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火棘酸奶的研制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
火棘属(Pyracantha Roemer)系蔷薇科常绿灌木或小乔木,又名红子、火把果、救军粮,主要分布在西南地区,尤以四川、贵州、陕西、云南、湖南、湖北等省为多,是我国重要的野生可食果植物资源。  相似文献   

杏系野生或半野生蔷薇科植物的果实,生长在我国北方,以内蒙古东部、辽宁、河北、吉林产量较多.  相似文献   

本文报道粤东地区野生桑科果树资源的调查结果,记录到该地区野生桑科果树植物有5属、15种,同时分析部分桑科果树的利用价值,并提出开发利用的若干建议。  相似文献   

本文对粤东地区香料植物进行了初步调查。通过统计分析,记录到该地区香料植物共有246种,隶属于73科,167属。其中,纯野生127种,栽培兼野生119种,分别占全国香料植物77科,192属,620余种(含变种)的94.8%、87.0%、39.7%。含15种以上的科有菊科、唇形科和芸香科,为该地区香料植物资源的优势科,这些说明粤东地区的香料植物资源极为丰富。  相似文献   

山荆子果汁的加工工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山荆子果汁的加工工艺高山1.摘要山荆子果(俗称山丁子),是我国北方野生植物约果实、属蔷薇科。在呼伦贝尔草原、特别是伊敏河流域有它广大的自生林带。由于它生长在目前世界少有的无空气污染、无水质污染及化肥和农药污染地区,是有待开发的野生资源。山荆子果品质优...  相似文献   

蓬果悬钩子果粒果汁饮料的研究陈长武吉林职业师范学院食品工程系张立才吉林省抚松天然植物补品厂孟海欧吉林省产品质量检验所蓬果悬钩子学名RubusCrataesifoliusBunge,属蔷薇科多年生直立灌木,地方名叫托盘,马林果等,分布较为广泛。野生于林...  相似文献   

大力开发野菜资源我国是世界上植物资源最丰富的国家之,,可用来食用的野生蔬菜植物极其丰富。据营养学家对近百种野生蔬菜的研究分析表明:野菜不仅含维生素成分多,且营养价值均高于一般蔬菜。因此,野生菜资源开发前景可观。l·开发前景据调查,我国现有野生珍贵蔬菜...  相似文献   

野果胡颓子的开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了粤东地区野生胡颓子植物资源的调查结果,分析了胡颓子的营养价值和保健功能,并提出了开发利用的建议.  相似文献   

通过野外调查、标本鉴定和数据信息查询,对河北嶂石岩区域分布的野生油脂植物资源的种类、含油量及蕴藏量进行了统计和分析。结果表明:河北嶂石岩区域共有油脂植物39科72属79种,占嶂石岩区域植物总数的35.91%;在物种组成上,以唇形科、菊科、蔷薇科、十字花科和豆科为优势类群;在生活型上,以草本植物数量为多,木本植物较少,分别占油脂植物的51.90%和37.97%;在含油量上,以含油量在10%~20%之间的植物种类最多,另有近一半的植物含油量在30%以上;在油脂组成成分上,以富含亚油酸、亚麻酸等多不饱和脂肪酸的种类为主,占油脂植物的72.15%。唇形科、菊科、十字花科、豆科、松科和胡桃科等植物因蕴藏丰富、含油量高、应用前景广阔,可作为河北嶂石岩区域野生油脂植物优先开发的重点。  相似文献   

本文介绍了粤东地区桃金娘科野生果树资源情况,该地区桃金娘科野生果树资源有5属、8种,分别占全国野生桃金娘科果树6属、28种的50%、28.6%,同时分析了该科部分果树的利用价值。  相似文献   

我国地域辽阔,自然条件优越,蕴藏着丰富的天然香料资源,在国际上占有重要地位。据不完全统计,全国已发现的野生香料植物和栽培种植的香料植物共有60多科,400多种。因此,重视天然香料的科研开发和生产应用显得十分重要。  相似文献   

Organically-certified wild plant foods are rarely addressed in scientific or public discourses on organic food even though 30% of the world’s organically-certified land is dedicated to wild plant gathering. This oversight may leave organic consumers unaware of the market relevance of wild plant foods. The aim of this study was therefore to understand organic consumers’ attitudes, knowledge and purchasing and gathering practices with respect to wild plant foods, and how sociodemographic variables and attitudes can predict knowledge and practices. A purposive sample was drawn from 22 urban and rural food markets across Austria and 497 organic consumers were interviewed using successive freelists and four-point Likert scale questions on attitudes. Data were analysed using exploratory factor analysis and multiple linear regressions. Organic consumers knew a median of nine wild food plants, and reported five as being gathered and one as being purchased. They valued food quality and the responsible harvest of wild food plants, but assigned them a low economic relevance, with some respondents sceptical about their suitability as food. Rural residence, a higher share of organic consumption and a greater emphasis on responsible harvesting predicted knowledge and gathering of a larger number of plant species. These results confirm that organic consumers know, gather and have positive attitudes with respect to wild plant foods, although they are hardly aware about their market relevance. We argue that consumers need to be better informed about the wild origin of food ingredients and the added value of organic certification of wild plant foods.  相似文献   

