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论“热电联产”型燃气—蒸汽联合循环的特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
焦树建 《燃气轮机技术》2001,14(4):12-19,56
探讨了“热电联产”型燃气-蒸汽联合循环中热电联产的各种组合方案及其特性,剖析了燃气轮机热电联产系统特性图的物理含义,提出了热电联产型联合循环装置的各种组合方案。  相似文献   

中国电力改革进程中热电联产亟待解决的问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王新雷  徐彤 《中国能源》2004,26(11):14-16
本文论述了中国热电联产事业现状,分析了当前热电联产的规则、外商投资热电联产、热电联产立法等亟待解决的问题,提出了进一步促进热电联产事业发展的政策建议,包括区域电力市场建立过程中热电联产的地位、立法、绿色电价机制推广等。  相似文献   

燃气轮机是21世纪乃至更长时间内能源高效转换与洁净利用系统的核心动力装备.介绍了燃气轮机的发展现状及其在热电联产工程中的应用,简述了联合循环和简单循环燃气轮机电厂的基本组合方式,并列举了目前应用在热电联产工程中的几种主要的燃气轮机.阐述了燃气轮机相对于常规火电机组的优点,分析了影响燃气轮机在热电联产工程中推广的因素,并对我国燃气轮机的发展前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

周振起  郝翠田 《节能》1997,(12):7-10
简要地介绍了目前我国热电联产和制冷的运行现状,指出了存在的缺陷,论述了以现有热电厂为基础,发展热电冷三联产的可行性和合理性;同时以实例说明了在热电联产基础上,发展热电冷三联产所产生的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

本论文论述了热电联产供热机组设置启动锅炉的必要性,计算了启动锅炉的容量。并根据工程特点,进行了燃气-蒸汽联合循环热电联产机组如何设置启动锅炉的方案比较,最终推荐热电联产机组用一台国产参数为1.3MPa、320℃、10t/h的火管锅炉。  相似文献   

热电联产、冷热电联产和小型冷热电联产   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2000年8月22日国家计委、国家经贸委、建设部、国家环保总局联合发出《关于发展热电联产的规定》,与1998年颁发的《关于发展热电联产的若干规定》相比,发展冷热电联产和小型热电联产的方向更明确了,实际上这两个规定是热电联产、冷热电联产和小型热电联产的规定,为我国建立节能、减少环境污染,提高人民生活水平创造了良好条件,我国发展冷热电联产的新时代已经到来。  相似文献   

我国热电联产集中供热的发展现状、问题与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
热电联产集中供热是一种公认的节能环保技术,目前我国的热电联产规模已经位居世界第二位。在回顾分析我国的热电联产集中供热相关政策的基础上,本文研究了我国热电联产集中供热的市场发展现状,并分析了我国热电联产集中供热的市场潜力。分析结果表明,大力发展热电联产集中供热将可在"十一五"期末形成1亿tce以上的节能能力,从而为推动实现我国的节能减排目标做出更大贡献。文章进一步分析了挖掘热电联产集中供热节能潜力面临的主要障碍,并提出了促进我国热电联产集中供热发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

热电联产集中供热是一种公认的节能环保技术,目前我国的热电联产规模已经位居世界第二位。在回顾分析我国的热电联产集中供热相关政策的基础上,本文研究了我国热电联产集中供热的市场发展现状,并分析了我国热电联产集中供热的市场潜力。分析结果表明,大力发展热电联产集中供热将可在“十一五”期末形成1亿tce以上的节能能力,从而为推动实现我国的节能减排目标做出更大贡献。文章进一步分析了挖掘热电联产集中供热节能潜力面临的主要障碍,并提出了促进我国热电联产集中供热发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

一、概述“热电联产”的定义,各国大同小异。我们认为可定义为:“由同一套热循环装置先后生产有用热量和电力这样一种能量转换过程。”在热电联产循环中所采用的热动力机各有不同:可以用柴油机、燃气轮机、汽轮机、燃气蒸汽联合循环装置、活塞式发动机以及有机工质郎肯透平等。根据我国的国情,由于我国消耗的能源构成中煤占主要地位,因此汽轮机作为动力机的热电联产在我国应用最为现实,而且已得到初步发展,取得一些经济效益,当然今天发展潜力还是很  相似文献   

