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The magnetic field configurations of poloidal field (PF) and toloidal field (TF) are the base of tokamak plasma operation. They are determined by the parameters such as positions and structures of PF and TF coils. Parameters of TF and PF coils of a new fully superconducting tokamak with non-circular cross-section EAST will change when the coils are cooled down from the ambient temperature to 4 K. Because of the cryogenic and refrigerator system, these parameters cannot be measured directly. Using magnetic probes signals, we measured and reconstructed magnetic field configuration of TF and PF coils. Parameters such as the positions of PF coils, the profile of the toloidal field in radial direction, the ripple and error field of toloidal field are obtained from the measurements.  相似文献   

The optical diagnostic system of KSTAR consists of visible diagnostics including toroidal and poloidal Hα monitors, a visible survey spectrometer, and filterscopes. A re-entrant cassette made of stainless steel, containing five optical quartz windows has been developed to allow easy access of the visible diagnostics to the plasma. The configuration and manufacturing design of the diagnostic cassette and the installation of optical diagnostic systems within the cassette are described. The structural and thermal analysis of the diagnostic cassette and in situ calibration of optical diagnostics have also been performed. The optical lens system showed good image quality by spot diagram analysis.  相似文献   

A systematic study of the influence of the deposition conditions on the deuterium retention in co-deposited tungsten layers formed both by magnetron sputtering and in the PISCES-B linear device has been carried out. Experimental parameters such as the tungsten deposition rate, the incident particle energy and the substrate temperature are shown to affect the level of deuterium retention in the layers. A decreased retention for increased substrate temperature and deposition rates, and an increased retention for increasing incident deuterium particle energy are observed. A scaling equation is proposed to describe the influence of the conditions during the co-deposition process (surface temperature, incident particle energy and deposition flux) on the deuterium retention. In addition, the desorption kinetics of deuterium has been studied by TDS. Two desorption stages at 473-573 K and at 1073 K have been observed.  相似文献   

Given the planned extensive use of metallic mirrors in the optical diagnostics systems of ITER, the study of reflectivity changes induced by erosion and/or redeposition of impurities on the mirror surfaces is of primary importance for the reliability of the diagnostics signals. This contribution will demonstrate that the mirror material choice can exert a significant influence on the relative importance of erosion/redeposition affecting the mirror reflectivity. A dedicated manipulator has been designed to allow exposure of mirror samples in the divertor region of the Tokamak à Configuration Variable (TCV) tokamak. Mirrors from different materials have been exposed both during short experimental campaigns and boronisation procedures. Before and after exposures the mirrors were characterized with different surface analysis techniques (XPS, SIMS, SEM, EDX, ellipsometry). Under identical exposure conditions, the mirror material can strongly influence the deposit thickness found on the sample: the carbon layer thickness on a Si sample is much higher than on a Mo sample. These results have potentially important consequences for the first mirror material choice in ITER.  相似文献   

Elastic recoil detection analysis using heavy ions with a scanning nuclear microprobe was applied to determine the content of hydrogen isotopes in carbon material facing fusion plasma in the JET fusion reactor. The hydrogen and deuterium concentrations in re-deposited material were obtained by mapping a cross sectional cut of a wall sample. De-trapping and hydrogen release caused by the primary ion beam were investigated. For both the deuterium and hydrogen concentration a drop of ∼75% was observed from an extrapolated initial value to a final steady state region. A procedure was used to determine the initial concentration. In this way a mapping of the initial deuterium concentration could be obtained.  相似文献   

In order to make a research on long pulse or even steady state operation with non-inductive drive in plasma discharge, a new feedback control scheme instead of the previous one has been designed and operated in HT-7 [HT-7 team presented by J. Li, et al., Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 42 (2) (2000) 135-146] Tokamak experiment, 2004. Consumption of iron-core transformer magnetic flux (MFT) is feedback controlled for the first time by power of lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) PLH, when the Ohmic-heating circuit current can maintain the plasma current IP constant with another feedback control loop, which make MFT evolve at alternating-change state to avoid flux saturation. Plasma current IP can be maintained steadily up to 120 s in this operation mode at reduced plasma parameters (IP ≈ 50-100 KA, average density , PLH = 100-200 KW). Design and experimental results are presented in the paper, which including control model analysis, configurations of control system and MFT feedback control experiments in HT-7. The high voltage power supply (HVPS) of LHCD is the main controller that regulates the LHCD power into the plasma to control the MFT.  相似文献   

The presently available processing power in generic processing units (GPU) combined with state-of-the-art programmable logic devices enables the implementation of complex algorithms for plasma diagnostics in a real-time scenario.A tomography diagnostic based on three linear pin-hole cameras each with eight lines of sight has been developed for the ISTTOK tokamak. The plasma emissivity in a poloidal cross-section is computed locally on a sub-millisecond time scale, using a variant of the Fourier-Bessel algorithm. The output signals are then used for active plasma position control.The data acquisition and reconstruction system is based on ATCA technology and consists of one acquisition board with integrated FPGA capabilities and a dual-core Intel module running RTAI Linux.In this paper, the tomographic algorithm and some preliminary results of the real-time plasma position control are presented with a performance benchmarking against other available positioning diagnostics. The algorithm has shown to be accurate and the system has successfully controlled the plasma position during a plasma current reversal.  相似文献   

