancing problem. Two case studies are used to validate the IA engine developed in this work. The details of IA, the IA engine and the case studies are presented. 相似文献
Manuel Chica Óscar Cordón Sergio Damas Joaquín Bautista 《Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence》2012,25(2):254-273
This paper presents three proposals of multiobjective memetic algorithms to solve a more realistic extension of a classical industrial problem: time and space assembly line balancing. These three proposals are, respectively, based on evolutionary computation, ant colony optimisation, and greedy randomised search procedure. Different variants of these memetic algorithms have been developed and compared in order to determine the most suitable intensification–diversification trade-off for the memetic search process. Once a preliminary study on nine well-known problem instances is accomplished with a very good performance, the proposed memetic algorithms are applied considering real-world data from a Nissan plant in Barcelona (Spain). Outstanding approximations to the pseudo-optimal non-dominated solution set were achieved for this industrial case study. 相似文献
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing - The research on the robotic assembly line balancing problem (RALBP) was originated for the first time nearly three decades ago. This problem is under the... 相似文献
为改善飞机总装线平衡效果,提出考虑多专业协同分配的第一类装配线平衡方法。首先,分析各专业间的关联性,建立基于动态模糊聚类的专业划分方法,获取资源-功能的多专业集合;然后,根据飞机总装环境及所涉及专业的特点,建立了多专业协同分配的平衡模型;再根据专业划分结果及作业分配规则,提出了混合模拟退火-遗传算法(HSAGA),将专业间关联度高的作业分配到工作面(指专业关联度高的作业的集合,也指能完成一项装配任务的作业执行操作空间),实现工作面数的最小化;最后,以某型飞机总装作业为例,验证了平衡方法的有效性。 相似文献
A new hybrid improvement heuristic approach to simple straight and U-type assembly line balancing problems 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
This paper presents a new hybrid improvement heuristic approach to simple straight and U-type assembly line balancing problems which is based on the idea of adaptive learning approach and simulated annealing. The proposed approach uses a weight parameter to perturb task priorities of a solution to obtain improved solutions. The weight parameters are then modified using a learning strategy. The maximization of line efficiency (i.e., the minimization of the number of stations) and the equalization of workloads among stations (i.e., the minimization of the smoothness index or the minimization of the variation of workloads) are considered as the performance criteria. In order to clarify the proposed solution methodology, a well known problem taken from literature is solved. A computational study is conducted by solving a large number of benchmark problems available in the literature to compare the performance of the proposed approach to the existing methods such as simulated annealing and genetic algorithms. Some test instances taken from literature are also solved by the proposed approach. The results of the computational study show that the proposed approach performs quite effectively. It also yields optimal solutions for all test problems within a short computational time. 相似文献
The main feature of the method suggested in this paper is the assignment of priority to elements and priority elements are preferred to non-priority elements when assigning elements to stations. It gives the minimum number of stations under a predetermined cycle time. The work element time is considered to be invariant. This method has been tested by solving nearly all the problems available in the pertinent literature. This method yields better or similar results as available in the literature. A computer program incorporating the new heuristic method is presented in the paper. 相似文献
A hybrid genetic algorithm for mixed model assembly line balancing problem with parallel workstations and zoning constraints 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Sener Akp?nar G. Mirac Bayhan 《Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence》2011,24(3):449-457
In this paper, we propose a hybrid genetic algorithm to solve mixed model assembly line balancing problem of type I (MMALBP-I). There are three objectives to be achieved: to minimize the number of workstations, maximize the workload smoothness between workstations, and maximize the workload smoothness within workstations. The proposed approach is able to address some particular features of the problem such as parallel workstations and zoning constraints. The genetic algorithm may lack the capability of exploring the solution space effectively. We aim to improve its exploring capability by sequentially hybridizing the three well known heuristics, Kilbridge & Wester Heuristic, Phase-I of Moodie & Young Method, and Ranked Positional Weight Technique, with genetic algorithm. The proposed hybrid genetic algorithm is tested on 20 representatives MMALBP-I and the results are compared with those of other algorithms. 相似文献
Abdolreza Roshani Arezoo Roshani Abdolhassan Roshani Mohsen Salehi Azadeh Esfandyari 《Journal of Manufacturing Systems》2013
