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Byzantine quorum systems   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Summary. Quorum systems are well-known tools for ensuring the consistency and availability of replicated data despite the benign failure of data repositories. In this paper we consider the arbitrary (Byzantine) failure of data repositories and present the first study of quorum system requirements and constructions that ensure data availability and consistency despite these failures. We also consider the load associated with our quorum systems, i.e., the minimal access probability of the busiest server. For services subject to arbitrary failures, we demonstrate quorum systems over servers with a load of , thus meeting the lower bound on load for benignly fault-tolerant quorum systems. We explore several variations of our quorum systems and extend our constructions to cope with arbitrary client failures. Received: October 1996 / Accepted June 1998  相似文献   

Synchronous Byzantine quorum systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary. Quorum systems have been used to implement many coordination problems in distributed systems such as mutual exclusion, data replication, distributed consensus, and commit protocols. Malkhi and Reiter recently proposed quorum systems that can tolerate Byzantine failures; they called these systems Byzantine quorum systems and gave some examples of such quorum systems. In this paper, we propose a new definition of Byzantine quorums that is appropriate for synchronous systems. We show how these quorums can be used for data replication and propose a general construction of synchronous Byzantine quorums using standard quorum systems. We prove tight lower bounds on the load of synchronous Byzantine quorums for various patterns of failures and we present synchronous Byzantine quorums that have optimal loads that match the lower bounds for two failure patterns. Received: June 1998 / Accepted: August 1999  相似文献   

Gossip protocols are designed to operate in very large, decentralised networks. A node in such a network bases its decision to interact (gossip) with another node on its partial view of the global system. Because of the size of these networks, analysis of gossip protocols is mostly done using simulations, but these tend to be expensive in computation time and memory consumption.We employ mean-field analysis techniques for the evaluation of gossip protocols. Nodes in the network are represented by small identical stochastic processes. Joining all nodes would result in an enormous stochastic process. If the number of nodes goes to infinity, however, mean-field analysis allows us to replace this intractably large stochastic process by a small deterministic process. This process approximates the behaviour of very large gossip networks, and can be evaluated using simple matrix-vector multiplications.  相似文献   

Summary. Quorum systems have been used to implement many coordination problems in distributed systems. In this paper, we study the cost of accessing quorums in asynchronous systems. We formally define the asynchronous access cost of quorum systems and argue that the asynchronous access cost and not the size of a quorum is the right measure of message complexity of protocols using quorums in asynchronous systems. We show that previous quorum systems proposed in the literature have a very high asynchronous access cost. We propose a reformulation of the definition of Byzantine quorum systems that captures the requirement for non-blocking access to quorums in asynchronous systems. We present new Byzantine quorum systems with low asynchronous access cost whose other performance parameters match those of the best Byzantine quorum systems proposed in the literature. In particular, we present a construction for the disjoint failure pattern that outperforms previously proposed systems for that pattern. Received: September 1999 / Accepted: September 2000  相似文献   

The primary concern of traditional Byzantine fault tolerance is to ensure strong replica consistency by executing incoming requests sequentially according to a total order. Speculative execution at both clients and server replicas has been proposed as a way of reducing the end-to-end latency. In this article, we introduce optimistic Byzantine fault tolerance. Optimistic Byzantine fault tolerance aims to achieve higher throughput and lower end-to-end latency by using a weaker replica consistency model. Instead of ensuring strong safety as in traditional Byzantine fault tolerance, nonfaulty replicas are brought to a consistent state periodically and on-demand in optimistic Byzantine fault tolerance. Not all applications are suitable for optimistic Byzantine fault tolerance. We identify three types of applications, namely, realtime collaborative editing, event stream processing, and services constructed with conflict-free replicated data types, as good candidates for applying optimistic Byzantine fault tolerance. Furthermore, we provide a design guideline on how to achieve eventual consistency and how to recover from conflicts at different replicas. In optimistic Byzantine fault tolerance, a replica executes a request immediately without first establishing a total order of the message, and Byzantine agreement is used only to establish a common state synchronization point and the set of individual states needed to resolve conflicts. The recovery mechanism ensures both replica consistency and the validity of the system by identifying and removing the operations introduced by faulty clients and server replicas.  相似文献   