In this paper, we compared the TL response of three types of thermoluminescence dosimeters, TLD600 (6LiF:Mg,Ti), TLD700 (7LiF:Mg,Ti) and MCP (LiF:Mg,Cu,P) after exposure to a n-γ mixed field in the fluence range of radiotherapeutic applications. Since a dosimeter pair is required to discriminate the two components of the mixed field, we analyzed the ability of each dosimeter pair to provide the fluence value in the mixed field. At this aim we performed a 60Co-γ calibration and a neutron calibration for all three dosimeter types. Finally, a blind test was performed in order to analyze the accuracy of each dosimeter pair and we found that in this mixed field the fluence value obtained through the TLD600-MCP pair is as accurate as the value obtained through the most common TLD600-TLD700 pair.  相似文献   

Electron beam radiation was applied to prepare nano-size copper in water system using polyvinyl alcohol, sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate, gluten and polyethylene glycol as the surfactants, respectively. The irradiated products were characterized by XRD, TEM and LSPSDA. The XRD and TEM showed that relative pure copper products with an average size of 20 nm, 40 nm and 20 nm can be obtained by using gluten, PEG and SDBS as surfactant, respectively. An admixture of copper and cuprous oxide was obtained in PVA system. The LSPSDA showed that the size of the Cu nanoparticles decreased with increasing the glutin concentration.  相似文献   

Particle retention in tokamak walls is a key issue for long time discharges in future thermonuclear fusion reactors. Plasma wall interactions drive the fuel retention through two major mechanisms: co-deposition with carbon produced by wall erosion and particle retention in wall materials. In this study, we report results obtained from the tokamak Tore Supra, from which two types of samples were analyzed by means of micro-NRA: (i) small pieces of deposited carbon layers were collected after cumulative discharges and deuterium contents were measured; (ii) carbon fiber composite (CFC) samples, immersed in the plasma during an experimental campaign were also analyzed. 3D deuterium elemental mapping demonstrated that deuterium can be trapped at depths much higher than usual implantation depths and deep local retention sites have been evidenced and localized.This study demonstrates that μNRA can be used for assessment of deuterium post-mortem inventory in tokamaks, both by measuring uniformly distributed deuterium in small fragments of deposited carbon layers and by locally describing deuterium 2D and 3D distributions in complex structures.  相似文献   

Recent studies of electron emission from molecular hydrogen by the impact of fast ions have shown the existence of interference effects. The interferences are manifested as oscillations in the velocity (or energy) distributions of the ejected electrons, and are analogous to the interference of light in Young’s two-slit experiment. The frequencies of the oscillatory structures depend strongly on the electron observation angle and to a lesser extent on the collision velocity. Additionally, secondary oscillations with ∼2-3 times higher frequencies attributed to scattering of the primary electron “wave” at the other atomic center are found to be superimposed on the primary oscillations. More recently, electron interference studies have focused on diatomic molecules more complex than H2, including N2 and O2, for which only structures due to secondary interferences are apparently observed. Here, these various results are reviewed, outstanding questions identified, and future directions indicated.  相似文献   

Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning (ICWC) discharges, in pulsed-mode operation, were carried out in the divertor tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) and JET to simulate the scenario of ITER wall conditioning at half-field (AUG) and full-field (JET). ICWC-plasma and antenna coupling characterization results obtained during the Ion Cyclotron Resonance Frequency (ICRF)-Wall Conditioning experiments performed in helium-hydrogen mixture in AUG and helium-deuterium mixtures in JET are presented here. Safe operational regimes for optimum ICWC in ITER could be explored for different magnetic fields. Satisfactory antenna coupling in the Mode Conversion scenario along with reproducible generation of ICRF plasmas and reliable wall conditioning were achieved by coupling RF power from one or two ICRF antennas at two (AUG, JET) different resonant frequencies. These results are in qualitative agreement with the predictions of 1-D TOMCAT code. Present study of ICWC indicates towards the beneficial effect of application of an additional (along with toroidal magnetic field) stationary vertical (BV ? BT) magnetic field on antenna coupling and plasma parameters. The results obtained from JET and AUG tokamaks, presented in this paper, emphasizes the proposed phenomenological schemes for further development of ICWC in superconducting tokamaks.  相似文献   

A feasibility study was performed to generate new sufficient mirror cusp magnetic field (CMF) by using the coils of the existing room temperature traditional 18 GHz electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) at RIKEN. The CMF configuration was chosen because it contains plasma superbly and no multipole magnet is needed to make the contained plasma quiescent with no magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) instability and to make the system cost-effective. The least magnetic field, 13 kG is achieved at the interior wall of the plasma chamber including the point cusps (PC) on the central axis and the ring cusp (RC) on the mid-plane. The mirror ratio calculation and electron simulation were done in the computed CMF. It was found to contain the electrons for longer time than in traditional field. It is proposed that a powerful CMF ECRIS can be constructed, which is capable of producing intense highly charged ion (HCI) beam for light and heavy elements.  相似文献   

