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为了解决光照不均匀、有噪声,或者背景灰度变化较大时,采用单一阈值不能兼顾图像各个像素的实际情况,提出一种利用局部蚁群算法对图像进行阈值分割的改进算法。对图像进行分块,在每块内分别设定阈值进行分割,可以有效减少像素错误归类的现象。该算法对图像的不同区域设置不同的迭代次数和蚂蚁走的步数,获得了更好的分割效果。实验表明该算法可以提高分割的精度,缩短程序运行的时间。  相似文献   

为了消除基于谱聚类的归一化切分图像分割中聚类参数对分割结果的约束,提出了一种基于蚁群优化的多层图划分算法来进行归一化切分,进而对彩色自然景观图像进行分割.该算法将代表图像的相似度图作为蚁群的栖息环境,在归一化割准则的指导下,通过蚂蚁的觅食行为将相似的顶点逐渐聚集在一起,从而以多层的方式完成图划分.为了降低图像分割的计算量,利用超像素对图像进行预处理.实验对比表明,该算法消除了归一化切分分割结果对聚类参数的依赖,并提高了归一化切分分割的准确性和速度.  相似文献   

基于梯度算子的蚁群图像分割算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于梯度算子的改进蚁群图像分割算法,解决了用传统分割方法很难将目标与背景灰度值相似图像分割的难题.该算法基于经典的梯度算子图像分割,从聚类的角度出发,综合像素的灰度、梯度特征进行特征分割.蚁群算法是一种具有离散性、并行性、鲁棒性和模糊聚类能力的进化方法,通过设置不同的蚁群、聚类中心、启发式引导函数和信息激素来解决蚁群算法循环次数多,计算量大的模糊聚类问题.实验证明,该改进蚁群算法可以快速准确的分割出背景和目标灰度值极其相似图片的目标图像,是一种有效的图像分割方法.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new color image segmentation method based on a multiobjective optimization algorithm, named improved bee colony algorithm for multi-objective optimization (IBMO). Segmentation is posed as a clustering problem through grouping image features in this approach, which combines IBMO with seeded region growing (SRG). Since feature extraction has a crucial role for image segmentation, the presented method is firstly focused on this manner. The main features of an image: color, texture and gradient magnitudes are measured by using the local homogeneity, Gabor filter and color spaces. Then SRG utilizes the extracted feature vector to classify the pixels spatially. It starts running from centroid points called as seeds. IBMO determines the coordinates of the seed points and similarity difference of each region by optimizing a set of cluster validity indices simultaneously in order to improve the quality of segmentation. Finally, segmentation is completed by merging small and similar regions. The proposed method was applied on several natural images obtained from Berkeley segmentation database. The robustness of the proposed ideas was showed by comparison of hand-labeled and experimentally obtained segmentation results. Besides, it has been seen that the obtained segmentation results have better values than the ones obtained from fuzzy c-means which is one of the most popular methods used in image segmentation, non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II which is a state-of-the-art algorithm, and non-dominated sorted PSO which is an adapted algorithm of PSO for multi-objective optimization.  相似文献   

蚁群算法的离散性、并行性、鲁棒性、正反馈性特点,非常适合于图像分割.但基本蚁群算法中蚂蚁运动的随机性使得算法进化速度慢且易于陷入局部最小等缺陷.提出了一种基于改进的蚁群模糊聚类的图像分割方法,给出了多种信息素的更新方式.针对算法循环次数多,计算量大的问题,综合考虑图像中像素的灰度,邻域平均灰度,梯度等特征来设置初始聚类中心进行蚁群模糊聚类.实验结果表明,该方法在图像分割中的确能够得到较好的分割结果.  相似文献   

通过对主动轮廓模型进行图像分割的过程研究发现,其多阶段决策问题与蚁群算法的决策过程非常相似.文中根据主动轮廓模型的特点构建了一类新的蚁群求解算法,把图像分割问题转化成最优路径的搜索问题,为获取精确的图像轮廓提供了新方法.证明了该方法以概率1收敛到最优解,即可以在能量函数的约束下找到最好的边界.本方法还可以推广到其他主动轮廓模型的图像分割问题中.仿真结果表明,本文提出的分割方法比文献中的遗传算法更为有效.  相似文献   