Assembly line balancing problems with multi-manned workstations usually occur in plants producing high volume products (e.g. automotive industry) in which the size of the product is reasonably large to utilize the multi-manned assembly line configuration. In these kinds of assembly lines, usually there are multi-manned workstations where a group of workers simultaneously performs different operations on the same individual product. However, owing to the high computational complexity, it is quite difficult to achieve an optimal solution to the balancing problem of multi-manned assembly lines with traditional optimization approaches. In this study, a simulated annealing heuristic is proposed for solving assembly line balancing problems with multi-manned workstations. The line efficiency, line length and the smoothness index are considered as the performance criteria. The proposed algorithm is illustrated with a numerical example problem, and its performance is tested on a set of test problems taken from literature. The performance of the proposed algorithm is compared to the existing approaches. Results show that the proposed algorithm performs well. 相似文献
This paper presents a type E simple assembly line balancing problem (SALBP-E) that combines models SALBP-1 and SALBP-2. Furthermore, this study develops a solution procedure for the proposed model. The proposed model provides a better understanding of management practice that optimizes assembly line efficiency while simultaneously minimizing total idle time. Computational results indicated that, under the given upper bound of cycle time (ctmax), the proposed model can solve problems optimally with minimal variables, constraints, and computing time. 相似文献
Multi-objective optimization of a stochastic assembly line balancing: A hybrid simulated annealing algorithm 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper deals with multi-objective optimization of a single-model stochastic assembly line balancing problem with parallel stations. The objectives are as follows: (1) minimization of the smoothness index and (2) minimization of the design cost. To obtain Pareto-optimal solutions for the problem, we propose a new solution algorithm, based on simulated annealing (SA), called m_SAA. m_SAA implements a multinomial probability mass function approach, tabu list, repair algorithms and a diversification strategy. The effectiveness of m_SAA is investigated comparing its results with those obtained by another SA (using a weight-sum approach) on a suite of 24 test problems. Computational results show that m_SAA with a multinomial probability mass function approach is more effective than SA with weight-sum approach in terms of the quality of Pareto-optimal solutions. Moreover, we investigate the effects of properties (i.e., the tabu list, repair algorithms and diversification strategy) on the performance of m_SAA. 相似文献
This paper addresses the problem of balancing assembly or fabrication lines. In order to achieve a given production rate or to optimize the use of workstations, one has to tackle the problem of balancing the production lines. It is well known that this problem belongs to the class of NP-hard problems. In this paper the polyhedron of the feasible solutions of the assembly line balancing problem is first studied. Then a Lagrangian relaxation algorithm that incorporates the set of cycle constraints in the objective function is proposed. These constraints are the complicating restrictions in the model. The relaxed problem has the interesting property that its linear programming relaxation always has integer optimal solutions. The subgradient algorithm is then used to maximize the Lagrangian dual. A heuristic is also used to find primal feasible solutions for the original line balancing integer program. These two bounds are then used to reduce the size of the branch-and-bound tree. 相似文献
Neda Manavizadeh Masoud Rabbani Davoud Moshtaghi Fariborz Jolai 《Expert systems with applications》2012,39(15):12026-12031
The present study introduces a multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) to solve a mixed-model assembly line problem (MMALBP), considering cycle time (CT) and the number of stations simultaneously. A mixed-model assembly line is one capable of producing different types of products to respond to different market demands, while minimizing on capital costs of designing multiple assembly lines. In this research, according to the stochastic environment of production systems, a mixed-model assembly line has been put forth in a make-to-order (MTO) environment. Furthermore, a MOGA approach is presented to solve the corresponding balancing problem and the decision maker is provided with the subsequent answers to pick one based on the specific situation. Finally, a comparison is carried out between six multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEA) so as to determine the best method to solve this specific problem. 相似文献