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在基因与蛋白质领域的研发小组不得不应对海帚的无组织的信息,它们包括试验结果样本科学文献等等。生命科学信息学解决方案则有助于处理这些复杂的信息并有效地利用它们。  相似文献   

新冠疫情的爆发使健康医疗和生命科学领域成为各界关注焦点。人们对疾病预警和治疗、生物药物研发、体外诊断、互联网医疗等方面的重视也提升到新的高度。计量技术在上述领域内起到非常重要的支撑作用,研究生命科学领域的计量技术是服务全民健康的重要组成部分,也是促进健康与生命科学行业发展的坚实基础。基于国内外相关计量机构关于生命科学的发展规划报告,通过文献调研、案例研究等方法,探索计量支持生命科学研究的发展思路并在此基础上提出对我国生物计量行业发展的思考。  相似文献   

近年来,生命科学以前所未有的速度在全球范围内蓬勃发展,生物计量已作为一个崭新的计量领域被提到日程上来。生物计量在实现生物测量量值溯源与传递,保证生物测量结果准确、有效和可比中发挥出越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

吴婕 《材料导报》2013,(13):118-121,126
超分子化学研究活跃,发展迅速,是一个充满活力的新兴交叉学科,正逐渐成为一个相对独立的研究领域。在介绍超分子化学的基本概念、发展历史、结构单元和基本功能的基础上,综述了超分子化学在医药、核磁共振成像造影剂、仿生等生命科学领域的应用,并论述了超分子研究的重要意义及其在生命科学领域广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

李晶晶 《流程工业》2007,(11):22-23
实验室信息管理系统(UMS)的应用为生命科学企业的研发、生产、质量控制、法规遵从等各个环节提供了强有力的工具,帮助其实现投资收益的最大化,而中国生命科学市场对LIMS系统的需求也日益增大。近日。记者采访了全球领先的LIMS系统供应商莱方特信息技术有限公司总裁兼首席执行长James Aurelio,在此将莱方特公司在中国的市场战略.为中国用户提供的解决方案和服务与读者分享。[编者按]  相似文献   

研究指出了传统机构投资者风险管理的局限性:集中在标准金融范式,未能借助企业项目管理这一有效组织方式,系统模型缺乏思想层面的普适性;据此,分析指出该领域亟待拓展的若干前沿问题;在行为金融研究范式下,引入企业项目管理平台于机构投资者风险管理体系,研究提出一种新的中国机构投资者集成风险管理体系.  相似文献   

世界上的万物都是矿物元素所形成。经过几十亿年的环境演变,在生态环境协调的情况下,生物孕育于高浓度磷酸盐、硅酸盐、碳酸盐、卤族、稀土元素、气体元素、放射性元素等92种天然元素的海水环境中,到距5.3亿年左右,世界上第一次出现了生命大爆发,矿物元素在生命科学中体现了基础地位的位置。生命起源确认先有蛋(细胞),后有鸡,然后鸡下蛋蛋报鸡循环。  相似文献   

据农业部办公厅农办财(2009)57号文件,农业部转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项2009年课题申报中,我校生命科学学院俞晓平教授主持的《转基因检测、监测技术及其标准化》获批立项,资助经费250万元。这是我校首次获得国家级重大专项项目。  相似文献   

本文综述了薄层扫描法近年来在生命科学中的应用进展。简介了该法的基本原理和实验方法,介绍了在蛋白质氨基酸、毒素毒物、抗生素和抗癌药物测定等方面的应用,对于临床用药和药品质量控制有重要意义。  相似文献   

组织工程学——现代生物生命科学的前沿   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张涤生 《中国工程科学》2000,2(10):21-25,32
组织工程是应用细胞生物学和工程学的原理研究和开发,以达到修复和重建损伤的组织或器官的外形和功能的生物替代物的一门新学科,是继细胞生物学和分子生物学后,人类生命科学发展史上又一新的里程碑,标志着医学将超越组织和器官移植的旧模式,进入制造组织和器官的新时代,将在21世纪中绽露头角。文章简略介绍世界组织工程发展历史及各类组织和器官组织工程的研究现状,并介绍我国组织工程科研工作开展的最新情况。目前组织工程已有了迅猛发展,在不少方面已取得重大突破。由于其孕育的巨大科学价值及广阔的研究和应用前景,因此加快我国组织工程的研究,尽早地投入临床应用,对我国医学科学事业和国民经济的发展具有重大意义。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了ER流体现象及其力学和电学性能,给出了描述ER流体行为的一般理论,提出了ER流体应用中目前存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

针对滚动轴承退化性能难以评估、寿命状态难以识别的难题,提出一种基于性能衰退评估的轴承寿命状态识别新方法,该方法基于卷积自编码器(convolutional autoencoder,CAE)与多维尺度分析(multidimensional scaling,MDS)算法构建轴承性能衰退指标,再根据构建指标和改进卷积神经网络...  相似文献   

To analyze the reasons of fluid cylinders’ rupture, macro-analysis, SEM, composition inspection, metallographic analysis, hardness test and mechanics performance test of fluid cylinders materials were implemented. Two different kinds of fatigue life prediction methods have been proposed which are based on total life analysis and strain–life methodology. The results indicate that: the failure cylinders’ material quality is satisfactory. Fatigue damage caused by high working, stress and corrosion is the main reason of cracking. The fatigue life prediction illustrates that strain–life methodology is well adapted to fluid cylinders.  相似文献   