自适应蚁群算法优化红外图像分割*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵娜  王希常  刘江 《计算机应用研究》2009,26(11):4375-4377
由于基本蚁群算法中信息素挥发系数为常数,可能会导致算法过早收敛或停滞,为此,采用自适应更新机制,使其收敛性和稳定性有了一定的提高。将该动态蚁群算法应用于红外图像的分割,并以小窗口为对象实施算法。通过仿真实验,验证了该算法大大地减少了计算量,具有较高的执行效率,并得到了良好的分割效果。  相似文献   

We propose a new constraint optimization energy and an iteration scheme for image segmentation which is connected to edge-weighted centroidal Voronoi tessellation (EWCVT). We show that the characteristic functions of the edge-weighted Voronoi regions are the minimizers (may not unique) of the proposed energy at each iteration. We propose a narrow banding algorithm to accelerate the implementation, which makes the proposed method very fast. We generalize the CVT segmentation to hand intensity inhomogeneous and texture segmentation by incorporating the global and local image information into the energy functional. Compared with other approaches such as level set method, the experimental results in this paper have shown that our approach greatly improves the calculation efficiency without losing segmentation accuracy.  相似文献   

准确地提取荔枝果实的完整轮廓对采摘机器人自动识别与采摘至关重要。以蚁群和模糊C均值(FCM)聚类为理论基础,选用符合荔枝颜色特性的L*a*b*颜色空间,提出一种基于蚁群和带空间约束FCM的荔枝图像分割算法。该算法利用L*a*b*颜色空间的a*通道正轴代表红色和负轴代表绿颜色进行初始分割,然后利用蚁群聚类算法全局性和鲁棒性的优点确定FCM的聚类中心,用引入空间约束的FCM完整地分割出荔枝果实。实验结果表明此方法实现了荔枝图像完整地分割,并且满足了采摘机器人后续的荔枝识别与采摘,对成熟荔枝分割的正确率达到了87%。  相似文献   

基于聚类分析的增强型蚁群算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对蚁群算法存在的早熟收敛、搜索时间长等不足,提出一种增强型蚁群算法.该算法构建了一优解池,保存到当前迭代为止获得的若干优解,并提出一种基于邻域的聚类算法,通过对优解池中的元素聚类,捕获不同的优解分布区域.该算法交替使用不同簇中的优解更新信息素,兼顾考虑了搜索的强化性和分散性.针对典型的旅行商问题进行仿真实验,结果表明该算法获得的解质量高于已有的蚁群算法.  相似文献   

基于蚁群算法的医学图像分割研究*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对蚂蚁信息激素释放、路径转移的重新定义,并将图像空间的模糊连接关系引入蚂蚁的觅食过程中,进而转换为蚂蚁搜寻食物的准则,实现了医学影像图像的分割,并进一步分析了算法实现中相关影响因素参数选择的问题。  相似文献   

3-D object segmentation is an important and challenging topic in computer vision that could be tackled with artificial life models.A Channeler Ant Model (CAM), based on the natural ant capabilities of dealing with 3-D environments through self-organization and emergent behaviours, is proposed.Ant colonies, defined in terms of moving, pheromone laying, reproduction, death and deviating behaviours rules, is able to segment artificially generated objects of different shape, intensity, background.The model depends on few parameters and provides an elegant solution for the segmentation of 3-D structures in noisy environments with unknown range of image intensities: even when there is a partial overlap between the intensity and noise range, it provides a complete segmentation with negligible contamination (i.e., fraction of segmented voxels that do not belong to the object). The CAM is already in use for the automated detection of nodules in lung Computed Tomographies.  相似文献   