云计算在简化用户访问资源方式的同时导致了支撑系统开发部署的复杂,软件错误、部署管理失误导致的拜占庭故障已经成为影响系统可靠性的重要原因.对于在大部分运行周期都满足良性故障模型的系统,拜占庭容错协议在通信复杂度、安全等方面的开销以及其在攻击场景下性能鲁棒性方面的缺陷都限制了其在实际系统中的使用.如何满足实际系统对多种故障模型的需求,已经成为系统设计的一个重要问题.针对这一现状,设计了Nova-BFT,一种有效支持多种故障模型的副本状态机协议,通过牺牲部分峰值吞吐率的方式满足拜占庭容错协议对性能鲁棒性的要求,采用配置参数方式自适应满足良性故障的性能需求.实验表明,Nova-BFT在拜占庭故障模型下吞吐率为4~5 kop/s,同时其对良性故障模型的支持可以有效满足大多数实际应用的需求.  相似文献   

Summary. The complexity of designing protocols has led to compositional techniques for designing and verifying protocols. We propose a technique based on the notion of parallel composition of protocols. We view a composite protocol as an interleaved execution of the component protocols subject to a set of constraints. Using the constraints as building blocks, we define several constraint-based structures with each structure combining the properties of the component protocols in a different way. For instance, the component protocols of a multifunction protocol can be structured so that the composite protocol performs all the individual functions concurrently or performs only one of them depending on the order of initiation of the component protocols. We provide inference rules to infer safety and liveness properties of the composite protocol. Some properties are derived from those of the component protocols while others are derived from the structuring mechanism (the set of constraints) used to combine the component protocols. Received: October 1996 / Accepted: August 1998  相似文献   

In this paper we explore how partial-order reduction can make the task of verifying security protocols more efficient. These reduction techniques have been implemented in our tool Brutus. Partial-order reductions have proved very useful in the domain of model checking reactive systems. These reductions are not directly applicable in our context because of additional complications caused by tracking knowledge of various agents. We present partial-order reductions in the context of verifying security protocols and prove their correctness. Experimental results demonstrating the effectiveness of this reduction technique are also presented. Published online: 24 January 2003  相似文献   

Summary. A useless checkpoint is a local checkpoint that cannot be part of a consistent global checkpoint. This paper addresses the following problem. Given a set of processes that take (basic) local checkpoints in an independent and unknown way, the problem is to design communication-induced checkpointing protocols that direct processes to take additional local (forced) checkpoints to ensure no local checkpoint is useless. The paper first proves two properties related to integer timestamps which are associated with each local checkpoint. The first property is a necessary and sufficient condition that these timestamps must satisfy for no checkpoint to be useless. The second property provides an easy timestamp-based determination of consistent global checkpoints. Then, a general communication-induced checkpointing protocol is proposed. This protocol, derived from the two previous properties, actually defines a family of timestamp-based communication-induced checkpointing protocols. It is shown that several existing checkpointing protocols for the same problem are particular instances of the general protocol. The design of this general protocol is motivated by the use of communication-induced checkpointing protocols in “consistent global checkpoint”-based distributed applications such as the detection of stable or unstable properties and the determination of distributed breakpoints. Received: July 1997 / Accepted: August 1999  相似文献   

Summary. Progress is investigated for a shared-memory distributed system with a weak form of fault tolerance that allows processes to stop and restart functioning without notification. The concept of bounded fairness is introduced to formalize bounded delay under the assumption that each family of related processes continuously contains at least one active member. This is a generalization of wait-freedom, and also of a finitary form of weak fairness. Several useful proof rules are stated and proved. In a system with bounded fairness, a wait-free process can be constructed by forming a new process in which processes from the various families are scheduled in a round robin way. The theory is applied to prove progress within bounded delay for a linearizing concurrent data-object in shared memory. The safety properties of this algorithm have been treated elsewhere. Received: April 1998 / Accepted: March 1999  相似文献   

