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20世纪90年代以来,城市土地开发与再开发逐渐成为中国城市发展的重要研究方向。为系统总结土地再开发研究现状,针对中国知网的中文核心、CSSCI、CSCD数据库,基于CiteSpace对国内城市土地再开发研究进行知识图谱分析。结果显示:(1)研究方法上,从量化分析到政治经济学和制度经济学的介入;(2)模式转型上,从“房地产化”到城市竞争力提升;(3)动力机制上,从房屋、地块开发动力到成片开发动力转变;(4)利益博弈上,从地方政府主导到多元利益主体合作转变。现有研究仍存在部分西方“舶来”理论在中国语境下的认识不够深刻、成片土地再开发的博弈关系及机制挖掘亟待深入、对地方政府在土地再开发中的角色认知的关注度不足等问题。未来土地再开发研究可关注以下方向:一是结合中国语境深化理论研究,二是深入挖掘土地再开发背后的空间生产机制,三是深化土地再开发的政府角色认知等。  相似文献   

地方政府是土地再开发的最基本角色,呈现城市企业主义的运作特征。研究从分析地方政府角色演变入手,探索地方政府在多方主体博弈关系中的作用与影响,剖析土地再开发的运行逻辑与内在机制。通过梳理广州市土地再开发历程,总结地方政府角色影响下的土地再开发模式,主要表现为3种类型:政府主导下的激励模式、政府监管下的协调模式、以及政府运营下的联合模式。相应地,地方政府的城市企业主义行动路径表现为3个趋势,分别是由发展型向服务型转变、由单一化向多元化转变、以及由管制型向合作型转变。研究通过总结地方政府角色对土地再开发成效的作用规律,在提升土地再开发的空间治理成效方面提供实证借鉴和决策参考。  相似文献   

利益博弈视角下的城市土地再开发与规划调控策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨晓辉  丁金华 《规划师》2013,29(7):85-89,100
在我国城市化进程不断加快的背景下,土地资源作为城市发展的空间基础已经趋紧,面向存量建设用地的城市土地再开发逐渐成为地方政府解决土地资源紧缺的重要途径,但由此引发的土地空间利益冲突问题也日益突出,城市规划作为调控城市空间资源的重要公共政策,应更有效地发挥平衡各方利益的职能。研究从利益博弈的视角重新审视城市土地再开发中利益主体行为范式以及相互之间的冲突焦点,剖析规划调控中存在的公众参与泛化、再开发路径单一、土地开发机制束缚等问题,重点从规划的组织、运作与管理等层面提出有针对性的规划调控策略。  相似文献   

基于西方新马克思主义空间生产与资本的三级循环理论,文章在中国语境下对其提出了批判性思考,并结合北京经济技术开发区的现实发展历程实证分析了开发区工业生产主导、建成环境生产主导、科创生产主导的发展过程。在此基础上,作者从中央与地方、政府与市场的互动博弈关系出发提出了中国开发区空间生产的理论分析框架。在由增量开发逐步向存量更新转变的城镇化"下半场",中央政府、地方政府、资本市场以及原权利人在开发区空间再开发过程中的利益博弈会更加复杂,以开发区总体规划、控制性详细规划为代表的规划治理制度如何更好地协调土地利益分配格局,重构开发区空间秩序,是未来实现开发区高效、有序和创新发展的关键。  相似文献   

传统城市更新主要表现为地方政府主导下的城市土地再开发行为,《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》保证了强制性产权变更更新模式的推行,并因其在公益界定、程序规范和补偿机制方面的缺陷造成城市更新利益分配结构的失衡。在《拆迁条例》修订的背景下,结合城市更新运行机制,探讨城市更新制度创新的基本要点,包括公益限定、程序正义和公平补偿等基本原则。进而指出制度创新的关键在于更新过程中利益的分配与还原,应围绕城市更新政策制定和执行建构一个平等博弈的平台,使得政府、市场和居民等多元主体能够通过多方反复博弈实现利益平衡。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国持续推进社会、经济、政治等多方面转型,在全球化、分权化、市场化等政策和发展环境的嬗变中,中国地方政府的角色日趋向更加企业化的利益主体转变,即“地方政府企业化”.与此同时,伴随我国城市化进程的加速,新城建设大量涌现,地方政府作为新城建设的实施主体,其企业化转型必然会影响到新城的空间开发,并反映在新城空间的形成上.现以地方政府作为新城公共物品供给方作为出发点,分析地方政府企业化对新城空间开发的影响机制,并以武进新城区为实证案例,从极具政府企业化色彩的板块开发模式入手,探讨地方政府企业化主导下的新城空间效应.  相似文献   

赵义湘 《住宅科技》1994,(12):41-41
土地收入分配体现公众利益 美国城市土地开发建设,由政府指导,私人开发,共同协商,使城市建设符合公众利益,有利于土地的利用。城市政府成立官方或半官方的开发机构,负责土地的开发规划和设计,制定开发政策,然后将具体的开发项目承包给开发商,城市土地开发一般由私人企业承担。如果成片开发,政府一般同开发商打交道。 使用利益多方分,超额利润难独占 目前,美国土地收入分配中的突出问题,是土地收入如何转化为公众所有,体现公众利益。  相似文献   

