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This paper presents a DSP based algorithm to control inverters used in interfacing alternate energy systems with the electric utility. Since a constant and ripple free dc bus voltage is not ensured at the output of alternate energy sources, the main aim of the proposed algorithm is to make the output of the inverter immune to the fluctuations in the dc input voltage. In this paper a modified space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) technique is proposed which will maintain the quality of the ac output of the inverter, regardless of the ripple present at the inverter input. The principle is explained qualitatively and extensive experiments have been carried out to verify and validate the proposed algorithm. A 16-bit fixed-point C2000 family DSP from Texas Instruments was used as the controller to implement the proposed control algorithm. 相似文献
Tomonobu Senjyu Toshiaki Kaneko Akie Uehara Atsushi Yona Hideomi Sekine Chul-Hwan Kim 《Renewable Energy》2009,34(11):2334-2343
Nowadays, wind turbine generator (WTG) is increasingly required to provide control capabilities regarding output power. Under this scenario, this paper proposes an output power control of WTG using pitch angle control connected to small power systems. By means of the proposed method, output power control of WTG considering states of power system becomes possible, and in general both conflicting objectives of output power leveling and acquisition power increase are achieved. In this control approach, WTG is given output power command by fuzzy reasoning which has three inputs for average wind speed, variance of wind speed, and absolute average of frequency deviation. Since fuzzy reasoning is used, it is possible to define output power command corresponding to wind speed condition and changing capacity of power system momentarily. Moreover, high performance pitch angle control based on output power command is achieved by generalized predictive control (GPC). The simulation results by using actual detailed model for wind power system show the effectiveness of the proposed method. 相似文献
光伏发电系统输出的最大功率随外界环境变化而波动,无法满足负荷的供电需求,针对该问题,建立了基于储能系统的光伏发电系统结构,介绍了光伏发电系统运行原理,分析了系统功率与直流母线电压的关系,设计了无源式储能系统和有源式储能系统对功率进行缓冲以满足控制目标.仿真结果表明,有源式储能系统较无源式储能系统有更好的功率调节作用,通过双向DC-DC变换器的储放能量自动切换控制,使得光伏发电系统输出的功率与负荷需求功率良好匹配,直流电压稳定. 相似文献
In the last few years, there is a strong trend towards decentralised production and supply, leading to a situation where a growing number of small and medium size producers will be connected to energy networks. But at the same time, the power quality of the generation must be ensured and this means that the electrical parameters of the distribution network have to be maintained within their upper and lower limits. Therefore, new problems related to the management and operation of energy transfer and distribution and to the efficient distribution of renewable energy in the grids are actually arising. Hence, it is reasonable to think that dispersed generation (wind energy generation in this paper) should start to take part in the control of electric variables, and in particular, in reactive power control which is directly related to the voltage level control of distribution networks. This paper presents a control strategy developed for the reactive power regulation of wind farms made up with double fed induction generators, in order to contribute to the voltage regulation of the electrical grid to which farms are connected. 相似文献
We consider the operation of a wind turbine and a connected local battery or other electrical storage device, taking into account varying wind speed, with the goal of maximizing the total energy generated while respecting limits on the time derivative (gradient) of power delivered to the grid. We use the turbine inertia as an additional energy storage device, by varying its speed over time, and coordinate the flows of energy to achieve the goal. The control variables are turbine pitch, generator torque and charge/discharge rates for the storage device, each of which can be varied over given ranges. The system dynamics are quite non‐linear, and the constraints and objectives are not convex functions of the control inputs, so the resulting optimal control problem is difficult to solve globally. In this paper, we show that by a novel change of variables, which focuses on power flows, we can transform the problem to one with linear dynamics and convex constraints. Thus, the problem can be globally solved, using robust, fast solvers tailored for embedded control applications. We implement the optimal control problem in a receding horizon manner and provide extensive closed‐loop tests with real wind data and modern wind forecasting methods. The simulation results using real wind data demonstrate the ability to reject the disturbances from fast changes in wind speed, ensuring certain power gradients, with an insignificant loss in energy production. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
较系统地介绍了电力系统鲁棒励磁控制器的设计方法。给出单机无穷大系统中水轮发电机组的线性化模型,在此基础上推导出了所研究系统的状态空间描述,并按鲁棒控制理论设计了鲁棒励磁控制器。最后,用计算机仿真的方法对该控制器进行了研究,结果表明线性鲁棒励磁控制器在稳定系统方面优于线性最优励磁控制器。 相似文献
The overall efficiency of photovoltaic (PV) systems connected to the grid depends on the efficiency of direct current (DC) of the solar modules to alternate current (AC) inverter conversion. The requirements for inverter connection include: maximum power point, high efficiency, control power injected into the grid, high power factor and low total harmonic distortion of the currents injected into the grid. An approach to power factor control and reactive power regulation for PV systems connected to the grid using field programmable gate array (FPGA) is proposed. According to the grid demands; both the injected active and reactive powers are controlled.In this paper, a new digital control strategy for a single-phase inverter is carried out. This control strategy is based on the phase shift between the inverter output voltage and the grid voltage, and the digital sinusoidal pulse width modulation (DSPWM) patterns, in order to control the power factor for a wide range of the inverter output current and consequently the control and the regulation of the reactive power will be achieved. The advantage of the proposed control strategy is its implementation around simple digital circuits.In this work, a simulation study of this strategy has been realized using Matlab/Simulink and PSIM. In order to validate its performance, this control has been implemented in a FPGA. Experimental tests have been carried out demonstrating the viability of this control in order to control the power factor and the injected power into the grid. 相似文献