Summary. In a multi-party transaction (also called a distributed commerce transaction) agents face risks from dealing with untrusted agents. These risks are compounded in the face of deadlines, e.g., an agent may fail to deliver purchased goods by the time the goods are needed. We characterize the risks, and present a distributed algorithm that mitigates these risks, by using pairwise exchanges and trusted intermediaries. The algorithm generates a safe sequence of actions that completes a commerce transaction without risk, if such a sequence exists. We show that the algorithm is sound (produces only safe multi-agent action sequences) and complete (finds a safe sequence whenever one exists). The initial restriction of guaranteeing safety even when none of the principals trusts another can be relaxed in some cases, so we show how to handle principals that do trust each other and interact directly rather than through a trusted intermediary. Received: September 1997 / Accepted: December 1998  相似文献   

We describe a collection of algorithms designed to support reliable synchronization and group membership services for distributed multimedia applications. In particular, we consider those applications that require interactivity, isochronous rendering of multimedia data, and high reliability. We show that the algorithms we propose (i) provide reliable support for the synchronization of multimedia data streams, despite the occurrence of possible communication failures, (ii) maintain a consistent view of the relative group membership of all the nonfaulty application components, (iii) guarantee time-bounded delay of component failure detection and join, and (iv) meet effectively possible scalability requirements of the applications.  相似文献   

Summary. In this paper we present a proof of the sequential consistency of the lazy caching protocol of Afek, Brown, and Merritt. The proof will follow a strategy of stepwise refinement, developing the distributed caching memory in five transformation steps from a specification of the serial memory, whilst preserving the sequential consistency in each step. The proof, in fact, presents a rationalized design of the distributed caching memory. We will carry out our proof using a simple process-algebraic formalism for the specification of the various design stages. We will not follow a strictly algebraic exposition, however. At some points the correctness will be shown using direct semantic arguments, and we will also employ higher-order constructs like action transducers to relate behaviours. The distribution of the design/proof over five transformation steps provides a good insight into the variations that could have been allowed at each point of the design while still maintaining sequential consistency. The design/proof in fact establishes the correctness of a whole family of related memory architectures. The factorization in smaller steps also allows for a closer analysis of the fairness assumptions about the distributed memory.  相似文献   

Dynamic batching policies for an on-demand video server   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
In a video-on-demand environment, continuous delivery of video streams to the clients is guaranteed by sufficient reserved network and server resources. This leads to a hard limit on the number of streams that a video server can deliver. Multiple client requests for the same video can be served with a single disk I/O stream by sending (multicasting) the same data blocks to multiple clients (with the multicast facility, if present in the system). This is achieved by batching (grouping) requests for the same video that arrive within a short time. We explore the role of customer-waiting time and reneging behavior in selecting the video to be multicast. We show that a first come, first served (FCFS) policy that schedules the video with the longest outstanding request can perform better than the maximum queue length (MQL) policy that chooses the video with the maximum number of outstanding requests. Additionally, multicasting is better exploited by scheduling playback of the most popular videos at predetermined, regular intervals (hence, termed FCFS-). If user reneging can be reduced by guaranteeing that a maximum waiting time will not be exceeded, then performance of FCFS- is further improved by selecting the regular playback intervals as this maximum waiting time. For an empirical workload, we demonstrate a substantial reduction (of the order of 60%) in the required server capacity by batching.  相似文献   