地方政府为了增加财政收入,促进地方经济的快速发展和追求政绩,常常利用自身具有的优势违背中央的土地政策。这使得中央政府的土地政策难以发挥保护耕地和粮食安全,维护农民利益等作用,从而加剧了中央与地方政府的土地政策博弈。在分析中央与地方政府土地政策博弈现状的基础上,为了更好地实现博弈双方的利益,建立了激励相容机制,即通过委托代理模型来实现中央与地方政府博弈的利益分配。并根据博弈分析结果给出了相应的建议与措施,从而更好地实现国家宏观调控政策。  相似文献   

地方政府投融资平台下的城市开发公司要从项目公司模式向综合城市开发和运营模式转变,在设计管理方面必须适应多元角色转换.在设计管理方法上从以实现蓝图为目标向综合开发协调转变,从组织技术性工作组向搭建项目管理平台转变,从设计管理向全生命周期规划与策划转变.在工作机制上应根据项目特点灵活制定工作架构,积极创造工作平台.  相似文献   

沈静  魏成 《规划师》2009,25(3):65-69
大都市边缘区在由农业用地向城市用地转变的过程中,受到大都市的拉力与自身发展诉求的推力,形成了地方政府(镇政府)、开发商、村委会和村民等多个利益主体,由于各利益主体在空间开发中追求自身利益的最大化,导致城市建设无序、高层次公共服务设施缺失及忽略公共空间等问题.随着未来社会经济环境的变化、制度改革的深化和城市空间演变方式的转变,各利益主体的角色也将发生变化,逐渐演变为由地方政府(市政府)、开发商、市民组成的新多元利益主体.  相似文献   

Abstract: Urban redevelopment in China has experienced great transformation. Government‐backed redevelopment has been replaced by privately funded and property‐led redevelopment. This article discerns the impetus of ongoing property‐led redevelopment. A case study of the Xintiandi project in Shanghai reveals how property‐led redevelopment actually works. Pro‐growth coalitions between local government and developers are formed. Despite its role as capital provider, the private sector is still regulated by the government due to its negligible influence on local governance. The government controls the direction and pace of urban redevelopment through policy intervention, financial leverages, and governance of land leasing. Property‐led redevelopment is driven by diverse motivations of different levels of the government, e.g. transforming urban land use functions, showing off the entrepreneurial capability of local government, and maximizing negotiated land benefits. Driven by profit seeking, some thriving urban neighborhoods are displaced by high‐value property development, and suffer from uneven redevelopment.  相似文献   

Existing research on the growth coalition of China mainly focuses on the process of urban land development and concludes that the strategic alliance of local states and market gradually emerged with the exclusion of communities in the course of development. Empirical evidence on whether or not a coalition can involve the villagers and how a coalition capacity is delivered with legitimacy is lacking. This research revisits the growth machine thesis in the redevelopment of an urban village in Guangzhou where pseudo use value is examined. Pseudo use value reflects a hybrid of the appreciation of land, which incorporates the nostalgia for the rural past and the desire for improvement. Results show that complementary expectations in the redevelopment of urban village formed an ad hoc growth coalition that incorporates the municipal government, private developers, and villagers. The generation of output legitimacy is grounded on frequent exchange of resources (i.e., land, private capital, manpower, and regulatory capacities), which also relies on empowerment and an intermediary made of the rural collective to stimulate coalition capacity. Pseudo use value makes indigenous villagers a part of the growth machine. Although the formation of local growth coalition acknowledges the role of private developers and villagers, a counterpart emerged in which the development became a political rhetoric for achieving recentralized land governance.  相似文献   

On the basis of summarizing and appraising the mode and mechanism of land redevelopment in urban regeneration in China’s transitional period,the relationship between land redevelopment system and urban regeneration is analyzed from the perspective of land system,and then the cooperative mechanism of urban regeneration and land redevelopment is recommended for promoting the development of urban regeneration.  相似文献   

Urban development and construction has led to a series of problems,such as the deficiency of land resources,difficulty in old city renovation,and backward landscape construction,etc.Brownfield refers to the abandoned and polluted lands of industrial,commercial,or other uses,whose redevelopment can not only effectively stimulate the intensive utilization of urban lands and the growth of urban economy,but also improve the quality of the urban ecological environment.Considering that the research on brownfield redevelopment methodologies in China is still at its initial stage,the application of the theories of urban regeneration and landscape urbanism in brownfield redevelopment will be conducive to solving various urban problems and promoting brownfield land use values.This paper,based on an analysis on the theoretical connotations of urban regeneration and landscape urbanism and their infl uences on brownfi eld redevelopment,argues that the urban regeneration theory can serve as the"framework"while the landscape urbanism theory as"skeleton"of brownfi eld development,both of which can integrally form the"organic body of brownfi eld redevelopment."It further puts forward fi ve primary principles for brownfi eld redevelopment which are elaborated through a case study on Changchun Tractor Factory.  相似文献   

