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Previous studies have implicated the obligatory requirement for the vir regulon (or "virulon") of the Ti plasmid for the transfer of oncogenes from Agrobacterium tumefaciens to plant cells. The machinery used in this horizontal gene transfer has been long thought to be a transformation or conjugative delivery system. Based on recent protein sequence comparisons, the proteins encoded by the virB operon are strikingly similar to proteins involved in the synthesis and assembly of conjugative pili such as the conjugative pilus of F plasmid in Escherichia coli. The F pilus is composed of TraA pilin subunits derived from TraA propilin. In the present study, evidence is provided showing that the counterpart of TraA is VirB2, which like TraA propilin is processed into a 7.2-kDa product that comprises the pilus subunit as demonstrated by biochemical and electron microscopic analyses. The processed VirB2 protein is present exocellularly on medium on which induced A. tumefaciens had grown and appears as thin filaments of 10 nm that react specifically to VirB2 antibody. Exocellular VirB2 is produced abundantly at 19 degreesC as compared with 28 degreesC, an observation that parallels the effect of low temperature on the production of vir gene-specific pili observed previously (K. J. Fullner, L. C. Lara, and E. W. Nester, Science 273:1107-1109, 1996). Export of the processed VirB2 requires other virB genes since mutations in these genes cause the loss of VirB2 pilus formation and result in processed VirB2 accumulation in the cell. The presence of exocellular processed VirB2 is directly correlated with the formation of pili, and it appears as the major protein in the purified pilus preparation. The evidence provides a compelling argument for VirB2 as the propilin whose 7.2-kDa processed product is the pilin subunit of the promiscuous conjugative pilus, hereafter called the "T pilus" of A. tumefaciens.  相似文献   

Export of oncogenic T-DNA from the phytopathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens is mediated by the products of the virB operon. It has recently been reported (K. J. Fullner and E. W. Nester, J. Bacteriol. 178:1498-1504, 1996) that DNA transfer does not occur at elevated temperatures; these observations correlate well with much earlier studies on the temperature sensitivity of crown gall tumor development on plants. In testing the hypothesis that this loss of DNA movement reflects a defect in assembly or maintenance of a stable DNA transfer machinery at high temperature, we have found that steady-state levels of VirB10 are sensitive to growth temperature while levels of several other VirB proteins are considerably less affected. This temperature-dependent failure to accumulate VirB10 is exacerbated in an attachment-deficient mutant strain (chvB) which exhibits pleiotropic defects in periplasmic osmoadaption, and virulence of a chvB mutant can be partially restored by lowering the temperature at which the bacteria and the plant tissue are cocultivated. Furthermore, the stability of VirB10 is diminished in cells lacking functional VirB9, but only under conditions of low osmolarity. We propose that newly synthesized VirB10 is inherently labile in the presence of a large osmotic gradient across the inner membrane and is rapidly degraded unless it is stabilized by VirB9-dependent assembly into oligomeric complexes. The possibility that VirB10-containing complexes are not assembled properly at elevated temperatures suggests an explanation for the decades-old observation that tumor formation is exquisitely sensitive to ambient temperature.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens induces crown gall tumors on plants by transferring a nucleoprotein complex, the T-complex, from the bacterium to the plant cell. The T-complex consists of T-DNA, a single-stranded DNA segment of the tumor-inducing plasmid, VirD2, an endonuclease covalently bound to the 5' end of the T-DNA, and perhaps VirE2, a single-stranded DNA binding protein. The yeast two-hybrid system was used to screen for proteins interacting with VirD2 and VirE2 to identify components in Arabidopsis thaliana that interact with the T-complex. Three VirD2- and two VirE2-interacting proteins were identified. Here we characterize the interactions of VirD2 with two isoforms of Arabidopsis cyclophilins identified by using this analysis. The VirD2 domain interacting with the cyclophilins is distinct from the endonuclease, omega, and the nuclear localization signal domains. The VirD2-cyclophilin interaction is disrupted in vitro by cyclosporin A, which also inhibits Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Arabidopsis and tobacco. These data strongly suggest that host cyclophilins play a role in T-DNA transfer.  相似文献   