GN090101 我国建设生物质热电联产项目主要问题研究.贾小黎,逢锦福,王敏,等.中国能源,2008,30(11):18-22. 基于提高资源的能源利用效率的原则,生物质发电项目也应该尽可能建成热电联产项目.文章概要介绍了我国生物质直接燃烧发电项目、以民用供热为主燃煤中小热电联产项目的发展现状和存在问题:指出我国建设生物质热电联产项目主要存在资源供应不稳定、供热价格和供热成本倒挂、补贴电价不足、财税政策尚末细化及完善等障碍;提出了促进我国生物质热电联产项目建设的建议.  相似文献   

Following a strategic orientation towards sustainable development, the Government of the Republic of Croatia has changed its energy legislation and has put forward a framework for the systematic development and increased use of renewable energy sources and cogeneration. This paper focuses on changes in the regulatory context relevant to the cogeneration sector and also analyses the impact of energy market transition on cogeneration viability in municipal district heating, industry, services and the residential sector. Particular attention has been paid to the expected changes of heat, electricity and gas prices. We present a simple model for quantitative prediction of the cogeneration system profitability at different power levels under given national circumstances. Our findings support a need for a strong institutional support for initial penetration of the micro-cogeneration technologies into the Croatian energy system.  相似文献   

热电联产被公认为2l世纪的清洁能源,工业性的应用已经较为广泛,商业设施和区域供热方面的应用也有很大发展。生产技术上的特殊性造成其发展依然面临着很多困难,需要政策扶持。然而全社会对环保、对能源安全的共识又为其提供了良好的发展机遇。根据联合国亚太经济与社会委员会的相关报告,热电联产事业面临的障碍可以归纳为:1)技术障碍;2)经济激励措施的缺失;3)政策框架尚不完善;4)电力工业的短视;5)对环境保护缺乏重视。另外还有技术和管理人才的缺乏等。这些障碍在中国都不同程度地存在,发展热电联产要从以上各方面共同推进。而西方国家在发展热电联产的过程中,在国家能源结构和供求情况、全球环境政策、电力和燃料市场自由化等国内和国际因素的影响下,能源政策随之变化,热电联产事业也历经起伏。由于他们起步较早,技术和政策方面的基础较强,电力市场化改革也在进行中,它们的经验,会对中国的热电联产事业发展有所启迪。下面我们介绍一些具有代表性的国家发展热电的努力。在文章的最后,我们还将重点讨论热电技术中极有前途的小型分散式热电联产技术。  相似文献   

Turkey, with its young population and growing energy demand per person, its fast growing urbanization, and its economic development, has been one of the fast growing power markets of the world for the last 20 years. It is expected that the demand for electric energy in Turkey will be 294 billion kWh by the year 2010 and 556 billion kWh by the year 2020. Turkey’s electric energy demand is growing 7% yearly. Because a substantial amount of Turkey’s energy need has been met by cogeneration facilities in recent years. Cogeneration facilities have an important role in Turkey’s energy strategy. While there were only four cogeneration facilities and the total capacity of them was 30 MWe in 1994, in 1999, 10.6% of total electric production was produced by these facilities. In accordance with the governmental decree numbered 85/9799, cogeneration is the technology which produces electricity and heat synchronously and autoproduction is the name of the firm which was founded for the purpose of producing electricity and heat. In this study, the development of autoproduction facilities in Turkey, which are the most convenient legal investment model for cogeneration investors, has been investigated.  相似文献   

The article deals with development of methods for improving the efficiency of power generation in thermal power plants by means of main equipment operating mode optimization. The technique for efficient load distribution between cogeneration turbines for cogeneration of heat and electricity is introduced. The calculated fuel consumption corresponds to the optimal operating modes of turbines. The environmental aspects of optimization method have been considered. The economic effect from implementation of proposed technical solutions has been calculated. For more significant reduction of toxic compounds, generated in boiler furnace, the use of thermal effect from combustion of the hydrogen formed during the decomposition of the damp water, metered into the combustion chamber at temperature 1100 °C is introduced. The use of hydrogen additive as a source of additional stored energy due to combustion in the combustion device, expands the scope of its application in a power system significantly and provides normal emissions of toxic compounds into the air. The use of hydrogen additive in combustion refers to the best available techniques, implementation of which allows increasing the competitiveness of Russian energy production.  相似文献   