单皓 《城市规划》2013,(1):79-84
为回应土地紧缺及粗放开发带来的环境问题,深圳市政府于2009年10月发布了《深圳市城市更新办法》,对不同类型、不同程度的更新改造活动做出规范。本文对《更新办法》的内容和三年来的实践进行分析,认为在其针对的主要问题当中,建成环境的衰败并不处在关键地位,更重要的是建设土地的循环使用。《更新办法》的颁布,一定程度上缘于现有土地使用政策及规划机制未能给城市再开发提供有效管理。《更新办法》尝试围绕开发权的界定和开发权的控制,从规划角度对土地开发秩序和开发收益进行管治,具有制度意义。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,在市场化转型的背景下,上海城市建设进入了一个崭新的阶段。由于土地资源紧缺,中心城区的存量工业用地成为各界关注的焦点,是未来城市公共空间建设和地产开发的重要资源。本文以上海市中心城区经历两次改造的红坊为例,从微观视角来分析参与主体在土地更新过程中的不同角色,并结合城市政体理论,深入探讨推动地块改造背后权力和资本的互动机制,旨在对国内文化导向的城市更新研究以及城市政体理论在中国语境下的应用研究进行补充。  相似文献   

Following nearly three decades of urban sprawl, China's urbanization has entered a new era of land redevelopment that encompasses built-up land in villages in a manner that is unprecedented. Village redevelopment involves both dramatic institutional change and governance restructuring. The extant literature on this redevelopment focuses primarily on top-down initiatives launched by urban governments, paying little attention to villages' responses as actual landholders. Through a case study of village redevelopment in Nanhai, this paper examines villages' behaviour during periods of institutional change and their interactions with urban governments to shape final outcomes. Institutional uncertainty emerges during path-dependent institutional change, as revealed through the absence of effectively executed planning control and unclearly defined profit sharing. As a result, villages and urban governments sign incomplete contracts for entire redevelopment plans. Such agreements result in disordered competition for land rents that take the form of villages ‘holding up’ the government that has previously made a commitment to the village pursuant to the contracts. Villages maximize their profits and attenuate the government's role in ensuring public revenue, whereas government compromises related to development control challenge the capacity of limited public governance. The government's concessions related to profit distribution result in increased inequality between more prosperous villages and other groups, such as migrant populations and remote rural villages. Research findings contribute to a comprehensive understanding of newly created governance in redevelopment and call for a critical evaluation of existing urban renewal policies to ensure that urbanization is an inclusive process.  相似文献   

A variety of stakeholders have proposed different models of urban regeneration of China, and indicate an institutional arrangement that is more complex than a model dominated by the government or neoliberal interests. This study argues that the path to an effective property-rights regime for urban regeneration has become circuitous as it has needed to follow the trial-and-error process of institutional transition in China. Operational-level rights originally assigned to different actors have been gradually reclaimed by the land users and by the effect of market forces through ‘property-rights regime in transition’. Four rounds of regeneration were observed in Jinhuajie, Guangzhou over the past three decades, indicating the adoption of four property-rights regimes that have evolved sequentially, namely, a semi-open market for neighbourhood redevelopment, a semi-open market for land occupied by state-owned enterprises, an open market for redevelopment and an open market for both redevelopment and refurbishment. Each property-rights regime only reassigns one or two bundles of operational-level property rights from one actor to another to provide opportunities for older organisations to adapt to the new system. This inevitably led to an interweaving urban fabric and sub-optimal results of urban regeneration. This research suggests greater attention should be paid to cases of regeneration in different contexts as well as the interactions among the various stakeholders.  相似文献   

随着城市发展,厦门出现了别墅翻改建和改变使用功能的现象。别墅改建在现实的规划审批中面临困境,其根源是再开发控制细则和利益调控机制的缺失。借鉴英国经验,建议完善建筑用途转变管理细则,完善再开发的利益分配机制,增设土地开发权。  相似文献   

摘要 从住房供应结构(Structure of Housing Provision)的理论视角出发,基于广深两城实践,着重论述中国大城市保障房供应的 两种结构,即“政府主导”(大规模建设模式)和“政企联合”(配建模式)。不同的供应结构,根植于不同阶段的社会经济及城 市发展背景,其本质为不同行动主体由于资源动员能力的差异而联合起来以实现保障房供应。“政府主导”的大规模建设模式盛行 于“十二五”期间,主要受自上而下的中央政府压力以及城市扩张期郊区建设用地的相对可获得性所驱动。在“后‘十二五’”时期, 一方面大城市发展阶段逐渐由增量扩张转向存量更新,新增建设用地受限,而存量用地更新涉及复杂的利益主体和高昂成本,在此 情景下“企业化”的政府无法“独自”实现保障房供应;与此同时,大城市的保障房需求日益高涨,实现保障房供应的主体多元化(特 别是开发商)是形势所需,“政企联合”的配建模式成为典型。  相似文献   

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