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语音互联网展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语音互联网是电话网与互联网的完美结合,通过语音互联,普通电话用户用自然语言对话的方式即可获取互联网的主要服务.本文结合自己的工作介绍了语音互联网的系统架构、优势、应用及实现方法.  相似文献   

This paper has two objectives. First, we seek to comprehend the overarching patterns of structural change underlying the hyper-dynamic processes shaping and reconfiguring the Internet services industry during both the Internet hype period in the late 1990s and the ""post-hype' period after the turn of the millennium. This is done through an empirical account of the evolution in commercial customers' Internet use, the corresponding development of new Internet services, and through an analysis of the evolving competitive and cooperative dynamics in Internet services. This analysis encompasses an exposition of both the entry-based dynamics and the post-entry positioning dynamics of different strategic groups operating in Internet services--in particular ""old economy' companies and their adaptation to Internet services. Secondly we try to answer the question whether Internet services is to be considered a complex value system of interrelated services provided by different types of firms in different industries, rather than a unitary industry of competing firms.  相似文献   

基于区分服务的因特网电话服务质量保障   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
因特网电话是IP网上一种非常重要的实时数据业务.如何在网络流量背景复杂的情况下保证因特网电话的服务质量是当前的一个研究热点.本文提出了一种完全基于区分服务架构的方案,保证因特网电话对服务质量的要求,同时照顾其他流量的公平性.  相似文献   

The information society has always raised important social, economic and cultural issues for our country. In the early days, Minitel was a major factor in user awareness and education in France. Internet-based technologies then offered the ergonomics and user-friendliness expected by a wide section of the public, both French-speaking and otherwise. Our task of disseminating industrial property information, which is a public service, was therefore facilitated by the fact that access was quick and easy and was available anywhere in the world seven days a week and 24 h a day.I – The patents web www.inpi.fr/brevets and esp@cenet: In order to reach as many members of the public as possible and as part of the esp@cenet project, since September 1998 the patents web www.inpi.fr/brevets has been offering access in French to the past two years of FR, EP and PCT publications, the full text of FR applications and a link to esp@cenet.Although the request forms seem simple, not every Internet user understands what professionals like ourselves mean by publication number, priority, filing, inventors, applicants or IPC code.The patents web www.inpi.fr/brevets therefore offers an added-value service, namely the natural-language search engine CIB-LN (in English this would be IPC-NL).This extremely powerful engine enables all French-speaking Internet users to identify the relevant patent classification codes in French using their own words, and to search with the utmost efficiency on the Net using both the patents web www.inpi.fr/brevets and any other patents sites which accept IPC entries.This achievement is currently the subject of a study of the transferability of the natural language search engine into other languages.We are currently experiencing the fourth commercial and marketing revolution, in the shape of electronic commerce. The first revolution involved the emergence of fairs in the Middle Ages, the second the establishment of department stores in the late 19th century, and the third the introduction of volume retailing in the 1950s.Electronic commerce therefore poses a major challenge to any private or public company. Marketing estimates and forecasts indicate that information marketing services will be among the most successful. INPI certainly hopes to take up this challenge.II – INPI shop: Our shop, which is in the process of being set up, will combine information marketing services with:
• trade mark priority and French Commercial and Companies Register (RNCS) searches;
• copies of patents;
• strategic and competitor information search (RISC) services;
• historical background;
• official publications.
The success and viability of an Internet shop is directly proportional to its links to other shops or service sites. It is therefore quite obvious that the INPI shop will be linked to direct INPI search systems (the patents, trade marks and companies webs) and to any other search service or shop which would like to be linked to it.  相似文献   

阐述了实现分组话音的三种新技术 :用ATM承载分组话音、用帧中继承载分组话音和用IP承载分组话音。从理论和实际应用的角度出发 ,分析了三种技术的优点和有待解决的技术问题。最后 ,对这些技术加以比较 ,探讨了分组话音的发展方向  相似文献   

Efficiency, speed, and scaling of two-dimensional passive-dynamic walking   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We address performance limits and dynamic behaviours of the two dimensional passive-dynamic bipedal walking mechanisms of Tad McGeer. The results highlight the role of heelstrike in determining the mechanical efficiency of gait, and point to ways of improving efficiency. We analyse several kneed and straight-legged walker designs, with round feet and and point-feet. We present some necessary conditions on the walker mass distribution to achieve perfectly efficient (zero-slope-capable) walking for both kneed and straight-legged models. Our numerical investigations indicate, consistent with a previous study of a simpler model, that such walkers have two distinct gaits at arbitrarily small ground-slopes, of which the longer-step gait is stable at small slopes. Energy dissipation can be dominated by a term proportional to (speed) 2 from tangential foot velocity at heelstrike and from kneestrike, or a term proportional to (speed) 4 from normal foot collisions at heelstrike, depending on the gait, ground-slope, and walker design. For all zeroslope capable straight-legged walkers, the long-step gaits have negligible tangential foot velocity at heelstrike and are hence especially fast at low power. Some apparently chaotic walking motions are numerically demonstrated for a kneed walker.  相似文献   

