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Hydrogen permeation and the simultaneous Si substrate defect generation occurring during contact reactive ion etching utilizing CHF 3-based chemistries were studied using SiO2/Si structures. The process-parameter space for the etches consisted of magnetic field intensity and overetch percentage. Characterization was carried out by means of 1 MHz capacitance-voltage and deep-level transient spectroscopy measurements. This characterization establishes for the first time that the presence of permeating hydrogen does not prevent Si defect generation but, instead, acts only to passivate such defects. The characterization also demonstrates that this hydrogen permeation into the Si substrate is enhanced by increasing the magnetic field intensity  相似文献   

CHF3-O2 reactive ion etching of 4H-SiC and the role of oxygen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reactive ion etching of 4H-SiC was performed using a CHF3-O2 plasma. The etch rate and mean surface roughness were investigated as a function of the ratio of the O2 flow rate to the total gas flow rate. It was found that oxygen plays an indirect role in contributing to the etching of SiC. An optimum O2 fraction of 20% was found to give a maximum etch rate of 35 nm/min. On the other hand, the root-mean-square (RMS) surface roughness was found to increase from 1.31 to 2.34 nm when the O2 fraction increased from 0% to 80%. Auger electron spectroscopy results for the samples etched at the optimum condition of 20% O2 fraction revealed the presence of oxygen on the etched surface in a form of an oxide-like layer (SiOx). No carbon residue (carbon rich-layer) and aluminum were found. Based on our results, the role of O2 in the reactive ion etching of 4H-SiC will be presented.  相似文献   

Reactive ion etching(RIE) of LiNbO3(LN) in SF6 plasma atmosphere was studied for optimizing the preparation conditions for LN ridge waveguides.The samples to be etched are Ti-diffused LN slab waveguides overlaid with a chromium film mask that has a Mach-Zehnder interferometer(MZI) array pattern.The experimental results indicate that the LN-etching rate(RLN) and the Cr-etching rate(RCr) as well as the rate ratio RLN/RCr increase with either increasing the radio-frequency(RF) power at a given SF6 flow rate or increasing the SF6 flow rate at a fixed RF power.The maximum values of RLN = 43.2 nm/min and RLN/RCr = 3.27 were achieved with 300 W RF power and 40 sccm SF6 flow.When the SF6 flow rate exceeds 40 sccm,an increase in the flow rate causes the etching rates and the rate ratio to decrease.The scanning electron microscope images of the LN ridge prepared after~20 min etching show that the ridge height is 680 nm and the sidewall slope angle is about 60°.  相似文献   

This paper reports the reactive ion etching (RIE) characteristics of benzocyclobutene (BCB) in sulfur hexafluoride/oxygen (SF6/O2) plasmas. The dependence of etching rate and etch anisotropy on the processing parameters, including RF power, chamber pressure, and SF6 concentration, are investigated comprehensively ranging from 50 to 200 W, 22.5 to 270 mTorr, and 0% to 80%, respectively. The BCB etching rate increases with chamber pressure and RF power in spite of nonlinearity, but decreases with the increase in SF6 concentration. Anisotropic etching can be achieved using low chamber pressure, large RF power, and high SF6 concentration. To avoid grass-like residue that happens at low pressure and large power fluorine-poor conditions, processing parameters with respect to residue-free etching are recommended. The etching mechanisms of the dependence of the etching characteristics on the processing parameters are discussed. Optimal processing parameters are presented as a guideline for isotropic etching of BCB as sacrificial layers to release structures and for anisotropic etching of BCB to precisely control etching dimensions and profiles.  相似文献   

We have conducted a comprehensive investigation into the electrical characteristics of Si surface after removal of a SiO2 layer by CHF3 reactive ion etching. The metal-semiconductor contact structure was used in the study, including the results after heating the metal-semiconductor contact to its eutectic temperature. It is concluded that after CHF3 etching the surface is trapped with positive charge, which is partly removed by heating the metal-semiconductor contact to its eutectic temperature.  相似文献   

Reactive ion etching of InP, GaInAs and GaAs using a mixture of ethane and hydrogen, C2H6/H2, is demonstrated for the first time. It has been found that by choosing optimum etching parameters one can obtain excellent vertical sidewalls as well as very smooth surfaces, keeping the etching rate at a convenient value of 20-60 nm/min  相似文献   