Electric power generation in Mexico is mainly based on fossil fuels, specifically heavy fuel oil, although the use of natural gas combined cycles (NGCC) is becoming increasingly important. This is the main destination that has promoted growing imports of natural gas, currently accounting for about 20% of the total national annual consumption. Available crude oil is becoming heavier; thus refineries should be able to process it, and to handle greater quantities of refinery residuals. If all refinery residuals are used in cogeneration plants serving petroleum refineries, the high heat/power ratio of refinery needs, leads to the availability of appreciable quantities of electricity that can be exported to the public utility. Thus, in a global perspective, Mexican imports of natural gas may be reduced by cogeneration using refinery residuals. This is not the authors’ idea; in fact, PEMEX, the national oil company, has been entitled by the Mexican congress to sell its power leftovers to The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) in order to use cogeneration in the way described for the years to come. A systematic way of determining the cogeneration potential by using refinery residuals from Mexican refineries is presented here, taking into account residual quantities and composition, from a national perspective, considering expected scenarios for Maya crude content going to local refineries in the years to come. Among different available technologies for cogeneration using refinery residuals, it is believed that the integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) would be the best option. Thus, considering IGCC plants supplying heat and power to refineries where it is projected to have refinery residuals for cogeneration, the expected electric power that can be sent to the public utility is quantified, along with the natural gas imports mitigation that may be attained. This in turn would contribute to a necessary fuel diversification policy balancing energy, economy and ecology.  相似文献   

针对供热机组-海水淡化联产系统的特点,应用循环函数法、等效焓降法和汽轮机变工况分析理论,建立了计算分析矩阵模型,得出了用于海水淡化的抽汽对供热机组发电和供热两方面以及制水成本影响的计算分析方法.研究结果表明,增加夏季供热负荷用于海水淡化,能够增加供热机组的发电热效率和热能利用率,同时降低海水淡化的成本;采用制水电耗率(ELWP)比采用传统的造水比(GOR)指标更能够准确地评价海水淡化系统热性能;该水电联产系统能够提高热电机组的能源利用效率,有效解决沿海地区火电厂的缺水问题.图3表1参7  相似文献   

2011年我国能源消费总量34.8亿吨标准煤,火力发电厂所耗燃料在能源生产总量中占有很大比重。热电企业凝汽机组降低真空运行,循环水供暖是一项社会效益和经济效益都十分显著的节能技术。青岛后海热电有限公司做为一个热电联产企业,实施1#机组循环水供热取得了良好的效益,文章对此进行了详细的分析论述。  相似文献   

In Denmark more than 40% of the electricity consumption is covered by geographically scattered electricity sources namely wind power and local CHP (cogeneration of heat and power) plants. This causes problems in regard to load balancing and possible grid overloads. The potential grid problems and methods for solving these are analysed in this article on the basis of energy systems analyses, geographic distribution of consumption and production and grid load-flow analyses. It is concluded that by introducing scattered load balancing using local CHP plants actively and using interruptible loads such as heat pumps, requirements of the transmission grid are lowered thereby reducing or eliminating needs of grid reinforcement. It is important that load balance is kept at local level and not just at an aggregate level.  相似文献   

Trends of distributed generation development in Lithuania   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The closure of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, impact of recent global recession of the economy, as well as changes and problems posed by the global climate change require significant alterations in the Lithuanian energy sector development. This paper describes the current status and specific features of the Lithuanian power system, and in particular discusses the role of the distributed generators. Country's energy policy during last two decades was focused on substantial modernisation of the energy systems, their reorganisation and creation of appropriate institutional structure and necessary legal basis. The most important factors stimulating development of distributed generation in Lithuania are the following: international obligations to increase contribution of power plants using renewable energy sources into electricity production balance; development of small (with capacity less than 50 MW) cogeneration power plants; implementation of energy policy directed to promotion of renewable energy sources and cogeneration. Analysis of the legal and economic environment, as well as principles of regulation of distributed generation and barriers to its development is presented.  相似文献   

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