谁都知道,任何一个商人都不会拿他的客户利益去开玩笑,更不会为了所谓的竞争去牺牲公众的利益,因为他们都懂一个理,客户是他生存和发展的衣食父母。因为市场经济也是法治经济和诚信道德经济,  相似文献   

《质量与竞争:服务客户的准则》是一本由英国标准学会BSI出版的客户服务指南。对与人打交道的客户服务人员来说,该书不啻为必备的培训教程;而对高度依赖客户的成功企业来说,该书将帮助其赢得卓越业绩。可以说,《质量与竞争:服务客户的准则》为世界一流的客户服务提供了权威的规范。  相似文献   

吴彦希  杨随先  刘行 《包装工程》2022,43(10):73-79
目的 在智能技术飞速发展、用户需求不断增长的背景下,以用户体验为中心,探索汽车工业“新四化”趋势下的汽车语音交互新形态,重构汽车语音交互模型,针对性地提出交互设计策略。方法 分析车载语音系统与用户之间的信息交流过程,构建汽车语音界面架构和交互模型。通过“新四化”趋势下汽车语音交互在信息主体、信息范围和信息内容等方面的变化综述,运用信息处理流程理论开展汽车语音交互模型和设计策略研究。结果 根据车载语音系统的信息处理流程,提出了以功能层、内容层、形式层、情感层为信息架构的汽车语音界面,构建了基于信息交流的汽车语音交互模型。基于语音界面的信息架构理论,提出了未来的汽车语音交互在功能拓展、内容丰富、形式优化和情感满足等方面的设计策略。结论 从信息交流角度开展的汽车语音交互设计研究,对车载语音系统交互设计和体验优化具有参考意义。  相似文献   

桂宇晖  刘婧  刘军  宋刚 《包装工程》2020,41(6):26-31
目的在人工智能高速发展,自然语言处理技术得到显著提高的背景下,探讨语音识别技术对智慧工厂类系统中交互设计范式的影响。方法从形式层面、内容层面、操作层面对语音交互的要素进行剖析,结合公理化设计理论,得出语音交互研究框架,基于"中国石油智慧油库设备管理系统"的相关研发设计的实际验证,通过对四十名熟练操作人员的GUI与VUI输入交互方式进行对比测试分析,评估语音识别技术在智慧工厂交互设计中的应用可行性。结论研究结果表明,选择多通道交互技术并行、随场景转换交互方式、感官语义的有效引导和构建虚拟人物角色的语音交互设计原则,能够降低用户的学习成本和使用智慧工厂系统的操作时间,提升操作效率,为语音交互在智慧工厂中的应用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The World Wide Web enables users to access a variety of multimedia resources distributed around the world. Its ease of use has attracted many new users to the Internet and the emergence of commercial Internet providers has facilitated this growth. Although most people welcome the breakdown of elitist access to the Internet, it has had an impact on the performance experienced by the individual user. `Game theory' is used to examine the conflict of self interest versus group interest within a shared network environment like the Internet  相似文献   

The Internet     

Lipophilic lariat ether phosphonic acid monoethyl esters with systematic crown ether ring size variation from 12-crown-4 to 24-crown-8 are utilized for competitive alkali metal cation extractions from aqueous solutions into chloroform. Effective alkali metal cation extraction from weakly acidic, neutral, and basic aqueous solutions is achieved. With 4, 5, and 6 oxygens in the crown ether rings, selectivities for Li(+), Na(+), and K(+), respectively, are observed. An 18-crown-6 phosphonic acid monoester exhibits excellent extraction selectivity for K(+) with K(+)/Li(+) and K(+)/Na(+) > 100. The lipophilic group attachment site, as well as the crown ether ring size, is shown to influence the extraction selectivity for the lariat ether phosphonic monoesters.  相似文献   

The Internet     
《World Patent Information》1996,18(4):243-244

低速高能效的浓相气力输送技术   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
低速浓相输送装置的出现,解决了物料在输送过程中易破碎、堵塞和磨蚀管道等难题,降低了耗气量。本文中综述了低速浓相输送的几种定义和输送过程中的相图、物料流动形态及相应的判定、影响浓相气力输送特性的因素等技术参数,并介绍了输送过程中经常遇到的堵管和磨损现象以及气力输送过程中的检测和自动控制技术,指出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

The Internet and distance learning have created a new business and a new teaching pedagogy. The purpose of this paper is to show how data communication technologies have affected distance learning and pedagogy, and help teachers and students in virtual classrooms. In particular, the paper addresses the history of distance learning, current issues, the federal government’s role, and four specific areas of improvement: curricula change, new patterns of interaction, changes in organizational structures, and the roles and activities of participants in both business and academic distance-learning environments.  相似文献   

The author discusses the applications of voice technology in modern automobiles. A major goal of this technology is to add artificial intelligence to the instruments of the vehicle to improve the safety and reliability of the vehicle. Two aspects of speech technology are discussed, namely, speech synthesis and speech recognition. Speech synthesis is mainly used to generate verbal warning messages whenever a problem is detected in the vehicle. In addition, verbal messages can be generated to advise the driver to perform certain tasks to improve the performance of the automobile. In the second application of voice technology, namely, speech recognition, the basic goal is to create hands-free control of some of the automobile functions, taking direction from the driver's voice  相似文献   

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