VirD2 is one of the key Agrobacterium tumefaciens proteins involved in T-DNA processing and transfer. In addition to its endonuclease domain, VirD2 contains a bipartite C-terminal nuclear localization sequence (NLS) and a conserved region called omega that is important for virulence. Previous results from our laboratory indicated that the C-terminal, bipartite NLS and the omega region are not essential for nuclear uptake of T-DNA, and further suggested that the omega domain may be required for efficient integration of T-DNA into the plant genome. In this study, we took two approaches to investigate the importance of the omega domain in T-DNA integration. Using the first approach, we constructed a T-DNA binary vector containing a promoterless gusA-intron gene just inside the right T-DNA border. The expression of beta-glucuronidase (GUS) activity in plant cells transformed by this T-DNA would indicate that the T-DNA integrated downstream of a plant promoter. Approximately 0.4% of the tobacco cell clusters infected by a wild-type A. tumefaciens strain harboring this vector stained blue with 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl beta-D-glucuronic acid (X-gluc). However, using an omega-mutant A. tumefaciens strain harboring the same binary vector, we did not detect any blue staining. Using the second approach, we directly demonstrated that more T-DNA is integrated into high-molecular-weight plant DNA after infection of Arabidopsis thaliana cells with a wild-type A. tumefaciens strain than with a strain containing a VirD2 omega deletion/substitution. Taken together, these data indicate that the VirD2 omega domain is important for efficient T-DNA integration. To determine whether the use of the T-DNA right border is altered in those few tumors generated by A. tumefaciens strains harboring the omega mutation, we analyzed DNA extracted from these tumors. Our data indicate that the right border was used to integrate the T-DNA in a similar manner regardless of whether the VirD2 protein encoded by the inciting A. tumefaciens was wild-type or contained an omega mutation. In addition, a mutant VirD2 protein lacking the omega domain was as least as active in cleaving a T-DNA border in vitro as was the wild-type protein. Finally, we investigated the role of various amino acids of the omega and bipartite NLS domains in the targeting of a GUS-VirD2 fusion protein to the nucleus of electroporated tobacco protoplasts. Deletion of the omega domain, or mutation of the 10-amino-acid region between the two components of the bipartite NLS, had little effect upon the nuclear targeting of the GUS-VirD2 fusion protein. Mutation of both components of the NLS reduced, but did not eliminate, targeting of the fusion protein to the nucleus.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens 1D1609, which was originally isolated from alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), contains genes that increase competitive root colonization on that plant by reducing the accumulation of alfalfa isoflavonoids in the bacterial cells. Mutant strain I-1 was isolated by its isoflavonoid-inducible neomycin resistance following mutagenesis with the transposable promoter probe Tn5-B30. Nucleotide sequence analysis showed the transposon had inserted in the first open reading frame, ifeA, of a three-gene locus (ifeA, ifeB, and ifeR), which shows high homology to bacterial efflux pump operons. Assays on alfalfa showed that mutant strain I-1 colonized roots normally in single-strain tests but was impaired significantly (P < or = 0.01) in competition against wild-type strain 1D1609. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments, which produced strains I-4 (ifeA::gusA) and I-6 (ifeA::omega-Tc), confirmed the importance of ifeA for competitive root colonization. Exposure to the isoflavonoid coumestrol increased beta-glucuronidase activity in strain I-4 21-fold during the period when coumestrol accumulation in wild-type cells declined. In the same test, coumestrol accumulation in mutant strain I-6 did not decline. Expression of the ifeA-gusA reporter was also induced by the alfalfa root isoflavonoids formononetin and medicarpin but not by two triterpenoids present in alfalfa. These results show that an efflux pump can confer measurable ecological benefits on A. tumefaciens in an environment where the inducing molecules are known to be present.  相似文献   