Failure resilience is a desired feature in communication networks, and different methods can be considered in order to achieve this feature. One of these methods is diverse Routing. In this paper, we are going to suggest a sort of diverse routing algorithm, which can find two maximal shared risk link group (SRLG) disjoint paths between a source and a destination node. This algorithm is based on ant colony optimization algorithm, which consists of three parts. These parts are graph transformation technique, finding two maximal edge-disjoint routes and reverse transformation. The final routes are always maximal SRLG disjoint. Simulation results show the efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The multi-satellite control resource scheduling problem (MSCRSP) is a kind of large-scale combinatorial optimization problem. As the solution space of the problem is sparse, the optimization process is very complicated. Ant colony optimization as one of heuristic method is wildly used by other researchers to solve many practical problems. An algorithm of multi-satellite control resource scheduling problem based on ant colony optimization (MSCRSP–ACO) is presented in this paper. The main idea of MSCRSP–ACO is that pheromone trail update by two stages to avoid algorithm trapping into local optima. The main procedures of this algorithm contain three processes. Firstly, the data get by satellite control center should be preprocessed according to visible arcs. Secondly, aiming to minimize the working burden as optimization objective, the optimization model of MSCRSP, called complex independent set model (CISM), is developed based on visible arcs and working periods. Ant colony algorithm can be used directly to solve CISM. Lastly, a novel ant colony algorithm, called MSCRSP–ACO, is applied to CISM. From the definition of pheromone and heuristic information to the updating strategy of pheromone is described detailed. The effect of parameters on the algorithm performance is also studied by experimental method. The experiment results demonstrate that the global exploration ability and solution quality of the MSCRSP–ACO is superior to existed algorithms such as genetic algorithm, iterative repair algorithm and max–min ant system.  相似文献   

在图像分割中,为了准确地把目标和背景分离出来,提出了一种基于多目标粒子群和人工蜂群混合优化的阈值图像分割算法。在多目标优化的框架下,将改进的类间方差准则和最大熵准则作为适应度函数,通过粒子群和蜂群混合优化这2个适应度函数来获得1组非支配解。同时,为了提高全局和局部搜索能力,在蜂群进化时,将粒子群的全局最优解引入到人工蜂群算法的雇佣蜂阶段蜜源的更新中,并对搜索方程进行改进。最后通过类间差异和改进的类内差异的加权比值,从一组非支配解中选取最优阈值。实验结果表明,该算法能够取得理想的分割结果。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a nodal ant colony optimization (NACO) technique to solve profit based unit commitment problem (PBUCP). Generation companies (GENCOs) in a competitive restructured power market, schedule their generators with an objective to maximize their own profit without any regard for system social benefit. Power and reserve prices become important factors in decision process. Ant colony optimization that mimics the behavior of ants foraging activities is suitably implemented to search the UCP search space. Here a search space consisting of optimal combination of binary nodes for unit ON/OFF status is represented for the movement of the ants to maintain good exploration and exploitation search capabilities. The proposed model help GENCOs to make decisions on the quantity of power and reserve that must be put up for sale in the markets and also to schedule generators in order to receive the maximum profit. The effectiveness of the proposed technique for PBUCP is validated on 10 and 36 generating unit systems available in the literature. NACO yields an increase of profit, greater than 1.5%, in comparison with the basic ACO, Muller method and hybrid LR-GA.  相似文献   

刘会彬  何振峰 《计算机应用》2011,31(11):3104-3107
应用蚁群优化算法(ACO)对时间序列进行分割,为提高算法寻优效率,依据时间序列内在的连续性,采用信息素窗口式更新策略。依据序列连续性指导信息素进行窗口式的加强,从而使蚂蚁的正反馈机制得到增强,更利于蚂蚁的路径选择。实验结果表明,基于信息素窗口式更新策略的蚁群序列分割方法一定程度上可以加快算法收敛,同时可以有效地降低序列分割代价。  相似文献   

一种基于GPU加速的细粒度并行蚁群算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为改善蚁群算法对大规模旅行商问题的求解性能,提出一种基于图形处理器(GPU)加速的细粒度并行蚁群算法.将并行蚁群算法求解过程转化为统一计算设备架构的线程块并行执行过程,使得蚁群算法在GPU中加速执行.实验结果表明,该算法能提高全局搜索能力,增大细粒度并行蚁群算法的蚂蚁规模,从而提高了算法的运算速度.  相似文献   

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