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We have isolated a novel cDNA clone encoding interferon (IFN) consensus sequence-binding protein in adult T-cell leukemia cell line or activated T cells (ICSAT); this protein is the human homolog of the recently cloned Pip/LSIRF. ICSAT is structurally most closely related to the previously cloned ICSBP, a member of the IFN regulatory factor (IRF) family of proteins that binds to interferon consensus sequences (ICSs) found in many promoters of the IFN-regulated genes. Among T-cell lines investigated, ICSAT was abundantly expressed in human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1)-infected T cells. When the HTLV-1 tax gene was expressed or phorbol myristake acetate-A23187 stimulation was used, ICSAT expression was induced in Jurkat cells which otherwise do not express ICSAT. When the binding of ICSAT to four different ICSs was tested, the relative differences in binding affinities for those ICSs were determined. To study the functional role of ICSAT, we performed cotransfection experiments with the human embryonal carcinoma cell line N-Tera2. ICSAT was demonstrated to possess repressive function over the gene activation induced by IFN stimulation or by IRF-1 cotransfection. Such repressive function is similar to that seen in IRF-2 or ICSBP. However, we have found that ICSAT has a different repressive effect from that of IRF-2 or ICSBP in some IFN-responsive reporter constructs. These results suggest that a novel mechanism of gene regulation by "differential repression" is used by multiple members of repressor proteins with different repressive effects on the IFN-responsive genes.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of recombinant human M-CSF (rhM-CSF) on mouse macrophages and immune responses in vivo. Intraperitoneal administration of rhM-CSF (20-500 microgram/ml) increased Mac-1+ cell numbers in the peritoneal cavity. The tumoricidal activities of the macrophages from vehicle-administered (V-M phi) and from rhM-CSF-administered (M-M phi) mice were the same as those observed in vitro. However, when activated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the tumoricidal activity of M-M phi was stronger than that of V-M phi. Intravenous administration of rhM-CSF (500 micrograms/gk) increased the number of spleen cells. Flow cytometric analysis showed that administration of rhM-CSF increased Mac-1+, B220+ and NK 1.1+ cell counts in the spleen. However, CD4+ and CD8+ cell numbers did not change. Concomitant increases were observed in levels of IL-4 and IL-10 in mouse serum following rhM-CSF administration, but no significant changes were observed in the serum level of IFN-gamma. In experiments involving mouse immune responses, the administration of rhM-CSF reduced the contact sensitivity (CS) reaction against picryl chloride (PC) and augmented IgE production in response to 2,4-dinitrophenyl (DNP), but did not affect the production of either IgM or IgC1. These results suggest that administration of rhM-CSF not only activates murine macrophages, but modulates antigen-specific immune responses in vivo.  相似文献   

A family of uncoupling proteins (UCPs), free fatty acid anion transporters, plays a crucial role in energy homeostatic thermoregulation. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), a member of the cytokine family, is well known as an endogenous pyrogen. To evaluate the interaction of TNF-alpha with UCPs in thermogenesis, effects of TNF-alpha on rat UCP gene expression were examined in intrascapular brown adipose tissue (BAT), epididymal white adipose tissue (WAT) and soleus muscle (Muscle). Administration of TNF-alpha elevated rectal temperature by 0.7 degree C as well as serum leptin which peaked at 6 h, compared with saline controls. BAT UCP1 mRNA expression was increased by 1.2-fold at 6 h after the TNF-alpha treatment and decreased by 0.8-fold at 16 h after the treatment. In contrast to UCP1 expression in BAT, UCP2 mRNA expressions in BAT, WAT, and Muscle was increased to reach maximum levels of 1.3-, 1.6- and 1.8-fold, respectively, at 16 h after the treatment. UCP3 mRNA in Muscle, but not in BAT or WAT, was exclusively up-regulated by 1.7-fold at 16 h after the treatment. These results indicate that TNF-alpha up-regulates UCP gene expression differentially and tissue dependently, and add novel insights into thermogenesis under conditions of malignancy and inflammation.  相似文献   

Although researchers have noted high level activation of rodent mononuclear phagocytes for nitric oxide (NO) synthase type 2 (S2) expression and NO production with a variety of agents such as interferon (IFN) gamma and endotoxin, it has been difficult to demonstrate activation of human mononuclear phagocytes. The purpose of this study was to determine if IFN-alpha serves as an activator in vitro and in vivo in humans. Treatment of normal monocytes or mononuclear cells in vitro with IFN-alpha caused a dose-dependent increase in monocyte NOS2 activity and NO production, and increased expression of NOS2 protein and mRNA expression. To determine if in vivo administration of IFN-alpha also modulated NOS2, we studied blood cells from patients with hepatitis C before and after IFN-alpha therapy. Untreated patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection had levels of NOS activity and NOS2 antigen in freshly isolated mononuclear cells similar to those of healthy subjects, and they expressed minimal or no NOS2 mRNA. However, IFN-alpha treatment of patients with hepatitis C infection was associated with a significant elevation in mononuclear cell NOS activity, NOS2 antigen content, and NOS2 mRNA content. IFN-alpha-treated patients had significant decreases in levels of serum alanine aminotransferase and plasma hepatitis C mRNA. The degree of IFN-alpha-enhanced mononuclear cell NOS2 antigen content correlated significantly with the degree of reduction in serum alanine aminotransferase levels. Thus, IFN-alpha treatment of cells in vitro or administration of IFN-alpha to hepatitis C patients in vivo increases expression of mononuclear cell NOS2 mRNA expression, NOS activity, NOS2 antigen expression, and NO production. Since NO has been reported to have antiviral activity for a variety of viruses, we speculate that induced NO production may be related to the antiviral action(s) of IFN-alpha in hepatitis C infection.  相似文献   