The attachment of virulent strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens to plant cells is the first step in the bacterial induction of tumors. Binding of A. tumefaciens to carrot tissue culture cells occurred as a two-step process. The initial step was the attachment of the bacteria to the plant cell wall. Living plant cells were not required. Bacterial attachment to heat-killed or glutaraldehyde-fixed carrot cells proceeded with only slightly altered kinetics and unaltered bacterial strain specificity. After the bacteria bound to the carrot cell surface, scanning electron microscopy showed that fibrils developed, surrounded the bacteria, and anchored them to the plant cell surface. These fibrils were synthesized by the bacteria and not by the plant cell since they were also made after the attachment of A. tumefaciens to dead carrot cells and since under some conditions the bacteria synthesized fibrils in the absence of plant cells. Calcofluor staining, acid hydrolysis, enzymatic digestion studies, and infrared spectroscopy showed that the fibrils were composed of cellulose. The formation of these cellulose fibrils occurred during the attachment of virulent strains of A. tumefaciens to plant cells in vitro. The fibrils anchored the bacteria to the plant cell surface and entrapped additional bacteria. The multiplication of entrapped and attached bacteria resulted in the formation of large clusters of bacteria held close to the plant cell wall and plasma membrane by cellulose fibrils. This high concentration of bacteria may facilitate transfer of Ti plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid to the plant cell resulting in the formation of tumors.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58 and its derivatives give rise to spontaneous mutants resistant to tetracycline at a high frequency. We observed that a mutation affecting a tRNA processing function significantly affected the emergence of such mutants, suggesting that C58 contained a positively acting gene conferring resistance to tetracycline. A cosmid clone conferring resistance to tetracycline in Escherichia coli and Agrobacterium was isolated from a genomic bank of one such mutant. Subcloning, transposon mutagenesis, and DNA sequence analysis revealed that this DNA fragment contained two divergently transcribed genes, tetA and tetR, encoding products that were very similar to proteins of the Tet(A) class of tetracycline resistance systems. In the clone from this mutant, tetR was disrupted by an IS426. The homologous region from wild-type NT1 contained an intact tetR gene and did not confer resistance to tetracycline. Hybridization analysis showed that of 22 members of the genus Agrobacterium surveyed, only strains C58 and T37 contained the tet determinant. Moreover, only these two strains mutated to resistance to this antibiotic. Unlike other Tet(A) systems, neither tetracycline nor a series of its derivatives induced the expression of this tet gene unit. Other polycyclic compounds, including many of plant origin, also did not induce this tet gene system. The divergent promoter region of this tet system contained a single inverted repeat element identical to one such operator repeat in the promoter region of the tet determinant from the IncP1alpha R plasmid RP4. TetR repressor proteins from the Agrobacterium tet system and from RP4 interacted with the heterologous operators. While the repressive effect of the TetR protein from strain C58 (TetRC58) on the tetA gene from strain RP4 (tetARP4) was not relieved by tetracycline, repression of tetAC58 by TetRRP4 was lifted by this antibiotic.  相似文献   

The VirA protein of Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a transmembrane sensory kinase that phosphorylates the VirG response regulator in response to chemical signals released from plant wound sites. VirA contains both a two-component kinase module and, at its carboxyl terminus, a receiver module. We previously provided evidence that this receiver module inhibited the activity of the kinase module and that inhibition might be neutralized by phosphorylation. In this report, we provide additional evidence for this model by showing that overexpressing the receiver module in trans can restore low-level basal activity to a VirA mutant protein lacking the receiver module. We also show that ablation of the receiver module restores activity to the inactive VirA (delta324-413) mutant, which has a deletion within a region designated the linker module. This indicates that deletion of the linker module does not denature the kinase module, but rather locks the kinase into a phenotypically inactive conformation, and that this inactivity requires the receiver module. These data provide genetic evidence that the kinase and receiver modules of VirA attain their native conformations autonomously. The receiver module also restricts the variety of phenolic compounds that have stimulatory activity, since removal of this module causes otherwise nonstimulatory phenolic compounds such as 4-hydroxyacetophenone to stimulate vir gene expression.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana mutants uvh1 and rad5, originally identified as radiation hypersensitive, were reported to be deficient in T-DNA integration based on the relative efficiencies of stable transformation and T-DNA transfer. We reassessed these mutants for susceptibility to transformation by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The mutant rad5 showed a significant reduction in the efficiency of transient as well as stable transformation, compared with its wild-type progenitor. These data indicate that rad5 is blocked at a step in the transformation process prior to T-DNA integration. We additionally found, using both an in vitro root inoculation and an in vivo flower bolt inoculation assay, that the mutant uvh1 is as susceptible to A. tumefaciens-mediated transformation as is its wild-type progenitor, C10.  相似文献   

