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将非参数Rank变换引用到彩色图像的立体配算法中,采用绝对值指数方法来计算像素的颜色相似性,对彩色图像进行一种分等级的改进Rank变换,将彩色图像转变了一个整数矩阵,然后建立一种新的匹配测度,同时加入色差梯度约束进行匹配。通过对比实验,表明这种新的匹配基元进行匹配,与直接采用灰度特征作为匹配基元的算法相比,有更好的抗噪性和匹配准确性。 相似文献
立体匹配是目前计算机视觉领域中最活跃的研究主题之一,在三维重构、对象识别与分类、图像对齐等应用中,立体匹配都是一个关键步骤.为了能够更精确地对特征点进行匹配,给出了一个新的匹配约束条件:匹配点距离相关性约束,据此提出了一种新的立体匹配算法.该算法独立于特征点的检测算法,首先使用灰度相关法进行初始匹配,然后利用最小中值平方法获得部分正确匹配点集,在此基础上加入匹配点距离相关性约束进行引导匹配,得到最后的匹配点集.实验表明,该算法能够很好地实现特征点的正确匹配.具有很高的使用价值. 相似文献
针对当前Census变换立体匹配算法深度不连续区域匹配精度低的缺陷,提出了一种新颖的自适应权重的Census变换立体匹配算法。在Census变换阶段计算变换窗口中心点上下左右四个像素的均值,得到中心点与该均值的差的绝对值,通过判断该绝对值的大小来确定中心点灰度值;为了有区别地对待窗口内各像素点,引入自适应权重,通过线性分段型函数计算自适应权值。在代价聚合阶段同样引入自适应权重并采用变化的聚合窗口,通过聚合窗口中心点和其左右两点的梯度值来确定聚合窗口的大小。实验结果表明,算法的匹配效果优于目前的Census变换立体匹配算法,在深度不连续区域匹配效果显著改善,而且没有明显降低实时性和增加硬件实现的难度。 相似文献
小波变换适用于表示具有各向同性奇异性对象的局部特性,脊波变换适用于表示具有各向异性奇异性对象的局部特性,但是各自对于对方所适用的局部特性的应用效果却不明显.提出了一种新的对脊波理论加以改进的多分辨分析方法——拟脊波多分辨分析方法.该方法统一了小波理论和脊波理论,使小波理论和脊波理论成为该方法的两种特殊情形.同时它具有对各向同性和异性的奇异性对象的辨识能力.通过实验比较表明,该方法对小波理论和脊波理论优点的组合、缺点的规避相当明显,在图像去噪应用中具有更强的灵活性. 相似文献
将立体匹配转化为求物理模型的平衡状态问题,提出了基于物理模型的立体匹配方法.为了克服局部最优问题及解对初始模型的敏感问题,采用位于真实视差表面两侧的两个物理表面模型,在迭代过程中对能量较大的表面附加驱动力,使其靠近另一表面,直到两个表面收敛到同一个解.为了进一步提高匹配的速度,采用了多分辨率算法.实验结果表明了该方法的有效性. 相似文献
In stereo matching tasks, the matching effect is often very poor when the texture of the region is weak or repeated. To solve this problem, an improved Graph Cut stereo matching algorithm based on Census transform is proposed. The Hamming distance of the corresponding pixels in the left and right images after Census transform is introduced as the similarity measure in the data term of the energy function. In this way, the dependence on the pixel value is reduced. The stereo matching experiments are implemented on the standard images of Middlebury stereo benchmark and the real scene images, and it demonstrates that our algorithm is robust and can obtain better performance in weak texture or repeated texture region. 相似文献
Martin Humenberger Christian Zinner Michael Weber Wilfried Kubinger Markus Vincze 《Computer Vision and Image Understanding》2010,114(11):1180-1202
In this paper, the challenge of fast stereo matching for embedded systems is tackled. Limited resources, e.g. memory and processing power, and most importantly real-time capability on embedded systems for robotic applications, do not permit the use of most sophisticated stereo matching approaches. The strengths and weaknesses of different matching approaches have been analyzed and a well-suited solution has been found in a Census-based stereo matching algorithm. The novelty of the algorithm used is the explicit adaption and optimization of the well-known Census transform in respect to embedded real-time systems in software. The most important change in comparison with the classic Census transform is the usage of a sparse Census mask which halves the processing time with nearly unchanged matching quality. This is due the fact that large sparse Census masks perform better than small dense masks with the same processing effort. The evidence of this assumption is given by the results of experiments with different mask sizes. Another contribution of this work is the presentation of a complete stereo matching system with its correlation-based core algorithm, the detailed analysis and evaluation of the results, and the optimized high speed realization on different embedded and PC platforms. The algorithm handles difficult areas for stereo matching, such as areas with low texture, very well in comparison to state-of-the-art real-time methods. It can successfully eliminate false positives to provide reliable 3D data. The system is robust, easy to parameterize and offers high flexibility. It also achieves high performance on several, including resource-limited, systems without losing the good quality of stereo matching. A detailed performance analysis of the algorithm is given for optimized reference implementations on various commercial of the shelf (COTS) platforms, e.g. a PC, a DSP and a GPU, reaching a frame rate of up to 75 fps for 640 × 480 images and 50 disparities. The matching quality and processing time is compared to other algorithms on the Middlebury stereo evaluation website reaching a middle quality and top performance rank. Additional evaluation is done by comparing the results with a very fast and well-known sum of absolute differences algorithm using several Middlebury datasets and real-world scenarios. 相似文献