An immunohistochemical approach was used to explore the in vivo expression of TNF receptor-associated factor 3 (TRAF-3), a putative signaling protein that binds to the cytosolic domains of CD30, CD40, and lymphotoxin-beta receptors. TRAF-3 immunostaining was detected in many types of cells throughout the human body. TRAF-3 immunostaining was only rarely present in thymocytes but was found in the thymic epithelioreticular cells. Lymphocytes in the bone marrow were also typically TRAF-3 immunonegative, whereas myeloid progenitor cells and megakaryocytes were often TRAF-3 positive. Peripheral blood lymphocytes were mostly TRAF-3 immunonegative, while granulocytes were TRAF-3 immunopositive. Monocytes were strongly immunostained for TRAF-3, but macrophages in nodes typically contained little or no TRAF-3 immunoreactivity. Some lymphocytes within the germinal centers of secondary lymphoid follicles in normal and reactive nodes were TRAF-3 immunopositive, as were occasional interfollicular lymphocytes in the T cell regions of these organs, but most lymphocytes appeared to be TRAF-3 immunonegative or stained only weakly. Plasma cells, however, were strongly TRAF-3 positive. Stimulation of PBLs with anti-CD3 Ab induced marked increases in the steady state levels of TRAF-3 protein in vitro as determined by immunoblotting, while levels of TRAF-2 were unchanged, implying a dynamic regulation of TRAF-3 expression. The findings establish for the first time the cell type- and differentiation-specific patterns of expression of a member of the TRAF family of proteins.  相似文献   

The poly(A) tail of an mRNA is believed to influence the initiation of translation, and the rate at which the poly(A) tail is removed is thought to determine how fast an mRNA is degraded. One key factor associated with this 3'-end structure is the poly(A)-binding protein (Pab1p) encoded by the PAB1 gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In an effort to learn more about the functional role of this protein, we used a two-hybrid screen to determine the factor(s) with which it interacts. We identified five genes encoding factors that specifically interact with the carboxy terminus of Pab1p. Of a total of 44 specific clones identified, PBP1 (for Pab1p-binding protein) was isolated 38 times. Of the putative interacting genes examined, PBP1 promoted the highest level of resistance to 3-aminotriazole (>100 mM) in constructs in which HIS3 was used as a reporter. We determined that a fraction of Pbp1p cosediments with polysomes in sucrose gradients and that its distribution is very similar to that of Pab1p. Disruption of PBP1 showed that it is not essential for viability but can suppress the lethality associated with a PAB1 deletion. The suppression of pab1Delta by pbp1Delta appears to be different from that mediated by other pab1 suppressors, since disruption of PBP1 does not alter translation rates, affect accumulation of ribosomal subunits, change mRNA poly(A) tail lengths, or result in a defect in mRNA decay. Rather, Pbp1p appears to function in the nucleus to promote proper polyadenylation. In the absence of Pbp1p, 3' termini of pre-mRNAs are properly cleaved but lack full-length poly(A) tails. These effects suggest that Pbp1p may act to repress the ability of Pab1p to negatively regulate polyadenylation.  相似文献   

We have adapted to RNA molecules the ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction (LMPCR) procedure of genomic sequencing [Mueller, P. R. & Wold, B. (1989) Science 246, 780-786]. This new procedure, the reverse ligation-mediated PCR (RLPCR), is sufficiently sensitive to allow "in vivo" footprinting of minor RNA species. It is based on the ligation of an RNA linker of known sequence to every 5' end resulting from the cleavage of total cellular RNA. Target RNA molecules are specifically reverse-transcribed and the resulting products are amplified by PCR. The localization of the initial 5' ends is ultimately determined on a sequencing gel. To demonstrate the validity of this strategy, we have used RNase T1 treatment of permeabilized cells and RLPCR and have detected in vivo iron-depletion-dependent footprints on two iron-responsive elements of the transferrin receptor mRNA.  相似文献   

StAR protein may facilitate rapid transfer of cholesterol from the outer to the inner mitochondrial membrane, the site at which cholesterol is converted to pregnenolone by the cholesterol side chain cleavage complex. We have studied the effect of ACTH treatment on StAR mRNA and protein levels in bovine adrenocortical cells in primary culture. Cells were initially cultured for 3 days after isolation, and then treated with ACTH (10(-8) M) for various times up to 24 hours. Northern analysis of total BAC mRNA, using a [alpha32P]-labelled cDNA probe encoding a 5' region of bovine StAR mRNA, revealed two principal hybridising species of 1.6 and 3.0 kb. Western immunoblot analysis revealed a principal band at 30 kDa. Levels of both StAR mRNA and protein showed an increase at 1 hour, reached a maximum at around 6 hours and declined to basal levels at 24 hours. Cortisol secretion (measured by RIA) showed a similar change over the same period. From these results it appears that StAR mRNA and protein levels in BAC are acutely regulated in concert with ACTH-stimulated cortisol secretion.  相似文献   

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