甘蔗种质资源是甘蔗育种的物质基础,也是研究甘蔗及其近缘属植物起源、进化和遗传多样性的物质基础。蒙特卡洛法是一种有效的统计试验方法,本文通过分析总结其在大豆、野生利马豆、马铃薯、明党参等植物种质资源研究中的应用,对蒙特卡洛法在甘蔗种质资源研究中的应用作了展望。  相似文献   

本文阐述了远古猪、野猪与其近亲资源现状;指出了世界家猪遗传育种方向正在发生转变,已明显地由投资与回报数量开发型向美味与营养质量开发型转变。世界野猪遗传资源不多,极其宝贵,急需要组织抢救式保护与开发。我国拥有独一无二的、丰富的野猪与家猪遗传资源,必须加大开发与利用力度,迎接一场伟大的生物革命。  相似文献   

This paper reviews indigenous Beninese food resources as potential ingredients for complementary infant foods with the aim to develop affordable formulations for low‐income households in each agro‐ecological zone of the country. Potential ingredients were selected on their documented nutritional value. The selected foods encompass 347 food resources, namely 297 plant products from home gardens or collected from natural vegetation and 50 animals, either domesticated or from the wild. The compiled data reveal that the distribution of the available food resources was unbalanced between agro‐ecological zones. Only a few animal ingredients are obtainable in northern Benin. Most resources are seasonal, but their availability may be extended. A high variation was observed in energy and nutrient contents. Antinutritional factors were identified in some resources, but processing techniques were reported to reduce their presence in meals. In general, ingredients from local tree foods (Adansonia digitata, Parkia biglobosa) were adequate as sources of nutrients for complementary infant foods. Based on this review, local foods for the development of complementary food formulas for Beninese infants and children may be selected for each agro‐ecological zone. The approach used is exemplary for other sub‐Saharan African countries in need of complementary infant foods. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

近10年云南野生甘蔗种质资源创新杂交利用初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了近10年间,云南省农科院甘蔗研究所种质资源学科利用国家甘蔗种质资源圃收集保存的割手密、斑茅、滇蔗茅等野生资源开展种质创新利用研究的概况,并对野生种质的育种潜力和在杂交利用中存在的问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

为了解贵州江口县野生木本油料植物资源的现状,通过查阅文献、野外实地调查和走访乡民,对江口县2个镇、7个乡的野生木本油料植物资源进行了调查分析。结果表明:该区野生木本油料植物共45科95属158种(含种下单位,下同),其中裸子植物5科10属14种,被子植物40科85属144种;樟科是优势科;山矾属和安息香属是优势属;在区系地理分布上,科以热带性质为主,属以温带性质为主;分布海拔主要集中在400~799 m的范围内;含油部位以种子类最多;用途以制肥皂、润滑油及食用类最多。同时介绍了几种可以优先发展的树种,包括油茶、光皮梾木、木姜子类,并提出一些建议,为今后的开发利用提供理论支持。  相似文献   

<正> 中国西部7省,包括四川、云南、贵州、陕西、甘肃、青海、宁夏,地跨亚热带、温带两个气候带,地貌多样,生态复杂,野生资源得天独厚,特别是天然的食品资源,不仅品种丰富,而且绝无污染之嫌。在目前崇尚“天然的返朴归真”的世界食品业中,这些野生资源就更为珍贵了。  相似文献   

Plant productivity and fruit quality in terms of occurrence of mineral elements and metabolites were determined on wild bilberry growing in open and forest stands in a protected area of N‐Italy. Plant productivity was significantly higher in open stands (3 ± 2.5 compared with 0.03 ± 0.05 fruits per plant) suggesting that both collections in the wild and semi‐wild cultivation should be planned in open habitats. Results obtained by ionomic and metabolomic analyses indicated that high quality fruits can be collected in the analyzed area and their nutritional profile did not differ between open and forest stands. Cyanidin and delphinidin proportion of bilberries from our study area was respectively 23.8% and 43.9% of total antocyanin and it is similar to that previously considered peculiar to bilberry fruits of high latitude regions of Europe and indicative of high quality food properties. A comparison between wild bilberry collected in the protected area and commercial blueberry was also performed and relevant differences between them detected, confirming the concept that wild bilberry has a better nutritional profile than blueberry. Practical Application Bilberry fruits provide relevant nutrients to human diet. However, the scarce availability in the wild is a limiting factor hindering a wider use of this product. In this study we compared plant productivity and nutritional profile of bilberry growing in open and forest sites, demonstrating that they do not differ in terms of mineral and metabolomic contents, whereas plant productivity is by far higher in open sites. This supports the possibility to obtain bilberry fruits by semiwild cultivation maintaining open sites that are also crucial for biodiversity conservation in mountain areas.  相似文献   

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