This work is concerned with the development of an adaptive fuzzy logic controller for a wind-diesel system composed of a stall regulated wind turbine with an induction generator connected to an AC busbar in parallel with a diesel generator set having a synchronous generator. In this work we propose to use an adaptive network based inference system (ANFIS) in order to generate fuzzy membership functions and control rules for the controller. A feedback linearized proportional integral controller is used to provide the required expert knowledge. A controller design process is identified; it consists of generating input-output data pairs to identify the control variables range and initial fuzzy memberships, and then to tune or adapt them using an ANFIS network structure. The controller inputs are the frequency error and its integral for the governor part of the controller, and the voltage and frequency errors for the automatic voltage regulator. These are readily measurable quantities leading to a simple controller which can be easily implemented 相似文献
Akie Uehara Tomonobu Senjyu Toshiaki Kaneko Atsushi Yona Endusa Billy Muhando Naomitsu Urasaki Chul‐Hwan Kim 《风能》2010,13(7):671-684
Nowadays, a wind turbine generator (WTG) is required to provide control capabilities as the output power of WTG fluctuates. Under this scenario, this paper proposes an output power control method of a wind farm (WF) connected to a small power system using pitch angle control. In this control approach, the WF output power control is achieved by two control levels: central and local. In the central control, the WF output power command is determined by considering the frequency deviations and wind speeds using a fuzzy function. Then, the local output power commands for each of the WTGs are based on the proposed dispatch control. In the proposed dispatch control, the output commands of each WTG are determined by considering wind conditions for each of the WTGs. The simulation results by using an actual detailed model for the wind power system show the effectiveness of the proposed method. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
并网光伏发电系统输出功率的波动性和随机性给并网后系统稳定性,光伏发电消纳以及光伏电站电能质量等方面带来了负面影响,制约了光伏发电的发展.针对这一问题,将超级电容器作为功率调节装置,控制光伏并网系统按指定值平滑,准确地输出功率,使光伏发电具有可调度性.在分析了超级电容特性,系统构成和双向DC/DC变换器状态空间平均小信号模型的基础上,提出功率,电流双闭环反馈滞环电流控制策略,控制超级电容器吸收或补充输出功率的波动成分.在PSCAD/EMTDC 电力系统仿真软件中构建仿真模型,对提出的系统和控制策略进行了仿真分析,良好的仿真结果验证了方法的可行性. 相似文献
The development stages in the output control of distributed generation (DG) for network power flow management are illustrated. The first stage requires an assessment of the location of thermally vulnerable components within the distribution network. This is achieved through the offline calculation of thermal vulnerability factors that relate component power flow sensitivity factors to component thermal limits. This directly informs Stage 2 - the installation of meteorological stations and component temperature monitoring equipment for network thermal characterisation. In Stage 3, steady-state component rating models are populated with real-time environmental information from the meteorological stations to generate component real-time thermal ratings. In Stage 4, the power flow sensitivity factors calculated in Stage 1 are embedded within a network power flow management system which, together with the component real-time thermal ratings calculated in Stage 3, is used to control the power output of DG schemes. 相似文献
比较了几种内燃机车在高原地区使用时可以采用的恒功率控制及修正方案,并介绍了青藏铁路用DF8B型机车的高原功率自动修正方法。 相似文献
This paper presents a novel terminal sliding mode control (TSMC) method for maximum power tracking of photovoltaic (PV) power systems. First, an incremental conductance method is used for maximum power point (MPP) searching. It provides good efficiency under rapidly changing atmospheric conditions, but the accuracy for finding the MPP is highly related to the MPP tracking control. Therefore, a TSMC-based controller is developed to regulate the system to the searched reference MPP. Different from traditional sliding mode control, the developed TSMC assures finite convergence time for the MPP tracking. Furthermore, a common singularity problem that exists in traditional TSMC is removed in this paper. Even if considering uncertainty in the PV power system, the TSMC guarantees high robustness. Finally, several simulations and experiments show the expected control performance. 相似文献
常规变速控制系统的精度不高,变换器晶闸管开关动作产生的高频纹波较大,为此提出一种基于卡尔曼滤波的反步控制方法。文章通过分析波浪能提取装置的受力及幅频特性,获取了波浪能转化效率最大化的控制条件,并搭建了一套基于卡尔曼滤波的波浪发电反步最优功率控制系统。通过仿真研究了3种控制方法的控制精度和有效性,仿真结果表明:低通滤波反步法存在相位延迟,不能满足最大功率捕获策略的相位条件,影响系统的最终有功功率输出;反步法的跟踪误差较大,导致系统输出的有功功率较低;卡尔曼滤波反步法的动态性能较好,跟踪电流的波形振幅较小,能保证系统全局收敛,在电机速度方向、幅值和频率突变的情况下,仍能快速准确跟踪给定信号,鲁棒性和抗干扰能力更好。 相似文献
This work deals with the performances and responses of a grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) plant in normal and disturbed modes. The system is composed of a solar array, a dc–dc converter and a three-phase inverter connected to the utility grid. On the one hand a suitable control of the dc–dc converter is developed in order to extract the maximum amount of power from the PV generator. On the other hand an active and reactive power control approach (PQ) has been presented for the inverter. This method can provide a current with sinusoidal waveform and ensure a high power factor. Therefore, the grid interface inverter transfers the energy drawn from the PV into the grid by ensuring constant dc link voltage. Modeling and controlling were carried out using the informational graph of causality and the macroscopic energy representation methods. The simulation under MATLAB/SIMULINK and the experimental results show the control performance and dynamic behavior of grid-connected PV system in normal and disturbances modes. 相似文献