The nutrient contents as well as the amino acid pattern of broad bean, kidney bean and soybean were determined. The levels of most of the amino acids were also estimated. Heat treatment of the leguminous seeds caused a noticeable reduction in the levels of methionine, cystine, lysine and tryptophan. Animal experiments showed high figures for digestibility, biological value and net protein utilization for the soybean diet whereas the broad bean and kidney beans gave lower values of these measurement compared with soybean.  相似文献   

Transformants of maize inbred A188 were efficiently produced from immature embryos cocultivated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens that carried "super-binary" vectors. Frequencies of transformation (independent transgenic plants/embryos) were between 5% and 30%. Almost all transformants were normal in morphology, and more than 70% were fertile. Stable integration, expression, and inheritance of the transgenes were confirmed by molecular and genetic analysis. Between one and three copies of the transgenes were integrated with little rearrangement, and the boundaries of T-DNA were similar to those in transgenic dicotyledons and rice. F1 hybrids between A188 and five other inbreds were transformed at low frequencies.  相似文献   

The formation of crown gall tumors by Agrobacterium tumefaciens requires that the virulence (vir) genes be induced by chemical signals which consist of specific phenolic compounds and monosaccharides, synthesized at plant wound sites. Signal transduction in the activation of these genes is mediated by the VirA-VirG two-component regulatory system, together with ChvE, a glucose-galactose binding protein which interacts with VirA. We have previously presented genetic evidence that virA senses phenolic compounds directly (Y.-W. Lee, S. Jin, W.-S. Sim, and E. W. Nester, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92:12245-12249, 1995). The vir genes of strain KU12 can be induced by 4-hydroxyacetophenone, p-coumaric acid, and phenol, whereas these same phenolic compounds are weak inducers of the vir genes of strain A6. In this report, we show that a specific inducing sugar can broaden the specificity of the phenolic compound which VirA senses. 4-Hydroxyacetophenone and other related phenolic compounds function as inducing phenolic compounds with the virA gene of A6 if arabinose replaces glucose as the inducing sugar. We further demonstrate that this broadened specificity for phenolic inducers results from the increased level of ChvE through induction by arabinose via the regulatory protein GbpR. If high levels of ChvE are present, then poorly inducing phenolic compounds can induce the vir genes to high levels in combination with glucose. Comparing the induction response of the wild type and that of a VirA mutant with a mutation in its receiver domain revealed that the activity of the receiver domain is controlled by the periplasmic domain. We discuss these observations in terms of how VirA senses and transduces signals elicited by the two classes of plant signal molecules.  相似文献   

Agrocin 84, produced by Agrobacterium radiobacter K84, inhibited ribonucleic acid, deoxyribonucleic acid, and protein synthesis and amino acid transport in a susceptible, virulent strain of A. tumefaciens H-38-9. Cell motility was immediately stopped by action of the agrocin, 50% of the cells were killed within 15 min of contact, and the remainder were inhibited. Agrocin 84 is trypsin and pepsin resistant, but chemical analysis indicated a small peptide with a molecular weight of 2,500 containing six different amino acids, including nine molecules of glutamine or glutamic acid and seven molecules of serine.  相似文献   

The process of the transfer of the Ti-plasmid vector pGV3850 with the plasmid pBR322 inserted into the T-DNA region from Agrobacterium tumefaciens to a non-plasmid strain of Escherichia coli was studied. The transferred Ti-plasmid was found to be exposed to deletions and formed a wide range of derivatives with a size ranging from 3-4 kb to 50 kb, maintained in E. coli due to ColE1-replicon. The Ti-plasmid is also inserted into the chromosome of the recipient bacterium with at least a 100-fold lower frequency than the formation of deletional derivatives. It was shown that the induction of vir genes controlling the transfer of T-DNA into plants has no appreciable effect on the efficiency of obtaining transconjugates in mating with E. coli. The deletion of the genetic material of megaplasmids with the inserted functional site OriV ColE1, as a result of the conjugative transfer from cells of different bacteria to the cells of E. coli, was proposed for molecular cloning.  相似文献   

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