滚动轴承故障预测方法的核心在于健康指数(HI)的构建,绝大部分已经提出的HI都是基于专家经验人工构造的,且往往只能适用于部件某一特定退化阶段的趋势分析。为解决上述问题,结合振动信号的一维特性,提出一种基于一维深度卷积神经网络(1DDCNN)结合主成分分析(PCA)的滚动轴承全寿命健康指数(FLHI)智能提取法;利用1DDCNN对原始时域信号自适应提取特征,深度挖掘能够表征研究对象健康状态的退化特征矩阵,而后利用PCA法对提取的特征矩阵进行融合,从而实现研究对象的FLHI智能提取。滚动轴承试验振动信号实测结果表明,相较于传统健康指数,FLHI在趋势性、鲁棒性和单调性方面更具有优势。  相似文献   

基于MSC.Fatigue的汽车驱动桥壳疲劳寿命预估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
运用三维造型软件Pro/Engineer Wildfire2.0建立某型商用车驱动桥后桥壳的实体模型.依据有限元基本理论,进一步建立该桥壳的有限元模型,并在通用有限元分析系统MSC.Nastran中进行有限元应力分析.基于应力分析结果,采用有效的疲劳寿命预估方法,利用专业耐久性疲劳寿命分析系统MSC.Fatigue对该桥壳进行全寿命分析,得到桥壳整体的疲劳寿命分布和危险点的寿命值.通过与台架疲劳试验的桥壳失效情况相对比,预估结果与试验结果一致.而后对在试验中发生破坏的桥壳进行疲劳断口的微观分析.最终在试验与仿真分析结果的基础上提出对该型桥壳生产的改进方案。  相似文献   

以电能为动力的外接式空调机组代替飞机自带的以消耗航空燃油为动力的APU装置,可以降低飞机的运行成本,同时可以改善机场环境。本文阐述飞机外接式空调机组在结构、系统和控制等方面所采用的关键技术,并将这些技术应用于研制飞机地面空调机组,经试制和测试发现,该机组降温速度快、送风温度稳定、安全可靠,能够达到替代机载APU的要求,并将其成功应用于某国际机场。  相似文献   



The consequences of non-fatal road traffic injuries (RTI) are increasingly adopted by policy makers as an indicator of traffic safety. However, it is not agreed upon which level of severity should be used as cut-off point for assessing road safety performance. Internationally, within road safety, injury severity is assessed by means of the maximum abbreviated injury scale (MAIS). The choice for a severity cut-off point highly influences the measured disease burden of RTI. This paper assesses the burden of RTI in terms of disability adjusted life years (DALYs) by hospitalization status and MAIS cut-off point in the Netherlands.


Hospital discharge register (HDR) and emergency department (ED) data for RTI in the Netherlands were selected for the years 2007–2009, as well as mortality data. The incidence, years lived with disability (YLD), years of life lost (YLL) owing to premature death, and DALYs were calculated. YLD for admitted patients was subdivided by MAIS severity levels.


RTI resulted in 48,500 YLD and 27,900 YLL respectively, amounting to 76,400 DALYs per year in the Netherlands. The largest proportion of DALYs is related to fatalities (37%), followed by admitted MAIS 2 injuries (25%), ED treated injuries (16%) and admitted MAIS 3+ injuries (18%). Admitted MAIS 1 injuries only account for a small fraction of DALYs (4%). In the Netherlands, the diseases burden of RTI is highest among cyclists with 39% of total DALYs. One half of all bicycle related DALYs are attributable to admitted MAIS 2+ injuries, but ED treated injuries also account for a large proportion of DALYs in this group (28%). Car occupants are responsible for 26% of all DALYs, primarily caused by fatalities (66%), followed by admitted MAIS 2+ injuries (25%). ED treated injuries only account for 5% of DALYs in this group.


When using admitted MAIS 3+ or admitted MAIS 2+ as severity cut-off point, 54% and 80% of all DALYs are captured respectively. Assessing the influence of different severity cut-off points by MAIS on the proportion and number of DALYs captured gives valuable information for guiding choices on the definition of serious RTI.  相似文献   

Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain. It has negative effects on quality of life and has been poorly investigated in specific populations. Our aim was to determine the prevalence of FMS in Brazilian hemodialysis (HD) patients and to investigate its effects on the quality of life. We investigated 311 patients on HD who were submitted to physical examination towards the classification of FMS. All subjects from FMS and control groups were submitted to laboratorial investigation and completed questionnaires of quality of life. The prevalence of FMS was 3.9%, which was close to that of the general population. Most patients were females and from non-Caucasian races. No difference between FMS and control groups was observed regarding race, dialysis adequacy, nutritional status and level of schooling. Ionized calcium was higher in the FMS group than in the control group. There was no association between FMS and secondary hyperparathyroidism. On the other hand, FMS was associated with worse quality of life, depression and anxiety. In conclusion, the prevalence of FMS in HD patients was similar to that of the general population. It was associated with decreasing quality of life in HD patients, in addition to higher degrees of depression and anxiety. No laboratory tests could identify FMS patients on HD. Fibromyalgia syndrome subsequently follows without a well-established mechanism of pathogenesis, and seems to be due to multifactorial causes. Its true impact on the quality of life of HD patients deserves more attention by nephrologists.  相似文献   

光纤陀螺作为新型的角度传感器,近年来发展非常迅速,在测量和制导领域得到广泛的应用。本文介绍了光纤陀螺的基本原理和分类、各类光纤陀螺的特点及国内外的发展状况,结合光纤陀螺的特点,展望了其在精确制导弹药、测试等军事领域中的应用。  相似文献   

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