Abstract. The paper proposes a new method for efficient triangulation of large, unordered sets of 3D points using a CAD model comprising NURBS entities. It is primarily aimed at engineering applications involving analysis and visualisation of measured data, such as inspection, where a model of the object in question is available. Registration of the data to the model is the necessary first step, enabling the triangulation to be efficiently performed in 2D, on the projections of the measured points onto the model entities. The derived connectivity is then applied to the original 3D data. Improvement of the generated 3D mesh is often necessary, involving mesh smoothing, constraint-based elimination of redundant triangles and merging of mesh patches. Examples involving random measurements on aerospace and automotive free-form components are presented. Received: 30 August 1999 / Accepted: 10 January 2000  相似文献   

Disk Paxos     
We present an algorithm, called Disk Paxos, for implementing a reliable distributed system with a network of processors and disks. Like the original Paxos algorithm, Disk Paxos maintains consistency in the presence of arbitrary non-Byzantine faults. Progress can be guaranteed as long as a majority of the disks are available, even if all processors but one have failed. Received: January 2001 / Accepted: March 2002  相似文献   

An implementation of compositionality for stochastic well-formed nets (SWN) and, consequently, for generalized stochastic Petri nets (GSPN) has been recently included in the GreatSPN tool. Given two SWNs and a labelling function for places and transitions, it is possible to produce a third one as a superposition of places and transitions of equal label. Colour domains and arc functions of SWNs have to be treated appropriately. The main motivation for this extension was the need to evaluate a library of fault-tolerant “mechanisms” that have been recently defined, and are now under implementation, in a European project called TIRAN. The goal of the TIRAN project is to devise a portable software solution to the problem of fault tolerance in embedded systems, while the goal of the evaluation is to provide evidence of the efficacy of the proposed solution. Modularity being a natural “must” for the project, we have tried to reflect it in our modelling effort. In this paper, we discuss the implementation of compositionality in the GreatSPN tool, and we show its use for the modelling of one of the TIRAN mechanisms, the so-called local voter. Published online: 24 August 2001  相似文献   

The research done by the Tenet Group in multimedia networking has reached a point where it may be useful to reflect on the significance of its results for the current debate on how integrated-services internetworks should be designed. Such reflections constitute the main subject of this paper. The principles of the work and the conclusions reached so far by the Tenet researchers are discussed in the light of the conflict between the two major technologies being proposed to build future information infrastructures: namely, the Internet and the ATM technologies. The Tenet approach suggests one feasible way for resolving the conflict to the advantage of all the users of those infrastructures. This paper discusses various fundamental aspects of integrated-services network design: the choice of the service model, the type of charging policy to be adopted, and the selection of a suitable architecture.  相似文献   

Preliminary versions of the papers of this special section originally appeared in the proceedings of the 6th edition of the conference “Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems” (Tacas) held in Berlin early April 2000 as a constituent event of the European joint conferences on Theory and Practice of Software. All papers present tools relevant in the context of systems validation. The first three focus on extensions or particular applications of model-checking techniques, whereas the fourth is about integration of design tools with validation tools, in particular theorem provers and model-checkers. Published online: 24 January 2003  相似文献   

Real-world entities are inherently spatially and temporally referenced, and database applications increasingly exploit databases that record the past, present, and anticipated future locations of entities, e.g., the residences of customers obtained by the geo-coding of addresses. Indices that efficiently support queries on the spatio-temporal extents of such entities are needed. However, past indexing research has progressed in largely separate spatial and temporal streams. Adding time dimensions to spatial indices, as if time were a spatial dimension, neither supports nor exploits the special properties of time. On the other hand, temporal indices are generally not amenable to extension with spatial dimensions. This paper proposes the first efficient and versatile index for a general class of spatio-temporal data: the discretely changing spatial aspect of an object may be a point or may have an extent; both transaction time and valid time are supported, and a generalized notion of the current time, now, is accommodated for both temporal dimensions. The index is based on the R-tree and provides means of prioritizing space versus time, which enables it to adapt to spatially and temporally restrictive queries. Performance experiments are reported that evaluate pertinent aspects of the index. Edited by T. Sellis. Received: 7 December 2000 / Accepted: 1 September 2001 Published online: 18 December 2001  相似文献   

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