For specific blanket and divertor applications in future fusion power reactors a replacement of presently considered reduced activation ferritic-martensitic (RAFM) steels as a structural material by suitable oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic-martensitic steels would allow a substantial increase of the operating temperature from ∼823 to about 923 K. Due to this reason the RAFM-alloy ODS-Eurofer has already been developed and produced with industrial partners. In the He-cooled modular divertor concept, where temperatures above 923 K will arise, an ODS-steel with a purely ferritic matrix is advantageous, because of missing phase transitions. Due to this reason, a special ferritic ODS-steel is being manufactured as well. In this work the microstructures of these two ODS-alloy types, analysed mainly by high resolution TEM are compared, with respect to different manufacturing processes. In addition first results of high resolution EBSD scans together with determined orientation maps of the RAFM steel ODS-Eurofer will also be presented.  相似文献   

A polymer-coated polyethylene (PE) separator was prepared by a dip-coating of PVDF-HFP/PEGDMA on both sides of a PE separator followed by an electron beam irradiation. The thermal and electrochemical properties of the polymer-coated PE separator were investigated by using FT-IR, SEM, DSC and an impedance analyzer. The results showed that the coated PVDF-HFP/PEGDMA layer was covalently bound to the PE separator and also crosslinked by an electron beam irradiation. Thermal shrinkage dramatically decreased with an increase in the absorption dose and the PEGDMA content due to the crosslinking of the coated PVDF-HFP/PEGDMA by an irradiation. The PE separator coated with the composition of PVDF-HFP/PEGDMA (9.5/0.5) and irradiated to 150 kGy showed the highest electrolyte uptake of 125% and ionic conductivity of 3.82 × 10−4 S/cm at room temperature.  相似文献   

Interference structures in the ejected electron spectra for 30 MeV O5,8+ + O2 are investigated. The measured electron yields were studied for electron energies from 5 to 400 eV and observation angles of 30°, 60°, 90°, 120° and 150° with respect to the incident beam direction. Experimental molecular cross-sections were normalized to theoretical molecular one-center cross-sections revealing oscillatory structures suggestive of secondary interferences as evidenced by the independence on the observation angle. An oscillation interval for 30 MeV O5,8+ + O2 of Δk ∼ 4 a.u. is found, a value two times larger than that previously observed for 3 MeV H+ + N2. No obvious evidence for primary Young-type interferences was seen.  相似文献   

An experimental study confirms the possibility of nuclear fusion reactions initiating in metal-deuterium targets by bombarding them with ions that are not the reagents of the fusion reaction, in particular, with noble gas ions. The yields of (d,d) and (d,t) reactions were measured as functions of energy (0.4-3.2 MeV) and mass of incident ions (He+, Ne+, Ar+, Kr+ and Xe+). Irradiation by heavy ions produced a number of energetic deuterium atoms in the deuteride and deuterium + tritium metal targets. At ion energies of ∼0.1-1 MeV the d-d reaction yields are relatively high. A model of nuclear fusion reaction cross-sections in atomic collision cascades initiated by noble gas ion beam in metal-deuterium target is developed. The method for calculation tritium or deuterium recoil fluxes and the yield of d-d fusion reaction in subsequent collisions was proposed. It was shown that D(d,p)t and D(t,n)4He reactions mainly occur in energy region of the recoiled D-atom from 10 keV to 250 keV. The calculated probabilities of d-d and d-t fusion reactions were found to be in a good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

In contrast to the earlier experiments conducted in other machines,here,in SST-1 the error field measurement experiment is performed with a filled gas pressure ~8×10~(-4) mbar which helped to create a luminescent toroidal beam of electron path originated due to impact excitation and guided by the toroidal magnetic field.Beam path deviations are observed and recorded from radial and top ports using visible range cameras.Such creation and detection of the electron beam path differs from the earlier works where the gun emitted electron beam deviation in ultrahigh vacuum was detected on a collector-grid/fluorescent screen.In the present experiment,large beam deviations were observed.Later investigation of the experimental set-up reveals existence of a possible source of radial electric field in between the source and the vacuum vessel which are separately grounded.Thus,to understand the observed phenomena,experiments are numerically modeled with deviated TF coil set,PF coil set and the electron source location.A particle tracing code is used to follow the electron path in the magnetic field generated by the coil set of interest.Simulation results suggest that the large deviation corresponds to the E×B drifts and not due to the large field errors.Toroidally averaged field errors of the SST-1 TF coils at toroidal field of B_0=15 kG are negligibly small~B_0×10~(-6) or less,which should not adversely affect the plasma performance.  相似文献   

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