Etching of Al is studied in pure BCl3 as well as in mixtures with other gases in the reactive sputter etching mode in a cryopumped system. Etch rate, selectivity with respect to positive photoresist, SiO2 and Si and etch profiles are investigated as a function of gas composition, gas pressure, flow rate and plasma power. Plasma chemical processes are monitored by quadrupole mass spectroscopy as well as by optical emission spectroscopy. Perfectly square Al-profiles can be etched if etch rates are kept below 1000 A/min. Al-patterns running over steep steps can also be clearly defined if a certain amount of overetching can be tolerated. The experimental data indicate that the etch process is reactant supply limited. Anisotropic etching is achieved by either a ‘surface inhibitor mechanism’ or the formation of a sidewall protecting film.  相似文献   

研究了一种有效刻蚀聚酰亚胺(PI)的干法刻蚀方法,以金属铬为掩膜,刻蚀经涂胶并亚胺化而得到具有一定厚度的PI薄膜。利用反应离子刻蚀设备(RIE)将O2和CHF3按一定比例混合,适当调节刻蚀压力、气体比例、功率、时间等因素,可以得到侧壁和底面光洁、具有不同表面形貌的刻蚀结构。借助台阶仪和显微测量工具测定刻蚀样片,进一步得到不同工艺参数下刻蚀深宽比,并通过分析得出其他因素对PI刻蚀深宽比的影响趋势。该项研究避免了"微掩膜"效应所产生的表面粗糙问题,同时优化了刻蚀工艺,得到各向异性刻蚀的具体工艺参数,为PI不同应用目的选择刻蚀工艺提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Reactive ion etching (RIE) of copper in a cold-wall reactor is described. When the rf discharge power is sufficiently high, the etch surface temperature becomes sufficient for reaction product removal due to plasma-wafer heat exchange. The etching process can easily be controlled by monitoring the line intensity in the CuCl emission spectrum. For example, the 435.8-nm line allows operators to fix the instant of etch completion and to keep track of the process  相似文献   

Phase change random access memory(PCRAM) is one of the best candidates for next generation nonvolatile memory,and phase change Si2Sb2Te5 material is expected to be a promising material for PCRAM.In the fabrication of phase change random access memories,the etching process is a critical step.In this paper,the etching characteristics of Si2Sb2Te5 films were studied with a CF4/Ar gas mixture using a reactive ion etching system.We observed a monotonic decrease in etch rate with decreasing CF4 concentration,meanwhile,Ar concentration went up and smoother etched surfaces were obtained.It proves that CF4 determines the etch rate while Ar plays an important role in defining the smoothness of the etched surface and sidewall edge acuity.Compared with Ge2Sb2Te5, it is found that Si2Sb2Te5 has a greater etch rate.Etching characteristics of Si2Sb2Te5 as a function of power and pressure were also studied.The smoothest surfaces and most vertical sidewalls were achieved using a CF4/Ar gas mixture ratio of 10/40,a background pressure of 40 mTorr,and power of 200 W.  相似文献   

Electrical measurements on shallow Si n+-p junction diodes with a 30-nm TiSi2 contacting layer demonstrate that an 80-nm-thick amorphous Ta36Si14N50 film prepared by reactive RF sputtering of a Ta5Si3 target in an Ar N2 plasma very effectively prevents the interaction between the Si substrate with the TiSi2 contacting layer and a 500-nm Cu overlayer. The Ta36Si14N50 diffusion barrier maintains the integrity of the I-V characteristics up to 900 C for 30-min annealing in vacuum. It is concluded that the amorphous Ta 36Si14N50 alloy is not only a material with a very low reactivity for copper, titanium, and silicon, but must have a small diffusivity for copper as well  相似文献   

李翠平 《光电子快报》2010,6(4):284-287
C-axis oriented ZnO films are deposited on polished diamond substrates in various O2/(O2+Ar) ratios using the radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering technique and are subsequently annealed in oxygen ambience under the same conditions. Structural, morphologic and electrical properties of ZnO films are characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), high-resistance instrument, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). As the O2/(O2+Ar) ratio increasing from 1/12 to 5/12, the crystallinity of the as grown ZnO films becomes better and the electrical resistivity increases slowly. After annealing, the ZnO films deposited in O2/(O2+Ar) =1/12 and 3/12 are improved greatly in crystallinity, and their electrical resistivity is enhanced by two orders of magnitude, while those deposited in O2/(O2+Ar) =5/12 are scarcely changed in crystallinity, and their resistivity is only increased by one order. In addition, the ZnO films deposited in O2/(O2+Ar) =3/12 and annealed in oxygen are with the best crystal quality and the highest resistivity.  相似文献   

It is reported for that H2 plasma followed by O2 plasma is more effective for passivating grain boundary states in polysilicon thin film. Polysilicon thin-film transistors (TFTs) made after H2/O2 plasma treatment can exhibit a turn-on threshold voltage of -0.1 V, a subthreshold swing of 0.154 V/decade, an ON/OFF current ratio Ion/Ioff over 1×108, and an electron mobility of 40.2 cm2 /V-s  相似文献   

The plasmochemical etching of SiO2 in CF4 + O2 plasma is considered. During the experiment SiO2 films are etched in CF4 + O2 plasma at temperatures of 300 and 350 K. The dependences of plasmochemical etching rates of SiO2 on O2 content in the feed are measured. The experimental measurements are compared with theoretical calculations. The obtained theoretical results are used to predict the real dimensions of etched trenches. It is found that decrease in temperature reduces lateral undercutting due to decreased desorption of formed SiF4 molecules from the sidewalls.  相似文献   

BCl3+CHF3 gas mixtures for the reactive ion etching process were applied to the gate-recess for fabricating (Al0.3Ga0.7)0.5In0.5P quaternary heterostructure double doped-channel FET's (D-DCFET), where a high uniformity of Vth was achieved. With the merits of this wide bandgap (Al0.3Ga0.7)0.5In0.5P layer, microwave power performance of this heterostructure D-DCFET demonstrates a compatible performance for devices fabricated on AlGaAs/InGaAs heterostructures  相似文献   

研究了组分变化及掺杂对四元系Pb(Nb2/3Mn1/3)O3-Pb(Sb2/3Mn1/3)O3-PZT压电材料性能的影响,发现Zr/Ti比值在准同型相界附近该材料有最大的压电常数d33,而机械品质因数Qm值较小;Zr/Ti比偏离该相界时则机械品质因数Qm升高,相应的压电常数d33减小。通过改变Pb(Nb2/3Mn1/3)O3、Pb(Sb2/3Mn1/3)O3两组分的含量及掺入Sr、Ce等杂质,获得的材料介电损耗为0.14%,机械品质因数为2341,压电常数为216pC/N。  相似文献   

In this work, the dielectric and beam-mode piezoelectric properties of ternary 0.35Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-0.35Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.30PbTiO3 (PIMNT35/35/30) piezoelectric single crystals were investigated. The Curie temperature (T C) and rhombohedral-to-tetragonal phase-transition temperature (T rt) are 187°C and 127°C, about 30°C higher than those of PMNT crystals. The beam-mode coupling coefficient k 33 w was found to be 90.3%. Furthermore, 3.5-MHz linear arrays based on PIMNT35/35/30 crystals and Pb(Zr1−x Ti x )O3 ceramic (PZT-5H) were simulated using PiezoCAD software. The results indicate that the sensitivity and −6 dB bandwidth of a PIMNT35/35/30 transducer would be approximately 4 dB and 20% higher, respectively, compared with a traditional PZT transducer.  相似文献   

This work investigates the Cu diffusion in SiCOH low dielectric constant films treated by O2 plasma. By capacitance–voltage and current-voltage measurement, and thermal stress analysis, it is found that the O2 plasma surface treatment of SiCOH films can lead to the decrease of flatband voltage shift ΔVFB, the increase of activation energy Ea, and the decrease of leakage current. The small ΔVFB and lower leakage current indicate the weak Cu diffusion. The increase of active energy means the reducing of fast Cu ions surface diffusion through the interconnected pores structure of the film. Hence, the Cu diffusion in SiCOH films can be reduced by O2 plasma treatment. By FTIR and AFM analysis on the bonding configuration and microstructure, the reduce of Cu diffusion is related to the increase of Si-O cages and networks, which makes more open pores sealed at the surface of SiCOH films.  相似文献   

3G移动通信事业的迅速发展对应用于基站的微波介质谐振器陶瓷材料的Q值提出了更高的要求。Ba(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3微波介质陶瓷材料因为具有很高的Q值、接近于零的τf和适宜的εr而备受关注。介绍了Ba(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3系列微波介质陶瓷的结构和性能、改性研究、纳米化制备工艺及Ba(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-Ba(Co1/3Nb2/3)O3复合技术,以期对该领域其他研究者有所帮助。  相似文献   

系统地研究了xPb(Y1/2Nb1/2)O3-(1-x)Pb(Zr1/2Ti/2)O3三元系铁电陶瓷材料,测量并计算了不同组分时的压电常数(d33)、介电常数(εT33/ε0)、机电耦合系数(kp、k31)、以及弹性柔顺系数(sK11、sE12、sK33),对0.07Pb(Y1/2Nb1/2)O3-0.93Pb(Z[1/2Ti1/2)O3材料,D33为327×10-12C/N,介电常数εT33/ε0为1350,机电耦合系数kp大于0.6,弹性常数SE11和SE33均大于17×10-12m2/N.实现发现,当x大于0.55时,xPb(Y1/2Nb1/2)O3-(1-x)Pb(Zr1/2T11/2)O3不再是铁电材料.  相似文献   

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